HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_01_31!29.1 ... _ .: .. Ask dft aw Fm NW W111 69 Pickering Edition f Fish 8� Chips WeddingsBarque$200 anrOFF683-32aw a aan a ; FAWLY PACK OR PARTY PACK Annandale Country Club RIF$ ; DVERTISIA:MD-Z"ior P1cKEI= 831-1222 ; SxKlay, Jan. 31. 1993 28 pages A MetrObnd Community Newspaper Pressrtsl 37.000 510 ♦ 40 GSr - 55 cords VOL 112 No. S STIMa ors Ion economic renewal T y P Imo. , I IS I fB•.. AJAX-PICKERING - Area mayors are collateral, he says. ing regularly lately to share common concerns banding together in an effort to convince Ajax deputy mayor Roger Anderson says, and plot strategies. bankers to relax lending policies when dealing "My personal opinion is they're blaming every Other issues they've identified as "crucial" with developers. individual person on Olympia and York's for economic recovery are removal of the Banks are "taking a hard line" when con- downfall. That has to stop." Province's Concentration Tax, lower Hydro sidering borrowing applications for develop- Mayors in the Toronto area say both Finan- rates and joint economic development pro- ment, says Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs. cial institutions and the Province will have to jec Is. Bankers are reluctant to lend money because change policies to bring about economic pros- The mayors will invite senior bankers to of the economic climate and the stability of the perity. The maN ori of several municipalities, market; they're concerned about equity and including Ajar and Pickenng, have been meet - TELL US IN RHYME WHY YOUR SWEETIE'S DIVINE: Calling all poets. Residents are invited to enter the News Advertiser's Valentine's Day contest and win a dinner for two with your sweetheart. Simply finish the following poem — "Roses are red..." Winning entries will be announced and published in the Feb. 12 edition of the News Advertiser. Dead- line for entries is Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 5 p.m. Mail or fax your poem to the News Advertiser, Valentine's Contest, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont- L IS 2H5. Fax 683-7363. Be sure to include your name, address and telephone number where we can teach you weekdays. ,, SPECIAL SECTION ` tttodilt NM waft* �P1ti6E BECKON Regular features --------- Billibmird 12 SPWU 14 Clmdri 17 J Gone fishin' Lodge Lewis gets tips on casting from international casting cham- pion Pete Edwards at the 8th annual Ontario Fishing and Sports- men's Show at the Metro East Trade Centre on Bradt Rd. in Pidterirg. The show Continues Saturday from 10 am. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 9 to 6. photo by Ron Pietronko See MAYORS ... Page 2 Group fights 'hate war' against gays DURHAM - They're fed up and they aren't going to take it anymore. Concerned Citizens for Progressive Sexual Education are fighting back against people they believe have waged "a hate war in the local media against the AIDS Committee of Durham and homosexuality in general," group member and Durham Board of Education trustee Tanya Koch says in a press release. The newly -formed group is also "taking a stand" against pub- lic school board lobbyists wanting abstinence -only lessons in sex- ual education classes, explains the Whitby resident. According to Carol Switzer of Brooklin, one of the more vocal supporters of abstinence -only, her fight "is a health issue, not a moral issue. Kids who sleep around are waging war on their own bodies." (The "concept of abstinence" is now taught to Grade 7 stu- dents, according to superintendent Doug Wilson.) Mrs. Switzer is worried "progressive sexual education means homosexual" education and "promotes" a lifestyle which is "putting the whole world at risk" because of an associated risk of AIDS. "We're not gay bashing," she adds. "We want our kids to out- live us," believing abstinence -only programs would relieve pres- sure teens feel to have sex and reduce the occurrence of such sex- ually -transmitted diseases as AIDS and herpes. But Concerned Citizens for Progressive Sexual Education favor "realistic HIV and sex education" which supports absti- nence as a "valid choice for some" but recognizes other teats are sexually active and/or using intravenous drugs, says the press release. Group members believe family -life education should reflect the "reality" of a world diet includes gays, lesbians, bisexuals and noa-traditional families. They'd like to see schools fight homo- phobia and heterosexism and are against the "stereotyping of sex- ual minorities" in school curriculum and resources. "Satdents should also have input into what they're learning in - family -life education," adds Ms. Koch, an AIDS Committee vol- unteer who's been interested in homosexual issues since learning a male friend is gay. Ids. Koch says she is spedang for gay students "who may be subjocied to hassles- if they qm* out and will condom to fight See ABS7'!NMCE_J%9e 3 naudt — Advedbe In �x Ntlrws Adt�Mter ti663-611f� and O�dforw�ataNlti�l flit IMetNt 4iT9.114,00d Ptlwrtun Nrwyl�rt+OaM UNDERLYING REASONS • BRAS • LINGERIE - SLEEPWEAR • HOSIERY • + ONTARIO'S ONLY CUSTOM BRA FITTING AND ALTERATION OVER 1000 BRAS IN STOCK FROM 30" TOFF DON'T FORGET THAT SOMEONE SPECIAL ON VALENTINE'S DAY. "YOU COULD WIN OUR VALENTINE'S SWEETHEART BASKET' DETAILS W STORE AND AS ALWAYS COMPLIMENTARY GIFT WRAPPING BRA FITTINGS ARE AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK, PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT (416) 4201863 PICKOUNG TOWN CENTRE LOWER LEVEL SEARS WING PAGE ?-THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY; JANUARY 31,1"13 Mayors move to spur economy,!, FROM PAGE 1 meet with them in February to "encourage their assistance" in providing money for purposes of development, says mayor Arthurs. In return, municipalities can help by streamlining the development approvals process, he says. "We can move faster than we do without rushing (development applications) through. The pro- cess can be shortened and still allow for public input." Mr. Anderson says, develop- ers and other business people are fighting hoops all the way. Costs are so exorbitant, the money (an entrepreneur) bor- rowed to start the company is gone" getting through the plan- ning process. Obituary WERI, Gail Janet - Quietly on Wednesday. Jan. 27, 1993. Gail D'Eri, beloved wife of Nicholas and loving mother of '.Nicole and James. Dear sister to John and his wife Cindy and Brian. Also missed by Maria D'Eri, Jean and Joe Wiseman, Bill Thompson, Esther Thompson and Jim Noble. Predeceased by her parents Ruth and Len Win - wood and Cosmo D'En, Margaret Noble, Edward Thompson and Lorraine Thompson. Funeral arrangements were entrusted to Ronald Martino & Son, Picker- ing, 6W5589. Cremation. The Realty World East ad of Wed., Jan. 27/93 ran incorrectly. The logo and name at the bottom of the ad read "Realty World East" and should have read "Realty World." Oshawa/Whitby This Week regrets any inconvenience caused to Realty World East or their customers. Dr. Jay Petroff BA, ms Family Dentistry 831-3603 • Eveaft iSmwft AM.+w..�.A�. • d..o..h tom. •�..sow.o..a.+rwr • 0=fti C&" T0d0W • C"=ft @88&gl .tom Dbdo-Ffth DstW Of im 1105 Flnat Ave. E tkdt 3 ,ate. ZA*a;T_"s: TUNE-UP i ,SPECIALS P: 1 INCLUDES: SPARK PLUGS y INSPECTING ALL THE FOLLOWING: • CAP AND ROTOR • CANISTER FILTER 1 • FUEL LINES • AIR FILTER ~' 1 • BATTERY TERMINALS • IGNITION WIRES ' ' • DRIVE BELTS ' 3 cyl. 4 cyl. 6 cyl. ' 'S95 95 ' �7 1 _ Plus Taxes Pius Taxes t Most GM 9 Most GM 1 1 Vehx;ies VehCles ' 1 8 cyl. 95 Phs Taxes9 ' ' Most GM 1 EXPIRES FEB. 6/93 venc'es ;= WITH THIS COUPON 11TRANSMISSION 1 I SERVICE jr! WITH THIS COUPON 1 11 1 1• LUBE m OIL FILTER 1 SAVE $PURCHASEoo ONE OF THE ABOVE TUNE-UP, ' UP TO I; OR TRANSMISSION SPECIALS ADVERTISED IN40; THIS AD AND RECEIVE YOUR LUBE -OIL -FILTER 1 I IMMEDIATELY OR AT A LATER DATE, FOR ONLY INCLUDES: FILTER 1; KIT 1 AND PLUS TAXES 1 1 FLUID �`►�T'G S 1 MOST EXPIRES FEB 6W VE"'CCLES 1 GM VEHICLES 1 Le�e�es�eaese��se�es�e�ese�Lee�esese�e�e�eae;.�srisiir•� :12 MONTHS 5 ,ti UNUNITED =iM METERS PARTS & GUS BROWN Pon lfiC OvIck OW Thwft 12M Dwdn St. E66848 WAby 671 MOM.-THM. 7AJIL•6Px M_ 7 AY_ . s per_ ONTARIO MOTOR SALE= L CM"Ot • OkkmobNe Geo • CaINW 110 sone 9trr, Ott+ew 436-7641 725.6501 OM MT. " NO AMT. MICES&M ONLY AT THESE GM DEALERS BOB MYERS Cberroiet • coo • Oldmaiob" as e.yyr st. w, Ajeat 427-2500 OP SAT. s A.M. • s P.M. ROY NICHOLS Motors Ltd. 436-2222 BRUCE BISSELL Buick Pontiac tot ft* St. w, Aja it MIMI I W. Of Ilerwood Are.) 683-6561 .SOME DEALERS 'OPEN FOR R SE"E`er. Ch Nwro�� • 0khmottile • CaMllae I= Dlaxbo St. I, Whfty 668-4044 008-3304 MICHAEL BOYER PoWn: * bih t • OW Tnob 7151UtLn llnn Rd., PMdnrbg 5304MM nal oewwtrin 831-8083 tato TINZ NEM ADVZRTI SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1"34PAGE 3 go Abstinence proponents to spread their message FROM PAGE I by students etlucsors, social workers, parents, for them "until they're comfortable putting single adults, financial professionals, health on a public face." care professionals, lesbians, gays, hetermxu- The group has about 30 members. Accord- als, bisexuals, people with various ethnic and ing to W Koch, it's made up of and supported religious backgrourvii;, and people from many income levels. nence-only program will show videos and For more information on Concerned Citi- other abstinence materials Wednesday, Feb. 24 zens for Progressive Sexual Education, call at 7 p.m. at the Liberty Pentecostal Church, Ms. Koch at 666-9351 or Audra at 404-8780. Bowmanville. Call Gail Syme at 721-9614 for Meanwhile, parents calling for an absti- more information. airpon lana ... .-PICKERING - About 4,000 acres of federally - owned airport lands in north Pickering should be sold, Ottawa has been advised. Consultants Proctor & Red- fern Ltd., hired by Transport Canada to review plains to sell the property, is recommending most of it be sold for agricul- tural uses. But about 1,100 acres should be retained until decisions are made on a Durham -only dump and con- struction of Hwy. 407, the firm recommends. Procter & Redfern's rec- ommendations were outlined to Town council's executive committee Monday. While company spokesman Glen Easton said the firm hopes to finalize its recommendations m a month, mayor Wayne athurs said that wouldn't ive the Town or the Region nough time to review the Ian. Ottawa, which expropriated 8,600 acres for an airport, nnounced last year that 5,100 cres were in excess of its eeds. No concrete plans to ,uild an airport have been Other recommendations pat forth by the consulting firm include: sell surplus Awellings; review existing ,housing stock, sell vacant lots large enough to support a dwelling or private services; Improve intersections to elimi- 1Itate ...)ogs-; and protect valley ... :lands, heritage buildings and archaeological resources. &ONALD 1,41AR"TNO, & L9.. M"L D ,Iuu3clious — I(fo"erty of West Hill) Family owned and Operated Call and Compare Before You Decide Brod Road Ompet, 1057 Brook Road 0 eTRAVEI SERVICE,S�eueftswA= To & Frwn WOMTON& • CRIW MOO ACCAMM o m ccmWn*M UQWY CAM 0 uxrol a E110111191111W11=1 wvul o 01111111ill111111F WAM UP SERVIM d 'Panasonic,, - PRINTERS IL owl".k, ofwaer of—eI A6= & PICERM SPECIAL $600OFF mff� Mw CAIL Im s 1-800-461-591 0 STARTING AS LOW AS $ 199 0 BLUELINE TAX -PAA COMPUTER PAPER OFFICIA I. COLOUR FOR STORE HOURS FEDERAL TTX RETURA-S ''Thursday and shits 99 For Only 4so 'OH&V n Now Open is wtil 8 P.ft A Clea r Your '92 Tax Clutter With the Home Tax Income tax program 99 134 Horne Tax And Quicken Financial Planner Together rimni Only SAVE $30 Authorized Carr $74 -7077 _Y -in or on-site service for most computer makes & models 433 DELIVERY SERVICE MVWw*FoRTHmINSERTS & FLYERS qqww1rq pr YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND N THE DAYS AHEAD Us"s WWA,13L) I SUR, JAIL 31193 MIM MEMS VADA too WMADVERT1 MART AJAXAML) a r. Foo() *A8 am 0-M) ViE WM TAWD" PM '1ST PEKERNG V1 I AM SWJM CHEFOM V1 DMMYBAY=4JM DOMMHOAX"M) -K HART -D*wW1*2dKftdWM0hdd50r4 111 lif It 433-7033 t ri - `i '-,1 -5x i'- Sheldon onpp m1w ska". hoc* & S=W. Sheldon received McDoroftcoup= caffsPhrdftd ft Nm Atarke. CaVakftgam SMWM C" and A" for being our &m* Comm Of the ft1k . .... (VM ___4rpi�x MA N . .... p•.•�.x. •YVI .li Iif ilr+t •i4_. a ,.:?,:r.V,4A PAGB 4-T= NZWS AavMUM SUNDA% JANUAKY 3t, 1"S Town buys two new buses PICKERING - The purchase of two 40 -foot transit buses was approved by Town council's executive committee Monday. With tax, the price tag is $551,770, but it's expected the provincial ministry of transportation will subsidize the purchase by 75 per cent. The buses, needed to meet an expected increase in ridership, were approved in this year's capital budget. More riders are anticipated as Pickering Transit will start busing students to public high schools this fall. Council will consider the purchase at its meeting Monday. Concession 5speed limit 'dangero PICKERING - A "very seri- ous and dangerous" situation for motorists and pedestrians is being created by speeding vehi- cles on Concession 5, traffic technicians say. A recent study, carried out by Town of Pickering traffic tech- nicians, found that 443 vehicles travelled the road during morn- ing rush hours at an average Canadian Tire Pickering Presents PICKERING ' WITH THIS ' S"E COUPON OIL, LUBE & FILTER ' Here's what we will do: ' • install up to 5L of Mctomaster oil - install a Motomaster oil filter - Lubricate the chassis • Provide 20 vital checks. ' Coupon hs no cash "m and n,at be ,vftemw MY' se -me is per!o'-ea camel oc .aed m coniunaon ' ' oen any ",otter Ana one co:nr Wsend Va-d lc coxal 6 1943 Aopocaole taxes (GS''PST) %W,De a00MC iC ihf aRer-c, r pace "e air Ass"* oaaws ' +4 s a non-vcoursabie cc bon Please retyr FRONT DISC BRAKE PACKAGE Imkid": - Motomaster dsc paps - Mac'+,nm;, mfrs am repackmg bean% (d roqured) . Toppin; up brake fluid - complete irtmpec!on 99!9V5 Most WS *Mmudic Wings extra LIFETIME WARRANTY MotoMaSterbrake pods and shoes are pueranued for ae we ae you own yaw Mn , .6. texdudirg commercial vehicles,, when rn acted by us. irmakew dlarpes covered for 12 oto d or 12.111)0 Ian. rn-score. COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH & FILL 4, 6, or 8 CYLINDER 499 5 591110111i4ftllo 95 Nun's what we wUl do: • Flush and dean your vehicle's cooky system • Install up to 8 litres of Motomaster anikeeae • pmss retest system' ktsped radiator' Inspect belts and hoses. SERVICE �,a &AL P L HOURS e— ".aa • s pn. OPEN St DAYS 11-5 Pickering Store Only 839-8124 1300 Kingston Rd. (AT LIVERPOOL) PICKERING speed of 70 kilometres per hour. During an evening rush hour, they counted 271 vehicles at an average speed of 63 km/h. Speeds of up to 107 km/hr were recorded. Speed limits on rural road- ways are 80 km/h unless other- wise posted, but technicians note in a report that a steep hill on Concession 5, traffic volume T us': Town staff and excessive speeds -compro- mise safety". The town is also worried that it could be held legally respon- sible for "inadequate signing" should a serious accident occur. A bylaw establishing a 50 km/hr limit on Concession 5 from Westney Rd. to Church St. will come before council Mon- day. hnvince. .7 } U.- Ah, Favovrite Jane's eri l B ess Breaded CWekers Breast lNuggets 99 Z lbs. Country Bake Ground Black Pepper 34og-j%79 ea. Sllll W TWia Lover Calorie Sweetear th. orange Juice Brit 3 291 ee �e 01111111111,r wilfr s Feb. 7/" netted To Customers! Good Humour Ice Cream = I b9 Pure Mini or Junal" Chocolate Chips =99 V3. Entra-Old Coloured Cheddar 99 a. Croutons :K99 WHITBY WMWA Knft., 433-1063 ISM Duldu St. E. 11 1266 Simco St N. Cheese slices Mon.-Fr1. 9.9 9isK 2. Set 94 Sun.10-S &M. I" 4B s m.1" q= W, 7/93 ew�M ==ft WHITBY WMWA 433.6853 433-1063 ISM Duldu St. E. 11 1266 Simco St N. Mon. -Fri. 94 Mon.-Fr1. 9.9 Set 94 Set 94 Sun.10-S &M. I" wis Well Soft Drilm S Crrelan1�ae' G orale, 09 IL orbu ea' racwtseof x'6.66 Krait Smooth or Crunchy Peanut Butter 59 0. B1a�,1c F��'est Rasa 1,49 a. Salted Roasted Cashews 49 I& Mr. Joa11" Passer Towels l Ronf1: 1■rit 3 _ er. 7/!3 ..WORM....•..... WHITBY PICKERING SPEC1441.8 EPFEt 43044 509.32,r Feb. 10 to 124 Brock St N. 375= fid. W. Feb. ?VM Mon. -tired. 8.7 ihirs.-Fri. 9$ Olon-Fri 9A Sat 9$ b Set. 9.6. SLIM 10-5 s m.1" q= Tit Paulmac"s Fit Food .1m WESTNEY HEIGHTS PLAZ9 Between Cashway & Canadian Tire, -�= - 686-7008 Litter 49 4 16 kg ■ PAmmx %ILT NIF Mealtime &49 s kg ffn 99 1s son— PurrlWhiskas Kai Kan 69 Sao gr ■ �s SUMMY, JANUARY 31,1"&PAG9 f 49 .4 811 m Sereants KILLS FL • QLS -'-K= Flea Collars 2ml Dog Food Stoped or Black Oil Easy Clean PaUChoice Cuts n 25 oz. Scoop 390 grLitter6wm— �,9 m49 so�. 11w�7.3 kg aso gr r. `�--COUPON -----� ALL t�. I O t -- _ ACCESSORIES I 1 for your I I CAT, DOG, BIRD OR I I I pryer Dop ���'�'d � � $MALL ANIMAL 4 kg 129� ... _4� �. 30. ff� fbW �.�.,,�_ _X ,HURRY" all Grand Opening Specials end Feb.7, 1993 �'?I FREE DOG OR CAT TREAT TO THE FIRST 100 CUSTOMERS s Fit FoodPaulmacf AJAX VESTNEY HEIGHTS PLAZA &m Weatm Rd & ". #2 pMtw"n Cadhw.y i Cumellm Tft) 686-7008 MON. - WED. 9:30-7 THURS. - FRI. 9:30-9 SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY For RanclMs. i donne ion pkme wrim to R.R. f3, PeWimm gh, Ontario KQJ 6X4 FmwhWing Depsrtm.nt t ' d6 AIDS fight needs open minds It's easy to understand some parents' concern over AIDS education in the schools. They are simply worried about the health of their children in the face of a frightening disease. But you have to wonder about their limited viewpoint. Some parents are insisting on an abstinence -only approach to AIDS education. They are also targeting organizations such as the AIDS Committee of Durham saying that they're encoumging young_ people to he promiscuous and are even promoting homosexuality. As a result. a new group called the Concerned Citizens for Progres- sive Sexual Education, has formed to respond. in turn. to some of these perhaps outdated ideas. They say they are simply in favor of "realistic HIV and sex education.- Limiting the information that is passed on to young people is not part of the solution, it's pan of the problem. Telling young people that they must only choose one path won't work — they are likely to just march off in the opposite direction. Instead parents should have a bit more faith in their children's ability to make intelligent. informed decisions, and the only way they can do that is to have all the facts before them. The idea that promoting safe sex in a homosexual context will some- how encourage young people to adopt that lifestyle is ridiculous. Young people don't 'turn gay' just because they have heard the topic discussed in the classroom. For the small minority of people who eventually accept homosexuali- ty as their reality. the 'coming out' process is usually a difficult and some- times painful one. It is not a realization that is arrived at easily, or frivolously. In conclusion. if we are really going to make any headway against this insidious disease we must do it with open minds. Letters � Lack of fun To the editor, The Barbara Black Centre for Youth Resources had to close due to insufficient funding. The money we needed was to pay our staff salary and despite the sup- port that came from the communi- ty, without the consistent financial security we had been hoping to receive from government sources. we have had to close the centre. We have not given up the fight. The board of directors of the cen- din tre will continue to look for a secure funding source to enable us to continue to provide services to our community's youth. The vouch concerns committee of Social Development Council has accomplished much thanks to the hard work of its staff and vol- unteers. Youth Speaks was a forum that gave youth a voice in the community: youth council members continue to be advocates for their peers: informants in the closes Barbara Black Centre Thoughtfulness appreciated To the editor, We wish to express our sincere thanks to the Rouge Valley Commu- nity Association for their thoughtfulness, time and their assistance in organizing the post -funeral gathering for our family. Many thanks to Sharon Roberts, Lyn Orlandi, and Cathy Thrift for preparing, serving and clotting up the food and refreshments and taking the load off of our shoulders and allowing us to be with the Stephen's family and friends. The Whitehead Fahnily, Pickering The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our read- ers, please keep letters to a reasonable length of no more than 11/2 typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax. Ont., LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683-7363. News Advertiser f wifto Content tiNOF b proMefed by A M@trolOtld Community Newspaper eopl.rlght andunauthodiod use w1had wAt.n eon - sod k p.ohil0ed. The pubiNhor Timothy John Whittaker cla"Ity�»ofto Pttblb w al odwedboffIent schools increase youth awareness of community agencies. We want to continue with these projects. Much thanks must go to the dedicated staff of the centre, the volunteers, the Town of Pickering staff, and the youth themselves for making the centre the success it has become. The centre has provided for Positive use of leisure time, work- shops on health and life skills, counselling for teens and their parents, and for resource and referral. We consider this a tem- porary setback, for I know I speak for the other members of the board when I say we are dedicated to the provision of quality, com- prehensive care of our young peo- plc. When a nation does not nourish and value its youth, that nation is doomed to poverty of human resources and is poor of spirit. Catherine Walker, Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Barbara Black Centre for Youth Resources Recall of MPs will never come to pass To the editor, Re: Recall of MPs. If politicians today can give sound argument against the recall of an irresponsible or ineffective MP, an argument which does not put patty interest ahead of voter's needs, then let them speak against it. On average. politicians find themselves thrust into positions of power and responsibility on the votes of about 30 to 50 per cent of voters in individual con- stituencies. This quint of democracy does not absolve them of the responsi- bility of representing the majority JOAM1EKQQH WT-fcifor*t-CW GREG COAtes - Moab" Eat« HUGH NK>KKM - Advertising ManoW MONKU LM - R&CM sates Manager AK FAKHOLNE - DW bution Manager NEVANOOM - "34110 OMMWK N - ""117 MtUR AD1I6311MrG - Ns -i110 CLUWIW - 7"-7632 FAX - "31.7763 dATIolW A0VUfl1 rG U4n 6331-17" afAL MAN • IWf01010M AVIFV NG - 7W76M of each constituency and unless a politician does not intend to rep- resent this majority, why then should recall be feared? The advent of recall does, however, pose a very real threat to blind party politics. Recall would make it more difficult for a party leader to force MPs from his or her party to vote against the requirements of their individ- ual constituencies. We all know what currently happens to those who vote against the party line — remember the expulsions from the Conservative caucus of Alex Kindy and David Kilgour when they heeded their constituents' needs and voted against the GST? The vote on recall, should it ever be allowed to come to a vote, would seem to be an ideal test of a politician's loyalties A vote for recall would Huh- cate that a politician does seem to have the best interests of the con- stituents at heart and has nothing to fear, and a voteagainst .. ? It's my guess that none of the leaders of the three traditional parties will agree to such a vote and will probably do whatever they can to avoid it. Bram Deoslum, Ajax Tho NMwr Ad -r—. pf *hod .wry g/r1ay. Wedm*w and FAdar at 171) Ca WrAfCM Avw.. Now. Ontaeo LIS 4N5. r arra of Mr "Noland! FI1wq. rltllrtq aft DkMLOV PULP ofVAd'X0b fnowopm rompf ~ Vock� lLNoun AM rf w. Auao sow. b: rwp►on Port. CoNkgwood comsat. Etobleak CuordlayLakMroy Adgnf»r, GeorgW— l WWw%dwA lwfprrW Ift NOM. ufdrdr" WO". Mardmm Eeonanr A Sun. MNon carwdlan Chang m IMrrago NM• NM"aNM Ela. Nan" yak Mk-. Na111-0-ond Flaw. oMft ftajo. Ofaa Todop. 00—O r MV .. Thlr WONT. POt-baouph TN$ WNk. RW., wW l offt "Yfr 1bwd. Seorborouplf I" IJd90/Sfo 9hG& I'Mu O. Today s Sayan. Popk tW mala vola AgfNlr Noris PAN*" ro1O COO due to moChar* of rOpflwnafU of draa+f pwfM 30Cd RClan Ma %Orralaf Mgnb r IN?. MM ■boUVIIon rale In Candela 1 "'- S" PWO Ila NZW ADVERMIEZ SUNDAY, JANUARY 31,1"3 -PAGE 7 IF • TI�ME* M QVAL11 1 • GENTLE CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DDS WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE `PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. I2) N t ra ift Brothers Association p of Ajax Pidmem Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Fmlae" February 6th to February 13th At Celebrity Lanes in Pickering ,Alt participants will be eligible F._• to win a trip for 2 to . ,/ Mad inTravel ffo•IE wEMielloas �►+PPb FOr SpOf1SOf S11eetS OOt1t�Ct the ftmm (Nice d 686-2871 61CommerdW Ave.. AjV --------------------------------- -------------- _I — 1 THIS CERTIFICATE ENTITLES THE THIS CERTIFICATE ENTITLES THE I BEARER TO UNLIMITED USE OF ANY I DEARER TO UNLIMITED USE Of ANY i I E31111imsPREMIER OR MADEMOISELLE SRA FACILITY I PREMIER OR MADEMOISELLE SFA FACILITY �� I ma FOR TWO WEEKS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE I FOR TWO WEEKS ABSOLUTELY FREE Of CHARGE FITNESS COUPON FITNESS COUPON ------ ----------------------------- ,000 2 5' 2 50 SCMOr�•P.r�d Tgol { Yn•U INVENTORY CLEARANCE 141111111- N6 Al'S �I(11 cow PISS A s1 ww�wRar 1 M o , SEE., 725-FISHTppp lim- L 114 op.. s.w.d.�► F«.w EREt MEM• aIEbRI.I• arEd S!:: IW04 tEo�wr o ° The irpd oEMctimE d Agmkm Fig rAw* OMpWp is CwAde am on aN FNIAN= NOW MALANLE R ALL LOCATNW. - $a dow for def lL •TiaMwywrd/MbIIRR •C4ROAMrliuwa{ya91I1Ew■iErlldf •SO�wRlll�ewtlA •MI�MdEr�wtMlErlal•warilllRs.WVipsR�winYilr,-wdlrldloMElwllbw �QnEwaIR1Y�IR�11 , •wRKaRr.Mlij+rfwi�Irl�M viaan allglrahNplo111� dRrboRallpMw M E}EdiftRd MWAROPESQVIIIIII 900 •MYfR�RMli •Orwdral alR FlRiiFs •QI�E1Y�Eliisnallf •Ml�fliofDldilllvMl�allRwfl/M►W - _ .. .........�.,,...... ...............................................................................................................I PAGICV77i MMA1sYR'I7S Z SUNDAY JANUARY It. IM • - Pickeringouths can have a say y in services offered by central library PICKERING - The Pickering Public Library is Members of the committee volunteer a few hours a looking for people aged 12 to 19 to become members month at the library and have the opportunity of mak- of the newly formed Youth Advisory Committee. ing suggestions and recommendations for library ser- ces for �Iousebound Pickering residents gaining valuable young people, while For Information drop by your can have library at their door local branch or call 831-7809. PICKERING - If you or someone you know is housebound because of illness or physical disability, the Pickering library will bring the library to you. Books, magazines, audio cassettes, compact discs or classic videos can be brought to your home. Books on apes for the vi%wdly, perceptu- ally and physically disabled -users are also available. Call 831-7809. SWEETHEART OFA 11'tls,�tf` �is.r L il�3h'.' Look and Feel Proud to Say "BE MY VALENTINE" ,Join Today eceive % OFF ALL REG. PRICED PROGRAMS DEAL KATHY PEARSON has lost 80 lbs. and has kept it off for over 1 year 06 The first 20 people to respond 5% cC to this ad will receive1 1 an additional r Prtoea ktdude evaluation & diaries, cull programs, new clients, product not included TMLL% SOLUTION FOR CONIP"RMY PROBIR& Suffering From: e Recession? , e Depression? I e Mental Anxiety? e Lack of Purpose? Solution is as easy as 1-2-3 1 -Know• who you are _ 2 -Know what you want 3 -Know how to attain it SIDDHFSHVARI DEVI tDIDIIll Dili A combines logic and common sense with timeless knowledge of Vedas, Puranas, Gita, Rama -4m, Bible, Koran and other texts to reveal clear, practical solutions to modem -day Problems. DATES 6c TIMES: PACE: Friday. 5 ; to F: k, p.m. Saturday. February F 3 to 4:3' p m. PICKERING CENTRAL AL Wednesday. February 10 7 toy ;i p.m. LIBRARY Thursday. February 11 7 TOS: 30 p.m (ALxhtonum) Fnday. February 11 i to 8:30 p.m Saturday. February 13 3 to 4:31' p.m. I The Esplanade Wednesday, February 1; 7 to 8: ii, p.m. Pickering Thursday, February 18 7 to 8:30 p.m. Fnday. February 19 7 to 8: 31, p.m. Opposite Pickering Town Centre Saturdav, February X 3 to 4:30 p.m. AB are ueko to ADMISSION IS FREE E,.*, a: 5961o2s Sponsored by Intemattottal Bhakn Yop Sadham 5«wry SAVE UP TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non -Smokers, Claims Free, Alarms FOR DETAILS ORA FREE QUOTE *A*683=9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 676 Monarch Ave. Unit 13 Estabrished 1978 Ajax 683-9725 1 ir EVERYTHING ` Lf IN THE SOREVT\ UtW_To, A The first 20 people to respond 5% cC to this ad will receive1 1 an additional r Prtoea ktdude evaluation & diaries, cull programs, new clients, product not included TMLL% SOLUTION FOR CONIP"RMY PROBIR& Suffering From: e Recession? , e Depression? I e Mental Anxiety? e Lack of Purpose? Solution is as easy as 1-2-3 1 -Know• who you are _ 2 -Know what you want 3 -Know how to attain it SIDDHFSHVARI DEVI tDIDIIll Dili A combines logic and common sense with timeless knowledge of Vedas, Puranas, Gita, Rama -4m, Bible, Koran and other texts to reveal clear, practical solutions to modem -day Problems. DATES 6c TIMES: PACE: Friday. 5 ; to F: k, p.m. Saturday. February F 3 to 4:3' p m. PICKERING CENTRAL AL Wednesday. February 10 7 toy ;i p.m. LIBRARY Thursday. February 11 7 TOS: 30 p.m (ALxhtonum) Fnday. February 11 i to 8:30 p.m Saturday. February 13 3 to 4:31' p.m. I The Esplanade Wednesday, February 1; 7 to 8: ii, p.m. Pickering Thursday, February 18 7 to 8:30 p.m. Fnday. February 19 7 to 8: 31, p.m. Opposite Pickering Town Centre Saturdav, February X 3 to 4:30 p.m. AB are ueko to ADMISSION IS FREE E,.*, a: 5961o2s Sponsored by Intemattottal Bhakn Yop Sadham 5«wry SAVE UP TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non -Smokers, Claims Free, Alarms FOR DETAILS ORA FREE QUOTE *A*683=9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 676 Monarch Ave. Unit 13 Estabrished 1978 Ajax 683-9725 1 ir EVERYTHING ` Lf IN THE SOREVT\ UtW_To, TH9 NEW ADVEWrO®t sntrnAX JAWARY 31.1"3-rA6s s Halenda's goes a cut above'the rest The quality of Halenda's M & D Meats product is already well known and regarded by the public and Durham Region restaurants alike. Starting next week, Halenda's will offer a new service to its clients — bulk meat. The service, which will be offered at the Liverpool Rd. in Pickering location only, provides people with an alternative to buying a side or hind of beef or pork and getting stuck with meat cuts they don't particularly want. "You simply buy the cut of meat you want." explains Richard Halenda, who started planning for the service approximately 1 1/2 -years ago when he saw it offered in Germany. The Pickering store has been recently renovated to include a refrigerated showroom and. now, people can go right in and pick out the meat they want. Halenda's meat cutters will show you how to cut and package the meat yourself. "If you can paint a room, you can cut meat." says Halenda. "We believe we can teach anyone to cut the product in their own kitchen." The results are increased savings (Halenda expects people will be able to save 25 to 30 per cent off the already low counter prices at M & D Meats shops) and pride. "I guarantee the steaks, roasts or chops you cut are going to be the best tasting you ever had," he says. That statement comes from experience. Halenda recalls how his father used to cut his own meat at home and each of the children would have a special job wrapping and labelling. "It is not just a case of people feeling they have control over the product and economic savings," says Halenda. "This can be sotriewha(of a social family activity. That is where the pride comes in. The great feeling you get from accomplishing something." The Pickering store has all the materials available that people will need. Peach paper, wrapping paper and, even, bone blades that fit hacksaws can be purchased at the store. 66 1 expect many commercial establishments will take advantage of the service, but I also expect it to be very popular with the general public," Halenda says. "This is an alternative for people who buy bulk meat. People will know the meat they are preparing is fresh because they are cutting it themselves." The service will be offered only at the 1794 Liverpool Rd. location in Pickering for now. But Halenda says if it is as successful as he feels it is going to be, the other six M & D Meats locations may be offering similar service in the near future. Halenda's M & D Meats has been in service for 13 years. The chain now has seven stores in Durham Region. Halenda's stores offer a broad range of meat products beef, pork and chicken — and a specialty deli operation, including producing all their own smoked meats. The Pickering store will continue to offer full -counter services as well as the new bulk -meat services. 49 Come See Our Newly Renovated Pickering Store!! r - -Xfl # LUC'! FE -til Tuesday z gebrua,rY Zed 9•oo AX; Introducing Our... OST CUTTING CENTRE A 11 qua, t �R MTTZ� Walk into our "NEW" Refrigerated Showroom You Choose It, You Cut It, You Save., User Friendlyo9 Strip Loins a,, Canaditrtn Grade "A" Rai Brand 682 Filet Mignon"... l<k Lean Stewwoo VoAod 45 Meat S2 lb& Amel"s Grads "A" Mu R t3 s rod" Aw/ Sirloin Top Butt 06 Grads "A" Rat Bra" L9.1 96 Bottom Rounds -2 W Gait Brava! Cwwiatiww Grille "A" 86 Short Lours """-'"` irk. �trwppt%pt-Grw�ts��hR"- - - -- _ - Rib Eyes 'p 0. Bsd Br"d Grand "A" Chef Stoe ono Prime Ri1rs Z �� NI Boneless Chicken Breasts 11 >4 o24 s•a iL. Roast Beed ;W 200 68 AV& 0. Z68 &we,Ul,owwo iipt� :1I)s Meaty 56 Bach Ribs. 1,, Lean Boneless 4- ". 33 Bach a. Breakfast 11 „ 08 Bacon........... "x a. Pork ,, al. ZO Tenderloins W Boneless _ 78 Buckeyes >�. % ole #1 ZS _.0. Sates ' W Punic Kams....*95 Who1s # i a` Pork Loi -- : & 99 Hoe IWZ mss Casings. s %" wooden 40 Skewers "w1b, ` lk �1'LE" all ;1-1461 rTfi:it.. r .............................••... •...� _� ..�;..._-_.."T - PMM UIMM NEW ADVEWMEN SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, IM • • n � N N ._ N L CLOC 0) 4)0 CM E c� ui � . 0 C: 0 0 0+-0 C3) M� � aQ > co c w Eat 0c° Yaa p �V a ��a ' �n r o_ o w 132 :.L r, �.2 mr' T a a J � 3 ovi N T _ �! mo tea;►` N ` a6w taa omh O.0 aci* asN ��c7 a o d34 �� �� . a1 °� Q v0 aQ -jc3n �¢ ?mc=n �a°1t ym a¢ + 0 _ �L m m d a N O E- � a � 0 C' E cJ _� U � i V • •� m T « N� 2 aW a7+a m o- c o �, a� le o a� m— c •E o8E m a*, O go m0 Y� a o� £or 00 a- a -119 CL CC ca a �M Bui atm IL oa � «, `i•' � �ti c o �a2,5 Jeu� uCN NdifR cp�;nod�Y! c 6"-;c64N i Cp � m iu7 `O0m 2UCLmm mom ar 0.a`ccnn<mm Naa05 .c V fq H' U) U-) 3 Q t�� Q3Q p. O N Baa r c Y Y r o ass 01 w t m� �►� a. aa► . 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O � v 3 =� � m SCv m y � m Q V C m - •,mac:._ �_.«.,-Y.,. a I • PAM n -T= NSMS ADVEW M SUNIMT, JANUARY 31, IM e MONDAY BONSAI SOCIETY: The Matsuyu= Bonsai Society meets Mon., Feb. 1, at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Beginners at 7 p.m., general meeting 7:30 p.m. 725-2045 or 683-2568. PARKINSON GROUP- The Parkin- son Support Group - Durham Region Chapter meas Mon., Feb. 1, 7:30 pm.. at St. Mark's united Church, comer of Col- horne and Centre Sts., Whitby. Use south enhance. Financial planner Lynn PTlong- ton will speak. 6664576,66&W80. HEAD INJURED: The Head Injury Association of Durham hosts a speakers night Mon., Feb. I at 7:30 pm. at Cedar - croft Place, 649 King St. I-, Oshawa. A clinical dietitian from a rehabilitation cen- tre in Texas will discuss Nutrition and Rehabilitation. 723-2732. CESAREAN PREVENTION: The Cesarean Prevention, Support and Educa- tion Group meets Mon.. Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m. at 536 Brentwood Ave., Oshawa. The topic for discussion will be Preparing A Birth Plan. 436-7923 (Kim) 576-0562 (Lisa Weston.) EATING DISORDERS: A communi- ty forum will be held during National Eat- ing Disorder Awareness Week at O'Neill Collegiate, 301 Simcce SL N., Oshawa on Mon.. Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m. Medical and psychological aspects of eating disorders and treatment will be discussed. 723-8521 (Linda or Tracy.) BOTTLE DRIVE: The Ajax minor bantam selects hockey team will hold a bottle drive all over Ajax on Mon.. Feb. I and Tues.. Feb. 2 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. both days. Proceeds to defray costs of March tournament in Detroit. 683-5489 (Steve). STAMP CLLR: The Ajax Philatelic Society meets Mon., Feb. 1, 7:30 pm., SL Bemadche's Parish Hall, corner of Har- wood Ave. and Bayly St., Ajax. Ed Wal- ton will speak on dispiaymg sumps. 683- 0240.839-2068. TUESDAY FREE FROM FEAR: The Free From Fear Foundation meets Tues.. Feb. 2 for those suffering from anxiety disorders (panic, phobias, O.C.D.. general anxietyl The group meets the first and third Tues- day of every month. Information and edu- cational materials available, guest speak- ers. For time and location, call 831-3877. BRIDGE CLUB: A new novice duplicate bridge club meets Tuesdays at 7:15 p.m., at St. Andrew's Community Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. 725-4163 (Gard). 432-7645 (Casty} YOUNG OFFENDERS: 'Ilse Young Offenders Act will be discussed by an eight -member panel Tues., Feb. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School, 80 Mandrake St., How REVENUE CANADA SEES YOUR RRSP: 18% Ajax. lobbying for changes• w ffi also be discussed Refreshments served. 683-8540 (Pat Fowler). How TEMPLETON .MULTI -FUND SEES IT: F�9r�ivifwdm k*eslrrlaf� *ro2.yn llltTl:IK' rel• n IIcltill l l Int0it , rl hi �i .l 111 inC I!s w l ` K rul IOik. IIrC' Ianuan I. IrX?< luh lrntlllcton \lulu -Fund. Ift ultl�tln y6rnnt enc thiel of 11I1.11- fund. u� r � luntnr• � wt.ulc (:anally 1 tats clkc .tall:uuac I If Ir d rd nt.u-kct �n Int th q,lrnnlnrtih hcli�c.i,:un.tlII11\tit llnl,it1theCInydUlll•llInortl1 arni.till cep I� full RR>P !><•nctit� 1plctlnl \lulu -Fund KKSP nil I(lrLT,11 IML -411)011 limit to i>". • h:tl>,;;c m r.I�-.hcltcrlti .tatu� • l�nrn nn n I W' lnytil• :Intl Pnt di"ihk• Tollplut()n nulnl.11 fulls nl Itlwlut ..Jill For the full .ton on thi. rrmark hhic imt-amcnt opportumtv fnnn I rmplrttxt• call u% or mail the coutwm ht -k)%% for &Uil. -IEN'IPIIF_ ION -, ------------------------------------------- Scotia -------------------------- ------ Scotia McLeod JAMES. A. SF.YERS F.C.S.I. � t _) j - x: 1nV�rlfilal( E:aautl�c � h S,.:Ie 4oe sC m Gugn ON Ml H 3E4 (416) 2%-2631 �---------------- I_axl_2h. ;W1.11 - t ----- -------------� Inr/..Iwn ,rrN++wtlnrr rd+.rrr lrrul+, r...wr r. v,r,uu.<v unr.vr r,ynr tart �uryrru.vr prny'r, nr� . l Ygrtu. n,••/q Ir.Mq l/V'.!lYyCellYl/l•1 rN/IrNll le•rUf.leTMl lktutlrun•tH ldutkrl ru.rlrrrulUuurlulh I.'l•rr�tar rWrr• I tar! t rdtn� rnrrl true+ rr� twr cYnn•tN eelnrn noG �hw hn.k Sunday, February 6th ra� W,,,�xrozs 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. SOCCER 71� Ajax Community Centre �. REGISTRATION HMS A'ax Room %. FOR GIRLT f� BOYS ..,, a urr W s $65/player or $165/family 3+ Cowhes aro still required in some age divisions. EARLY BIRD DRAW for any players registered on this day. Pries doneted by the Ajax warriors Soccer Club as well as its marry generous sponsors. For fur1w information PW colad Pam Czenlvinski _ -- -- at 4274789. W0,1a•r 'S 012:430 (we've got... We offer a unique & practice lternative to the high cost of bathroom remodelling. • Acrylic, non -slip, made -to - measure Bathtub Liners fit snugly over existing tubs • Installed in 2 hours or less without disturbing existing tub, walls, tiles, plumbing or floors J i Your ems► M cowig erenb a Better Idea) • Customed formed one piece tub -to -ceiling Beth Walls andl Shower Stalls • Virtually maintenance free • Tested & proven in thousands of commercial & residential installations • Written guarantee Call now for FREE in-home estimate MetroWIDED10000001 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL SERVICES ->' i i -r A DIVISION OF 964997 ONTARIO UM;TED REDUCE COSTLY LONG DISTANCE CHARGES.... MAKE METRO TORONTO PLUS ALL THESE OTHER AREAS LOCAL CALL! FOR ONLY 9 95 Per With (-PLUS P.S.T., G.S.T. PST AND A OPE TME ACTIVATION FEE) 10 "" r....r I...... ..,.r. ... .w.rr..r.dm.r,. * '�...... • GALLAS OFTEN ' AS YOU LIKE WTE FICXMG REMXM • TALK AS LANG AS _ (Was. W. aq CNI C&L • YNTWFOLLMMSCWAM O 1 KL NE`M EXWITWA6FM ttatteoWffNNr GOESUP #1 IN CUSTOMER SERVICE, OVER 98% OF ALL OUR CUSTOMERS RATED ---OUR SERVICE AS SAFE & SOUND Pickering Town Centre 798-7080 TBS NEw6 ADV1*ft0C* St N1QA1f JAIrrJARY 3i,1"3 -PAGE 13 . . ................. __ . .. :::� x .... .... ...... :: ....:e 'k t ..... source says she's going to spend the Danielle. "We Rick, brother Stephen, special girl- a happy birthday, with lots of love, day reading the drivers' education love you," the Mend Lauren Kunz, who nuns one were Mommy, Daddy, his Grandma, book. Wishing Jennifer ahappy birth- family says... on Feb. 11, grandparents Keen and Grandpas and all his family and day are Mom, Dad, brother Tom, -« Wilkin... friends... e Nam aunt Mattie. uncle Archie and Jan. 25 was a ••• "' cousins Susan, Michelle and Wade... special day for Mitchell DaCosta turned two A family has a poem for Lynn Dropping «- Nicole Markle, years old Jan. 26 and wishing "our lit - Feb. 1 is a milestone day for Pat because she J Haughton, as she hits, wait for it, the turned three big five -oh! Pat was hoping for a years old. She quiet family dinner, but her family had a birthday "couldn't resist party with her Tyler Poeta ,k14kd!11 1441 the temptation to friends and fam- 5 announce how ily, including Hello and welcome back to much we love her very special �Ii h Name Dropping, the column that's her to the Town aunt Christine till picking the Buffalo Bills to of Ajax!" Help- from Germany. tampede over those Dallas Cow- ing Pat celebrate Wishing Nicole oys In Sunday's Super Bowl. her 50th birth- a happy birth- hy? Well, we don't want to see a day are hus- day, with lots of rown Van Miller cry after a third band Gord, love, were Lynn Gonzales Its loss. Anyway, on to more proud children Mommy and Gonzales, who turns 17 Jan. 31: pant matters-. Sharon and Pat Haughton Daddy eL_� Mitchell DaCosta "Seventeen, seventeen, precious ... Roger, Tammy and Steve, Kelly and ••• Nicole Markle tle one a very happy birthday, with all seventeen It was 50 years ago, on Feb. 6, John, and Dale. Also wishing Pat all Happy birth- our love" were Mommy, Daddy, You are special from head to toe 943, that Anna and Cornelis Van- the best are her grandchildren day greetings Michelle, G&G Mac and G&G and everything in between rhyden wed. Wishing the couple Aaron, Chris, Corey, Zachary and went out to a Costa... You're shy, organized and bright sJ1 the best on their golden amtiver- Cassandra. Pat's sister Vicki, along very special girl •-• And such a darling sweet sight with her husband Rene and daughter on Jan. 30. Alli- Robert James Ricardo Smith We've loved you from the start Cameo, will drop by for the big occa- son Lewis turns one on Feb. 4 and two parties And you'll always be loved in our !` sion. Long-time friends Ray, Pearl, turned four hearts." ,# 4W ►i Jayne and Jim Noble plan to join in years old and Wishing Lynn a happy birthday the fun. "Happy birthday Mom' helping her cele- are glom, Dad, sister Christine and Here's to the next 50 years!"... brate at home friends Melanie, Jackie and Lisa... •-• were her Mom, «• A "wonder- Dad, brother Allison Lewis A message for Karin Rondeau: ful son" is turn- Kyle, auntie Jo, uncle Bob and 'Karin was hot! ing eight years;, Aubrey. Allison and some of her^ Karin was sporty! old Jan.friends will celebrate at McDonald's But she's over the hill 3 1 . W i s h i n g *,~ Jan. 31. "Have a great time and Now that she's 40!!" Justin Misbko a _ always know we love you very Karin turned the big four -oh on Jan. very happy much." say Mom, Dad and Kyle... 30 and best wishes came from The birthday and a --- Beach Bums... and Cornelis VatlCle(llytien fun party with Jan. 28 was a ven special day for are son Joe, his wife Yvonne all his friends the men in the Janston home :n Pick- Smith A personal note: Jan. 31, is a big JuRobert and their children Suzy and Lori; are his Mom stin Mishko day for the beauty in the Gilligan dwghter Betty, her husband Bill and Dad... are needed to celebrate the occasion. clan. Joyce Gilligan celebrates her as and their children Jackie,•'• One party has already been held, with 67th birthday and wishing her a and Michael- and daughter Feb. 2 is going to be a big day for another coming up. Wishing Robert a happy birthday, with wishes for many Dwnadette, her husband Ron Tuln- Marjory Scott of Ajax. Marjory cel- happy birthday were :Nom, Dad, more, are husband Rix, grandsons and their children Reake and ebrates her 80th birthday and wishing grandparents Audrey and James Matthew, Michael and Geoffrey. An open house for family and her a happy birthday are her family Smith, and -- Bailey the dog, sons Sena. Keith and is being held Saturday. Feb. 6, and liieds, her six grandchildren and Marie and I � Michael, daughter-in-law Lynne, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Vander- seven great-grandchildren. Marjory Ricardo Pesan- j daughter -in -law -to -be Diane and home at 46 Lincoln St.. Picker- will be the centre of attention at a tez, and his � , ` Muffha the cat... Village. Congratulations and best family Icy being held to mark occa- aunts and uncles. -« for many more... sion •. Family and That brings as to the end of •.. •« friends will help another edition of Name Dropping. For Rachel Ross, Jan 31 is going Jan. 28 was a big day for a blond- celebrate the U you have an item you want men - E a Super Sunday because it's her haired, blue-eyed beauty. Lindsay occuion... booed, call as at 61112141 IS or wrke JarWon G Taylor turned eorge and Thomas ... to 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, birthday. Helping Rachel cel- 7 five years old ening as Thomas Janstlon turned four Jan. 30 was { Ontario, LIS 2HS. The deadline for and she cekbrat- years old and his Daddy George was special for submissions is 11 am. the Tuesday ad with a Beauty 34. Wishing the pair a double happy Christopher before publication. We're not and the Beast birthday, with lots of love, were W a 1 t e r responsible for lost or damaged party with Mom and sbkr Kate... Brunelle. photographs. Name gypping Is no friends Kaflyn. «- because he longer running birth announce - Claire and Michael Brown, who's growing turned three meats. If you have a birth to Cam. cousins into a very handsome young man, years old. Wish- announce, call the classified depart- Krldy. Tykr burned nine on ing Christopher Christopher ftnelle meat at 60-5110. and Breanne. Jan. 30. Helping ` and sister LirftBY Taylor him celebrate I Sarah. Also wnhmg Lindsay a happy his special day birthday, with lots of love. were were his entire r Mummy. Daddy. Name and Papa... Ode 3 class at «- SL Bernadette PA" R0SS _Tyler Poeta turned one Jan. 29 School. Wishing R elRala ate her amus„ uncles. oaaaina, and wialft him a very happy birth- IS l a happy hiiead� and , MM and day were Mommy. Daddy, big birthday, with Dad would MW p wish Raw a vely brother Matthew and big sister lots of love. hippy bkthday mod a hope that .the were his Mom LW" Bmwn coming year will. be just a much fun Yvonne. uncle John and brothers as dee previous one.- Stephen and Kevin. "We love you -M and hope you have a great time at Shayne Andrew Hadson turns your birthday one Jas. 31 and his parents. Tracy party," flee fami- Joho, wing big bathday and are thro a ly say&•- ., party. Helping Shayne celebrate are his grandparents. aunts, uncles and Feb. S is a < cousins, Happy birthday Shayne, love big day for _ z xr. always. Mammy and Daddy... Mitchell Ninths .« as he turns one. t: Look out world, another dna is He'll celebrate on the wayl Jennilier Taylor of Pick- with his Mom ering tunas 16 Jan. 31 and a reliable dyne H dson Herb, Dad M11chel V ildn Karin Rondeau 'PAGE 1N-'1<= NZ Ammon SUNDAY, JANUARY 31,103 Annandale rink in hunt for Ontario men's curling title - By JIM EASSON The defending Ontario titlist from Scarborough's Tam Heather Special to the News Advertiser Russ Howard rink did not make it club won the `B' side. AJAX - An Annandale Curling out of its regional event, but still Skip Bob Turcotte has expert - Club men's rink is headed to the has an avenue through challenge ence at the provincial level, play - provincial playdowns with an eye round competitions which deter- ing as the vice with the Bob to playing in the 1993 Canadian mine the final two entries into the Fedosa rink which won the Curling Championships in Ottawa provincial championship. The Ontario title in Ottawa in 1979. in March. challenge round takes place Jan. 30 Turcotte's mixed curling team, The Bob Turcotte rink has suc- to Feb. 1. playing out of the Oshawa Down- cessfully cleared two hurdles en The Turcotte rink first won the town Curling Club, is the defend - route to the provincial champi- Blue Light Tankard zone play- ing Ontario mixed champions. Its onships after icing wins at the zone downs at Annandale in early bid to repeat as provincial champs and regional playdowns. December. It then advanced to the was stymied at the mixed regional The rink, which also includes regional playdowns at the Lambton playdowns in Port Perry this past vice Ian Robertson, second Scott Golf and Country Club Jan. 17 to weekend. McPherson and lead Dan Bala- 19. However, Kristin Turcotte is chorek, will play at the Ontario The Annandale rink was one of still in the hunt for the Ontario Men's Curling Championships in two rinks to qualify for the provin- Women's Curling Championship. Trenton Feb. 9 to 14. cial after winning the 'A' side of She plays vice for Alison Goring's The provincial champion pro- the double -knockout regional play- Bayview Country Club rink, which ceeds to the Canadian showdown. downs. Mike Harris and his team also includes Andrea Lawes and Cheryl McPherson. That same Pickering selects drop first league contest team won the Canadian ladies' PICKERI�G - The Pickenn Bell Canada atom select hockey team sul= g crown in 1990. The Goring rink heads to Thun- fered its only defeat in league play at the hands of rival Ajax on Jan. 15. der Bay for the provincial Scott Pickering was downed by the Ajacians 4-2. Scoring for Pickering were Tournament of Hearts Feb. 3 to 7. Spencer Cameron and John Porter, with assists to Stephen Grimshaw and Sean Grieve. However, Pickering bounced back to post a 3-1 win over Forest Hill in their next North York Select League contest on Jan. 21. Gareth Cawley, Porter and Cameron scored for Pickenng, assisted by Randy Sye and Cameron Seward In an exhibition WE with the Scarborough Cougars selects, the Pickering Bell Canada selects posted a resounding 10-1 victory. The team received outstanding goaltending by Matthew Larocque and Taylor Mitchell and solid defense by James Kimball, David Visconti, Brian Cater, Justin Kostka and Kevin Winslow. Sye led the way with a hattrick, while Cameron picked up a pair of mark- ers. Winslow, Cater, Grieve, Plater and Brett Carpenter netted singles. .RRSP-GIC Rats .......................................................... PEF=mw4w- f __P .......................................................... MONTREAL TRUST < 1 \ C E 1 K n 4 •Nirmien investment SiM. Interest paid annuath. 'Rate subject to ctunge without notice. ........................................................ ,h`or moire information. contact us today! Hub Plaza 1360 Kingston Road PKUJUNG 420 M4 Raiders manovices settobegin season AJAX-PICKERING - The Ajax -Pickering LOEB Glendale major novice Raiders `AAA' hockey team ended its season in third place after earning a split in games on the week- end. The Raiders dropped a 3-1 decision to second - place Markham last Saturday. Penalties hurt the Raiders as Markham scored two third -period pow- erplay goals to earn the win. Andrew Hopkins supplied the lone Ajax - Pickering goal, assisted by Adam Grayer. The Raiders scored an important 4-2 win over , Peterborough last Sunday to move past Whitby AAA into third place in the Eastern Ontario `AAA' loop. Tyler McGregor with two goals and EIS Grayer with a goal and two assists led the sqj local boys to victory. Jonathan Walsh picked up the other marker. Also assisting were Hopkins with two and Michael Perulli with one. The Raiders will now prepare for their first-round playoff match -up, a best of five series against Whitby. If your home is singing the NVinter blues... fix it up and don't pay' until June 1993 oR..ministration :. It's easy! Ask about our deferred payments plan. p.1 1114.141, t,l c1-4AI1 char"'c, 111161.1un,• Pit, Inn appli0%cd t rrdit. lkmu• 14-,[1it t r.l, .y/p1%. ( HVI .tpplit, 111 in,t.1114A ,idirlt;. , Mit. L" i.t. ".Itttcl. 14-m llh. 1%1nd4)\\,. 14-111.11 11c.11in.-. ,%.Icnl.. &'11111. p.uin d,wn, .ind g.t, tirt pLtt (•,. "\, , 1 i int•nt,' (,114'.1 4 nd, Ft -l). ''R• P"12. Plus, Sears Club members get Sears Club points or AIR MILES" travel miles. Details in store. \IR \IIII, hut. ri.np a..tl I Gu \ \ \wh-t—I a -i. \..nom l .. n.w L. In. \.a ..II In..ltr t...ka,l.,l k m .JI 1111 Lr1, Seals Guarwiteed Home Lnprov elnelits 'r-dk- to .", 11K NW V011 4-a -and= 400' 1­ft� -Vkb. 0 SEARS CANADA INC. Central Air 8 H11111011 PUMPS Electronic Air Cleaners Wow Con&ioners OSHAWA 725-4322 PXXERUdCt► 420-5582 -wWARS '-- - - - - ` ---.....o. .•-,.....� ...►�� .............. .............................,i � .♦♦ ♦ s . .-+ ..�s..r,. s v•�IL - �,,' �. a.•,a.aW'•w......v.....,.1i+•a.�.w✓r..HM .Wr,�.w+r... ,�- IUQIWR � wfi:. _ . .. n... � r .... .., •...ren...-.. +. �.... �Ar'y,R.• SEAN ALSO SRU AM VISTMLS Kikhen Cabs Cabinet both e ovalim &�Alarns l Gas Fireplaces Courter Tops C°rr°&'long EnAy Doors French Doors Garage Doors Patio Doors Porch lincloslxw Shingle Roofings windows GWIer/Soffit/Fascia Skylights Fencing rwotxl & Mesh) Siding stk: Anim Patio Covers Weser 1141101101 SEARS CANADA INC. Central Air 8 H11111011 PUMPS Electronic Air Cleaners Wow Con&ioners OSHAWA 725-4322 PXXERUdCt► 420-5582 -wWARS '-- - - - - ` ---.....o. .•-,.....� ...►�� .............. .............................,i � .♦♦ ♦ s . .-+ ..�s..r,. s v•�IL - �,,' �. a.•,a.aW'•w......v.....,.1i+•a.�.w✓r..HM .Wr,�.w+r... ,�- IUQIWR � wfi:. _ . .. n... � r .... .., •...ren...-.. +. �.... �Ar'y,R.• Pickering Detite S_ waltz Hast Whitbv- to win tournament title PICKERING - The Pickering Pickering thumped Kingston petite 'B' ringette team won all by a 10-2 score in the first four of its games to capture the game. Crowder scored three championship at the Whitby goals, with two to Kennedy and tournament last weekend. singles to Georgia Kyriazis, Pickering met Whitby's Carlene Firman, Becky number -one squad in the ��Q�George, Erica Purdy and Th championship final. T (' /y� McKenty. Wilkinson local petite squad Q chipped in with three earned the gold medal assists, while Stephanie with an 8-3 victory in a Morgan had a pair. game which featured a In the second game, total team effort by the .t Pickering had a little Pickering petites. ��� tougher time, but still Scoring for Pickering _ defeated Whitby's num- were Sarah McKenty, Erin ber-two squad 5-4. Baldry and Andrea Kennedy Strong goaltending by Jenny with two goals each. Emma Clark led the way to victory. Wilkinson and Shannan Crow- Pickering's defence of Morgan, der netted one apiece. George, Kyriazis and Baldry Scoreboard CENTRAL JUl10R'A' HOCKEY LEAGUE Richmond Hill 34 11 22 1 138 179 23 Eestrrr Ofvialon Kingston 31 10 19 2 99 123 22 TEAM GP W L T F A PTS PICKERING SOCCER CLUB Barne 39 38 0 1 347 120 77 kxbw results for the week ending Jan. 24. Markham 36 25 9 2 213 164 53 ATOM DIVISION Powbo"h 36 20 13 3 206 176 44 Kelseys 1 (Good by Mrchaei Chinos ) vs. Dually Newmarket 36 16 16 2 186 183 38 Tune -Up 1 (Goal by Trevor Murphy); Whiles Road Lindsay 37 18 19 0 193 208 36 Pstro�Can 5 (Goals by Eric Kailas. Nathalie Urbas. oril{it 36 14 20 2 186 209 31Husion Barker. Mike Leksalald. Brant Ching) vs. Pipw- CWktgwood 35 9 24 2 127 229 21 wig Ski -Sports 1 (Goal by Matthew Jet); Laura's Chaco- Ajax 38 7 26 5 156 210 21 art 5 (Cioals by Setiman Arrosa 4. Gus Vassiw) vs. Cobour0 37 6 28 3 139 255 18 Garthwood Hama t (Goal by Scott Brown) EASTERN DIVISION ALL-STARS MOSOUITO DINSION Players . w ed to the Eastern Dri saw loam for Vw Pick ring Slo Spons 4 (Goat by Sammy Burets 4) vs. annual all-star pane at Burllnpon's Central Mena Nicholson industrial Efecnc 0; Kebeys 10 (Gook by at Sfa.. Jan, 30. Gane time is I P.m Anthony Chmonds 7. Kevin Duey 3) vs. Bun's L Den KrIam (Del-) Ajas Aswan Designer Kfchana 1 (Good by Stephen Hartktgeon); 3. Mire Peron (Forward) Barrie Colla MaGnns Lardng 3 (Goat by Ryan Thoi 2. Ben 4. Todd Malcolm (Delerm) Peterb. Pets Hurter) vs. Jaltaon Control 1 (Good by David MIIs). 5. Steve Joyce (Defence) OrNia Terrien MITE O1N9100i 6. Greg Sntelawtper (Delerroe) Litdeay Bears Pk:hex SID-SSDors 6 (Goals by Jordan Doody 3. John 7. Matt Pagnuffi (Defence) Berne Cella Janie. RueasISkeet. Mathew Panortry vs. Fbragtu 6. John Madden (FawarM Barts Colts Canada 2 (Goals by Braasey Tacsk AAftaty Lewarl: 9. Mark Durant (Forward) Cdlingwood Bk+s Pmeurs Group 4 (Goys by Stuart Omand 2. Kelm 10. Jason Pain (Forward) Markham Wagers Hal Mrisn Casteb) vs. Med- I (Goal by Adam 11. Justin Cadwell (Forward) Mark W'asrs Chert; Trunch•de Cable Layers 2 (Goals by Cedrk 12. Genas 3W" (For.) Canourg Cougrs StyW 21 vs. Wldrraod Ford 1 (Goal by Patrick Mobrty). 15. Brad Grf6n (Forward) Markharm Warrens AJAX BRIDGE CLUB 16. Jeff Whams (Forwards) Newrrrllot'87s Open section -- handicap game -- Tures. Jan. 26. 17. Parick armaage (Fonwrd) Barrie Cogs 18. Doug Baas (Forward) Lndsay Bears NORTH3OUTM Dorm+ DaV and Ed Burgan 138.75; LMWt Oma 19. Chris Emalot (Defence) Barrie Cofs and Dave Oma 135.55; Gene Lengyel and Dorsa 20 Jason Payne (Goal) No wr arkel'879 OpdenvMde 13t 44: Dwight Oland and Fran Sts, 21. Slave Waley (FawrM Barrie Cope eyk 125.65. 22- Orrin SZcZv9k l (Forward) Ps4rb. Pell EAST -WEST 23. David Daash (Goal) OrWa To to Ian Coats and Frank Laverty 140.59; Andrea 30. David Gf vw (Goal) Markham Wass Dame and Larry LazaZZera 140.49; Januee Jung METRO Apwa w HOCKEY LEAGUE and Paul Dodgsat 120.51; Jim Martell and Mark Bran Div6sim Martini 114.51. TEAM OF W L T F A PTS ROOKIE SECTION - HORTH-SOUTH ~ad 30 23 5 2 126 65 48 Muriel and June 47.5: Mike Bek)ung and Peter 34 21 10 3 160 133 45 Jennings 47. North York 34 20 14 0 154 141 40 Pklrin6 3s 12 to 4 183 =0 38 EAST -WEST Tina Blahaw and Lorraine Campbell 47; Darton Oshawa 36 12 21 3 149 182 Z7 Data and Peter Chalot 42. t74ml*$120 Affia ►est Portrait Valve Ever! SUSfCT FEE OF 12 95 PER PERSON. ooydve iwd pcs 1' b ore kiln roc included n odvern,sd Once Nd dpoyt requAd Posh for odvvessd porter Collection our rdeceat on your choice of bocfgro red Vow fo.aee aj prop, micorn d Up toofiitve oddria 01 poses on fa „dwrcMcesPlot vufid w+h orry odw 011111, Caw odtwm.d Package Per (only A Pomo++ sizes approunwss • - M -OOMOr1�� ~ L �• e -:- '� AtBT61 � P�ootcls - ore THS K &Mff MASA PBtYAH31T STMMO OPEN: Tug& -H.10 AM -7 PM. SOL 10 AM -6 PM. PI( 1G pGngslDn Rd.) to. obi o".s O sed PCA Mn, =j BALL HOCKEY WERE BACKI BIGGER & BETTER . New expended divisiotta � �- -� �.: # New mall of tattle - - . More swards . 0" member - lotnratnents . YMeeI Ms, pritrte time u !► N modem Sl Avft necrestan Complex • Sbp little periods„ announced =0V plays and 3 star selecliotle, monthly news mapazirte, tan draws and much male! ♦ 5 Dvisim (Men's 18 3 overt (Women's 18 g over) (16-18) (15 S under+. (10 & trader) ♦ Indrd ai or loam entries LEAGUES NOW FORMING RM AR20 ANYTIME kept the Whitby snipers at bay, scored three times to lead Pick- Kyriazis, Erica Purdy, Shannan while Kennedy scored three ering. Registering single mark- Crowder, Sarah McKenty, times, with singles to Crowder ers were Mary Granton, Crow- Andrea Kennedy, Emma Wilkin - and McKenty. der, Kennedy, Morgan, Kyriazis, son, Carlene Firman and Mary Pickering fired on all cylin- and Wilkinson. Granton. ders in the third contest against Team members are Jenny The team is coached by Dave Whitby's number -one team. Clark, Becky George, Stephanie Crowder and Al Clark and man - Pickering won 10-2. McKenty Morgan, Erin Baldry, Georgia aged by Rose Baldry. �v1, v _JVl ,A IF) 40 � iraci A 2 GET YOUR"CARD! AND ITS FREE! • Instant Savings! *No flyer coupons to clip! A new way for you to fniracie save at... Available at your :'Miracle store. See Details in More. foodmart i. ria, n. , ta AO. m i w. a.. r, eA0AU,_,JSe i)aiAc_ To make room for our new Bath Centre we. are Clearing out 6 Complete Kitchens 11% DFF Great Deals On The Following Items! Vanities, Faucets, Marble Tops and Cabinets for every room in the house. Shop Today! HOURS & 1732 Baseline Rhe W. Mon., Tues., Tri. 9-5 umt N. of 4oi & courace ltd. exit) Wed., Thurs. .9-8 BPANDOM Courtice r T,eB�-Chow Sunda la3 432-3300« Y..: L o I iy:r.f -'_► rv- fA1**• i ..............I... ................... ....... ............... From Skillful footcare to friendly office staff you're in good hands with Joseph Schneider. In tilt ltond5 of cancan.... DepedWe treatment far corns, cowime, n9►Owa turngus, and tfridt toenalfa, Suits Game care for burring tart, bot and Ip sa w heel pain Cortedive devices tar ct iwmN seniors, athlalat, office and factory workers. Senior Cithen urs: artf+rkis diabstM geriatric Problems fn tft Strand of gperitnct.... Gives factures and seminars to Nurses, Esd"odwws Diabetics and senior groups Member of Ontario Society of CAirop-111 Member of CamnMn Association of Foot Probaaiatala Author of Successful bell book. 'Swnb To Note Foot Care-. ALEX RUDNICK, KD. and JOSEPH SCHNEIDER D.Ch, have now added their Services to the BAYLY SPORTS MEDICMIE and REHABILITATION CONIC f��la tltr Aaarda a� _:> ; >;:.jBAYLY� AL CENTRE S(30(MER I= SL.Ul af6 elhuna imea wane s wk1 + 2048» FFIOY PIAGE 19 540 6�-Town Pmperbes 66 am disuse sale. abutts Cmown rUnC dose to town. Fah- Paredes. v a viii frialm Good credit. 5265/rrot"...Supa special c1bwL OeigR two bedroions Wen wood leave. Car rrerp River. Two acres. Only Cas 427-6657. (0204" IICKENING Village - one bsdiaarn includes law raid. pig -V d +a►age spans. palift we of aasrdsa room, hull use Of SO ansdrea. nye obm*oie0. NIOn Smaller. ally S400. Cas aid faroo onea tea. 6119,3tMt. 545 P Va OArTOMA 0.0, Florid. - TW" Men Beach Gob. o ms sew condo. Neaps 6. neat 111, 7=4M VIM" 575 Lam eDltacw 610A00 Pry as err as $I" pier moo sae. a. Jan 7= AaUtis rtiaNt f 01 W PMUU 7 law. ddA Caasolldatiess. Credit awamgsnlsaU, PW—W blow FREE CONSULTATIONS.�in� t16� Coaaaseow rlrAadne. oah.I.1 4WI425. f1F) 580 INwWP„ MORTGAGE LOANS 1s1 and 2nd to 95% of vatte AN property types. personal loans Quick service and pnme (am CITYCAN FKA11CIAL CORP. 571400 OSHAWA W2976 PICKEPAIG PRIVATE NOW TO LSO Cal 111110811111 U$4200 Af aft Ill "NO 10 LId BtJst>� 590 Opporturtities HAt9 salon, 600 sq.h.. es- tad6lnd since 2960. clamp time stets we nee own.. vendor wrap to Star arra aver with business and eiereeI Salon has eueesem walk -fan trade. Leave. 6600 mor”. Phare 576417116. (020293► SECOND income opportunity. Free deals! Sed name all ad - ems toNPL. 220 Gleoerrount Ave. Toronto. M4C 3T1. HAKE a fortune with your camerall Use any tupe of camera. Amazing recorded message WWWA defeat. Cat udi 4116.72662110. f02041119) Nei 675 c«nwrwns staicLE men. 33. tun bvmp. cair0 or" sews al Isr+or, in somm ndu - counew .gamc r7ovies, gnrderrig and mWinp- Seeks male with similar interests. Respond to File 66026. OshawaThe Week, P.O. Sias 4111. Oshawa. Om. L1H 71-5. (0205" To Place your mmortalind in nta1110f1am Call 576-M and let tt m d our ptot6aaiotl6l �>� 670 persona Sincere Singles A oolaAdaldal Wray so caeet r that Someone Special This call aotAd dMV rottr kb MINA 204N& FIONA 211014M rMifE9142MM 671 Perls YALEIIt.IE Speen - on Nin a fnq beamul pone" Bs faplmolopgaw�plary�ds ptt� li. n slender rrlebla care toll I QR d20atg2106L'i)g' 580 • rti2ldrl�Ibitil6 • Raitnoa fl col.afdlfa■ NO FEE PROGRAM TO 0111AIMFNA111CISL NI•eltll Aja elpWGPA Ef and loans. 99% st ndlg. sawn psyrrm aim anaged. Any anent avaiable. Call Doug 6M-6605. Com- alure r Fbmncld Subs. (W) UIMr not? Our now we t/2% Ura Oran ane aunera bark rates. For Ol►a btrltMa. barMbr 10 otr bodes fa 6M. Eaarvb: S yN/ C � tie. Eli Corp. 721-20M 00504 LIVE PMm Afth s Sliftllalinsl c4rN rsa t For Your Plenums 14NO 65-71615 Ask about our $10 SPKW 24 hs. - No Callback NO LANG DISTANCE CHARGES Creat Cod OBIT WVELY south American bdiss daft sari I whirr ookm oa- Free ppular vd6n�w1osbrmodutle0 Its 707457-3790 p2230Cq JESUS says. an ahs bend had ow blirw Dos yaw rhdraw visa gleses? The hii6lilp it ane hired 7 9 Mo. Micah 3:11. baiah 56:10.12. John 10:11. AM Calttptttte, 1-706466S6g5. (f)QatiSO? c'3Si a rerfa w 1, Weekend Escapes dim&G.eao 1. E im slut ipi woe Pool. Erbrtavvrent iam RN �=dP P da FERN Ain Stns ID 5,99 Feb f t'�5 b S199 ....« «. Ile $165 103199 ws.ntlaa tilktwMi o+r t-MS67-3376 Jan WSF.o Mo seg (n$ RR s. orh ont uv fate OTTAWA. ONTARIO. CANADA PAPK . THE LAn E Hotel & Suites Winter Warmer Rates w7S CON Including Contlrnentpl Breektlast Conveniently located next to the Rideau Canal, in the heart of Ottawa's Centretown, The Park lane Hotel is just a short walk to Parliament Hill, the National Arts Centre, downtown shopping and nightlife. FACILITIES AT THE PARK LANE HOTEL A SUITES INCLUDE: • Ktcherleae with coffee maker in most rooms • Renate controlled colour cable television and in -room movies . Entertainment and cocktails in our klbby lounge • Hoorn service • Guest Laundry facilities • Heated, underground parking CALL 14800-267-8378 Managed by DMS Limited CORRECTION NOTICE Due to an error on the part of Sears the following items in our flys distributed on Jan. 28, 1993 are incorrect. Pg. A8, Built -In Cook Top should not have quoted a save story. We regret any inconvenience that may have been caused. FANTASTIC ONE—TIME SALE ON that original buyers failed to close wi dw Steps from the Lake in Whitby. LAKESIDE VIEWS—SAME PRICE! (EllrErO) (Epr'Er� ,r :1d(EtgrrkrEr_(rtj AtlNQbrQlh-rnsgart�: . �S_�a ger 100 Careers 100 Careers 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help ULTRASONOGRAPHER Required For general sonography for Thursday evenings 4-8 p.m. We are looking for ARMDS registered or registry eligible person with hospital experience. Please submit resume to: Carol Hobbs Assistant Technical Director of Ultrasound Ajax and Pickering General Hospital 580 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ontario Lt S 2J4 N* (416) 428-5208 Fax: (416) 683-1262 110 General Help 110 General Help W%nJOFFICE ASSISTANT We are a small, progressive firm In Pldwrxtg. We require an individual with excellent typing skills. 2 years office experience Mid general computer knowledge. Telephone selling skik are an absolute necessity. The swxessbA cwdidate should be conscientious. fnendy, reliable, customer oriented and a self starter. Pay $10*vr. Hours 8 a.m. b 5 p.m. minimum 4 day per Week Cal Dawn or Pstsr 2fMI SM or tat us your resum at 81-7022. I've Made OVER $1,0009000 Using My Telephone Answering Machine! Pet My FREETapu Into Yoe Answering Machine and Start Makuq Huge Haunts Of Cask...Witkow Worh qg! Call! 24 -How Record far COMPLETE D)r fAn.S (416) 760-3102 120 ofk* Help 120 aari Purdue Frederick, a member of the Purdue Frederick international family, is a progressive, research -based pharmaceutical company providing superior health care to people worldwide. We are currently implementing TQM and SMED programs, and have an opportunity for a: PACKAGING SET-UP MECHANIC This position requires a skilled individual who possesses a mechanical or electronic apprenticeship combined with a minimum of three years' related experience in set-up, operation• repair, troubleshooting and maintenance of a broad range of packaging equipment within the Pharmaceutical. or Food industries. An innovative self-starter, you are committed to finding ways to reduce set-up times and improve performance, and are comfortable working with packaging and maintenance personnel and outside suppliers. Experience in a machine shop, installing and comirnissioning new equipment, and a familiarity with GMP standards would be dcf cote assets. We offer a competitive salary, a comprehensive benefits package and a challenging work environment. Interested candidates are invited to forward a resume, by February 20, 1993, to: Ms- C. Milnes, C.H.R.P., Mager, Human Resources, Purdue Frederick, S75 Cranite Court, Pickering, Ontario L 1 3W8 or Fax (416) 420-5430 QPurdue Frederick EARN UP TO $346.011)Vweek anew Cbkwn ere/ het osra6sss yw eaeM at k0- fk rwlade aaan CarwO� to Isis., Nnd a - 0000 used awds0s b Tle lea !l;= - 130 5411r Ossa On WANTED SAI .FS AGENTS, welinan i rstm111" ND tagnilnol napes -W No sEwNcrcooll c«n+xtion Phorw Butte •Roglstw Ti 42x1689 MODELS NEEDED Tions • dahlin, rwrfe • .unease.. soar - s0 or. OA are - 12.26 (praey tease) ,loss AVALABLE FOR: caulapas, then. faire & nrall ,&wits TY awninvwis Emanates h*U Out h= nK (416) 962-5511 110 General Help 110 General Help ACCOUNTANT Required by large residential construction company in 401NVhites Road area. Must possess strong analytical skills, have experience with EDP -based accounting systems, ideally those provided by Minicom Data Corporation. Exposure to real estate development industry is preferred, a thorough knowledge of Lotus 1-2-3 a necessity. Successful applicant will be a self starter with a professional attitude. This will be a 6 month contract renewable at the employer's discretion. Please forward your resume in confidence to: Nice President, Finance Tribute Corporation 1815 Ironstone Manor, Unit #10 Pickering, Ontario L1W 3W9 or send it by famm ie to 839-3757 ESTABLISHED FACTORY DISTRIBUTION CENTRE Recently renewed major contract with U.S. engineering firm looking to file positions in our Customer Service and Management Trainees. Paid training supplied. Must have own transportation. $1,600 MONTH 619-0658 LARGE, International farcy .�SUPEAINTENDEW tall 08anind itdrri0ual wan 0094 K'QN� for � good .' .; , skis 10 conlarY �^'`Y+ our clrrts to arrange NMI _. nm in salwy mid AW_ nwr1LL for portraitg{ string{. 40 M. C weds hourly wag+ plod Oaks fit. Must hm expert- and hs Ifb. CAN Jim. 420 - of 1Ce PhAM Cil 68f!>~ 5663. 9-12 am. or $70-0:30 OW b» IaMn 830 and 430 P -T- 102030 HWANG rnponofto people to NIGH school student for help luridness local, Tranwp«- warehouse - stockroom talion suppled. FR only. 3.9 cleaning. Monday -Thursday. 3 pant Earn SMOGS 50 weekly. noun afar adhOW. 86 hour. Bas" upon performance. t - ATTENTION parents and itaviaw HAWATYLJST andexp,atkie SASS secretary required in PlelwbV beya", send �M 8 (00-56'55111M ) C-Vgk- Know the PY d �le required for established pdwn„om p dp0e, Must be D• dent Inward peed wan d lariat phone number and school to: Fla Bo:�� HOMEMAKERS or mature seders•. Dstime tolarroukal- d play wla win -d" nkup DIS- tat cared opporkoftty f« 90 This is Week• P.O.ades inimitable to those COVERY TOYSI In riedlate ,�,t dao„ _ Get Did while y- &lisp �a Oshawa. Ont. L 1 H 7LS. �� � � s71N. kho 1 For now kdon,h As ' learn. No experlence. For , f d, a„ d br- 1013191 All trakhing provided 10 too=call Barbara at 438-8071. Interview, earl 888-380•. ward to Fla 62088. Oshawa AJAX - kill tine, 24 hm par who quality . Cal 42041.81 10 ar- 150 H0� Iowa This week. P.O. Boa 481, week 0awaiipht factory leak ramps an (a�214x1t AO06 i, Nano . „opp„a,ayon Oshawa. OWL L,J 71.5. (01311117) escelerr 0-o" aonhdhionh Cas ARE you a parent. 011ke Help Dental prores16-92003&nleaeart 165 Day Care - Day Care f "' .� DAYTIME AND EVENING RECEPTIONIST Positais avaiable from Feb. Ito Apra 30 WAGES $6.50 PER HOUR Cad 725-4563 IF pw t w titlgle or a ship with tkroo goats w'erk �r,� SON Hol 130 Awl ,� At ser 45 end Iwo won y ken w.loatho 427.2181. Odd AN, par wry lw z: SALES LdWL WIN Ap 1 . D4mmo. DDomtMKa011.111111111%beamt aulsouL �MIN10id A 3ki4d. e1F Top a tw penlenl f«year e021.81 Available 1 5 Jai s18 -S710,78 (0,3 .at Cee ( C D Cine rIt�ICED reliable nom 160 phos Salo w v leo le my Wanted LAURA'S LITTLE FRIENDS home. Fenced yar i �ly HOME DAYCARE - folia•* delicate avallaeAN SN ocAsSIONAL babpftw re- « quirod In Glendale area. swats. AM 84PL iio- atW w.loatho 427.2181. RM S fit- M0890B77.1D/31ty omm Poppins rile aawyl But NORM of 3 (15.7411 dills I* rm hero. BrBWu nwhy now Of>fITAIESE fataiy needs M Pteew �k I use d aealrhes. rolsraroes man d 2 a @N" for bebyai thhg in ray hare. Plckorkv kv" bdwpbW for III 1 b Fddgr In Marl Meeh 2Z. t9e3. aralOW Fli*b RIfJBIZ 427- Ville. Rslasr I Phone 418- Ca142►79w. F1 0327. 1013140 25M OM31931 NANNT wanted - liveout. REsrONwniii reliable 170 R.r.twa-0 and Deeny, ace mm-wbfe dayasno Mon Over WW1ed VW NO ages 3 04 0- rdw- twenty years eombinod DROOKLIN Firewood -who OAKiPRIE taMae bed, aoasspill=&Call Cadrya U& apufMOk taints in d -kW NEN with trucks will do here ho" moves dean w DENTAL F=EPTfDMW - Alit 4.75 7 paL-IO pAL 1013190 std sary I (111tlott i 00 - our Pkkerlog Practice Ito /^� tMww atouMus, lwh, yaad. Ipjan. o��d�d,M' yW���ta duc Illndlalaly /41gYee ail ea- 1 65 Dw Care GIL 111111118411111110. ��� �• - - Fl porl.acad a»rg•ao rca CMI; oarer Available •»p 205 Frewood evenlop and satva•r ox- INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD pasdad bows. Faneuil Nouns 210 Fa Mlarket Se's and WS taoond hand ibMiip OwSsss and fun kr acerae $i M 7 b 1a Call Ka". 8110130-10/3193) VEMM waned - I you furs a oat « an Yvartas product * twuk dw Cwete 'fd• SM Flea Make hl for you. Soon a open In dowtosuh Bow nu rwie well 50+ tead0rs w• home team for You, Open Sar. and Sun. CO 4254*M � ONOW ASHEA - Kanas. one plat. Oto new. 4300 oJsm 427- 1M0-1013190 FOR sale. 6 mach kr1 i m dim ship to Pse do Health Club. nowdy poll 1 Sn17. 420 - Vit 1 8sltlfler. I to Ll 1, eiwks, Si and 1e qe a942D. 1n cark4 tate, tun home environment ROKA lumber Hardwood. 9470. (013190 COAL rasodaitdex . M.ehdesfr< o6.dt e),,9 �.....s.��. L► `kd or !o�•il• We canard This wet. PAX Bat 461. Od onak Out. LIN 71.5. a1wlsMe. Softwood kir B43now cord. Pict up Sat and Sun. 656- 47.7. (122792) Licensed by M.C.S.S. Re8Sa18ble rape 4 tit. •90- 4�rste. SOL Sal wood 4 A t12' aWdWbe, Ariii SM ogre, 706.277 381, 220 fEapllask 0-M tirSlaitsr. Dtahw B�wM�ass «aPMar CeMMe. hoe AIS M18i�9d Care 160 Receipts„ Safto hoots. Call Oso., For Sale 49"1886. (TF1 � 41 ( 0-fM wNIdDw9 1J)� DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE DROOKLIN Firewood -who OAKiPRIE taMae bed, 135 skllkd Help WELDERS owmady naut! for Applybpanc to: THE MINACS GROUP 375 FIftN1► Ave., 5.204 RN OYrf dw II"s, EIQeflSM in 1 itilow OPOEMM be In 509-1207 seasoned hardwood and .o111 , , Ir and 14'. IOttdlYhg and bedroom t inifti e - hald- boom 8a145 a Mug. or Out hwAdw@pM& nonCi011MR169i011. §URt ATLT awe - Pw p a,preiob b � to �lt cltidwn d any ops ti a1wlsMe. Softwood kir B43now cord. Pict up Sat and Sun. 656- 47.7. (122792) asked your Ms - by one of Ontario's largest ntarluecttxors. Bury died and sttlokar, Map* R area 427 Fltlt rsunut Anne opole ovolaMw 15 Ren is and dila. Lalps fare TaK• &am Et 42' round solid ask COfIt111d IM DtNMM � 41 ( 0-fM es a WNKM p analYM Cal Ria. 4260336. N/31" 21 0 F� Market pedstal &" and chairs. SM Olrsen cannonball bed. R�0118ranah Hsk pp itt Rda Ove774 200 stain choices. 42%2614 W: tnonlA old. RelaoncM wen ee required. Call 420-3280. aralobb 603-M%J• 111 4 EXrER1ENCED ECE teacher DATCARE available In my and tlledha d one w0 provide MATCHING sola and swivel middlill chair. 1325. Also 9� 965. 885.8774, TRADITIONAL w0001n .(TF) 1MLES Min" for o011. 1013/80 home, 1e veers sapsriah k ha daypw in our ha,w corks love 9t50. Pftotw 427• love wlsr. $1 0. Phone COOLERS - walk in, S'xB'. Irps and Ilnlahed. Groator NAMW Me" b our fts,te. Nle ti or for 3 children, and cold lunches, lots of wum a,rjp, nou Peifib and -any�avail�ab�. le with 4 $25M 71x12'. B1SIX Sandwich cools. 8600: 80 quart Boar and spi p100ssuL P ry ledtrlkatk txelt OJ1L rsNtwoN tequpd Cal dere roliroeee RoasonaDlo ratesactivities . Tao i7S w� Dhpey ti& FMB BritstN L Fat wtwms 1- P• m, weekdays. 420.11M. FL** �� rales. 431-2246- avWW". Harwood and 401 low ssdll, it00:arpa svo Or, der W arnadr 7W e45 Bun ceras i1S0 72e 4164)2141134, (013/40 1013/801 (0/3/80 ales e161M3 (a20CfB3) 520. Days. 4266311 « S t" (1 427.7720- (013183) LOCALAGENCY WITH TORONTO, LA., NEW YORK, PARIS CONTACTS N'EEDS MODELS FOR TV COMMERCIALS. FLYERS, CATALOGUES. FILM WORK AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO OUALFY CALL - LA. MODEL 8 TALENT 404-8233. 'FUNDRAISING ASSISTANTS' Be part of a warn uvmning to us Socary's Wrest special everNundraiser Erthus+tsm, wwfgy and vasereatcn skills am a must The s a Wrie. 1 5 week contract posbm No lou"MU Wong rrMeu pke rr ent vas. Car an asset. Cal Karen F at #1400-268-7562 Delors Friday. February 5th for EARN •Wier moire - agmcr need* new faces to work immedlately . IulUpan time. Women 5'2'-511% mer S'9-- 6L-. Call now for tree consultation. 430-571 S. M202831 YOU am onAporrn4 confident damm.r»a. ambitious. rellabis. Claw apwakrng. a grad cvn er- aatenska and NEED MONEY. Eac" wismarkdng Dossers rets you write your own paychedrs. Monw"v or .wire sislfs available. Call JIM Wnoon or 5:30-exe0 p.rr, 420-5603. M20MM 4E your own boded Independent contractors wanted for telemarketing program we your own days and hours. No erpenwrnrs needed we train. Guaranteed commission - dry can bonuses. Alec warted. b cal ddveny people. Muer know city. Deavery lee pan setowwee- your hours. 430 -BNB, 10 a m. -S p.m. 102049M COMPANY kfeased in Pcieriy requires fill Wm bine dMt A Mirwraan d S years aa+pAer open enOe eseatliel. salary b be negotiwd. Sand fwsunw I" fain nslenMh. to: Fla 06022. Oshawa THIS week, P.O. Bos 481. Oshawa. Ont. L1H 7t.5, 101319% OffERESTWO part rife appor- tunnths nth lea', - wagen in PbauirnB Fandble hours, per- tonn an ieporsset oannrnily .dna.. No.np.d«ha- but car and typewriter necessary. Planes 1wa4 1519 Pads Rd. S. OShumaL L1J 4ft8. @D1319M a� 220 LAM pikow H.P. Later Jet plus 1 11 44so cd 036 AM 112. mu ARCADE panty fa Sala. good for your home or business. Call DAWN. 6424M 1020M OATH tab, whks acrylic miekrt brarW new. abirpool style, com. pleb with nwchanicw was* . 11 Can be oortrwed for use with phrrp. Call 830.4443 atter 6 or leave rrwssa"- LENNOX Electric Furnace. 56A00 BTU eectt hi moe well 3IIIt. d hest' gtarge wYing. Ex - calm for coup or wodwop Phone John. 725-0458 after 4L0 pm4013191 allEEN An waterbed minor In Iwedboa . 6 toomp d►aess,k duety rose cups. owmodw. two aftea see Walluded. 5300 ObAL Cel 43b63M. ON 2110 SPANDEX - many different prints and solid colours. tldrrestahes as oar0 -11 Prbes. Pew of Linda at 689-7131L 1' I I I TOP queft irst9e 1 - R Nei fir x44 - and mrxK ranbe cut to size. Two way draw. ,setitrd colarr, $75 OWL PNas6 Cal 886529& 10 vin. W0560 CARPET - 1 hoe OVA" 1000 yords of now atraoser and 100% nylon carps NIR do Mriv roans and hall for SM. kii cludes carpet, pad, and Installation. (30 pads). Shoe. 7911ADW.(TFt 1 • ..44 _C r • 1 ♦. - I •. ��ifr��1�IT^-4T► `-rr).,'rrr •. lr, A��a•.�r t s,'.•.s. . r - _ _ _ _ . • • nor so 300 A� f�tf:Yir: ...r�'tt-•-•t�l•i Van:, 41Nhee1 320 Dir N 400 t_,... � • For Rent 400 For Rent Cylinder, ps- Pb_. �. Mangum Marn4 PAL 427- butltM sods. akr cndw I** R�IiS le at%ble bmmmoalMr SM6 4trtYlly plus ilnlN. g43-0227. . "''w' ,mss tllit"M Cho el4, low Hetet Bankrupt or Creat liar and amid shsp coats, Itsu• Pr b*M. No eredt c,hsdL Cass 'i M Ireneifert SE. IoadsO. at 813.5011 oleo. 1 I. WW etrvarals awed dodtig. heed to owtt. 11176 111K 726-S « I>ys al 72s•62Y1 ��n R^ti X13193) nclotMn f for the whole less or SM3776. (TFAU i aw OSHAWA • Iwo bedroom fear IashM• %a use Macmillan. Ins 19$2 Chrysler Cordova, 6 e m 12 pries. $to Bayy E., arrlo, tlsrso. 0 Auto Parts cit 34 Cylinder, ps- Pb_. �. Mangum Marn4 PAL 427- butltM sods. akr cndw I** R�IiS ,hook. «(pine peia, no not. 0000 tobil oontmwnMad m 95,000kms., confled 82395. •quiprten avollable. New and Crown Aub. 4284I423. M20293) used two war radlos. ertcatase tMt Toyota Supra aubftslk prklssl Vada, frequencies. cies. per everything. brand new and modyl o all lrequenci•s. Palra. ex, I I aortatbn. As - Cat Cheryl as t400or tax ye 66w- king 13200 centi•d Call 839- eslsts to: (416) $3�2k15. 7237 after 6:30 p.m. or weekends. (Repair receipts LOOKING for quality available). (013190) appli-I Hank's APplisnow last VW Rabbit. conventbla, PIr m m vrap • Iasp Im h or -A m be@~ apmtl sett non wnd wr no plea. low • hydro. Flo and Isle, aivataMs I tiv lately. 3 appliances. cable• parking and shared Iswrdry. 683-USL f0205901 PICKERING - gorgeous. two bedroom apartment, above ground wIh pet4 prhass yard. Gtckrdas apphfn0ss cenusl air. F�] OSHAWA Carries a full fine of Crosley low mileage, mint condition. A �� C4me, per• Ise 1p neighbourhood. 8660 plus ePPlarasas- At C -IW WPM- 83300 certified. 420-7267. 400 For Rent Pte- CAN 728 M205W) om are precision manufactured to sr"ct standards and {94111 Chevette, 4 door, sof bed tolerances. This attention to aukwnmtie, 2-1966 CILevMtes, 4 dotal and workmanship owns door. &O-Mlic. 1966 Cavalier, you can rely on Crosley 4door. automatic•must besold. products for superb poriomlanoe Call 728-0617. All vehicles and reliability. In fact. their ap- earthed. (02059:1) pintos are so daPWXUbls. that 19" Olds Cierra excellent Crosley provides a ten year Condition. only 61,000 miles. 4 limited warranty. That's door, air can., doth interior, confidence... that Crosley silver. only $3900, Peter, 723. quality. Hank's Appiances. 191 5281 or 436-3107. (020293) Blew St. E. Um 6e Oshawa. 728-4043 (Behind Multitech) 020293) PIANOS/GRANDFATHER CLOCKS - Plane. rom to own. w. size. upright, grand, drgnar. keyboards. CLOCKS - free delivery and sat up Call Tekrp aril tale advantage of our low prices on as stock during out January Sale now on' 4331491. (TFALL) BEAUTIFUL fun length wolf colt. large write fox collar, size 14. $1500 o b.o. 420-9876 ArtiCleS 230 Wanted WANTED stoves '- mages. washer, and dryers. waking or not Alio warned. PK kX truck (news, char 1978) Call PirJkenng.42488'37 (TFALL) WANTED - pool table. 5x10. reasonable price. 43464.8 after 3 p.rm (020293) NEEDED - 0ve to Sut4wWt d. weelkdaysearty, momrng and or bad atter 3 0 m- from Wh" Alai Of Pklk•nrg. Wits pay for gas Cal! 1416) SCS -1544 1985 Cflevene. now paint. new oil. knbe and blow. winterized. $1750 certified o.b.o. Call 433- 1787. 331787. (020593) 1904 Ford T-0ud, 168,000 kms.. ELAN edition. $1100 o.b.o. 427- 1896. (013193) least Oldsmobile Cutlass Calms, two door, 3 litre. V6, auto. s, Of, power windows. ami/fm cassette, aluminum ,Reek. only 64.000 kms.. as - Lung $6900 oo"Ilied. Call 721- 0264. M20`- 9M tNy Chev. Caprice. 4 dew. dark bite. cruse. air, overdrive transmission. this m s in ex- coftnt Condition. Only 134.000 Limb.. 114800 ceni ied o.b o. 72& 0705 (020293) IS" Cher Scottsdale, short box, V8. auto. Ps.. Pb.. air. cruise. arMm stereo. dual tanks and niuch mwe. 162.000 kms.. asking $4200 ob-o. 6838/()0 1991 Pontiac Sunbird Ltd Edeion 65.000 kms . a r, power arnRm cassene. open to omens 6869153 (020593) 260 Arts a Cratts 260 Arts a Crafts SPRING CRAFT SALE March 27, 10 - 4 Tables $20.00 VILLAGE ARTS AND CRAFTS Pickering Village Call Rose CRAFT c:asses available .r various crafts. For information. tail 428-3680. (0207931 290 Pets -Supplies - Boarding ELITE Dog 'raining Sevice at your home or our school Obedience training. the Retic met!nod. Crime areverting train- ing at its best. Results IU --Nod Call Tom (4 16) 236 6933.(0202931 300 Automobi ' s moles 300 autoFor sale The EASY way to BUY or SELL your car Whh ST or � r AJAX FROM '750 in 1, 2 and 3 ddi m. Suites • s Appliances Incl. on suite laundry • Peel, Whirlpool, Sauna • EXercbse Equipment is Teams Court, Playground • wood berving fireplaces NEAR GO TRAIN 3 HWY. 401 IJU Rental Office Hous: Tues.-Fri.1-7 pm SaL 10-5 p.rtL� 686-6872 .. . If�T. 10 f ONE in am iniduelm Locawd utilities. parking. Available �OMarch 1. No smoking. $750 "'D1M1iht mi3 9sz9 (Q219931 m t�, 1 ll $5j2 OSHAWA • Iwo bedroom fear t� St� apartment, twof9 la plus basement, largo fene•d ckid8S OK backyard. nice and quiet Carries a full fine of Crosley low mileage, mint condition. A �� C4me, per• Ise 1p neighbourhood. 8660 plus ePPlarasas- At C -IW WPM- 83300 certified. 420-7267. 400 For Rent Pte- CAN 728 M205W) om are precision manufactured to sr"ct standards and {94111 Chevette, 4 door, sof bed tolerances. This attention to aukwnmtie, 2-1966 CILevMtes, 4 dotal and workmanship owns door. &O-Mlic. 1966 Cavalier, you can rely on Crosley 4door. automatic•must besold. products for superb poriomlanoe Call 728-0617. All vehicles and reliability. In fact. their ap- earthed. (02059:1) pintos are so daPWXUbls. that 19" Olds Cierra excellent Crosley provides a ten year Condition. only 61,000 miles. 4 limited warranty. That's door, air can., doth interior, confidence... that Crosley silver. only $3900, Peter, 723. quality. Hank's Appiances. 191 5281 or 436-3107. (020293) Blew St. E. Um 6e Oshawa. 728-4043 (Behind Multitech) 020293) PIANOS/GRANDFATHER CLOCKS - Plane. rom to own. w. size. upright, grand, drgnar. keyboards. CLOCKS - free delivery and sat up Call Tekrp aril tale advantage of our low prices on as stock during out January Sale now on' 4331491. (TFALL) BEAUTIFUL fun length wolf colt. large write fox collar, size 14. $1500 o b.o. 420-9876 ArtiCleS 230 Wanted WANTED stoves '- mages. washer, and dryers. waking or not Alio warned. PK kX truck (news, char 1978) Call PirJkenng.42488'37 (TFALL) WANTED - pool table. 5x10. reasonable price. 43464.8 after 3 p.rm (020293) NEEDED - 0ve to Sut4wWt d. weelkdaysearty, momrng and or bad atter 3 0 m- from Wh" Alai Of Pklk•nrg. Wits pay for gas Cal! 1416) SCS -1544 1985 Cflevene. now paint. new oil. knbe and blow. winterized. $1750 certified o.b.o. Call 433- 1787. 331787. (020593) 1904 Ford T-0ud, 168,000 kms.. ELAN edition. $1100 o.b.o. 427- 1896. (013193) least Oldsmobile Cutlass Calms, two door, 3 litre. V6, auto. s, Of, power windows. ami/fm cassette, aluminum ,Reek. only 64.000 kms.. as - Lung $6900 oo"Ilied. Call 721- 0264. M20`- 9M tNy Chev. Caprice. 4 dew. dark bite. cruse. air, overdrive transmission. this m s in ex- coftnt Condition. Only 134.000 Limb.. 114800 ceni ied o.b o. 72& 0705 (020293) IS" Cher Scottsdale, short box, V8. auto. Ps.. Pb.. air. cruise. arMm stereo. dual tanks and niuch mwe. 162.000 kms.. asking $4200 ob-o. 6838/()0 1991 Pontiac Sunbird Ltd Edeion 65.000 kms . a r, power arnRm cassene. open to omens 6869153 (020593) 260 Arts a Cratts 260 Arts a Crafts SPRING CRAFT SALE March 27, 10 - 4 Tables $20.00 VILLAGE ARTS AND CRAFTS Pickering Village Call Rose CRAFT c:asses available .r various crafts. For information. tail 428-3680. (0207931 290 Pets -Supplies - Boarding ELITE Dog 'raining Sevice at your home or our school Obedience training. the Retic met!nod. Crime areverting train- ing at its best. Results IU --Nod Call Tom (4 16) 236 6933.(0202931 300 Automobi ' s moles 300 autoFor sale The EASY way to BUY or SELL your car Whh ST or � r AJAX FROM '750 in 1, 2 and 3 ddi m. Suites • s Appliances Incl. on suite laundry • Peel, Whirlpool, Sauna • EXercbse Equipment is Teams Court, Playground • wood berving fireplaces NEAR GO TRAIN 3 HWY. 401 IJU Rental Office Hous: Tues.-Fri.1-7 pm SaL 10-5 p.rtL� 686-6872 .. . If�T. 10 f ONE in am iniduelm Locawd AJAX - bright opmdow taro swidec n _ _ tr s � w TALE pWYE1rAT WEST sism AJAX 77 833 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments in family bjIlding Air conditioning. broadloom, 2 appliances. laundry facilities and underground parking included. Call 686-0845 Mon. -Fri., 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. AJAX 55 Falby Court 2 bedroom apa•t-e-: :n `arrdy bu iding Air Gond:uor:ng, broacioom. 2 appi,ances, laundry families, saunas and exercise room, underground parking wcJuded Call PICKERING . our room bungalow with rooms rented in- dNWually a s Mon Iloor for SW plus indudes sec appian- ces 1 12 bath, furniture. Non smokers. Call Ken, 420.7347. (013193) PICKERING - rice Cr; bedroom basemem apartment, available March 1, $625 monthly. Non smokers, no pets. Please Cal 839-2782. (013193)' WHITBY - two bedroom apartment, a)I utilities nckded. Close to all amenities. GO bus and shdppng. $643 monthly. For application, cat 728-1203 or 579-8707. (020203) BASEMENT bachelor apartment, Westney/Rtche area. Available Feb. 7. Non smoker, laundry facilities. parking, no pets. Rent negotiable. PROM 427-3138. (020493) WHITBY - large one bedroom looking for a tenant who ap- preuates a clean, quiet unit. basement d triplex, fireplace. 4 appianoes, storage. no vers. Available Mardi 1. $585 plus - 420-6652.(020593) AJAX - one bedroom basement apartment. $600 not thly. Prefer single or working couple. no children. non smoker. Referen- ces required. Call 426-1429. (013193) TWO bedroom. North Oshawa. pose to at amensi•s, parking, balcony, laundry facilities. $605 plus hydro. Available March 1. '231912 a 571-5914 (020293) OSHAWA - two bedroom schor mart for •ort, heat, hydro included. Washer and dryer available. $600 monthly, forst and Last. 434-6311. (013193) WHITBY - two level, one bedroom plus den. arch4ec- iuralfy designed. $795 indusrw Parking. available orm ediately Also two bedroom available March 1 5775 nckwors. Go 6945287. (013193) AVAILABLE int I lately n Whitby apartment building Spacious, carpeted, newly pa~ apartment. pose to bull and shopping. All uhlitres mckded. No pots Two bedroom from $660. Call 430-0134 (020293) BRIGHT tips sous brand mein one bedroom basement aW- ment in South Alan, 4 appkarwes. 4 poe. bath. private entrance, parking, great neighbourhood. no pets. smoking, references. $550 monthly inclusive. 686.3396. (013193) 400 �' NM AJAX•rrgoll obelroanbow merit apartment. 4 PC*. � MINA 1. 9lsMW �k 0�4Pkls 40% utilities. 294-0790. WWW - one bedroom atpasl- nwo In eea end d Go bus. kl► meudeb ria -'-- . with prhwle entrance. and large yard. Laundry larMm and polking. $660 monthly. 668.7634. fel AJAX - bright spacious. ons bedroom besemrd eperi menl. freshly renovated• laundry facilities, 4 appliances. broadloorn. 3 Poe. balh, parking. Close to amenities. 8600 plus 50% uHties. First and Inst. Cal 618-0015. (020393) WHTBY - orae bedroom. clean. private, $490 monthly includes heat, parking and laundry facilities. Available March 1. Phare 427.2457. (020493) I 6V3wV021 AVAILABLE imrredlately in Two 697-2845 Lion. -Fri. 9-5 bedroohamm. 639 SO p Se. nth wtunuk bedroom. 8660 per month Sat. -Sun 12-5 cnamra�trev indusjv. Fla and last requited. dole to bus and shoppng. No pMs Call 434 -Sell a 430 - SMOKERS welcomed - new bright basement apartment, separate entrance, shared laundry. no pals. First and last. references. $550. Cal 683.4176 a Leave message. 428-NIXI. (020493) WHITBY - one bedroom base- ment apartment, 4 pee. bath, full kitchen. living and doming porn with walkout, parking and utilities. $600 inclu"o. Call 404-2305.(020293) WHITBY - three bedroom in dup)ex, fridge. stove. parking. $775 plus uiktres. Feb. 1. Also two bedroom Lower apartment. 1625 inclusive. Wak to Go Immediately, no dogs. 509- 2091. (0' 493) WHITBY - ons bedroom, separate laundry, separate entrance. 4 oce. berm. available imrredlately. 6550. Can 576- 0396.(013193) AJAX - new two bedroom bse- 1 i m apart, so 1, bright above ground, separate entrance, bo loomed. laundry. cable. Central air. perking. $64C .. First and lea 4269214. (020393) TWO bedroom available Feb. 1. $625. hydro. Female o share duplex. $425 1.onmly, ndusrw. Garage. $75 mommy. 7269345. (TF) SPACIOUS, north Oshawa aponments for tart inrnedately. BachMor, $435, 1 1/2 bedroom. $575- Unities and parking inckided. Laundry taOLities, half months rent free. 686-9153- 031 AJAX - large three bedroom. man and second floor of newer hoar. 3 boons, kitchen nook. 4 oppkarass. yard. parking. $975 inclusive. Ca•r Mgmt. 433- 0270. 33 0270. (013193) OSHAWA- dWxe legal a" triplex. Spacious one bedroom apartment with den. from and back entrance, large yard. parking. appliances. laundry. $615 404-9703 or, 416-477- 3621.(022393) Affordable Insurance maim AJAX - bright opmdow taro swidec n _ _ 0134. (TFALL) SENIORSpICKE111NG co 5 Ama _ two bedroom FOUR aporarer" - squeaky upgraded iMoio• 4a 0oD line•fYwiOe i7500. CON lM6Q1s4.(D13196)�ry le at%ble bmmmoalMr SM6 4trtYlly plus ilnlN. g43-0227. . "''w' home. meg. 3 et with One Easy Call . ted. mint wrndNton.(bWflew entrance, central sir/vee, r4o*.ma henna. large surnderk, gtrist • 5 aPP�K� Apt. 119, WhIMY Tarso T«osl aro door. pwkkq. fridge. stow. fully building, brand now carpese. *unrest. lar ndiew. well� f77S indu/d. Cit iris. lum 002"d5660D y 4 Poe• °ik ran 8795 All 112 ONTARIO INSURANCE SERVICE • Eftoalere Lotion tion Ia1ttlMr, ro ptib. FIst arnd min. . n lose T . bsdfoorrs, dace b Ten, 8496 288-5820 Pat" asailble last. 5750. Can 4264"23_ fno wd III all inciusive - OUW tingetarglrtato (416) olalae.:llgt,ao.a bLibus „ rteal0aaf- tbor a home, i�2 CAVA DIM TIRE -� Sft ap run �35 Cor ktwTh ch 'Aja�Q� I x W�7 2 IW4 CMr Nose- NMMN lc- dea k Car . •f erit st Antellolr- �,, blwOWWk � r6idryaoltf WON an w hen. 9ao00 ItnM an #@bus ertgtrw !2500 se ls. Cal 639-7237 after 6:30 or - ., 110 4013190) PAYING too much f« auto Ismanae7 Good rases fa apt d*Am Cal $061167. (013W11� PRIVATE sob - IWS NWM Micra. 4 cylinder, 5 speed, f,ftoo obs cerllllee. Aro 1N$ a M7llyd 7r1- im Cher Tracks CL- saw.� AJAX - bright opmdow taro swidec n _ _ soft lop. 4 wheel drive. 4 bKbl OsswrAm a)tastlttasd SM �w • am boO, co 5 Ama a � eabaami I & be�� o. 54 Gshawa Monthly 43S - upgraded iMoio• 4a 0oD line•fYwiOe i7500. CON lM6Q1s4.(D13196)�ry le at%ble bmmmoalMr SM6 4trtYlly plus ilnlN. g43-0227. 1440 Ibnda CMie Iwldnbad� 46.000 kns-, aLdO6 ail. enaroa.ileltot b AJAX •taw Oedtoara bttsettstti PICKENING •brand new ted. mint wrndNton.(bWflew arnorbratsat)aN1m, apassaaw >NPar� ahw ktrJ,M, wow 3SOW. 4300036. i020M0)lauwdry1ae(tliss. • 5 aPP�K� 1. Fiala tfldM a�Dntalair.tiarw14th a f Tarso T«osl aro door. adlit minuch full UNFA*Y I&dllas, flees b 01 N N*d#sligift and ba fagtrtad. non onsite.. annatties- $450 ktdtwMe. 637- *unrest. lar ndiew. well� f77S indu/d. Cit iris. lum 002"d5660D eJba Cat • 429.1 4710, 4�•t952. �D1f43)for more idatnaisa PICKERING - Anona Rd./ AJAX - At G0. eb= brlghl erre Shsplundr two bodes" base. boomm aPWmmim. � n�sti Ment apartment private 305 Wanted parking. laundry. NON prance. 1/00 mostltly, a$ SMOKER 1900 par nmrd4. Cas inclusive. Call *"-Soo$. Jaatsar Smisaa- MOM 4013193) �K�NG - time bedroom PICKERING - bright on• ettanos, bownW of mwoy 1ocial • low � a4tMarl I pwkkW 4 kitchen• parking spaces* a fiances, available °arp�• I" ,s'o'le M• a9 Immediately. 267.6720. in kle". Avatabls March 1. $750 nothly. First and No 100�" at -2'719.401310 ONE bedfoaR TaurtbWShi e 417.07W mina. ileo par mot". Nast. Mibi LAWRENCE and Pon Union Rd. WWSY -ass bsdtoan upper Ia I" Indtaded 44L4M a One bedroom basement levy d rib older anise. nOM 706944ae8R � Tn CM For ^portae.. 4 appiWdX s. dose a Go. ler6a wArtdow.. wilt b 31 0 Sale b 00. TTQ slwpp" 9• sdools• dose avaiable Fab. 1.8650 sic• $660 . 12 utbls. 724- onmal AV. OW3161 «7239010. ONE bedto«n Ilrlalbnast 1)650. 2977 warA s. 102069 two'll ) Wil ledged ueHlias Included. ties Choslf W - 111,. 12 len PICKENNG - two bedroom MOUTH Oshawa - oma hadtaan AIMbb Mmich 1, Orr Iia pick tip. VAL Star, pe. pb.. 006 baseman apmunen. Privass aPasirnnsfn4 upper du lea, vary small 1350. s parsta asttarnoe. new lives. A-1 etrtdNM Mash entrance. parking. three private, perkhriog..¢ available washroom, available 1117" rC�ixn *p r •Zai r�9M111 ►xa p 42y4mp39*.. AJAX - mein flow apartment. 4 bedroom, laundry facilities. Available March I. 6850. 1K39- 7969. (013193) PICKERING - now basement apartment. carpeted. private entrance. now AmKlites. Cable, laundry, parking, fireplac•- b"modiaey. Non smoker, 8500 . 1/3 utilities. 420.4154 weekends or alter 6 p.m. ,•bars- (0204=0) LARGE two bedroom opwv wa. IYaPtaoa waldry. Par". public bus, schools. niwAas Irorn 401 it Htwnwry Rd. starch I. 8460. Cal S71 - ORM, OD1319M asci taro h.droartn apen- nrefws available. Reasonable trllYes. Pale O.K. AMlassbb garage. Gas dove and drys. Available immediately. 424 9650 days. 644-7470 evenings. 101319M 400 '"' F� 410 AMAX May Latae - S roasR air NIlLEIa110 - oasleflt .tew a oofndNbrad apartnrrMr Nrbp lasdraarn ataN tleor, 2 balit& roam dklirtg room kitchen, jsgafl l0' eek k9dsn, 1700 master Wdroori and den. p.k.r cerarttics. tlpptutom stiltotA to yard, 1900 Ialllydes close b OO. 1660 irtekrslwe. utilities and parking. No 420-6109 before 2 p.m• sneklg. no pas. But cerlPle- 42004 Call 2W21141. (013193) MINITaV - immaculate ! OSHAWA -two bedroom bedroom IlnNlted bMasrwlM. apartment. wry good area. dtlldt, 6 apptsnoM. cental ail, oboe b Oshawa Cent•. Clean prk,a* OrMe. Oara9s• sehoolr bullding, fridge and stow. poilc, 81100 plus. Feb. 1. Jaen. Parklt9• hrafdry No 4/6.3966010 dare «130.9734 pets. 1675. Cat 723-0742. evenktge• (0202901) (013193) AJAX • duDi•it, •Padouw house PICKERING - LkferlloolfKrosne, for two families. Separate new one bedroom basement erarasloe. 2 bWfoome. antral apartment, large callings, ail, applWnas, Ilsplaoe. Lego hardwood floors, 3 pee. beth, yard. pmol 1950 plus. Avarebis private entrance, bright and immediately. 640-7430. ctte•ry. $560 Indus". Avail (p20393) able anytime. 420-5108 bale 2 i�iIACILIIIATE 3 bedroom bur► - p.m. (020493) gabw N Witley, (ItdpklrlFlrry WHITBY - &odt/401, tarps Iwo 82) -newly renovated and bedroom bas~ apanmefe in remodeled. Call oolect. 1.416 triples. separate entrartoe, pant- 742-9371 for mon details. irq available, laundry available. (020493) $700 plus utilities. 696-6622 or AJAX - Westn•y Rd., new 3 757-1671.(020493) bedroom. 2 stones. 1 12 sat in ONE bedroom basement SW- ment in quiet home, southeast Oshawa, suitable for single person. near but roue, hemi. hydro and cable included. Im- mediate possessiom. $500 first and last. Call 4331197 after 5 p.m. (020493) BOWMANVILLE - one bedroom apamrtent for rent with fireplace. available lrrrrtedlately. $483 per month. Heat. hydro. parking Included. 6237996. (020493) kitchen, leveed, deck, 4 appliarnoes. f900 mouthy. Fra and lest. non smokers. No pets, references, available now. 428- 2145.(020493) 2&2145.(020493) wHTBY • now 3 bedroom. 2 12 baths. 5 appliarnces, family room with fireplace . fenced yard, two tar garage. Iarys la. 61200 .. Cal 4247124. (020293) PICKERING Village -three bedroom sudor style house. 101 hroptace pose PICKERING - one bedroom garrage. latps sesaron Mardi I. Rent $1000 basement atoartrrnett, separate per month plus utilities. Fist and entrance, $600 includes Wl4es. 1st reputed. 666.6858 days. cab+e. laundry and parking. f'1O (020293) srtoking, no pets. 428-7340. AJAX - mean floor Durtgalowt 7 (020493) bedrooms. rtow in pordtxon. AJAX -tout,. large bright rawly X90 .. 4245021. (0131153) renovated one bedroom bete- BAYRIDGES -morn floor. 3 ..font apartment on bus MUM' bedroom $950 Per month, parking. appiances, am eon., in• "'lilies inducted References dependant mea, $585. 427- 601 t. (013,63) squired. Call 420-1524. COZY studio apartment in AJAX - three bedroom duple:. Carpeted. private entrance, tooth Central Oshawa. Dk'^9sO1"• rtlain floor, bright are Bus at doe. new Go, FktNtsv Spacious.close to amitie rns. relenenoes, 11340. Non smokers1850. 12 utilities or $995 premed, ole year lease. 181- �nclusiw. x27.2340. (020293) 9472. 9-11 p.m. (020493) PICKERft4G - Frenchmen's Bay. PICKERING - 'Excellent three bedroom main floor, har'd••O°d lbws• schools. take. location' - stunning three Oedroan, rtes leer apartment. Town Centro, 4 appliances. $t 000 monthly. Utilities. $950 �• utilities. Fist and lea' Laundry. stops to � ResiOemttal Available Feb. t 6. 83, -9356. area 1116888-,42a. (0131 9M (013193) Sys May St. E., areal Wfniby - PICKERING -one bedroom apartment, large l one and two bedroom sus n living room. dell, Oust. lawrse building. private entrance. 1 appliances. n°° smoker, available Nicely decorated, utilities. Lodge. tsov, Laundry tacilaies irrtriedialely. $650. 12. Firs an0 parking. On -tile �� M0018. (02Q393) management. Call 686.2450. PAIN floor 3 bedroom 10202931 apartment. Liverpool and Kras- OSHAwA - available Ill. mina n Pickering Available Immediately. clean quiet gate ufrredkatefy, $975 rrlorrhly for Dedroorn tatterrt•re ��� runner tilormraron. Please CAN 130-9448. (01319Mstorage, separate entrance, cable. imitate Iniduded. $476 Houses For monthly. ,iia and last. Niton 41 0 Rent amloker. 404-8335. ro20493) TWO bedroom apartmenl with AJAX -two bedroom, dining Darkt+9• across from Gm north morn. living room, ktdlen, un- plent, iringroomL dinrgroorR finished basement. Fndgv ktrJt•n, fridge. sow. sepanr• stow. available March I. Fret •rwrarrbe. $500 . u4fitres. Fret and 1st. f800 plias ut4itiet. 643• and ISL No pets- Cal nosed(. 5399. rot 3,93) 7614Ns]. Wozx5t PICKERING Village - .x°.n«n 410 Houses For •aposure, residential or cont► Rent riwcial use. Three q•droom, dstacrned br STOP PAYING RENT OWN FOR LESS! LOW TO fV0 $DOWN RENT TO OWN BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD • 5 aPP�K� more rdomrren, fes 506as67. poo+9o1 •Finished Baserfl9flt dt with detailed south Oshawa. Close to KING and Th«non -three schools, tlfagt* and do CAN bedroom detached. never 7241111193. between 9.9 p.m. home, dao b Oshawa Grtae. 3upnti, attadtad garage, vel dean. availablca e Itarnsdietely. SOUTH Outlines Oshawa - big. f9r- 1975 okra uiifiies. Call 49"- ni*fi.a b.M.ler b..«tlnt 7142. (o2o4s31 all aAtrai. e'abb and u1Mfw /ICS _ Llvefposts0l _ 3 ilttkrded. Owe si4raaoe. mien 0*dreore otaw goer, attraisblt salskM. leNwaomi regtdrM- Marts 1. 1900 n1e411fNy at futsble ler aai Pareea• f1m Iuekwkra. Evaslirtgt. 136701111. moi!$-Sea4. pomp 4013190) LARGE bafyd 3 btf)tfloasR 2 IP 420 Townhouses feaoad For Rent put 2 of paskttg, 1890 and COUNTRY Living -large 4 Osdrloorn Wmstolwe, 3 rnirw)Ms we d Oshawa 111096 fftOffttw. 4335640. (0204931 AJAX _bur bedroom, 2 12 India. We dw garage. fieplios, Close b schools and public tarot. 11250 per .tenon. Fiat and but, Avalbis Feb. 1.696 5620 «se3.o39 base 9 pJn. (0131901 PICKERING - Fwncttnwns ear. two bedrRem oom bungalow. 9 appeasnoes- broaasorR uMak gad bads aft oasavaleaf arsbr. Itetwaale. f1000 pkls. 120.14/5 «evastiga 426-2600. 420 To"'" «o F°`'- p' 0"1millio1"' `g""" PARKLAND SETTING AJAX - Ottlssd Twsw, *A* ,M ,. A gb,11 "GaU�IL,�D.,'W�O.Oa,D.a"�,on tpi�e�blu�fs. tlfltdGnCa81M36022tata790 f3alntoral EStelDes OteN�lai�oll P.m. foam Rental BCCOIiMnOd8tI0f1 wI61ER Rd4fray 112 ansa -are bedroom with separate . PoOfafINC ryjgw of I.allle Ofltario Iroal to tlll& entrarnoe. elolart kiehal trth Mdgs std taovel l ptaa btltR in Scwb"* 1580 pas atasttL Fust and hat, - • UN !c, fit. 3114 Ills chiIll 01i1 TOw1Th011Ma t1e satskllgr no ptlb, fill eingb paseetL For fPAg011f fiewb raavited one bedroom basement apartment. available kwlsaslMy, eepawfe entasnoa, Mturtdey faettrs. $860 IrdrteAra, gra and Illrl. Phalle altar 390 p.m. weekdays, anytime weekends. 120-7446. Good. • 5 aPP�K� more rdomrren, fes 506as67. poo+9o1 •Finished Baserfl9flt Of1NN1A - mins DedwerR 1676; Iwo bedfoofq 1996: naIIMIN inokrdsd. fwrttantrtle • ante • Illiflules to'GO" a TTC . • 30 Livingston Rd., Unit 17 - OPEN HOUSE TUEs, t+11ED, THURS. 61040 P.Y. SAT. 11 St1N.1Z:01}4:00 P.tA 261.623561.2114 Cale Yon.-Fri.10M b 8:0 420 T°'" 420 To'" mn 430 R°°ma ° 430... IWORot M T° AJAX-osrwenlant brJrlon. fur- m ROOM ler ant . a= monit n:I room In keen quill adult to non smoker. prNsna" home. must be nest and Ydddyy NON female. Laundry fadlMbs, SMOKER. $80 par wes(L Cal 6866190. (02039M pakkW Mks -_ -,,, n Alh Maury furniall d. applian es I facMtkis. poplillsoue• air: FM AJAX South - uwuftw~ IN" and last 427-7868 leave room for single man. Fire and nwsaoa- (020303) Inst. separate entrance. 683- wlfTSY - cben els- i;; -*;SOBS. (020303)mature male or' rrka. On bus AJAX - large friendly hone, rolls, near GO. ale svrankles I slraro "!'deer and balk. cbm IrlcI - $90/aaeeky. Call Brad. home. laundry. ail cerg 11- . 008 -*5N- (020M AbsW-. $75 per wesk Cal BOWMANVILLk - shared Pal, 427.7113. PW50M aeeomodations. Waverly Rd. pip . sYgle room „M and 401. quiet hint- to share use d IkBdlsn, wah to Pickax I with one other non smoker. Fully Town Centre, Pickering lumishod, pool, laundry and Osnksralkg Station. OO eabn, cable all included. $350 pert 8325 . ondly, $160 bl-wesky. month. $23-1424. (020493) Phone 4204310. (020503) AJAX • Mvga furnished room ler NORTH Carewn - room w r.nt. forts. atecua O a101 *hero pakklg, dose to bus. $75 walk- facilliss. -king to $350 thl C I' 428 82 complex. Sill oossiTaurnon. Feb. ply golly features. 8 Iltoorr $300 monthly. Prefer 1. possesiion. 725-1007. Telephone 5��8. on Y. a r 58. ROOMI«rsrNinquiet for, TV P immaculate 3 No led, horn PICKEllm one bedroan plus .775 a775 n x air Purchase options Puem and vCR Included. Parking AI - dircon i house, partially ble. So c available. South east Domer dto !Dila Rd. and Shepherd area. furniall d. applian es I Nash Herd TrulM Chunks. 00 and bus a door. Available wick to Rouge Valley. $350 d'shweshw and washer. drys►• Immediate (;pen House. Wed and Thur. 3 h/. .450 Inclusive. and month) Phone 509.2932. y $900 r utikies. Non smoker 7 p.m. Sunday. 1-4 p.m. For Cal afar 530 p.rrL 420-1729. (013193) Only. James. 619.1477 or 690- 3847 after 5 p.m. (leave more information, call Josephinefamis Snider, 579.7505 or Paula 450 Shared wHRSY -hed or urdur- „;�,ed bedsatfrg ,Dom use d message). (013193) Sheppard, 579-3052 at Homelle ACCOmm. kfkhen and seperae fridge. Non 450 Shared 4747. (�) Ltd. Resit«. smoker. i23 m. �ma493)hly. 666 Accomm. ilifir SOUTH GM Shared AJAX sash - funale wantea'b 45 share 3 bedroom house. 450 Shared area -momf«r from In 3 bedroom house. Accomm, Park mp. Babb. Accomm. parking. laundry, dose to bus, $400 phone, utilities, SHARED Accornodation in quiet 1mrl0rY• am- available March 1. Ied backyard. vend« wo hob *I9 mortgage with SO= monthly inclusive. Call 436- townhouse. $400 monthly, 5400 monthly. Fist and last, SHARED accomodation in 8674 «432-9099. (020543)6831985 inclusive. Ajax. 428.7984. message, (0203" country setting with young AJAX - Wesmey N. Arraclive AJAX N. -share executive PICKERING - execuirve home• WMes couple, looking for non Pricking single tends, crust have own clean maser bedroom, own 4 Rd.. north d 401. Air, home with family, tubae, vehicle 5400 monthly, furnished pee. snsuits bathroom, large closes pkrs T.Y. room• share al quiet parking. laundry. 1replaoe. �Y .•$4775rw rt and Lae. Cal room.laundry. lc 9192. (0131933) Call !stades, parking, non smoking clean, quiet. Non smoker Mr. Hrl, hams 837-2082 or wpk k"Uio preferred. $110 weekly Call responsible oute. . female. On bus 751-2200. (020543) route. f395. 686 ,859. (020293) G ``ondos f Lr 455 6837172. 1020293) Rent Re9istratons 630 Registratons 630 Rpg•stratons MH Whitby . luxurycondo. one bedroom, den. solarium. oan' ail, 4 apptlanc". indoor HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS IN 9 week semesters earn up to 4 credits per semester open to AU residents 18 yrs. old and out of school for 1 yr. COURSES BUSINESS MATH GR. 11/12 Zig 09:00 - 11:00 A.M. GENERAL ENGLISH GR. 11/12 11:10 - 1:10 P.M. BUSINESS ACC'G GR. 11 A 2 1:20 - 320 P.M. TECHNICAL MATH GR. 11/12 4:00 - 6:30 P.M. - GENERAL ENGLISH GR. 11 /12 4:00 - 6:30 P.M. - CAREER GUIDANCE GR. 12 4:00 - 6:30 P.M. - CHEMISTRY (GENERAL GR. 11) 4:00 - 6:30 P.1i NO FEE ($50.00 Refundable Book Deposit) '• No Friday Classes Ai'iVh7a MA aVaie aatsvacom dAaNgJJWRE 71aii.s Av" VISJT-TS ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE ORW SO COMMERCIAL AVE, SUITE 200, AJAX CALL: 686-1541 ext. 363 or 683-7713 DAY STUDENTS - REGISTER THROUGH YOUR GUIDANCE D POOL whirlpool. billiards room, underground parking, $800 utites included. Cal 6665548. (013,93) COURTICE - luxury one bedroom unit with 6 appliances and fireplace. Available Feb. 1. $800 talus utd"w Fart and Last required. 66303, S. (020493) 460 Office a Retall Space READY TO MOVE IN Approx 1,500 sq h of office space to sub -lease - consists of five partitioned offices, open areas, kitchen 8 reception area. Corner offices on 3rd fir, at front of building at 1550 Kingston Rd., Pickering. Call Mr. Armstrong at 420- 3240 for more information b for viewing. Flt�flde 4 1,"ilm Rffrl ak LAKE Abed (new Orlando) - nes bydledrrg defaced douse in OW Call NAMy for fort Marta $1400 U.S. per month. PiaureNvideo available. For %%" d 837-5428. I ' " ' C I 500 Fo"r sa s NORTH Oshawa - no down pops nt take over mortgage. $13" ntorr6rty, PAT. Fee hold W0Annow nem 680A 680 Announcementsofeonally townbouse. No fees. Three bedroom, ress rllifinished LALL basemena, garage, 5767380. �+ NX your 0M 2550 salt Nall - Eau, rnan'' .ova. OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT DENTALgabw $214J M. Wit oorAMw bun- MR 0"M ler traria Cal 579.2878. ring, are thrilled to We at 927 Liverpool Rd. in Pickering. NO °own °'''"""t '"' aft - give give our clientele a warm cozy atmosphere to ��, � 4osa experience the finest and most up to date dental ked1O1� "now, we& In dooK 5 Pon. owui . 3 c04 techniques as well as the most modem sterilization techniques. 4 pm ,v > dock However for those who st:ll require even more v yard. 'I' "`ma'sin ~Otherspecialspecialcare. ilifir upgrades.Pi492 P.I..IWedtly. MWWV ra a nel " in& Dr. Mary Katt M.D. joins our staff to help you sleep $22L000. 43*QW 402lX t like a , while u have your de done. whh a � rage.'* garage. Large Also joining our staff is Dr. Steve Goldmann Ied backyard. vend« wo hob *I9 mortgage with SO= a gum specialist) and Dr. David Eller Estatedrg r. 404a`a Real Iperiodontist, an oral surgeon.) ISI We also offer evening hours $84,000 - 4 bedrooms. mw 110111. H VL Appliance Repair Appliance Repair Business Services CMX BUSINESS MACHINES Copi"Residential Special '49.95 for service can. All work guararfteed Business discounts also available 498-7580 Housecleaning ARE you having problem fkxl- ling ttrr to dean your is" 7 For prolossirxwl cleaning. cal Helan's Horne Seniom today. 427-1041. (020790) ARE you tied of dgning? LM T.L.C. ApartnwtVHanedean- ing She you bade your spare time. from $45. Call (416) 512- 9701. (020393) ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, HONEST �e person do graphic design• advon,,ncue with 15 byre ay. Rexperose. 5_ usiness or persona e dsanrrgbytheday.Rates,f4S R�p,� rye Also lessons $65. every other Thursday avaiLabie. Randy Timms. (416) available. Phan aper 6 or leave 342.2274. (TF) message on machine. 576- 4367. M20M) 76- 4367.(020293) Driving Schools RELIABLE I- cleaner - L668-8489 ng to do vacuuming. dusting, S4.B Driving school. 3 lesson bathrooms and floors. and test $75, 10 lessons. $150. Reasonable rates, can 688- S.D.S. Drywa l Systems. Call 267.3060. (010693) 2077. (013193) Drywall. taping. framing, T-ber ceilings. baserrwrt hinovalont. Electrical Home Residential and Cor*vne,c,al. Services Improvements Steve. 637-0405 (020293) ELECTRICIAN . ce^sed, residential. indusiriai. oomnwcal. No pb too beg or too enroll. Free 9ahmates. Cal Bill. 4369660. (0202931 Gardening, Landscaping Home Improvements KT INTERIORS De00�Stllg Consultations Expert pelntl V and • Reasonade raw Kim 666-2343 LEAKING TUBS 3 SHOWER STALLS Repaired d renovated. Wall i3 floor Hies supplied 8 Installed. LbC. visa, RB B LOWEST PRICESI Free estimates. Cal Berne, Prooressne Tile RENOVATIONS Basumun-s decKs cabinets painting 8 decorating For! ra' -fate In Durham Reg on call Don at GARDNERS TOPSOIL. TREE REMOVAL, CLEANUPS idninaways efic. most reaxx%able rates FREE ESTIMATES can 428-5700 WOODSON GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. Cottage renovations 8 addrtons. Everythirg for the cottage from liltxlg and foundations to exterior sld(ng and everything in between. See us at the Cottage Show Feb. 5, 6, 7. METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE (Brock Rd. and 401, Pickering) Call till free 1-800-668-2601 VAZ GENERAL = CONTRACTING - Specializing in custom hom4s, all carpentry, additions, basements, Ask for Rob waterproofing, kitchens b bathrooms, PROFESSIONAL Painting aro ceramic tile 8 hardwood floors. Work waupaoer:ng one room or guaranteed, free estimates. Call 683.5818. IONIC hove•. guaranteed rawest Handyman rages No job's too smart oualrry ARNOLD for, IrrprovenwMs wo nhar+snp anfood Call GCB CONSTRUCTION I -'e• a ak-e- •eoa ,s re^ova: ors a -d �C^Stn-L1.Or Fas: arc c ea- oro'ess c -a r.o-� yr.a•arteeC CRAIG 686-1913 gvaant _ or free ewmatea ulNrtyn for any age, BEAT the SpnngRush. IWtrpes 0. Dykstra. 7251913. (TF) any OCeassion. Birthdays. d IereI and decks all dsdOkNr promotions. o0oninge, wiry prices Residential and NOPE I commercial. All work guwameed. 683.5768. (020293) MOVING? We will move anything, anywhere, anytime. Men b trucks for all types of moves Best rates, free estimates. 10% discount for seniors. S40/hr. 3 up Call 571-0755 HARRY -O -THE -MOVERS - move big or small, we price if all Free estwn , seniors discount. short notice moves. pianos moved. Comparable rates. Cal 432-2850. (TF) MAN with truck andior men for at your moving needs. prices to It your budget. Special rates for senior. Starting at $30thr. Gree Pete a W all 576-9533. (TFALL) MEN with large truck will do household move. residential. cornmercal. All types of moves. Call Carl or Jane, 427-2856. Music, Dancing Instruct MUSIC LESSONS Oi.alified leacher `or piano and guitar lessons. CALL FOR DETAILS 509-1150 Painting, Decoratirn Roorn ai a %rine painting Designed for anybody's budget. Low Rates Workmanship Guaranteed Call Mika at 428-8190 INTERIOR and Eaenor parnrr+g and .vel oaverng Good aces. good work. For free ethnuses, call Mei. 5766553. (012593) 9vx plasfenrg. painting. aryvw. T. 430-2595. (TF ALL) bar cyrlefg, maul. suds. and oantrnp. wood frarrrg. Fa good prices PROFESSIONAL d�d wow W4 good quality Woo "sg+shp' plastering and spray, Call call Amold. 420-6372. ro20293) AseOo or Hera. 7211337. (TF) EUROPEAN We epeeist WWI renovate your bathroom or m utchan wafts as wed as floor Services des. 20 vers0300 101 .CoadIs references and satisfaction MAGICIAN, clown, friends. F Ready to HUSBAND F« Flee - dean up and removal d garbage from baeemwlts, garages and yards. Electrical plumbing. carpentry. No job too small. Free Home Cal (416) 6661573. M2lU31 wwovements L As Home mprovements and lundrasers. Magic shows all rePOW amw" era add -ane, Iunl Lettuce Hyp. 8367057 « door. decks. bribes and trim. 7294334, (TF) AI Sue~ IIII-A WwMag• 43 RABBIT wants work doing 9207. (TF) finagrc for ch4dfon's cartes and INTRODUCING 'Sun Free an occasions. have my own vinbr, 4 arson vbV dedktg magna+. Call Erne. 6664932 ntaserial. Licensed rarpwmMr for basements, "'novation' and Plumbing addtrorrs. Reesonabie rates. friendly professional service. SABER Contracting - an carpentry, additions• renovations, kitchens. Odaoerrs. hors ataiasrarkos errkergarglTr service, fumitu e refinishing• quality work guaranteed. 1S years e162915 TFE -1w. emwns- Foeus an quality a allwdabe prices. Complete Interior renovations. Framing, Cal 2610 days or 831- 8644 alter 6 and wedke ds. QUALITY walk by InO w and son team. WON satF i«r, . hall waking. Renovations. --- sna�s2 1 arddlar decks, Ola Cal w for MINd PknnbW a tree sons. 57,-129 Bill « Foicam imk rM Rod. oMawa (TFALy RENOVATK)M house epais, ONTARIO APPLIANCE CL IK LTD. LALL 'Fast Action in Hese Service' �+ 0uaAA" . er - n Parts D"N w t Nair & Used � � II4IL6t Oalrw tires IN1%4334Mo fm«e«N (7M1e147J1 MR 0"M Business Services CMX BUSINESS MACHINES Copi"Residential Special '49.95 for service can. All work guararfteed Business discounts also available 498-7580 Housecleaning ARE you having problem fkxl- ling ttrr to dean your is" 7 For prolossirxwl cleaning. cal Helan's Horne Seniom today. 427-1041. (020790) ARE you tied of dgning? LM T.L.C. ApartnwtVHanedean- ing She you bade your spare time. from $45. Call (416) 512- 9701. (020393) ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, HONEST �e person do graphic design• advon,,ncue with 15 byre ay. Rexperose. 5_ usiness or persona e dsanrrgbytheday.Rates,f4S R�p,� rye Also lessons $65. every other Thursday avaiLabie. Randy Timms. (416) available. Phan aper 6 or leave 342.2274. (TF) message on machine. 576- 4367. M20M) 76- 4367.(020293) Driving Schools RELIABLE I- cleaner - L668-8489 ng to do vacuuming. dusting, S4.B Driving school. 3 lesson bathrooms and floors. and test $75, 10 lessons. $150. Reasonable rates, can 688- S.D.S. Drywa l Systems. Call 267.3060. (010693) 2077. (013193) Drywall. taping. framing, T-ber ceilings. baserrwrt hinovalont. Electrical Home Residential and Cor*vne,c,al. Services Improvements Steve. 637-0405 (020293) ELECTRICIAN . ce^sed, residential. indusiriai. oomnwcal. No pb too beg or too enroll. Free 9ahmates. Cal Bill. 4369660. (0202931 Gardening, Landscaping Home Improvements KT INTERIORS De00�Stllg Consultations Expert pelntl V and • Reasonade raw Kim 666-2343 LEAKING TUBS 3 SHOWER STALLS Repaired d renovated. Wall i3 floor Hies supplied 8 Installed. LbC. visa, RB B LOWEST PRICESI Free estimates. Cal Berne, Prooressne Tile RENOVATIONS Basumun-s decKs cabinets painting 8 decorating For! ra' -fate In Durham Reg on call Don at GARDNERS TOPSOIL. TREE REMOVAL, CLEANUPS idninaways efic. most reaxx%able rates FREE ESTIMATES can 428-5700 WOODSON GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. Cottage renovations 8 addrtons. Everythirg for the cottage from liltxlg and foundations to exterior sld(ng and everything in between. See us at the Cottage Show Feb. 5, 6, 7. METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE (Brock Rd. and 401, Pickering) Call till free 1-800-668-2601 VAZ GENERAL = CONTRACTING - Specializing in custom hom4s, all carpentry, additions, basements, Ask for Rob waterproofing, kitchens b bathrooms, PROFESSIONAL Painting aro ceramic tile 8 hardwood floors. Work waupaoer:ng one room or guaranteed, free estimates. Call 683.5818. IONIC hove•. guaranteed rawest Handyman rages No job's too smart oualrry ARNOLD for, IrrprovenwMs wo nhar+snp anfood Call GCB CONSTRUCTION I -'e• a ak-e- •eoa ,s re^ova: ors a -d �C^Stn-L1.Or Fas: arc c ea- oro'ess c -a r.o-� yr.a•arteeC CRAIG 686-1913 gvaant _ or free ewmatea ulNrtyn for any age, BEAT the SpnngRush. IWtrpes 0. Dykstra. 7251913. (TF) any OCeassion. Birthdays. d IereI and decks all dsdOkNr promotions. o0oninge, wiry prices Residential and NOPE I commercial. All work guwameed. 683.5768. (020293) MOVING? We will move anything, anywhere, anytime. Men b trucks for all types of moves Best rates, free estimates. 10% discount for seniors. S40/hr. 3 up Call 571-0755 HARRY -O -THE -MOVERS - move big or small, we price if all Free estwn , seniors discount. short notice moves. pianos moved. Comparable rates. Cal 432-2850. (TF) MAN with truck andior men for at your moving needs. prices to It your budget. Special rates for senior. Starting at $30thr. Gree Pete a W all 576-9533. (TFALL) MEN with large truck will do household move. residential. cornmercal. All types of moves. Call Carl or Jane, 427-2856. Music, Dancing Instruct MUSIC LESSONS Oi.alified leacher `or piano and guitar lessons. CALL FOR DETAILS 509-1150 Painting, Decoratirn Roorn ai a %rine painting Designed for anybody's budget. Low Rates Workmanship Guaranteed Call Mika at 428-8190 INTERIOR and Eaenor parnrr+g and .vel oaverng Good aces. good work. For free ethnuses, call Mei. 5766553. (012593) 9vx plasfenrg. painting. aryvw. T. 430-2595. (TF ALL) bar cyrlefg, maul. suds. and oantrnp. wood frarrrg. Fa good prices PROFESSIONAL d�d wow W4 good quality Woo "sg+shp' plastering and spray, Call call Amold. 420-6372. ro20293) AseOo or Hera. 7211337. (TF) EUROPEAN We epeeist WWI renovate your bathroom or m utchan wafts as wed as floor Services des. 20 vers0300 101 .CoadIs references and satisfaction MAGICIAN, clown, friends. F Ready to HUSBAND F« Flee - dean up and removal d garbage from baeemwlts, garages and yards. Electrical plumbing. carpentry. No job too small. Free Home Cal (416) 6661573. M2lU31 wwovements L As Home mprovements and lundrasers. Magic shows all rePOW amw" era add -ane, Iunl Lettuce Hyp. 8367057 « door. decks. bribes and trim. 7294334, (TF) AI Sue~ IIII-A WwMag• 43 RABBIT wants work doing 9207. (TF) finagrc for ch4dfon's cartes and INTRODUCING 'Sun Free an occasions. have my own vinbr, 4 arson vbV dedktg magna+. Call Erne. 6664932 ntaserial. Licensed rarpwmMr for basements, "'novation' and Plumbing addtrorrs. Reesonabie rates. friendly professional service. SABER Contracting - an carpentry, additions• renovations, kitchens. Odaoerrs. hors ataiasrarkos errkergarglTr service, fumitu e refinishing• quality work guaranteed. 1S years e162915 TFE -1w. emwns- Foeus an quality a allwdabe prices. Complete Interior renovations. Framing, Cal 2610 days or 831- 8644 alter 6 and wedke ds. QUALITY walk by InO w and son team. WON satF i«r, . hall waking. Renovations. --- sna�s2 1 arddlar decks, Ola Cal w for MINd PknnbW a tree sons. 57,-129 Bill « Foicam imk rM Rod. oMawa (TFALy RENOVATK)M house epais, I MW karJgan courses, cab:gau, elle Baaeooms. b.s.rkterea dnyesl 9"-76 ll � ad1.1., coags wlrgdsaa. 22 9REF 94 TNIAM Years experience. union CWPeraer, quaUly wok. hoe �...,M9 "" "'71 awiMM. Phone 520.4379, el John. 0205am Moving, Tax, FFkWI ,i' al 1 -0 _ StoraoeCIA JOURNEYMAN NOctrician. GENERAL410 Irrproverrksrtla Specs" in m -ioO deeps, - drywall, taping. painting. � Moving ►coining, additions and woodsrotk aocorlsfical 0 -ml novw ow pyre spOdawsts. flat rate or ACCOUNT= batlllasPsl$ renovations. All work textured ceilings- very good wry. We rwin have Rested and los preparalbrg For !1� p wwase4 Its* m mess• Cal NIM 30 )hale -OL-ionto. Cal sorage uric Now, t111erklg fee ends or monthly. Call Judy 1204340- (TFA) Slw^ 8867090. (0121934 boxes with move. Cale 127• Kkltsi. AowunWtL 4242081. and saturdatys. .e8 28e,. t02W83) 500 H011eS 50(I Homes 500 Homes New Patients accepted Emergencies seen immediately 839-5951 Keep Smiliing Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner B. Labovitz, Y. Choi 927 Liverpool Rd. S. Picitegng, Ont. POWER of aur yro• ..nt. For Sale For Sale For Sale with garage, near Civic Ceres. eras- NORTHEAST Whitby - two HOUM for salil by Owners: M ur Backs onto 9foelt I Try yoIBM *qX, 5 badloan !tome. OWSY. 4 bedroom with large Dobson Dr. Ace. dose to 401. after. Call Frank Milsnovic. 726 urtl nWW baaem @K )deal Ion ceramic Ilea foyer. main floor Go' DbPPltre Carers, schools 9414, Caldwell Banker, RMR tle large family, close to school lam)lyroom with fireplace, and hospital Open House Sun. PAN Eaton. 9¢0483) $139.900. 5n Renwick Cres, p„ra yy War, gse ,� 4 Jan. 31 and Fab- 7. 1-4 pm. Cal op«g 4buse Skxday 14 p m. b, filum, s targe lot, d 1263100. 920 839 378* ( ATTPOOL two car garage. in-law WEST Hill - $234,900 - 4 semi n nucIVE 1Mes bedroom basement apartment, alarm Oedr- 1 1R baths, lantily sem! on nice court In N/E BROILER halt $10.00010land a system. 8% assumable mon 0leDlaoa pool, Quasi air, Oshawa, nwroerpM 6eokplroklL $147 per month. Coraact Doug- tgagO b gtrslllad purchaser central vac• dishwasher, lanced yard. can 725-2"5.r 0O� �,w,iy Fl,,,,� Asking $x21.000. F« siwliq -- a•-r-�:•v ovr►ruw,•,ow in caninolinv- nakrg9w •-- OW"4 ),.889kt oLgbmq rM fta➢toOOSd 404► As17-�f/Kibarrxni -"" kintitiltsfillaw fi g 510 Totlrnhouses For Sale AJAX -WO bedroom. - b WAMA2 baOts, *raPlao4 double grape, appliances, close to all a~11111Os. 3000 1111111. plus, $1200 .. Immediate possoseMn. 492-7436„ (0202911 F4X tleYoUrad tohler-j � J � Mh r8 NTi-F#�EEZE:. R �4 °C 4 I.117M. 29 a- W ONLY IW LLE GUANTm LAST! PLASKOLITE "ELEGANCE" TUB WALLS r_. • FITS ALCOVES 49 1/2" TO 62 1/2• \ 1 ACROSS THE BACK, 29" TO 32 1/2' ACROSS THE ENDS, WITHOUT TRIMMING. WALLS ARE 58' HIGH • THREES SPACIOUS, MOLDED wHITE • H*H SHELVES COPOLYMER �1 ONL7 PLASTIC REG. 209.99 99 MODEL oao CLEARANCE 29o9 SECURITY WINDOW BARS 0cA • GUAM WWWOWS AGAINST � - BREAK_m • MOUNTS *am OF HOUSE - SWINGS OPEN FOR *2 BAR GUARD 99 r H X 24-42' sasaa u�GUARD X 24 +OI�Y� 9'sa4aa zr�H x GUARD V cwY2 7'10'.404 OSECURIIY RELEASE LOCK ,OI�Y19'104M CHUBB cm UTCHEN EXTINGUISHER • 2-K WITH SECURE MOUNTING BRACKET • 5 YEAR WARRANN orai Y10 9"n9 nJRSAVER" SMOKE- ASM �,,Me�B�lwowowlwws �oMI�II�BIro�svaraRwier�a.� ��T t�rwma���owM+oersl�I� sT�l.Irnr�w�Iwlnr %;�-�. 699 :�t'g,0PENAM, DAY 9 1, TO 4 ; '„ 2� cont�ico F'�1,�11 i�� CART PORTABLE; VERSAT11 E•STORAGE-CART • DURABLE COIOURRJL CARE MAKES STORING OF YOUR CHILD'S CRAFTS, TOYS AND BOOKS FUN AND EASY • RUGGED. 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N, OSKAM rAmm J. •/�w�A01� � »ELI,*�l�Nr .« .'� •wrr4alB.Bwvoltm •Iww.o1� �F Ir�ttwulll� � �,; RaaaorNtlltelas •�awwaaltW>� � a •� � >� �� •toswllNNR ..wra.w:....r.. ._,> SALE IAM 0 TM 4: A at I- Ymow Ridinond 0 TM 4: A at I- CARPEL' OSHAWA STORE ONLY If you've been waiting for the best time to bw carpet, now is the time. FROM Now TILL FEB. 28 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPECTACULAR SAVINGS ON QUALITY RICHMOND CARPET. FROM CONT EMPORARY STYLI NG, FROM PASTEL TO JEWEL TONES. YOU'LL BE SURF TO RIND THE PERFECT CARPET, AT THE PERFECT PRICE, DURING OUR HomeiSWeetd ome CARPET SALE. "C"CLASSICHILTERN RSOY�A�L'�"r& - 1995 'TEXTURED TWIST" oNur 1095 f4.1r0. MANY MODE TO CElOON FROM - ALL ON iAl,lt I i AND DARRYL CALDWELL ARE AT YOUR SREIACE! • WE WILL COME TO YOUR HOME AND MEASURE FOR VINYL AND CARPET AND GINE FREE ESTIMATES ON MATERIAL SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED. WE HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS of 12x12 vlNn FLOOR TILES a HnRDw000 FLooR,NG N DURHAM REGION.6 1/4" POPLAR UNDERLAY 1/4" X 4' X 4' SLEETS 6llY MOW AND SAVE - PRE -PRIMED WHITEESOJR BI FOLD DOORS • 2'0"X6'8" REG. 57.99 SALE 4 91B5 S24 • 2'6"�C6'8" m. 67.29 SALE 56 • 2#8#%6#8** REG. n.79 sALE 59 .3'0"X6'8" .. _ REG. 76.29 SALE 6 5 9 sTas36 AX ,.1� NOTION IYM r �l�tK�T >AMKIOI��I,iltBA�t�iBRlA�iRtL Home6weet-flow ENDS home oer�tr+e 7/93 -SEB. � - _ �� `��'`�MRMolwIMlIIOYRBINA�i1��141R IWaP.priaMMin..a.arr8ls �R. S. CHUNG AND DR. R1 ALIDINA 475 Westney Rd K AjaI a27-ns7 ran► ped"s vNcam • Ext oded [lours About this special section The Ajax and Pickering General Hospital is YOUR hospital. It's run by and for the people of Ajax and Pickering. We hope this special section will help you understand more about how the hospital operates and how the contributions of people like you help to shape our hospital's future. NJAjax and Pickering 01 0 General Hospital 140 ilEl At APGH childbirth is a family affair rrth is a 'whole fam- ilv' event." explains Sepelene Deonarine. nursing unit manager of the Mater- nity Department at Ajax and Pick- ering General Hospital. }:..Helping hands Nur" Sandra Haslam Ieaches a new mother coni care in the nurs- ery at Apx and P•idtering General Hospital. Ron Pietroniro "Our philosophy is to pro- mote family unity while main- taining a safe environment for promoting health. We have many levels of staff in our Maternity Department and we like to think we are an exten- sion of that family." Behind everything in the Maternity Department, from visiting hours to the way nurs- ing care is organized, lies the concept of "Family Centred Maternity Care". Even the ren- ovations scheduled for later this year will reflect this partic- ular philosophy. Over the past few decades there have been tremendous changes in the experience of giving birth to a child in a hos- pital. Hospitals focus on pro- viding a home -like environ- ment where women take an active role in the decisions around childbirth and in the care of the infant. Fathers, sib- lings and grandparents are made welcome. APGH has been a leader in this modern movement, having allowed fathers and support persons to be present at birth for many years now. Family Centred Maternity Care has always been a priority. Family Centred Maternity Care is achieved partly by pay- ing attention to a lot of little details. Sleeper chairs in the labour room, for example, so that a husband or other support person can stay comfortable during a long labour. Giving the father the chance to help "weigh in" the new baby. Flex- ible visiting hours for close family, so that the father, grandparents and siblings can visit the new baby. Family Centred Maternity Care, however, is more than just details. About five years ago, the Maternity Department instituted a nursing model called "Combined Care", which promotes the Depart- ment's philosophies. Instead of the traditional model of one nurse caring for the baby in the nursery, and another caring for the mother in her room, one nurse now cares for both moth- er and baby. As a result, the baby can be kept in the room with the mother, going back to the nursery only at night and during general visiting hours. With Combined Care, the family and the nurse cooperate in the care of the baby. In the morning, mother and nurse dis- cuss a plan of care for the day. Because the baby is in the room with her, the mother has a chance to practise hands-on care of the baby, with the nurse providing guidance and sup- port. Fathers are encouraged to participate, and learn how to handle and care for the baby. They're even given hospital ID bracelets so that they can have access to their baby in the hen siblings and grandparents visit, they can actually touch and hold the baby instead of just looking through the nursery window. Holding and caring for the baby is not only fun for the parents. grand- parents and siblings, it also helps to promote the special bonding that is at the root of all strong family relationships. Combined Care is very pop- ular with patients. "A grand- parent once said to me, 'I wish we had this system when I had my baby. I went Lome hardly lmowing my baby',' says Mrs. Deonarine, nursing unit man- �rin�`�9 uP -aby To haeme Your Beat Please CaU 683 -SIL 10 13ROUGHT TO YOU BY. Alex' ng r .:I(�QW�3 Q�InOPf���3QP Date: Wede, Feb. 3, 7:00-9:00 pem. location marwood Seotu>tda='jI School 80 FAW1 r Ct., Aja: ager. Combined Care is more comfortable for the baby as well. Babies can feed when they want to, instead of on a schedule. They get more atten- tion from their mother, which makes the transition home much smoother. (,With Family C e n t r e d Maternity Care, we want to give you the comfort of hone and the safety of a hospital,"says Mrs. Deonarine. "When they first brought the plans fo. the reno- vation of the department, they had put the washrooms in the hallway. We asked them to put the washrooms in the rooms, so that each room will be like a little home." Besides private washrooms, the renovations call for a wait- ing room for fathers and sup- port people, and a larger quiet room that will have a fold -out couch for parents staying with a critically ill baby. "The Hos- pital for Sick Children, Mt. Sinai, Women's College Hos- pital, and some other hospitals transfer babies to us if the fam- ily lives near here," explains Mrs. Deonarine. "The parents usually spend many hours a day here, and we need a place for them to rest. We're hoping we'll get a donation so that we can make the room beautiful and peaceful.- The eaceful"The new labour, deliver and -recovery rooms will look very much like pleasant bedrooms. The physical structure of the Maternity Department is . beghming to reflect the princi- iples of Family Centred Care - -:warrn and home -like. The kind of care you want from your hospital. "QuaftTlize -MakingT114 waft of Not snou4h Tiara" grinding Competent Childcaren t nt:abeth Calvin JLN., s.SeX. "Feeding sables In The Nbudiee„ Jaaetletgs>ga sa., sJa.N. - "Is There ses Anar saw?" ,. ><Mh SaMbak R.N., s,ao.N. tlnss aaeh nerNt A. wMMM1ANIE'10119ADVERTISERSUNDhTs I�+1 ���i�r,... M NA..N..N..dMNNMNwYNMMMN..Nth.,.MMNNM.�MMNM1a..�I I! ��'II�/ I / 1+/ / / I 1 � I1 1'1 L I f 1 R / 1'f'II ►�M/ / �`h411Ay1Mt'! 4 Z►3'1 r s I r . . r c . �t / :.t s . I I,_ f•1•► f1.11•LI C6MMUNITY UPDA TE Ajax and Pickering General Hospital Education key part of Maternity Department By SEPELENE DEONARINE E ucation is one of the key components to fami- y centred maternity care. Staff, patients and family are edu- cated i11 different aspects of Maternity Care. Our staff have attended courses, seminars and work- shops and continue to do so to give them expertise in mater- nity care. Others have been formally trained and certified in Maternity Nursing. Continuing education to keep up with the new teach- ings and technology is impor- tant if we are to continue to maintain our high standards and give patients the best pos- gives information about the test and how to prepare for it. There is another on circumcision that gives unbiased information about the procedure and aftercare. While they are still in hospital, We also collaborate and liaison with community services to ensure continuity and consistency of care, and to access appropriate services, if needed, for our patients. Recent- ly, we were part of a committee of A h ital Nursing staff help all members of the family get to know baby Bible care. Educating our patients is vital to the total care delivered. Education is done by doctors, nurses, and other allied health services. One of our education features is the information booklet "New Beginnings". This booklet gives the patient an idea of what to th expect from e moment they are admitted to our hospital, and even before. The hospital education tour conducted by the doctors gives potential patients an open forum to ask questions and visit our facili- ties. Husbands and support per- sons are welcome on the tour. We provide a wide range of printed materials. There is an information card for patients receiving Non Stress Testing that an extensive teaching package is given to patients for them to take home after they are discharged. This package contains information on all aspects of infant and mater- nal care. A discharge booklet is also included, which gives the baby's weight, length, and other information. We have a sibling video pro- gram which we encourage the family to view together, with a discussion with a nurse as a fol- low-up if necessary. There are many other teaching videos avail- able: "Bath and Infant Care", which was produced by APGH, with Sandra Haslam, R.N., as nar- rator, "Infant Safety"; "Breast and Bottle Feeding"; "Post Natal Exer- cises"; and "Car Seats". community an ospser- vices that produced a Breast Feeding Manual that will assist all professionals to give consistent advice to parents on breast feeding and related issues. But the heart of the educa- tion program is the "hands- on" experience the new par- ents gain with a nurse provid- ing guidance and answering questions. In testimony to the quality of the support and guidance that nurses give to mothers at APGH, a remark- ably high number of mothers (80 per cent) breast feed their babies. The special guidance given to par- ents is one of the things that makes the Maternity Department at APGH exceptional. Nurses emphasize the basics, and personalize their teaching method to meet the needs of the individual parents. This service isn't limited to people who have had babies at the hospital; some parents come in to learn how to care for an adopted infant, and others come to the program because their babies were trans- ferred back to hospital. Nurses deal with many differ- ent expectations and levels of experience. Our patients come from very different backgrounds: Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan NEW RESP FOR 21ST CENTURY (Registered Education Savings Plan) The RESP is a Government approved savings program for funding college, university, trade and technical education 1 Your money (principal) is guaranteed. 1 Your scholarship (interest) is transferable between siblings, up to age 21. 1 Start early (before age 1) for as little as $9.75 per month per child. 1_ Government sources indicate each child born in 1993 will cost approximately ,,,,*29,000 per year to educate by 2010. Call Nowl.'i Carol McCalla Brian Mathieu (416)837.1756 (416)330.6355 A nurse teaches new parents the proper way to bathe their new baby. young people who have never had exposure to babies; mature career women who have read extensive- ly, but who haven't had much hands-on experience; parents with limited financial resources. And we have different cultural atti- tudes towards childbirth and infant care. To help our nursing staff to be sensitive to all these and other issues, they attend specific cours- es and read literature related to these issues. Thus, they are better equipped to understand and edu- cate our patients. Nurses work with what people have, rather than expecting par- ents to get everything. Fathers and siblings who are old enough are encouraged to get involved in the care of the new baby to encourage shared responsibility. Education at the hospital is key. Caring for the baby helps to foster the important process of bonding for the whole family. It is the beginning of a good lifelong relationship. Editor's note: Sepelene Deonarine has been Nursing Unit Manager at APGH for the past five years. A Registered Nurse and State Certified Midwife with a B.A. in Nursing and an M.A. in Education, she has extensive experience in Maternity and Child Nursing. MATERNITY SALE Cords 114.95 Briefs 3 for 19.50 Skirts 14.95 Panty Hose 3 for 11.00 Sweatshirts 14.95 Tights 7.99 Blouses 19.95 Nursing Nighties 19.95 . Dresses 19.95 Nursing Bra 12.99 Jumpers 29.95 Bra Extenders 990 Dresses 49.95 Nipple Cream 10.95 ,,.,$1000 OFF ALL JEANS & SWIMSUITS 30% OFF ALL WILMA 'B' FASHIONS Y2 PRICE - Business Suits, Sweaters Dresses and more! Attend our Fashion Show, Sat. Feb. 13, 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. 705 Kingston Rd. o R Yo Weekdays 10ax-9 p.m. Hwy. 2/Whites Rd. 4. G Saturday 10a.m.-6 p.m. PICKERING • 831-2088 rwo THE NEWS ADVF. MER SUNDAY, JANUARY 31.1!!3 -FACE lis -�'ti:Rl.ti'f:Jrf.tSII°..�..L^P?G•_�.�.+�JC.�dR�.A.L+�L'�RI.�.A.^.��LLI.�LJI+.l.T.1^"R � •'•`�y':.'�'%S t,�T�SI'.!.*J.:4�4:.?:D'.'..':.::_L^.".7�.=•v%I.LT..�.i.�i69S»-�.:.A•rF.L� F3,i�.�i_' ' 1 =f.2�1.L1.�1 _ 11 .1♦ -COMMUNITY UPDATE 4A Ajax and Pickering General Hospital • • • 1,felong Friends Bed ❑ Dedicated volunteers stand behind bed campaign The campaign to buy beds for Ajax and Pickering General Hospital's expansion is off to a roaring start. The energy and expertise of Anita Witty, chairperson of the Lifelong Friends Bed Campaign Committee, practically guaran- tee that this will be a F_- --- lively and successful campaign. Under Mrs. Witty's leadership, the 1991 Ajax -Pick- ering United Way Campaign went over i . its goal and, for the i first time, over $1 million. Her flair fund-raising was evident as well when Anita Witty she organized a Big Sister Bowlathon that raised more than 525,000. Mrs. Witty, and her husband Ajax Mayor Jim Witty, have lived and worked in the Ajax and Pickering area for over 20 years. A real estate broker/owner, Mrs. Witty founded Witty Real Estate in 1977. In 1984, she was president of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, and today she is its fust vice -president - Although volunteer work is her major hobby, Mrs. Witty also finds time to be very active with the Kinettes. She is their first and only life -member. "I like challenges," says Mrs. Witty. "I felt that this campaign would be a major challenge, and it will do something very important for our community as well." Other members of the committee are equally enthusiastic about the campaign. "I want our local hospital to be as up-to-date as it can be," says Anne Briscoe. APGH has been her local hospital since 1966, when she moved into the area. This is a momentous year for Mrs. Briscoe, who works for Century 21, Briscoe Real Estate Ltd. This year, she will have been in real estate for 25 years, had her own company for 15 years, and will have been married for 35 years. She is a member of the Pickering Horticultural Society, and has been involved in raising money, for Easter Seals. "I have a great respect for the Ajax and pig General Hospital," says Patricia Brooks, "and 1 enjoy giving something back as a thank yon for the exceptional care I was given on MY malty occasions &;a patient. Ms. Brooks works as a creative director with Minacs, Mitchell, Brooks Marketing and Design Inc. Sb-- is heis also a part-time psychology student, and enjoys interior Pat Brooks decorating in her spare fume. She has worked in the Ajax- Ackering am for the past 10 years. "Ajax and Pickering should have access to the best hospital servicieS available,,, says Alan Dryden. Mr. Dryden is a group con- troller for Advanced Monobloc,, man officer of Lem Man System, owned Ajax business. Mr. Dryden, who has lived in Ajax for the past 10 years, brings a history of com- munity work to the committee. He is a member of the Family Festival Committee, director of the Ajax Pickering Board of Trade, and past chairman of the Ajax Home Week. "The campaign for beds is a worthy community project," explains Frank Mag- LIFELONG FRIENDS CAMPAIGN M Ajax and pickering General Hospital, we've been using the Sarre - —� beds to provide quality medical care for the last two decades. Today, those beds are worn out and in tugettt need of replacement. We need your help to provide safe, comfortable beds that will aid in patient recovery. Our goal is to purchase beds that can be lowered or raised to help patients that get in and out — beds at Ajax and will enable patients to change their own position and matte dwrrrselves more comfortable. Help us make a difference to the comfort and well being of the people �- you care about most. Pledge your support to our Lifelong Friends Bed Campaign. If you have any quesa3ozLs or require fu th er infiortnation, cal1428 -1407. OW Pickering General Hospital CO.WOW aaw»d and produced by Minces MdcheY &ooh Mmkeeng ora Dewe htt. For more information,, call 428-1407 nus. "I wanted to help." As a broker/owner at Bagot Realty Inc., and a resident of Pick- ering for the past 18 years, Mr. Magnus has a strong commitment to the community. Mr. Magnus is a member of the Oshawa Optimists Club, and a former director of the Jamaican -Canadian Association in Toronto. He served for six years on the Ethics Committee of the Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board. "I'd like to help make our hospital bet- ter," says Albert Giroux of his presence on the committee. He has already been help- ing to do that for the past 12 years by vis- iting patients at APGH on behalf of three churches: Holy Redeemer, Sir Isaac Jogues, and St. Fran- E cis De Sales. A retired sheet metal worker and real estate agent,Mr. Giroux has lived in Pickering for the past 39 years. He Burt Giroux has been especially active with youth, volunteering as a scout- master and as a coach for sports teams. He was a leader of Youthcorp, and organized visits to local convalescent homes and Warkworth Prison. "1 would like to see the expansion and renovation of the hospital finished as soon as possible," says John Murray. He has joined the cornrnittee to help speed the pro- cess along. A sports fan, Mr. Murray is involved in baseball and minor hockey, and is the con- venor for the Ajax Recreational Hockey Mens League. Now retired, he has lived and worked in the � area for the past 40 a1-184 - -, yam. y" i Marguerite O'Connor's great- grandfather came to r� ` the Ajax and Picker- ing arca more than a century and a half ago. She herself was born in this area, and has lived here all her life. Miss O'Connor's Yarguulta O'Connor extensive volunteer work will make her a real asset to the com- mittee. She is a co-founder of the Ajax and Pickering Amnesty International Group, and also helped to found PARCUL, an ecu- menical group. John Price's lifework is giving good financial advice to his clients at Money Concepts. A former Kinsman and Rotarian, he has lived in the area for the past 14 years, He enjoys baseball and horse racing. Five children and two grandchildren give Mr. Price good reason for wanting to help strengthen the hospital through his voluntm work on the committee. "I want to help the hospital keep its medical standards high," is how Jack Syme explains his involvement with the committee. A resident of Ajax for the past 24 years, he is involved in a number of commu- nity organizations. Mr. Syme is pies- jade gy1111e ident of the Ajax Senior Citizens Friendship Club, and direc- tor and president of Ajax Minor Hockey. He enjoys sports, and is a mbar of the Ajax Cycle club. k. i H4-'r=?9VP AQY. r11SXR SUNDAY. J*NVAR; 7 Ajax and Pickering a Generl Hospital . feature comforts of home Newdeliver rooms and recovery all in the same room. Since people today prefer a home -like environment, the rooms will look very much like a bedroom in your home. But unlike a bedroom in your home, each labor and delivery room will have all the modern medical technology, discreetly concealed behind sliding doors. The labor and delivery rooms are more than just a luxury. Sepelene Deonarine explains that "Because women are more comfortable, and they have the room and privacy to walk around, or take a shower, and to interact with their family, labour does not become a laborious process." E"3......., 1COMMUNI T Y UPDATE Yes, there will be Jacuzzis in the beau- tiful new labor and delivery rooms at Ajax and Pickering Hospital. Well, perhaps that's an exaggeration. "I prefer to call them water -circulating bathtubs," says Gary Robert, director of Materials Management. "If you want to call them Jacuzzis, 1 suppose you could: ' Two or three of these "water -circulat- ing bathtubs" will be installed for the comfort of women in labour when the Maternity Department at APGH is reno- Who are you going to call*.?.,.: Suppose your child has a fever, and you're not sure how serious it is. Suppose your neighbor is in for surgery and you're wondering how he's doing. Suppose your husband is bleeding badly. Should you call the switchboard or the Emergency Depart- ment at Ajax and Pickering General Hospi- tal? The answer is no. "People think thev're sav- ing the Emergency Department trouble if they call about a problem rather than coming in. But staff at the hospital can't make a diagnosis over the tele- phone." says Trish Root, nurs- ing unit manager inthe Emer- gency Department. We can only tell them to call their fam- ily doctor or come in to the Emergency Department where we can assess the situa- tion properly-­ There rimly „There are phone numbers you can call. The Hospital for Sick Children runs an advice line for parents with questions about common childhood illnesses and injuries. The number is 813-5817. They also have a Poison Hot Line for anyone worried about a possible poisoning. That number is 813- 5900, with a toll-free line (1-800-268-9017) for people who have to call long distance. If you're with someone who is seriously sick or injured — they're not breathing, they're bleeding badly, they're having some kind of stroke or seizure — call 911 and get an ambulance. "Some people think we send out the ambulances, and that they're saving time if they call the Emergency Depart- ment," says Ms. Root. "But we don't, so calling us is a waste of precious seconds. Call 911 right away." If you'd like to know how a friend in hospital is doing, it's better to talk to his or her fam- ily than to call the hospital. Staff can't reveal any medical information over the telephone. Most of the rooms in the hospital have telephones in them. so you can call your friend directly. "These restrictions protect the safety and privacy of people who use the hospital.' says Pat Blom, vice-president of Patient Services. "Our patients come fust." vated later this year. Their presence is a sign of the profound changes that have happened in our attitudes towards child- birth. The seven labor, delivery and recovery rooms that will be added during the reno- vation are part of the modern trend toward making childbirth more comfort- able and homelike. Currently, Ajax and Pickering General Hospital's Maternity Department follows the traditional system of separate rooms for labor and delivery. However, when the new labor and delivery rooms open at Ajax and Pickering General Hospital, women will go through labor, delivery, WE BELIEVE THAT ��05004,, PLAY IS A CHILD'S WORK In • v AND TOYS ARE THEIR TOOLS! WE PROVIDE • Home Demonstrations • School Purchase Orders • Silent Demonstrations • Job Opportunities • Fundraisers part-time or full-time • Phone & Catalogue Orders - Gift Certificates • Plus many others... Ou CALL a FREE rO Toys :e Coo FOR MORE Dibyhostn a INFORMATION! h0m�le TO 01 Your Educational Consultant JANE DENNIS 428-6146 YOUR CHILDREN WILL THANK YOU TOMORROW FOR PLANNING TODAY! As a parent, you want to give your children a good start in life. That's why now is a great time to begin building funds for their education. Let us show you how Equitable Life's flexible products can secure your children's futures. This just might be one of the best gifts you'll ever give them! For helpful advice, please drop by and talk to Gord Bowers and Joe Lamplugh at the "Bringing Up Baby" Trade Show & Seminar. Cord Bowers Joe Lamplugh Oshawa Toror*o , 433.1303 492-28M K . _- ' Equitable Life of Canada I Equitable Life of Canada is a Canadian mutual life insurance company owned by its policyowners. It offers a wide range of life insurance, annuities and group insurance plans for individuals and businesses, as well as residential and commercial mortgage services. I- ,0 Ajai and Pickering General Hospital THE NEWS 'COMMUNITY - UPDATE Matemity doctor wall proposal Pay tribute to your new child The Maternity Department at APGH has an exciting new way of honoring people who make donations to the department. For a $125 donation, you can get your name — or the name of your baby — on a little building block. The blocks (which come, natu- rally, in pink and blue) will be artistically arranged around a stork. When renovations are fin- ished in the Maternity Depart- ment, the stork and blocks will be mounted on one of the walls — with room for more blocks as support for the department builds. What better way to pay tribute Raising money to protect new lives fax and Pickering Gen- eral Hospital has always been a "baby hospital". The Maternity Department is so popular that it is now delivering 1,600 babies a year in a space designed to deliver a third of that number. But not for much longer. Sometime later this year, the department will undergo extensive renovations and will expand out into the new tower. Staff in Maternity are promis- ing that the larger, renovated department will have the same warm "family -centred" care as the current department. They're also hoping that, with the help of the people of Ajax and Pickering, the department will be able to equip the expansion with life-saving, modern medical technology. hospital hoping The >s to raise money to bury more fetal rnopiwrs, neo -natal cardiac monitors, blood - pressure monitors, incubators, electronic thermometers, room furnishings and much more. People may wonder why all this expensive equipment is neces- sary, but the use of modem wch- nology gives the bealth care loam at nelp perspective of the health status of the patient and baby. Health care workers are able to predict the outcome much sooner. To imagine what the future department might be like, think of a woman eagerly looking forward to the birth of her first child. Sometime before her baby is due, the woman's doctor notices that her blood pressure is too high. Pregnancy -related hypertension, or toxemina as the condition is called, can be serious, both for the mother and the baby. Because of the seriousness of her condition, the woman is admitted to the hospital to be monitored more closely. A fetal monitor (which costs about $25,000) is used to measure the baby's heart brat, movernents and much more. The blood pressure monitor ($5,000) is used to contin- uously monitor the woman's blood pressure. An alterative would be for the woman to visit the bospiud twice a week for a health status check of herself and the baby. Non Stress Testing and blood pressure mom - wring, which use the fetal monitor and blood pressure monitor. are among the essential checks per- formed. But one day, the reedimp indi- cate that the woman's blood pres- Rocking chairs donated in memory of fireman Two generations of the Tait family have been ban at Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. So when Robert I- Tait, a fire- man with the Ain Fine Deport meat for over 25 years, died earlier this year. his family asked that memorial donations be directed to die hospital. The donations will be and 1D phase two rocking chairs for the new labor and delivery rooms that will be built when the Maternity Department is renovated haler this year - Mr. Tait's daughter, Sheri Edwards, explains that because her fadher lived in Ajax most of his life, the family wanted oriel tendons to make a contribution to the community. "My hudmd, my sista', and Ger husband were SH loom at the hospital," says Mrs. Edwards. "My daughter was bore there. and so were my sister's -two children." The rocking chairs are the beginning of the hospital's cam- pwpl to equip and furnish the renovated Maternity Depart- ment. "We're very grateful to the family, friends and colleagues of Mr. Tait," says Tracy Pater- son, director of Community Relations. "The rocking chairs will make life more comfortable for a lot of parents and new yblman •" sure is getting dangerously high, and delivery of the baby may have to take place. The patient, family and health care team confers and they decide on a C-section. As soon as the baby is born, the woman's blood pressure will go back to normal. For the baby, being born prematurely is less dangerous than being in a high blood pressure environment. The renovated Maternity Department has a special operat- ing room for C-sections built right in, so the woman doesn't have to travel very far, and, as with the present system, the husband is right there to give her support In the fully -equipped operating room (it takes about $100,000 to equip an operating morn for C-sections). the baby is delivered. A premature baby needs special care. There's a resuscitation room, just off the C-sections room, filled with the equipment needed to keep a fragile infant alive. While the baby is receiving care, the nurses put him in a special neo -natal infant care cease (cost: approxi- mately $25,000) that bathes him m warmth, which is essential for his stabilization. When the baby's condition has stabilized. be is taken to the new high-risk nursery- There be is put in an ncubator (smother 510;000), and attached w cardiac and respi- ratory monitors ($10,000). If the nurses are worried that he isn't absorbing enough oxygen (the lungs of premature babies aren't properly developed), they can check the oxygen contest in his blood with an oKimeter. Although the baby my have 10 .spall a flew weeks in the hospital, he will develop nnorn"y. His mother and father can interact with him in the incubator, and, as ltis health status improves, spend the day holding and rocking him in the rocking cbak in the mmrsay. Because APGH wants all their cuestas b return home in the best of health with a healthy baby, a campaign will soot be underway to raise money for equipment for the department. If you'd like more information about the campaign, call Community Relations at 428- 1407. to a new child than by helping to deliveries? Contact Community ensure that future generations of Relations and Development (428 - children will have happy and safe 1407) for more information. When your Rx calls for: Oxygen therapy, aerosol compressor, ultrasonic nebulizers, tracheostomy supplies, home ventilators, suction unit, CPA/Bi PAP, infant cardio -respiratory monitors ....0090•• CALL Medigae 9.09..• • ....•••••• 723-8482 1-800-463-5429 The Breathing Specialists 24 HR. SERVICE I -- Follow up by professional medical staff I ADP authorized dealer Country CWattfess ' bleep '51ZOp 60 1 axtam's Largest Sleep Shoe HOURS: 111oN. -?UFS. 10-6 wED. - FRt. 10-9 SAT. 10-5 Dtnhm Solid F wood and Uphol31ery a a • • i Stoi+e. . We support to Mlhfter'* Wald E*ffabn Poop 83 1 w9846 -- DISCOUNT PAINT CENTRE 1794 LIVERPOOL RD., PICKERING 1ST ANNUAL DECORATING DAY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1993 A�iR1�eC�t iiAlD�htYt1�-t -% I' t - �I p tt/�` ~ is f, %t� ��� ���---.-' �,�rt� ! . t r 1 '� • • . tt t t 1 t 1"t ! ` t ,a t~i, j'1 a Natity 1 VY���. 1 ' t a � ' . � �' � .1; , t. ` ; ►' i �` V f 1 . t � ♦ t ! 1' } � 1' t 1 '1 1�1 t t, ! f � ! 4 ' �1 ere are the 17 foods that cause you to lose wel*ght...99 Everyone who will try them can lose five to six pounds during the first week. Get results! Nutritionists have discovered that cer- tain foods cause you to lose weight. These are foods with negative calories. The more you eat, the more weight you lose. In a report that you can receive with- out obligation, you will discover what these foods are, why they cause you to lose weight, and how. QUESTION: How can certain foods cause you to lose weight? ANSWER: Experiments have shown that 17 particularly healthful and nutri- tious foods (some of which are veg- etables and fruits) bum more calories than they contribute. So the more you eat, the more you burn off your excess weight. These foods (with negative calories) are transformed into energy. not tat. 0: How is this possible? A: The power of negative calorie foods to dissolve excess fat will seem obvi- ous to you when you understand how your body accumulates fat. You are born with a certain number of "adipose" cells. These adipose cells swell up and multiply when you take on too much weight. As soon as your metabolism slows down, this allows carbohydrate -based foods to be chang- ed into fat. This tat is stored. Therefore. you cannot lose weight by draining the fat from the cells You can only do this in three ways: omit foods that are rich in fat (dieting). intensive exercising; or eating foods with negative calories that bum off the fat and drain it from you cells. Obviously, it is the last method that is tar and away the easiest because it requires no effort. no deprivation. 0: Ho many pounds can you lose per week? A: If you are more than 20 pounds overweight, you lose an average of five to six pounds in the first week, and three to four pounds in subsequent weeks. If you are more than 20 pounds overweight, you will lose weight even more quickly. Some people with more than 40 pounds to lose have lost up to 12 pounds in the first week. 0: Do you halve to follow some fond of special diet? Or is it just a question of ad*V negative Calorie foods to your normal diet? A: You don't have to fellow any diet, or change aw tViing m your klestyle. You can eat pastries, sauces, butter. cake. �want adyytthing you have to do is add negative calorie bods to your normal def... and watch your pounds and rolls of fat disappear. 0: How many negabw calorie foods do I have to add to my nornal diet? A: Just add 25% of your normal diet. But you can exceed that amount because the more negative calorie foods you , the more quickly you o: Instead of adding these negative calorie foods, can I just replace 25% of ny normal diet with 00"? A: Yes, because flat is not really irrtpor- UK The only Chirp that Is important is to absorb at least 25% negative calorie foods because these are the ones that bum off the extxss fat and cause you to lose weight. & Will # be easy for me to maintain my Ades! waight Ater losAng my excess poww A. Most people who lose weight with diets of pills or outer methods quickly gain back the WOOM they have IW - LOSE WEIGHT! An Amazing Discovery: Negative Calories Now you can lose weight easily, even if you eat a little too much But with negative calorie foods. it is different. The only thing you have to do to keep slim is to add negative calo- rie foods to your normal diet. 0: What are these negative calorie foods? Where can you get them? A- All these negative calorie foods are natural foods. There are 17 of them. Among them are fruits, vegetables and other natural foods that you will find in any supermarket or at your grocer. 0: Is there any proof that people have tried negative calorie foods and have really lost weight? A: Everyone who has added negative calorie foods to their normal diet has lost weight. Here are some excerpts from letter we have received. "I Ind tlrletl e+rNIftle ..." "I have lost 35 pounds. All my life I have suffered from being fat and I had tried everything to lose weight. The negative calorie foods are the only thing that have ever worked for me. I feel like a new woman. My husband also lost 23 pounds. We are delighted to have rediscovered the toy of life that we had long since IoSL" Mrs. Claudine S. -Illh Oxon MreW tt MW antsy... w "In three weeks, I lost 19 pounds of excess weight. Since then I have not regained that fat. Because I had already tried so many methods and medications to lose weight, I no longer bekved in any of them. But I tried this anyway. Thank heaven! Maybe my experience can be of help to other peo- ple -" Miss Francine P. -1 son* I W" tat ON my We ... 0 "I often dreamed of becoming slim, but nothing I ever tried ever helped me lose weight. Now I have discovered negative calories. I lost 23 pounds in two short weeks and a total of 68 pounds more quickly than I would have dared to hope. My husband told me last night that I am prettier than I ever have been. - Mrs. Martha S. 0: I have read in a magazine that nega- tive calorie foods not only help lose weight, but also improve your health. Is that true? A: Yes. Negative calorie foods were discovered by nutritionist physicians during their search for healthier foods. When you add negative calorie foods to your normal diet, you lose weight but you also lower and normalize your cholesterol rate. This always con- tributes to your health. 0: 1 have already tried bean pod cap- sules, pineapple capsules, other meth- ods, other diets, and nothing helped me lose weight Why would it be dif- ferent this time? A: Because the process of negative calories is natural: you bum off more calories than yqu absorb. Because everyone who has tried them has lost weight, there is no reason that it would work for everyone else and not for you. The results are so certain that you can try this at our risk, and with no obligation. Try these foods that help you lose weight, with no obligation and com- pletely at our risk Decide only AFTER having last your excess pounds if you want to keep the Report. HERE IS MY PROPOSAL: If your do not lose at least five pounds per week, within 90 days return the Report on "Foods that Cause Weight Loss" and I will send you your money back no later than nine days after receipt of your returned pack- age. Therefore, either you kiss at least five pounds per week until you reach your ideal weight, of I will refund the price of the report. This is unconditional, no questions asked. This is a written, formal obliga- tion on my part. No Risk for You You can, therefore, accept this trial offer simply out of curiosity, because you are not risking a single cent. Why Would I Dare Make This Offer? Because I am convinced that when you have lost your excess pounds. you will be so happy that you will want to keep the Report on foods that make you lose weight. Because everyone, absolutely every- one, who has adopted these foods that cause you to lose weight have lost their excess pounds. Because there is no reason why it would work for others and not work for you. Read this Only If You Have Decided Not To Take This Trial Offer 1 This trial offer is entirely at my . risk. If you do not lose at least five pounds per week, all you have to do is return the Report on foods that cause weight loss within 90 days. I will then send you your money back no later than 9 days after receiving your package. This is an unconditional, no - questions -asked guarantee. 2You eat as much as you want, . and anything you want. All you have to do is add one-fourth negative calorie foods to your normal diet. 3You are the one to decide 0 you . want to keep the Report of if your prefer to return if for a refund. "Every 10 pounds 1s07 the same. N all depends on how it was pained. Let me help you to lose the last 10 pounds... ... within the next 10 days ". -- N. Youn0 You may even return the Report after having lost your excess weight, but I don't believe you would do it. 4Now you have the opportunity of . changing your appearance and your life without going on a diet. Even if you have been overweight for years, it's not important. Everyone who has tried negative calorie foods has lost weight. These foods must make you lose weight too, or it won't cost you a single cent. If you don't want to lose weight for yourself, do it for your husband, your children - and for your health! Last Minute! Copies of this edition of the Report on "Foods That Cause Weight Loss" may soon be depleted. The next edi- tion may not be able to go to press for two months. If you want quick service and want to take advantage of the price of this edition, send in the attached coupon now. The only thing you risk is forgetting it. NOTE: This Report is not sold in book shops. You may obtain R only with the coupon below. SURPRISE GIFT: If you reply within five days, we will also send you a small but astonish- ing surprise gift. You may keep the gift even if you return the Report for refund. --� r Coupon for free, no -risk trial r Mail this coupon to: i Natucy Ylong i .2 Bkw Street West, =ft 100, DepL 121, ; r r Toronto, 001twio, M4W 3E2. 01 i To be valid, this coupon must be mailed within 15 days. ' I am interested in your trial offer entirely 5. It I am not 100% satisfied, I will return I at your risk. I understand. therefore, that: the Report at any time during the 90 -day r ' 1. I must lose at least five pounds in the trial period. In that case, I will not have to make any explanation to you or meet I first week i any conditions. You will send me a refund r 2. 1 must continue to lose at least five check no later than Carte days after hav- pounds per week until all my excess ft received my returned package, Under r r weight has disappeared. the terms of this formal guarantee, phase I 3. There is absoiidely no diet to folow, and send me in a plain padoge with my free I can eat whatever I want surprise 0ift• , 4. 1 have a three-month guarantee period r in which to verify that my excess pounds are pft - not returning. i � t I enclose payment of $24.95 by ❑ money order or D cheque to Nancy Young t i ❑ I prefer to pay postman. I add $5.00 for C.O.D. charges Please charge to: ❑ Visa or ❑ Mastercard � f i Card i ! / ! I Exp. date: - ! _ Signature: r , Last Name: t a First Name: Address: t city: t Prov.: Postal Code: t ihitt: Eneryihinq is incbded in the price of $21.95; my free surprise dill, the Report 'Foods #0 Cause Wepht loss", my Dart on shipping and hwaN dyrpes and the G.S.T. L-----------------a----N—Na.—aON—a"—aONat•atat•—N•f —NNS *Bringing,Up Baby seminar Feb. 3 Once again, the News Adveniser is presenting a parenting seminar and trade show. Bringing Up Baby' takes place on Feb. 3 from 7-9 p.m., at Harwood Secondary School in Ajax. Parents, prospective parents and other interested individuals are invited to be a part of this informa- tive evening, which includes a number of guest speakers. Speakers include registered nurses Elizabeth Calvin, Janet Petryshyn and Lesley Borchuk; and Sandra Haslam, a representative from the DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAY CARE INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD • In caring, safe, fun home environment • Licensed by M.C.S.S. • Reasonable rates • Receipts, flexible hours We support the maternity ward expansion program 509-1207 Ajax and Pickering General Hospi- tal's maternity department. Mrs. Haslam is the assistant nurs- ing unit manager in obstetrics. She will be speaking on her departmen- t's concept of parents' involvement in family -centred care. Admission is free. To reserve seats, or for more information, call 683-5110. Elizabeth Calvin is a mother of two, who has been a public health nurse for 12 years in Durham. Elizabeth teaches prenatal class- es, mother -baby classes and visits ,.Michael Schroeder's Pt Gallery presents �- by Walter Campbell .Un-dted Edition 590 sin •220 Image size 14"08" We support the Ajax _.. r4 Pickering Genera[ Hospital Expansion Program >for the matemlty ward 1410 Sayty St., Unit 04 r,Pickering 837-2952 thea. Go station. Beside Pepe LwTs new parents in their homes. She will be speaking on the subject of finding competent childcare. Janet Petryshyn has been a public health nurse in Durham for 14 years, teaching mother -baby class- es as well as making home visits. She will be sharing her expertise on contemporary baby feeding. Public health nurse Lesley Borchuk has, for the last four years, been teaching prenatal and mother - baby classes in the Durham area She will be discussing the topic of 'sex after baby'. ly r s CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF DURHAM Prenatal Gasses Supporting Childbirth Chokes in the Durham Community. A portion of all registration lees for '� • r February will be u, donated to the New Ajax b Pickenng Hospital o• atemity Ward. rl q up Free Admission To Reserve Your Seat Please Call 683-8110 1 BROUGHT TO YOU BY: R Ajax -Pickering s GIQc�� ad�Q���QP la 9 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 31,19!3 -PACE H7 _ J KIDDER CONNECTION DAYCARE and NURSERY SCHOOL • PROVIDES A STIMUAATING LOVING ENVIRONMENT BY QUALIFIED STAFF • TODDLERS 8 PRE-SCHOOLERS • SPACES AVAILABLE NOW • CURRENTLY TAKING REGISTRATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER • NURSERY SCHOOL PROGRAMS Available 2 and 3 hall days per week OFFICE bi NURSERY DAY CARE CENTRE 839-2752 831-9161 Across from Nursery School just north of Hwy. 2 ti Dixie Rd Bridges Kinder Connection Day care • Large selection of fitted & flats • Diaper accessories & more DIAPER SERVICE • Hospital laundered • Pre -fold square and form fit • Owned and operated by nurses • Over 25 years of exper,ence Ico?xt by Date: Wed., Feb. 3 7:00-9:00 p.m. Location: Harwood Secondary School 80 Fably Ct., Ajax LituLQe peepee'e 'Peat' sdt"I Inc. Come See Our Display And Chat With Our Knowledgeable Staff Children ages 3 months - 5 years Open 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Conveniently Located At: 33 FALBY COURT (1st driveway on right) Aw_ 428=9909,me � AJAX CONN CAR. WASH • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - 24 HOURS • 100% FRESH WARM WATER • ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS - NEW LONGER CYCLE • BIODEGRADABLE SOAPII 75 Corn wmbi Ave. AJAX, ONTARIO I Pu 1itron 'Nouse Doycnn PRIVATE SCHOOL OUALITY CARE CATERING TO TODDLERS A PRESCHOOLERS NURSERY SCHOOL • A.M. or P.M. Programme • French • Early Reading • Computers • Music DAYCARE • Residential AreaPE • Government Licensed 8:45 A M. • Professional Staff 2 To • Emphasis on Nutrition P. • Ages 15 months - Kindergarten Numerous References • Avaiablefrom 123 HERON ST. AJAX Haooy Parents 13 •-roea+ ane •o� 1a„ tall.[ T33 ADE, SHOW 1 "Quality Time - Staking The Most of Not Enough Time" "Finding Comyetent childcare" Elisabeth Calvin A.N., B.%X. Needing Babies In The Nineties" Janet Petryshyn A.N., B.Sc.N• FIs There Sez Atter Baby?" Lesley Barchuk A.N., B ft.N. plus much morel l • Mon ' School tes Give your child the tremendous advantage of # Montessori Experience! • Ages 78 Months To 9 Years • A Better Aitetnative At Daycare Prices • Individual Leaming • Exciting Curriculum COUF FOR A VISIT - YOU'LL BE IMPRESSED! . f:, , , 'd`-"•' N ' IPAGS RIPTRE NZWS ADVEWMER SUNDAY, JANUARY 31.1993 THANK YOU DURHAM SALE! FOR MAKING VILLAGE, "THE FAMILY DEALERSHIP" DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER IN A ROW. REMEMBER WHY; HONESTY, INTEGRITY, 10 YEARS PRICE, SELECTION AND SERVICE. a�Kn�&BRAHD NEWBRAND NEW --- 1993 VOYAGER lor 112 PRICE AIR, 1/2 PRICE ROOF 1993 SUNDANCE 4 DRI 0ioRACK, 1/2 PRICE 7 PASS. Auto., air, tinted glass, floor mats, AMlFM - V6, 7 pass., air, auto., roof rack, flood stereo, buckets, dual mirrors. T THANK lights, floor mats, moulding, rear wiper. $1,250 REBATE OR yANK YOU PRICE 6 * $1,000 REBATE OR 5.9% FINANCING $9,696* Oupglct 13 �29 5.9% FINANCING r SAVE! 1992 COLT 1992 DYNASTY LUXURY! , ftludes auto.. buckets. `,ont wheel drive. AM/FM, plus much • Includes aM., V6. air, tit, cruise. AM/FM cass., 50/50 seat, pkis �; �/ ■ rrore. - Stk. +P3729. much more. - Stk..P3708. `%-T— SALEw SALE OO* $ OO* X� $7,378°° 15 6WORTH 513,995°° 289 PER _. MONTH �® 1992 ACCLAIM 1992 LeBARON CONVERTIBLE FLORIDA MERE VVE COME! includes auto.. p.s.. G.b.. a.r * 1. cr.,se. ANL cM ;ass.. plus much • includes auto.. V6, air, tik, :nurse. AWFM cass., plus much -o<e Truly a good doa •. Stk r�7 7 ^cre " O * SALE S 1200* SALES10 378°° $16 6950* i . '"PER f'w f MONTH ARIT r :i w".O, '. IdYiv.d� r•++*4' - ... _- .-F., n - .. _...sT •, '��.+IiaC.a�.-�r.iE r4�T�*_W�.JY,3'r'4%._1.�. _-w•'[..__+�. _ _ ..., a .i 1992 19$1 1991 1991 1991 1� 1992 VOYAGER VOYAGER VOYAGER VOYAGER SPRINT. SHADOWS ISUZU TROOPER LE LE LX SE .4 DR. CONVERTIBLE Loaded Loaded 04 T81ii1A V3747 V3800 TI MM V3749 Ti124A 1990 1990 19W 1990 1990 1990 1989 TEMPO FIREFLY GRAND GRAND JEEP _ DYNASTY CARAVAN 4 DR. VOYAGER VOYAGER CHEROKEE 4 DR. SE LE LI- CH8172A LTD 4X4 P3708B T8169A S8154A V3801 V3784 T81 68A 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1992 1992 GRAND EAGLE TEMPEST VOYAGER NEW IMPERIAL FIFTH VOYAGER PREMIER 4 DR. SE AVE. YORKER LEP3;.,,? -A C813 -1 TY 3A P3700A P3812 TV 70A r%a { I - moi•,. �,� r y...y: • _'• 1 ^ • Y 1 '• • 1 Y. C' • Y 1 1 '.1 PLYMOUTH LTDM SERVICE OPEN ALAJAXL VILLAGE SATURDA CHRYSLER AND EVERY �� AND EVERY NIGHT IQ HARWOOD AVE_ (North of 401) 683-5358