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k " 4 4 y a ���O�M KERING'S COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1965 RING NEWS ADVERTISER PERIODIC------------------------------------------ ---- - N 44,(r 32 PAGES SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1999 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $5/ Sl NEWSSTAND ----------------- Pickering-based transfer station expansion approved, with conditions Town wants ban e on imported t BY MARIANNE TAK4CS Staff Writer PICKERING — Council has endorsed a proposal by Miller Waste Durham Inc. for a major ex- pansion of its operations in Picker- ing as long as a number of condi- tions are met, including a require- ment not to accept garbage from outside Durham Region at the Squires Beach Road facility. However, it's up to the provin- cial Ministry of the Environment (MOE) to make a final decision on the expansion and conditions. Miller Waste has applied for changes to the MOE certificate of approval it holds for the Squires Beach transfer station that would allow it to expand its operation in two phases. Phase one would include the ex- pansion of the existing waste trans- fer facility, enhancement of the ma- terial recycling facility, and estab- lishment of a household hazardous waste depot. The maximum vol- ume of material the site could re- ceive daily would increase to 1,020 tonnes from the current 299 tonnes and the on-site storage limit would go up to 1,185 tonnes from 780 wHv AA/1t, G t+ntrtaottattowtoa +686-445 DAVE RYAN Amendment would prohibit waste from outside Durham. tonnes. Phase two would include the de- velopment of a composting facility on the site, an outdoor construction and demolition waste receiving and processing area and an outdoor wood waste receiving and process- ing area. If phase two is fully im- plemented as proposed, the amount See PICKERING page 4 Inside the News Advertiser VMWTOFMR Eitode P;W ...........6 lkbd Me Takaes .........6 Na Dnopiig .........14 Spens ................24 Cls:dtiei ............25 GIVE US A CALL . Gs�eral .......... 683-5110 ft I - Ww ......683-5117 Dealb Ndkn .....683-3005 AndiN Lin ......683-7545 Sh�efely Yew 1-800-662-8423 EmW1 .newsroom@durham.net web dW ....durhamnews.net FAX .............683-7363 ANDREW IWANOWSKI/ News Advertiser photo Eleven -year-old Misty Winne of Pickering takes a break from a busy, schedule to play with cat Penny. Misty underwent a partial amputation of her left leg when she was just six months old but her artificial limb allows her to do all the things she dreams of. This brightly -coloured prosthesis is Misty's 'swimming leg' and match- es her bathing suit. It fills with water to ensure it doesn't float. Pickering girl is a War Amps champ BY LINDA WHITE Staff writer PICKERING — When doc- tors recommended to Guylaine and Richard Wynne that their infant daughter's leg be amputated at the .ankle, they followed the advice without hesitation. "There wasn't another option for us," recalls Mrs. Wynne. "With the amputation, she would one day be able to walk (with a prosthetic). Without the amputation, she would be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.' The Pickering couple's first- born, Misty, was born without a fibula, which means her left leg was shorter than the other and did- n't have a heel. Doctors had rec- ommended having the leg partially amputated when Misty was nine months old, but because she was pulling herself up and attempting to walk early, the operation was done at six months. Misty, now 11, began walking at age two, "which is amazing for a child learning to walk with a See GIRL page 2 `Blessing' for region Durham gets cash for downloading BY KEITH GILLIGAN Staff Writer An announcement widely per- ceived as a pre-election goodie from the Progressive Conserva- tives is a "blessing for the resi- dents of Durham Region", ac- cording to Durham Chairman Roger Anderson. Ontario Finance Minister Ernie Eves announced Tuesday the Province will pay half of the 5600 -million annual cost to pro- ide land ambulance and public health, responsibilities that were downloaded to municipalities by Queen's Park. The government is also pushing back for one year, until Jan. 1, 2001, the deadline for municipalities to take over the task of providing land ambu- lance service. Mr. Anderson told Regional council Wednesday the govern- ment's plan to give municipali- ties millions of dollars could translate into a`tax reduction for Durham property owners. The Region was facing a two -per cent tax increase just to cover the costs of services downloaded by the Province. "I hope there's no increase and actually a decrease;' he said. Mr. Anderson figures the an- nouncement is an indication the Province has "loosened the purse strings". Land ambulance will cost Durham about $10 million a year and public health approximately $12 million. Also on Tuesday, Community and Social Services Minister Janet Ecker announced the Province will provide $100 mil- lion to help homeless people in Ontario. The announcements are being seen as a sign the government will call an election soon. "I guess some will automati- cally assume that with the ru- mours running rampant," Mr. Anderson said. "I'm glad it was done outside of an election call. "If they had waited until after See DURHAM page 2 �` ..,'S.'�� .C�F.� .. .. t 4r�'rt .1 ...-!lk....•a::�''.Pf'f`i�"6"A:1�1'r:Y-a�}��7r''r`s-� A/P PAGE 2 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Marek 28,1889 Durham, gets break on funding ambulance service, public health DURHAM from page 1 the writ, we might not even see the next government follow through. From that point of view, it's good news. Between now and the time they call the election, it's a commitment for this govern- ment or any other government;' he added. Handing municipalities all the responsibility for funding land ambulance service and public health was among the Province's downloading initiatives. Queen's Park has claimed the exchange of services would be revenue neu- tral, but municipalities have dis- agreed. Girl leads normal life GIRL from page I Tuesday's announcement means "The government recog- nizes the switch wasn't totally neutral;' Mr. Anderson said. Finance committee chairman and Oshawa Councillor Brian Nicholson told colleagues Region finance department staff are com- piling a report on Tuesday's an- nouncement. Coun. Nicholson suggested people shouldn't get overly excit- ed by the fact Queen's Park will help pay for the services that were downloaded. "Years ago, the Province paid 100 per cent of these costs. Now, they're paying 50 per cent" prosthetic," Mrs. Wynne says proudly. And the family has never looked back. "We never think about Misty being different from the other kids. I guess having a prosthetic makes her special, but all kids are special;' believes Mrs. Wynne. Certainly, Misty is a typical Grade 6 student. Though she has to put up with name calling from her "worst ene- mies", she's a confident girl who dreams of becoming a dancer or ac- tress. "Sometimes it hurts me;' Misty says of her artificial leg. And while she spent much of last summer on crutch- es, her biggest complaint is that her prosthetic -gets me out" when playing games that require kids to dodge a hall_ Misty has seen many changes in ar- tificial limbs since her first, which was strapped around her waist. Still, the family knows it would be a much tougher adjustment without the support of The War Amps, which has provided emotional and financial sup- port since Misty's amputation. 'The War Amps are wonderful,' says Mrs. Wynne. 'They've become part of our family" (FREE EASTER SPECIAL April 2nd & 3rd Regular Scheduled Pickups AJAX. O6il W �, t WHrrsY RETURN DELUXE MOTORCOACH TRANSPORTATION, FULL BUFFET MEAL, GUARANTEED ENTRY, ALL TAXES GROUP SPECIAL $1.00 per person (minimum 40) Carlson Wagonlit Travel Ajax 905-683.5411 14900-531-1185 Oshawa 905-571-2231 1-800-227-576f But, Mr. Anderson said the an- nouncement is "a big step forward for this government. It's a bless- ing for the residents of Durham Region. "There's $10 million on the table for us, if there are no other costs from what I've read and 50 per cent of the '98 costs is going to help us. I hope it's a sign of things to come" Mr. Anderson is also pleased with the one-year delay in the Re- gion taking over responsibility for land ambulance service. Durham And other municipalities were to start running the service on Jan. 1, 2000. The one-year delay means any Year -2000 computer bugs can be ironed out before the Region takes over the service, he noted. Tuesday's announcement also means "we get to operate (land ambulance). They haven't taken away our ability to operate it. We feel we can find efficiencies (the Province) couldn't. I hope they continue to allow municipalities to operate it. "I hope we would be up and operating it by 2001. We're in the process of hiring a director (of land ambulance services). I hope we're in a position to operate it wholly by May or June of 2000" U RESIDENCE YOU LAN BALL HOME] A place where residents are appreciated. Close to all amenities: Vl'- Hospital (5 mins.), bus stop, medical clinic (3 min.), groa store, convenience store. CALL TOLL FRFF j-877-8,76-2753 FOR AN APPOIN7'MF\T Cliff Grimwood, Mana¢c Community 'Neixss' Fax it: 683-^363 ROGER ANDERSON 'Switch wasn't totally neutral.' r----------------------------- a FRAME SOURCE ; CUSTOM FRAMING & FINE ART GRAND OPENING •CUSTOM FRAMING % ; ko • MIRRORS 5OFFo rl • • PRINTS 1 • ART Store Hours ; a Mon -Fi10 A.M.-8P.M. EXTRA E A) a Sat. - 10 A.M.- 6 P.M. 1 Sun. - 11 A.M. - 5 P.M. th this a a 1 � , a a CORPORATE AND DECORATOR ACCOUNTS WELCOME 1 145 KINGSTON RD EAST. UNfT t6 1 HERITAGE MARKET SQUARE) — — - - — — - — — — — — - - — - — , Murder trial witness stands by his story Maintains accused confessed to killing ex-girlfriend BY STEPHEN SHAW Staff Writer A Crown witness who testi- fied Jesse Watkins calmly con- fessed to murdering Laurie White says he was also threat- ened, "Don't tell anyone or I'll kill you-' In a third day of cross-exami- nation by defence lawyer James Lockyer, an increasingly agitated Joe Brown stood by his testimo- ny that Mr. Watkins, a childhood pal, confessed to strangling his former girlfriend. "He said I'm the only person who knew - myself, him and God, I guess," Mr. Brown main- tained Friday. 'lite threat by Mr. Watkins was "something I was concerned about," but he later told a sister and a friend. Ms. White, a 20 -year-old den- tal assistant, was found dead in her bedroom at her parent's Pick- ering home Oct. 8, 1996 with an electrical cord wrapped around her neck. Police initially believed the death was a hanging suicide, but later concluded she'd been stran- gled. The Crown contends Mr. Watkins was an obsessive ex- boyfriend who stalked and killed Ms. White, then tried to make it look like suicide. Mr. Watkins, 26, has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. On Friday, for the third straight day, the defence contin- ued an attack on the credibility of Mr. Brown, who earlier recount- ed the alleged confession Mr. Watkins made during a conversa- tion the night of Oct. 12, 1996. According to the witness, Mr. Watkins told Ms. White, "I could kill you if I wanted," to which she challenged "Why don't you do it" and knelt on the floor. Mr. Watkins wrapped a cad around Ms. White's neck and told her "I told you not to f— with me" as he then strangled her, according to Mr. Brown. "He told me he was wearing . gran Mr. Brown has admitted to using and dealing drugs and hav- ing a past problem with compul- sive lying. He was asked by Mr. Lockyer to describe Mr. Watkins's mood during the supposed confession. "He just seemed normal. He wasn't laughing or bouncing around the house or anything... I thought Holy s--, that's what I thought," said Mr. Brown. "Did you ever ask him (ques- tions like) did she struggle, did she cry out, did she make any -sounds?" Mr. Lockyer asked Mr. Brown. "No... It's my personal expo- rience certain things poop* tell You, You dQ"V4 A %VL0J .' .,.. JESSE WATKINS Standing trial for murder of ex-girlfriend. Mr. Lockyer has accused Mr. Brown of being a pathological liar and on Friday suggested Mr. Watkins did indeed talk to him about Ms. White's death. "I'm going to suggest to you... Jesse certainly did speak to you about his girlfriend's suicide, that he was very upset... and you simply took his story... and you turned it around into a murder and not a suicide," he said. "I'd say you're wrong... What purpose would I have... I don't make a habit out of putting my friends in jail... I consider Jesse a friend not an enemy and I don't want to put my friend in jail for the rest of his life;' Mr. Brown responded. It was, however, suggested by Mr. Lockyer murder confessions are somewhat of a habit for Mr. Brown. "So, how many people have told you in your life they have killed someone?" Mr. Lockyer asked of the witness. Mr. Brown listed three peo- pie, one person whom he said confessed to him in jail to killing three police officers. "Most of the time people aren't telling me they kill people. I have a normal life;' he said. Court heard Mr. Brown did not contact police about the al- leged confession, but rather was tracked down by investigators who had been tipped off by a third party. V NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EW10N, Mwch 28,1999 PAGE 3 P �N. OST DOMESTIC r.10ST... . �S16900s 189 00 ��,e�" � e 1 Brock Road South (Northwest corner at Bay*) AUTO GLASS b CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 10211119M 831-4290 W NAEN i V= M FNUM ft7 • $ o T=o P� *F6 • Fme 11M OLSIM Give your child a powerful advantage. We provide the knowledge. They develop the confidence. A PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • 420-6576 Email it to us! The News Advertiser newsroom@durham.net -4-0 P PAGE 4 NEVIS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDMON, Noel t 28, 1999 Pickering wants conditions on transfer station approval PICKERING from page 1 of waste the site could receive daily would increase to 1,410 tonnes and per- mitted on-site storage would go up to 12,328 tonnes, of which 78 per cent would be curing compost material. According to a report from Town staff, Miller Waste's application to the MOE identifies Durham Region as the source of the domestic waste the facili- ty will handle, and Ontario as the source for other organic waste, construction and demolition waste, recyclables and ICI (industrial, commercial and institu- tional) waste. Council voted Monday not to oppose phase one of the application as long as certain conditions were met. Those in- cluded requirements that Miller Waste: not accept waste at the site from out- side Durham Region enter into an acceptable 'host munici- pality benefit agreement' with Pickering - provide funding to the Town to hire a consultant to ensure a comprehensive environmental monitoring program is implemented and to conduct environ- mental audits of the operation on a peri- odic basis - contribute a proportional share of the cost of upgrades to Squires Beach Road provide details on line-up lengths (for trucks) and times on Squires Beach Road and provide recommendations for dealing with them - provide additional details and justifi- cation for the proposed increases in daily tonnages The Town is also recommending to the MOE that a decision on phase two of the expansion be deferred until ap- propriate technical and operational in- formation on it is provided to the Town's satisfaction. Council approved building and facil- ity additions at the Miller Waste site last July. At the time, both Ward I local Councillor Dave Ryan and a residents' group, Pickering Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the Environment, opposed some of the additions. They maintained the extra capacity, more than was need- ed to take in all the garbage being gen- erated in Durham Region, would lead to the importation of garbage from outside Durham into Pickering. It was Coun. Ryan who brought for- ward an amendment Monday to ask the MOE to prohibit Miller Waste from ac- cepting waste from outside the region at the Pickering site. The original motion before Council included only the condition that the site not accept domestic solid waste from outside Durham. ...*fin you Purchase a CHICKEN sandwich and medium fries at the BURGER regular KING Pte. •>_----------------------- ---� ------------------------------- ------ , --; WINE - Wool ONE MEN NEW SON -� 1 EI.1 1 1 It El 1 11 1 1�lc� 1; 1 CHICKM1 1 S��1wid� 11 S�dwid� 1 *Cloy a CHKXEN sandwidl and I *13W a CHICKEN sant Wkh and 1 meliiran fries at the regular price 1 I nledNsrl fries at the roVMm price 1 aW san** WE°�°�" I 1 a"d ms`s„ a FREE°alp" 1 1 Please present On cm4m before I I Please pr I fts coupw before 1 onlerkly Not void with any other offer. No wder ft. Not valid wild any other offer No 1 cash value- Applicable tales paid by , 1 cash eke. Appkable lanes paid by , bearer Limit ons rayon beam limit one oouW - 1 per arslanw, pa► vat 1 � I Per aatoMRer, par visit. ' 1plasommft. K�I1 K 1 1 Exom April 111x9. � I ; I E aa: Apra 11/99. 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IrLLS � 1 5 ><26 64 k9 f1= 19 6.59 k9 4.39 6.60 1x1 1321 k9 LEAN tEM CYr FR01I CARL GRADE CYT FROM GAIL GRADE CYT FRo1R CALL MADE CUT IN= CARL GRADE \' -A-, -AA-, -AAA- IW -A', -AA-, -AAA- OEM -A-, -AA-, -AAA- (W -A-, -AA-, -AAA- at$ GROUND HAM 11110111111116 IN STRIP LOIN EYE OF 11011111111l MW ROW Y PORK STEAKS STM $ S $2A91 Is. 12- 99 U $ 411.00 ."AL $ .99 .99/Lt. 5rM i.56 kg k9 19AI 11 00 4 � 3Lg REGULAR LEAN OM OWN - � ouR OwM-wiEw CAI A I II1MElMill 13MIJIM Mumma GROUND GROUND LOBSTER SMOKED BEEF BEEF IRA` 'A" "lftAffm $ .99/u- ALS srluYloN .99/LR. 1 4x6 UUM M /u..99/L�. 6.5 k F .� .%A 114218 4A9 16 LASAGNA MO u" ROMANO S �D HALIBUT NOODLE:� LUQ �, COD SHRIMP 1101111111111111111 a9 �a z = 9 �0 • r a aQ k9 tttMM1M 1 lb Mks. 6 aL aortlon 375 Si, rle.i�.ii.l6srlFs .,';�:*elsla�Ullre,iRtaslriFa.. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 28, 1999 PAGE 5 A/P Chuichs`u P''porter . s plan'Toronto protest to block closure Friends of St. Francis de Sales church in Pickering Village want to raise awareness AJAX — Parish- ioners opposed to the planned closing of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church will take their concerns to a special mass of the Toronto Archdiocese on Tuesday. Friends of St. Fran- cis de Sales Catholic Church will take a float to St. Michael's Cathe- dral for a Chrism Mass at 8 p.m., at which oils are to be blessed for Easter ceremonies for churches in the arch- diocese. About 300 priests and a cardinal are to at- tend the ceremony, re- ports parishioner Barry MacMillan, a member of the group fighting Sally Ann big winner on big Ladies' Night Out AJAX Sally, Ann and all other women are in- vited to enjoy a Ladies' Night Out Wednes- day, March 31 to help the Sally Ann. Honey Gar- lic Restaurant is hosting the event to raise money for the Ajax -Pickering Salvation Army. There'll be an all -you -can eat buffet, a fashion show, make-up, can- dle and jewelry shows, and door prizes. Cost is -s 12.99 per per- son. It runs from 6 to 9 p.m. at -the restaurant, on the northeast corner of Bayly Street and MacKenzie Av- enue in Ajax. Call 686- 8231 for more information on the Wednesday event. closure of the church. It plans to hold a demonstration outside the Toronto cathedral, and concerned mem- bers of the congrega- tion are encouraged to take part. Friends of St. Fran- cis de Sales Catholic Church was formed late last year when it was announced the Pickering Village church will be closed. The Toronto Arch- diocese wants to build a larger place of wor- ship in north Ajax and move the St. Francis congregation there. Currently, masses are held throughout the week at the old church, but Sunday mass is held in the gymnasium of St. Patrick Catholic School on Delaney Drive. That has upset many parishioners, who live in both Ajax and Pick- ering, because the gym is not designated to hold any more people than the church, which is limited to 300 people at a time, Mr. MacMil- lan notes. Some parishioners are calling for designa- tion of the landmark church as a historical building, but that process has been post- poned indefinitely. The Conservation Review Board is to decide if the church should be ro sin ss = M M ai � 1 p JL I 1 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. 1 WARRANTY APPROVED OIL CHANGE SPECIAL 1. of 1$1�8 .99* i 1 latlno POnuoll. •, u.r,lalrao t1tL I 1 n A" P% I oal.dn IMS;&M" 139.95I 1 1 sPEcrA� off"� O xlme mow�Qiittltllm I 1 cuM ooltlltE COu1 VIRI ANY oTo MR OPEN 7 DAYS A WKM I 1 195 WBTWEY In (South of 401), MM (90�) 427-67961 Please recycle this newspaper formally declared a heritage site, but it could he months before that board holds a hear- ing on the designation. Parishioners are split on the issue of designation. Some be- lieve it would keep the church open or perma- A4�li.r� ,Alvei �r.r MBERLEA? &I % DENTAL CENTRE WALK-IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m - 4 p.m. F�11F/>'GENC/ES.SEEN/NZfi'r�: • • • • • • 14ffi9. E.,>T/EAGENCYP.4GEI� AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH 8 HWY 401 • Extractions in Hospital • FREE 2nd Opinion Consultation • Collect From Insurances 9a0c and costag'J"ab.00t jur'Little R05Coc1t,4ff Crlidno's Cleftleg • Srees • Acceseriea • Top • Caaiies 30% - 50% OFF oFF �� 30°�° C)FF Sp G �O OFF $is naw 0600 IR AIEI MT 100- GU �p()V:f0 8�p (SIZES FROM 0-16) "W "COME & SEE OUR EASTER COLLE 7TIO.-V STORE HOURS 30 Kingston Road, Unit 6. MwL - Thum 10 am. - 6..00 P.M Friday 10 am. - 7:00 P.m. (Hwy. 2 de Akona Rd.) Pickering Sunday 12.00 am. - 3:00 P.-. (905) 509-2220 mnitipal. 1 T loyal O VE QU RREPIACES $79500* � fig • lla:es Extra • lastellletiw Este -- CaM ier Mteib ✓ERMONT ■ • CASTINGS "'�'� • m.a nentiy block its demo- lition. While the Arch- diocese hasn't said anything about demol- kralm• 152 06 w ffm* OAC, /1 ishing the church, some fear the future of the church is in danger of being razed. • Fireworks • Trains • Pioneer Ride • Miniature Village • Playground • NEW THIS YEAR •l, Family Maze - - I ., Family $74.99 $100.00 (Adntts, 3 children) Adult $34.99 $44,99 Seniomoo 526.99 $34.99 Gardens Open Saturdav April 17, opens 10am-5om Cullen Gardens Restaurant Opens Saturday April 3rd Easter Sunday Brunch 517.99p4L Seating at loam, now and 4m Easter Sunday Buffet $21.99p p. Starts 4:30pm Reservation Required (905) 430-2526 w P PAGE 6 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 28,1999 NEWSEditorial &OpiNioNs ADVERTISER M EDITORIAL Durham Region open for business Good things come when public, private sectors work together New jobs. Development and eco- development offices from Pickering to nomic activity. Public and private sec- Bowmanville provide the knowledge for co-operation. and expertise industry and commercial It all adds up for the Town of Whit- enterprises need when determining by and the development company be- where they will locate. hind the new Durham Business Centre Their efforts go largely unnoticed where the first shovel went into the by average taxpayers, but the results ground in the middle of March. are found in improved tax bases, job The 140 -acre site, located west of creation in their communities and ad - Iroquois Park Sports Centre in south ditional opportunities for growth. Whitby, will soon be home to the The lesson here is in the tactile ef- Durham Business Centre's first tenant, forts of Whitby's politicians and eco - Ryder Grocery Services. Ryder will nomic development personnel. By run a 428,000 -square -foot regional helping Nordeagle representatives ne- grocery distribution centre for Sobey's gotiate the intricate planning and ap- Canada. provals process, a good project is off to Up to 400 jobs will be created as a great start, which will surely add up part of the development - jobs that will to good things for the people who live be filled primarily by Durham Region in Durham. residents - but the story behind the But developers, too, must be willing ground -breaking is noteworthy too. to compromise and meet tough devel- Economic development officials opment standards. That has been the worked closely with the property's de- case with Nordeagle and Ryder Gro- veloper. Nordeagle Developments, and eery Services, which is now charging streamlined the approvals process con- ahead with its ambitious plan. siderably to allow that first shovel to Continued co-operation between break ground in the spring, as opposed the public and private sectors, a clear to summer or fall. message that Durham municipalities This Whitby example illustrates to are willing to encourage positive de - companies interested in developing in velopment activity in their communi- Durham - as well as to municipalities ties, and a clear commitment to im- across the region - that public sector proving the tax base combine to create involvement and a willingness to com- a winning mix for the people who live promise can send a clear 'open -for- and work here in Durham Region. business' message. So goes the saying: Build it and The people working in economic they will come. A R. 2 8, 1 9 9_9 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tories' stand easements and agricultural prc- on farmland will be telling To the editor: Lorne Almack is, as usual, quite right and has clearly stated the choices which now must be made by the provincial govern- ment in his letter to the editor headlined 'Conservatives not conservationists?' in the Picker- ing News Advertiser March 23 on the matters of conservation Story made jaded J*ournalist's day Adoptive parents, China dolls make world look a little better It's not often a reporter gets to story, their courage in taking an un - feel good about their work. orthodox path to enrich their own Sure, there's a certain satisfaction lives and that of little Meghan, and in doing your best to provide infor- MariallIIe their positive attitude and enthusi- mation about important public issues "► asm about the adoption that so af- and events to readers. But journalists , TBkaCS fected the other couples. But it was spend most of their working days nice to have played just a little role. trying to make heads or tails out ofStag' Writer Now I'm hoping we've played social and political happenings, that little role again by recently pub - wading through various controver- lishing an article about the new sies, and recording the details of the China. I remember little nine-month- adoptive families as Heather Bennett kinds of crimes and personal disas- old Meghan cooing and gurgling and suggested. It's not often you get to ters nobody would wish on their playing contentedly with one of her write about so much sadness - child - worst enemy. It's no wonder journal- tiny pink socks as I interviewed her less parents and abandoned children ists can become negative and cyni- new mother and father, who were - being transformed into so much joy cal. both about as thrilled as could be - parents with children to love and So I really got a kick out of find- about finally becoming parents. be loved by, and children with par- ing out recently that one of the most A few weeks ago Heather phoned ents to love and be loved by. pleasant, happy, good -news stories to ask if we would do another story - Here's hoping their story will in - I've ever done has resulted in even this time about six previously -child- spire others to gather the courage to more good news, and it's at least less couples who had adopted babies do what they did and find the happi- partly because the story was written from China after being inspired to do ness they did. And thanks to the Ben- in the first place. so by my article about the Bennetts. netts, Summerses, Knapps, Seeleys That story published three years Of course, most of the inspiration and Jeromes for telling their stories ago was about Heather and Doug part came from the Bennetts. While I and making the world look like a Bennett, who had just adopted a de- may have written it and the News better place even to a jaded journal- lightful, bouncing baby girl from Advertiser published it, it was their ist. serves. The decision now lies square- ly with the provincial govern- ment. Will the Ontario Realty i Corporation be allowed to con- tinue along its current predatory, pro -development route, or will it be forced by the government to conform with the wishes so clearly expressed by the local communities and municipal gov- ernments? So, MPP Janet Ecker, MPP Chris Hodgson and Premier Mike Harris, where do you stand, and what will you decide? You are obviously not conservationists and anti -Conservatives. Are you simply Conservatives and anti - conservationists? Perhaps, you will agree that the best to be is both Conservative and conserva- tionist. What you do, or do not do, over the next few weeks will be crucial. Your decisions and your actions will let us all know where your priorities lie and how this government is to be assessed when the election bell sounds. Jim Thompson, Wbitevale The News Advertiser accepts let- ters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verifi- cation. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in let- ters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Ad- vertiser. We regret that due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Getebra;e the 4uture, DURHAM 1 1 7 4 16 1 7 1 9 PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Metroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager John Willems Real Estate/Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office Manager Barb Harrison Composing ,Manager _N tws (905) 683-5110 Salm (905)683-5110 class fly (905) 683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E -Mail newsroom(.&durham.net Web address www.durhamnews_net 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax 8t Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- munity Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occu- pies. 7 The spy wholoved Aiax NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 28, 1999 PAGE 7 AM First mayor of town made Camp X work, according to author of new book BY JANE MCUONALU Staff Writer An incredible part of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Canadian history has finally been told, more than 50 years after the fact. "It's a travesty of history the way this story has been distorted:' says Bill Macdonald. The author of a new book that hails the achieve- ments of the men and women who served on the hattlefield of espionage during the Second World War was in Ajax Saturday afternoon to give belated credit where credit is due. Hav- ing amassed almost 10 years of research and face-to-face interviews for the book, the Winnipeg writer praised the work done at Camp X, the spy school and secret commu- nications centre that straddled the Oshawa - Whitby horder in the 1940%. He gives partic- ular credit to the late Benjamin de Forest 'Pat' Bayly, the first mayor of Ajax. "Pat Bayly was very undercover:' Mr. Macdonald told the two dozen people gath- ered in Ajax last Saturday for a book sign- ing. "His car had a licence plate that could not he identified by police. It would come up classified"' In his book, 'The True Intrepid: Sir William Stephenson and the Unknown Agents,' Mr. Macdonald says he began the project because he was embarrassed he did- n't know much about his fellow Winnipeg - ger, Sir William Stephenson. The 42 -year- old teacher and journalist would eventually write that by 1942, Special Training School 103 (Camp X) "had become a communica- tions centre linking Washington, Ottawa, New York and London, organized by Pat Bayly:' Professor Bayly, as he was called by the select few who knew his name during covert wartime operations, had never talked about his wartime service when Mr. Mac- donald interviewed him in 1991, before the former mayor 's death. An unusually modest man who Mr. Mac- donald says he found to be "without ego:' Mr. Bayly reluctantly acknowledged the clandestine work he did in breaking enemy corks, securing Allied communications and devising a triangulation method of detect- ing German U-boat positions. "'Yes, it was kind of an im- portant job. We did get rid of a lot of submarines,' Bayly told me" Seemingly still amazed at the understated significance of Mr. Bayly's contributions to the war effort, Mr. Macdonald ±! son, the man Winston Churchill codenamed 'Intrepid' at the start of the war, Bill Macdon- ald says his 429 -page tome is the first history compiled and authored by a Canadian. Pat Bayly's name has only been "briefly men- tioned" a couple of times, for example, in ar- ticles and books written by mainly British au- thors. Neither Canadian, he says, Stephenson nor Bayly, received their due. "Official histories are not representative of what these people did," he continues, explain- ing that Stephenson had provided a "life line" 3 adds, "This was one of the most r decisive elements in (winning) g the Battle of the Atlantic:' �.. After the war, Mr. - Bayly founded Bayly Engineer- ing, now Bayly Communica- lions Inc., first in Oshawa and then in Ajax. Prior to the war, he'd been an clectricat engineering professor at the University of Toronto. When the town was incorporated in the 1950s, he became its first mayor. A thoroughfare run- _ning cast to west through the town, south of the 401, hears the name of the electronics ex- pert. Though books have been written about Pat Bayly's wartime boss, Sir William Stephen - 'INTR0 (communications transmitters) secrets" following the events of Dec. 7, 1941. The men behind these accomplishments were not credited in British accounts and were often simply referred to, as Mr. Macdonald coins it, as hav- ing been achieved "through exist- ing British channels:' "The fact that it was a Canadi- an operation was no more than a footnote on the page," he adds, EPIC Sir St eph.er_s or_ Author Bill Macdonald (kft) credits the late Benjamin de Forest 'Pht' Bayly (top right ) for the success of Camp X in Whit- by used in the Second World War to train spies . Mr. Bayly was the first mayor of ,,�" Ajax and helped organize the training fa- cility. According to the author, the top -se- "' cret training ground 'had become a com- b e t w e e n munications centre linking Washington, England Ottawa, New York and London.' In an in - and the Unit- terview with the author in 1991 before he tw een Winston States (b died Mr. Bayly reluctantly acknowledged [w Churchill and Franklin the work he completed in breaking enemy Roosevelt) before Pearl Harbour and that he communications codes, but took no credit and Bayly "guarded the ULTRA and MAGIC for the success of the effort. passionately. "We've neglected them and in the case of Pat Bayly, neglected h him completely. We're talking shout a world war and what hese people ..,J to win it"' Some of Ic people ho turned ut to meet and talk with the author at Chapters hookstore m the week- rnd were aware of what Sir William Stephenson and Pat Bayly had done. They had served with them. "We appreciate the fact that we're heing recognized at last" says Chris Ruttan, who worked as a Morse code TK (telekrypton) op- erator for Stephenson and Bayly at Camp X. in Washington and in New York. "My father- in-law was a colonel at Camp X and I met my husband there, Captain George Ruttan, who was in charge of communications:' The Pickering woman, who admits to being "over 70:' says she doesn't "know a lot, but whenever the Americans came in to the Alice (where she and other BSC personnel worked) in the British Joint Staff Mission in Washington, we had to cover up that ma- chine." The machine six- refers to is ROCK - EX. the "unbreakable" cypher machine de- veloped by Pat Bayly. By virtue of the top-w-cret goings-on down by the Lakeshore in the 194X, few local residents had anv idea the farmland was oc- cupied by the first school for spies ever estab- lished in North America. Following the suc- cess of Ian Fleming's James Bond thrillers. (Fleming has been quoted as saying he pat- terned 0107 atter Sir William) layers of confu- sion began to appear in books and film, fur- ther muddying the already murky waters of the wartime intelligence story. Ruth Brooking, former chief librarian of the Oshawa Public Library was only a child when Camp X operated in her hometown. All she says she remembers is a "high wire fence:' Years later, she became acquainted with Sir William and his daughter, Elizabeth, in Bermuda. "He was just a wonderful man;' she recalls after hearing Bill Macdonald talk about her friend. He was made a Companion to the Order of Canada in 1980 when then Governor General Ed Schreyer travelled to the home the aging super sleuth made for himself and his family in the British colony). "They (Stephenson and Bayly) accom- plished a lot of stuff and got no credit at all:' says an emphatic Mr. Macdonald. In the epilogue of his book, Bill Macdon- ald admits having doubts about his much -ma- ligned subject, especially when he unearthed the facts concerning Stephenson's early life in Winnipeg. He says he "questioned whether British Security Co-ordination (the wartime organization headed up by Sir William Stephenson) even existed. "it existed," he writes. ... "It seems we have been poor caretakers of history when he- roes of humanity's greatest tragedy are ne- glected and forgotten. Certainly these were lives of triumph that could be celebrated... " AIP PARTE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Nareh 28,1!89 Special -needs students may lose teachers Durham educators fear funding formula BY SUSAN O'NEILL School Board, chairman Mary Ann Staff Writer Martin says, "We are committed, and Special education programs here always have been, to special educa- could suffer drastic cuts this September tion ... we have no cuts coming in that if the Province adopts a new approach area at all." to funding when it announces school Meanwhile, Ministry of Education boards' budgets next month, local edu- and Training spokesman Dave Ross cators warn. could not confirm the date for the The provincial government is ex- Province's upcoming spending an- pected to announce spending alloca- nouncement and said he was unaware tions for the 1999-2000 school year in of any changes being made to the gov- April and Durham District School ernment's funding formula for special Board chairman Doug Ross says antic- education. ipated changes to the funding formula for special education programs could mean a significant drop in the number of academic resource teachers em- ployed by the board. "The government is looking at a new funding formula for special educa- tion that proposes integrating the kids into larger classrooms with the addition of educational assistants instead of using academic resource teachers;" Mr. Ross reports. " If the government accepts the pro- posal we'd have to lose about 100 aca- demic resource teachers." Cutting those staff members would have a "significant" impact on special education programs at public schools throughout the region, says Stella Dorsman, co -president of the Durham division of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO). The public board currently employs 137 academic resource teachers who play several roles in Durham schools, but Ms. Dorsman says that number could drop to 26 next fall. "Our numbers of academic resource teachers are going to be significantly reduced;' she says. Ms. Dorsman notes these teachers provide resources and extra support for students who have special needs, work with pupils individually outside the classroom, organize student visits with speech pathologists and psychometrists and provide extra help to youngsters with learning difficulties. And, she maintains educational as- sistants don't provide the same services as academic resource teachers. "Educational assistants are not trained teachers. You just can't equate the two roles;" she says. "It's very im- portant for parents to understand the ramifications of this. The delivery of our special education program cannot remain the same." Ms. Dorsman notes the anticipated cuts will not only affect special -needs pupils but also the "average student in the average classroom. It's going to change the dynamics in every class- room. "Parents need to understand this is happening. They may not see the ef- fects until the fall but they need to real- ize the changes before the spring elec- tion," she says, noting the govern- ment's funding announcement is ex- pected April 14. "All decisions related to stating and programs hinge on that announce- ment." nnounce- ment" "It's serious business," adds Mr. Ross. "It would cut about $5.5 million out of our special education (budget) in Durham." At the Durham Catholic District MARYANN MARTIN Durham Catholic school board has 'no cuts coming in that area at all.' (Specializing in Workplace Safety dt Insurance Clams Over 20 Years Experience, Including Appeals Level For Professional and Reliable Service Call: 905-426-4181 Fax: 905-426-5368 2396 Wildwood Cres. Pickering, On. L I X 2G9 Email: BertVolneyCIaims@Dhotmail.com LnCA l lle4 • • • • • • • • • • SERVING �JL�i� A ci � L 1 AIR CONDITIONING DURHAM REGI SINCE 1970 W�Ip� FREE AuthorizedHoneywell Digital DealerThermostat 3 FREE KEEPRIGREENLIGHT FREE Winter Cover eEO Obllbfigrtion ESTIMATES RN WING Low Cost Fnancin G NoOSHAWA SUPER uEr , SOUND LEWL 7.0 SELS �w N HIGH EFFICIENCY 10.9 S.E.E.R. �-T LINDA WHITFJ News Advertiser photo Friends of Big Brothers The Big Brothers Association of Ajax -Picker- ing was given $6,7% from Sears at the Picker- ing Town Centre through the store's Young Fu- tures program in which customers 'round up' their purchase to the next dollar. As well, 11,000 Ho Ho Beans were sold in November and December for the fund-raiser — the high - Durham won't back Peterborough cardiac clinic Durham council has decided against supporting an effort to fund a cardiac catheterization lab for the Peterborough Regional Health Cen- tre. The $1.9 -million lab will serve Durham residents, as well as people in Haliburton, North Hastings, Northumberland, Peterborough and Victoria counties, according to David Smith, co-chairman of the drive for the facility. Mr. Smith told Durham politi- cians Wednesday, "People in the re- gion were dying prematurely and un- necessarily at the rate of approxi- mately one person per month. This situation still exists today." Some heart patients face waiting lists of up to nine months for treat- ment, have to travel up to four hours for catheterization appointments and are being bumped from lists two and three times, he reported. Mr. Smith asked council to en- dorse a fund-raising campaign, but added he wasn't requesting money from the Region as a municipal cor- poration. But, after listening to him, Council took no action. Last December, provincial Health Minister Elizabeth Witmer an- nounced a cardiac catheterization f lab would be located at the Peterbor- ough hospital. est number of any Sears store in Canada. Front row (from left) are, Big Brothers executive di- rector Sharlene Melnike, Sears charity commit- tee member Susan Maste, and employees Robyn Vger and Terry Goodfellow. In back (from left) are employees Yussef Hafez, Dianne Christie, and store manager Eugene Moulder. Them 184 !f!liRAii, Si.. AJU 111111-1222 TMREE BEARS AUTO BODY VW Of AJAZIS LAROLST AUTO MOiDY • COiLLfSION Ste' "Servtn� rtre i u► lir�ion- :$ $200B00*%ftP&iM�tX1 � d ws'1 pry iluctiele up 1D 5200!! (-tit ttw t� must be pn wftd r t to *W* bem stoned for dabft UIdT #208,2W MONARCH AVE., AJAX (90:1)619-2327 La our tn- euwow awe; Rp- 10 two ytwr AID TOUR 9t1111M MIo7rwAft you ih a ytwr is tdrara d dp+Mtl M 9 loaf -npoI for yw to look ow rifhoul cry A19 P Fa► won Www ilm ca tM SIDE SALES DEPARTMENT 09053 579-4400 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Mundt 28,1999 PAGE 9 P R....fi K K.(. K K K K K KK KK COACHES AND PIPW PLAYERS The Ajax Pickering Dolphins Football Club is in need of coaches for all age groups. Players born between January 1, 1984 and August 31, 1984 (15 years old) and September 1, 1984 to August 31, 1986 to play on our Pee -Wee team are also required. Cost $175.00 plus equipment deposit of $25.00 Please call head coach Michael Rouleau at 420-3966 evenings or during the day leave a message for more details. The Dolphins will hold registration on May 6, 1999 at Kinsman Park (bottom of Sandy Beach Rd.) at 6:30 p.m. for all ages. 4 Branch 322 Ajax a¢ will be visited by the Department of Veterans Affairs office on Wednesday March 31st at 9:15am, 111 Hunt St. Ajax Canadian veterans and Veterans of allied forces who require assistance are invited to attend. Veterans requesting a review of their present status may also attend. You are reminded to bring all supporting documents to the review. Information regarding the Veterans Affair Department may be obtained from the Legion Branch Service Officer Charles W. Preslev 683-2927 or 686-1628 L�. The News Advertiser welcome letters to the editor. Letters should be limited to 150 words and signed with a full first and last name OR two initials and a last name. Letters must include a telephone num- ber for confir- mation purpos- es. Unsigned letters will not be printed. FAX them: 683-7363 EMAIL them: newsroom@ durham.net MAIL them: 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax- Ont. L1 S 2H5 Spring has arrived so make your car look like new again at Three Bears Autobody This weekend weather is a welcome relief from those cold winter months. Spring is finally here and there's no better time to take your vehicle to Three Bears Autobody Has that rust taken its toll on your car body because of the salt and dirt from the past few months? If so, then their highly trained specialists will make it look like new again. "We use only the best qual- ity parts and apply a two stage painting system to every vehi- cle," says Kevin Bond of Three Hears. "The finished result is a car or tr ick you'll be proud to show off to your family and friesi,_ M Also, If you need collision work, remember it's your choice where you take your car not the insurance company's. "They may recommend gain shops but the fmal deci- sion is yours," says Kevin. Right now Three Bears will pay the PST and GST on a com- plete paint and body job or $200 towards your deductible. This offer is good until April 30,1999. "This is a Perfect opportu- nity to get your vehicle Three Bears staff put the finishing touches on this besuWW Corvette. repaired," says Kevin. "Another reason not to delay is our 90 day, no -interest, no -payment plan OAC." Of course the best incentive at Three Bears is their team of top technicians who know their busi- ness well and can make your vehicle look like new again. They have all of the latest equipment and use only the best products because they know how much you value your car. Additional services provid- ed indude a free shuttle service as well as arranging a rental vehi- cle depending on your insurance coverage. There is also a five year warranty on the paint and a war- ranty on collision work for as long as you own the vehicle. For more information about Three Bears Autobody call (905) 619-2327 or visit their shop at 282 Monarch Ave., Unit 20B in Ajax. `---__ _.. •.,noir=••f ♦•q7. �]��e-.u�•..r•, P PAtiE 10 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 28, 1999 Report s building slowed in Durham last'year But, construction expected to pick up in 1999 Building activity in Durham was down last year, partly be- cause of labour disputes in the housing and automotive sec- tors. But, the head of Regional council's planning committee expects a better year in 1999. "All the indications I've seen are positive for building permit activity;" says Ajax Mayor Steve Parish. "The economy is still strong. As long as the automotive indus- try stays strong and labour isn't disrupted, and there's good weather, it could be a very strong year for residential and non-residential develop- ment" A planning department re- port indicates the value of building permits issued in Durham in 1998 dropped 13 per cent to $582 million from the 1997 total of $668.6 mil- lion. On the housing front, 3,043 permits were issued in 1998, a drop from the '97 figure of 3,734. However, the value of non-residential permits rose by $2 million last year, to $174.1 million. The report notes the number of housing permits issued last year was below the 20 -year av- erage of almost 3,900 a year, but the 1998 total was above 1992, 1993 and 1995. From 1986 to '89, permit totals were above 6,000 each year. The planning department report says the slowdown in building permit activity "was primarily the result of strikes in the building trades, as well as negative impacts experi- enced by the local manufactur- ing sector due to major labour disputes in the U.S. auto in- dustry." The report also attributes some of the slowdown in the housing market across the GTA to slower job creation and weaker consumer confi- dence. While growth slowed in Durham, that wasn't the case throughout the GTA where the value of building permits is- sued last year totalled $7.9 bil- lion, an increase over the '97 figure of $7.4 billion. "While Durham's share of GTA development activity has declined slightly in all sectors over the past year, the region has retained a level close to its traditional share of overall GTA growth," the report states. Gelebrom the Future! DURHAM r• 7. 6 1 1. 1 HOLIDAY CLOSURE OF THE REGION'S WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES The Region's Waste Management Facilities in Oshawa, Port Perry, Blackstock and in Brock Township will be closed Friday, April 2, 1999 for Good Friday. Normal operations will resume Saturday, April 3, 1999. I�I V A S119adis. P. Eng. Commtssgner of VVoft THE 1•' THE 1 ON 4 WITH CARL • We wish iodraw your sMatleaf b tree toloMirg o ou►aorran UnWftdySates'tlyw PAGE 6 - MAG4XI`E FLASHIIGH S, 65-2085X COPY READS: VITH[ BA1TERIES SHOULD READ: BA7' IMM SOLD SEPARATELY we Wo Law yowatlsrr * to #* Arlbwiq in ori aw" AW" Low At9s'#1w PAGE y -ASSORTED MOVIE FIGURES, 50-5642-2 MOVIE FIGURES ASSORTMENT MAY VARY BY LOCATION. NO'BATMAN' FIGURES AVAILABLE. WE SINCERELY REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE WE MAY HAVE CAUSED YOU. . .awelil?131i+Eau.csi uraw oannrwar u..wrs.io "Icz` CAIFA ouRrrue axe neves Is your financial advisor a member of CAIFA? Call 14X*.563-5822 A CWftfed LEe lbdVW* (0A s a Irwrri a6w rite adwrad WnrleIgo nReandhmMiwmceandSff0 etrrik A Cfwwred FmmW 0xvAur (CHF.C.) is a l wcw a*w rile aftod Madedpe in w M im d am and re nwm plan LIVERPOOL F15H AND CHIPS NOW OPEN NEW LOCATION FORMERLY BILL THE FISHERMAN OF AJAX "WE SERVE FIZE5H HALIBUT ONLY" MON.-THURS. 11 A.M.-8 P.M. FRIDAY 11 A.M.-9 P.M. SATURDAY 11 A.M. - 8 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON .7 P.M. 719 Kroeno Blvd., Pickering Tel: (905) 831-9684 (Liverpool South Plaza) ytoYORK1 Aut,ole Fteabng and Nr Condioorrng CONSUMERS CAS . . YEAR RX" FURriACE - K CLE NCE � = r low w _ fill SPRING IS ILISTAROHND THE CORNER Don't let your Tulips get caught hanging low, or another way of putting it, get your finances in order now. Most people spend the majority of matey at Christmas, and in the late Spring. There always seems to be either some repairs, or a new project around the house or cot- tage that requires funds going out that you were not counting on. Possibly that Pool that you always wanted is on sale for a price, and you just MUST HAVE IT. Well, if it's planned properly, it will probably fit nicely into your budget, with a little re -structuring. There are a number of ways this can be achieved. The first is either to re -negotiate your first mortgage to a larger amount (which creates a whole new set of problems, like blending the rate for the new term, or some sort of penalty for breaking the term early) or take out a second mortgage for the new amount. We can obtain secondary financing to 75% of value on PREWE mortgages (prime being good credit history and good income levels) at 6.75% fully open. When you require financing over 75% (to a max of 90%) the interest rate jumps to 11.25% minimum. When you attempt financing at the 90% level, credit must be at least good (not necessarily excellent) with a few minor flaws allowed. The next way is on a loan basis. The maximum seems to be around $35,000 for unsecured). Security is not the important factor, however credit must be A-1. It is very important to have at least one major credit, and one department store credit card. These cards must not exceed the cred- it limits, and used Dirt a fairly regular basis. Absolutely no more than TWO credit inquiries on your credit bureau over the last six months. Remember, just about all applications are scored by a computer after it does a credit bureau, so it is very important that the lender pre-screens the application to make sure that it fits into their guidelines. That is one of the important reasons why we at Central Funding Group have great success at consolidations. We make sure your individual requirements fit with the lender that the file will be placed with It is difficult enough, b get a large consolidation without finding out that what you have been approved for is no where close to what you needed or applied for. All lenders have different lending parameters, and it is extremely important that your situation will fit within those guidelines. At Central Funding Group, this is where we excel. able at Prime first °10�1� are always 34% below posted market rates. private mortgage funds are avail- ery competitive rates for those clients that don't quite hit the major institutions' requirements. Where your reqwrements are our Primary kern, and for fast PROFESSIONAL service give us a call, we are there to serve you. Till next time o&w.4 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Mweh 28,1999 PAGE I I AM Durham steel manufacturer fears American actions Bill launched to cut imports to U.S. which could have `devastating impact' on Canadian industry BY CINDY UPSHALL Staff Writer The latest effort to cut Canadian steel imports to the United States is just the latest move in a growing protectionist groundswell south of the border, says a local steel manufacturer. Dave Camozzi, vice- president and general man- ager of CO -Steel Lasco says both Canadian and Ameri- can steel manufacturers are concerned about the dump- ing of low-cost steel into North American markets, however "what we're more concerned with is the whole situation is getting a bit more radical." Making moves to try and limit steel imports from around the world is part of .,an increasing flow of US protectionism," he says. Although it's unlikely the bill, which would limit the level of steel imports to pre -1997 levels, will be passed into law since Presi- dent Bill Clinton has said he will veto it, Mr. Camozzi says the industry is taking the possibility of a steel ban seriously. "Any kind of broad re- duction could have a devas- Ajax drop-in centre invites area residents out this week AJAX — The Ajax North Drop -In Centre invites area residents out for a morning of fun. The group meets from 9 to I I a.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Riverbreeze Community Centre, I Richards Lane, Ajax. Parents, caregivers and children four and under are welcome. Free. Phone 428-8817 or 683-4400 for information. RONALD MARTINO & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS BROCK ROAD CHAPEL PROVIDING TRADITIONAL BURIAL 3 CREMATION SERVICES "THE DURHAM PLAN" IMMEDIATE BURIAL OR CREMATION SERVICES • Transportation of the Deceased • Family Consultation INCLUDES • Documentation • Minimal Wooden Cremation 1910 or Burial Container BROCK ROAD CHAPEL ENOUIRES PLEASE CALL 1057 Brock Road (Just tooth of 401) PICKERtNG (905) 6564 BRIDAL BOUTIQUE INC. Under New Management New Store Hours: Tues. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. 3112 St mr Rd. Doeitean CoUgp Cay~ i Employes- It Services wand like to [bade the employers Am p - t! - inCwow Fek '99. A special thank you to the following sponsors: Shrimp Cocktail Restaurant The Body Shop Grand & Toy Belamys Restaurant Coles Bookstore Leepers Larding Restaurant Fabulous Tan WkImart Cineplex Odeon Cinemas Square Boy ($1110= r.N) Durham College • Continuous Learning • Alumni • Athletics Development • Bookstore • Student Association so** Baur poiretMr� r�r rwa� Miw�waliaw Niro a tttudpk. Coll C611110611110110.. we& - IIIIWr2laoa4. University Centre at Durham tating impact on the Canadi- an steel industry," he says, adding trouble in the indus- try could affect other areas of the economy. He could not speculate on the exact effect or what job losses might possibly occur. Even if this particular bill is unsuccessful there are a number of others which are waiting in the wings. To fend off any negative effects in the steel industry • rtwr�+w caused by new US policies, Mr. Camozzi says members of the Canadian steel indus- try have been meeting with politicians, locally and in Ottawa to express their con- cerns. He says in talking to public officials "there are some encouraging words. They seem to prefer a nego- tiated settlement instead of a confrontation which we're on the edge of." Active Green—Ross COMPLETE TIRE & AUTO CENTRE The Canadian steel in- dustry is telling its Ameri- can counterparts it is con- cerned about the dumping of steel in their markets, he says. In Canada, South Korea and Turkey are re- sponsible for steel dumping, says Mr. Camozzi. "We're trying to respond to it with proper informa- tion being exchanged, not with rhetoric," he says. Unlike earlier attempts to restrict steel imports, Mr. Camozzi says the latest bill is retaliation for Canada's split -run magazine legisla- tion. "The latest bill isn't re- taliatory. It's just a bill that's causing us to be con- cerned," he says. In addition to politicians from both counties dis- cussing the issue, steel asso- ciations on both sides of the border are also talking. FREE DRI fi CLIFoM BRAKE INSPECTION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FREE EXHAUST INSPECTION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FREE 30 POINT INSPECTION •••••••••••••• LUBE Olt & FILTER New car Warranty Approved 4 95, 5 Boat car aLIIM >nmb INCLUDES: J FREE 30 Point Inspection 4 Up to 5 litres t OW30 bulk Motor oil J 1 oN Fitter dt1.100mank rA%i "A New Vehicle Emission Testing Program" 1 Westney Rd. 534 Ritson Rd. S. AJAX OSHAWA 686-2182 728-6221 III Ontario's Drive Clean is a new r 4:= vehicle emission testing program to reduce smog and it's harmful effects on the air �.� we breathe. Under the program, if you live in an area with serious smog problems, your vehicle must pass a clean air test. If the vehicle fails it must be repaired and retested. ON TA R I 0 " S Cars, trucks and buses are the largest source of smog - causing pollutants in Ontario. DRIVEThey release nitrogen oxides CL (NOX), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and Microscopic dust particles that react together in the presence Acaedted Test b Repair Rc ty of sunlight to create smog. -An oMcW mart[ or the province of There are mandatory testing Ontn10 used t'r'uer and repair programs like Drive Clean across North America that help ensure vehicles are makltamed according to each vehicles emission standards. Even though most vehicles today have Cleaner techrlologies and tighten emission standards, they can become heavy polluters if not maintained property. For More info. about Ontario's Drive Clean Program call the professionals at Active Green a Ross ...for the air we breathe 1 Westney Rd. 534 Ritson Rd. S. AJAX OSHAWA 686-2182 728-6221 III P PAGE 12 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNbi1 Y60I6N, i4 h•28, 1999 ANDREW IWANOWSKI/ News Advertiser photo Spin city Students enjoying their recent March break turned out at the Pickering Town Centre turned out to watch the St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Spin Squad per- form. The performance included dancing yo-yo demonstrations and more. Here. F.J. Sarmiento show his form on the floor. Breastfeeding class offered to new moms Pregnant moms in the area are in- vited out to learn an important lesson on Monday. The Durham Lactation Centre holds a two-hour prenatal breastfeed- ing workshop Monday, March 29. Phone 427-9547 for time and loca- tion. I ACHIEVE A PreNssiWE CAN HELP VOU onN and FRESH START AIrsaNlalirrd Sarvicy I I Several convenneed kmationa, indudh►y: OSHAWA 146 S.ncoe Swo N. OW 7294M04 (DowrKown) SCAHBOR000H 1919 L.&mwN oe Ave. E. (416) 750.9620 (user OVP arw 4011 l ➢� � W (4116)28"140 HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH EASTER MASSES SATU R DAY APRIL 3 R 8 P.M. - Easter Vigil SUNDAY APRIL 4` 10 A.M. +11:30 A.M. Just the fax: 683 -?363 I Found A Bette ay To Shape I_ re V �.� 111 He says people are always looking making industry, Wine Not's philosophy is simple - provide a ,a us%mbed superior product. Combine this 1, Premiums ability to customize your wine, f� extraordinary service, a dean and r+ comfortable atmosphere, a great IA ��' LEARN FROM „ THE EXPERT a MasserRim ake i World Ownpion ' $13 a nn Do" Blixt BA Pickering. Take Hwy 401 to McCowan Rd. with a 5 -year installation warranty. ake 2 �` . PASTER RIM'S KICK BOXING SAVE $30 TAE KWON DO C`UB428-1477 Midland on the west side 20 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax Not only does Plumbing Mart DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS CAS MEW 14W-576.8575 D0t"E ►RBIs Cor.VW@ Saftcbm of TILT-ACTI011 vr�y1 wvwows a Doors • PICTl1RE WINDOWS • SAY a DOW aKNDOWS • INSURANCE CLAAAS • PAT10 DOORS • STORM DOORS - NEW CONSTRUCTION wINDOWS Fadhmmamo •�WAYNEE�� ttoettE SHOWROOM Ham/ r y.Nyn KK ST W sALEs. SERVICE a �,Afw� INSTALLATION t9oa) 579-2222�� IFOR KITCHEN • BATHROOM RENOVATIONS' CUSTOM UPGRADES INCLUDED WITH ALL RENOVATION PROJECTS BOOKED THIS MONTH' HUGE RENOVATION SHOWROOM KITCHEN a: BATHROOM MODELS ut our tern w9bn -o flw a prop= b a* yohr Heeds AND HOUR BUDGET. We'll provid9 you WO A year in adwn, of twgaMd bdurn in 8 goal spaPe- for you b look own n*wA any obligation For mora information tall drt MSME SALES DEPARTMENT (905) 683-0707 1 �ti�1,1ce 19 3 Your Wine Making; Establishment Q: Are all wine making places the same, I_ re A: No. As a leader in the wine- He says people are always looking making industry, Wine Not's philosophy is simple - provide a ,a us%mbed superior product. Combine this with our extensive knowledge, our Premiums ability to customize your wine, better way dmh with a new kitchen. extraordinary service, a dean and MA4 I Waui Ckims comfortable atmosphere, a great IA ��' selection, and we take the time to IM aw inform you about your wine and it's manv pleasures. One visit to ake i R the Not, and we believe the ' $13 answer will be dear. Pickering. Take Hwy 401 to McCowan Rd. with a 5 -year installation warranty. ake 2 �` . Call Craig or Pirjo SAVE $30 623 Kingston Rd. Midland on the west side (V1cst of Whits) Not only does Plumbing Mart Pickering install superior 837 -WINE (9463) Read up in cyberspace! VG'e're at wv�v.durhamnews.net Exciting news! Plumbing Mart is now offering kitchens There's lots of excitement at Plunbing Mart these days as it announces the biggest news since it fust opened its doors. Available now, along with their beautiful bathrooms, is the best in kitchens for your home. "That's right we're now in the kitchen business," says Sam fleninato Of Plumbing Mart. "Our customers have been asking for the past couple of years if we could do their kitchens and now we're saying yes." It's a natural progression for Plumbing Mart They already utilize the best cabinet makes and suppliers of tiles and plumbing supplies. They already have an in-house pro- fessional teom Of iratallers to do the work and still guacanlee an installation schedule as they do with their badtmoms. In the photo at right is a perfect example of a bead" kitchen you can have in your home complete with garber- alot; iratant hot water dispense; back- sptasl4 soap dispenser and your choice of countertop. Right now they're Offering a super value added kitchen renovation package for a typical IV by 10' k4dnen at $14997.00 completely installed. This kitchen allows plenty of choice in cabinets, flooring, countertops and more," says Sam "It's a great package far less than if you bought it piece by piece.' He says people are always looking to add value to their home and dhere's no better way dmh with a new kitchen. Locawd at 1534 Midhnd Ave, the newly alpanded 401V10011k is only 15 baduooans, at a grew price they abo back minutes from anywhere in Ajax and up their pnomee of quality and service Pickering. Take Hwy 401 to McCowan Rd. with a 5 -year installation warranty. south to Lawrerim west two major inter- can dleir nenmatiat showroom at secdons and then north one block north on (416) 284796 or for a free sahome esti- Midland on the west side male at top free 1-8884 THRENO or I - Not only does Plumbing Mart 888-228-4736. install superior kitchen, and, don't forget Plumbaing art IPM-_ .4;..�-- -- `_-- - 'I. Ew.xu Christiansget the facts on FAQs `Alpha' course aims to answer big questions People interested in finding out in the early 1990s and are now taught more about Christianity are invited to in churches of all denominations attend an upcoming course. around the world. The 10 -week `Alpha' course aims The course begins Wednesday, to answer such questions as Who is April 14 and will be offered at St. Jesus?, Who is the Holy Spirit?, How Paul's on -the -Hill Anglican Church can I be sure of my faith?, Why and in Pickering. how do I pray?, How can I resist It is being offered in conjunction evil?, How does God guide us?, What with the Pickering Pentecostal happens after we die?, and How do Church. we deal with guilt? For more information or to regis- Alpha teachings began in England ter call St. Paul's at 839-7909. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Il1rdt 2B, 1999 PAGE 13 AIP z p � WE'RE READY! R IORS TM I � RE YOUI CO iAR C � Seniors for Seniors" offers the services of junior seniors to assist senior seniors as drivers, home cleaners, handy persons, house sitters and drop-in, live-in & overnight homemakers. For a free brochure outlining our rates and services in Durham Region call 434-5115 or 686-0717 Sable $150.250 Installed Steel Entry Door Systems A large selection of styles. Sale prices end Sun.. March 21. 1999 SM 10% .Installed Decorator Shingles Ctwose from a wide assortment of colours. Sale prices end Sun.. March 21. 1999 BlIlillilll� .a Installed WeatherBeatere Replacement windows with Low 'E' and Argon Gas Sm is offer ends Sun.. Manch 21, 1999 SM $150 Installed Vinyl Patio Doors select a style to canplete the look of your backyard. Sale prices end Sun.. Mara, 21. 1999 Sere $150 Installed Waterloo Gas Fireplace Inserts and Direct Vents sale txioes end Sun.. Marts 14. 1999 w ilMfa W •i■lW4 mdb& aft aei pile roars mW as I I'm ;Pap in 12 egwl awn I b papa wft intakaat Uaa. ants ltllldk 2M. On apploaad aedl, wt9k yon Sara land. M =m SM tMclielL $35 drtwrat In and d appkdb Ow and dwgn ale p Ab d 1e* d pudma_ Oder aa& SettdtK ltndl 14,196)!1. AMI to debit. Sys No.oCa ear jet ca NWaH:� 800OME 0X00.469.4®6 24111 aft 7 fts a ha11111teftt aad 6111111111 ft tsmww ft 11.C'. Cail n% M kook far a r-dAIplint b-Mtttlt adhii& a A-. aM11 pt Sass 1MY11 alts.. At* fw ap M J ONTARIO'S DRIVE CLEAN Accredited Test & Repair Fadlity Cbedfig b f1 � meCmfM if p not b* twtW i1 1999 You iw in the Grrabr Tororfo Arra or Your vehicle is .trove than *me Years old, 1 landbor.Werfworth Itegion, but less than 20. This means that the latest n+o 6 to be tested is a 1996 model, and the Your birth deft a April 1 or Wer, since earliest is a 1990. vthi& regidredion rertewds are based an the birth dale elf the owner. ✓ Your ve" is an even•year rn a 19%,19%,1992,1990-1990. 8 You ld into all of the above categories, you will receive a notice in the mal about 90 days before your license plate renewal date (your birthday). Come see the many sides of Searsnw •"• -• y�'• ^� +.a:I 4.17NT1 vi'4 I2t=:r ti-wr1 rti=u AM PAGE 14 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, N- cl128,1999 Wa im e Birthday "Row, row, row your boat to 54 awards. With the sto- ries that you tell us, we never shall be bored. Con- gratulations to Jere from his hockey bud- dies." NEWS ADVERTISER MARCH 28, 1 9 9 9 IE Birthday The big guy finally reaches 10, which is also�� his hockey number. Happy birth- day wishes to W e s t o n Fitzgerald on March 29 from Mom, Dad and Skye. "We love you:' Birthday March 27 was a big day for Katie Huntington, as she turned eight. "Have a wonderful day sweetheart!" Lots of love from Mommy, Daddy, Matthew and Laura. Birthday March 28 is a special day for Richard Ashman, as he cele- brates his fifth birthday. Happy birthday wishes, with lots of love, from Mommy, Daddy and Ar- lene. On April 1, 1999, a new terrkM will be born. Nunavut Birthday "it was a special day when Stefanie turned 10 on March 21 and celebrated with a sleepover and r� other surprises Her favourite pastime is listening to CDs. Have a great day! Love Dad, Sherry, Gary, Kramer and Zack!" Birthday Kvle Lee turned 11 on March 21. Happy birthday wishes and love from Mom, Dad, brothers Collin, Jacob and Travis, Grandma, Grandpa, Nanny and Uncle Al. Birthday Happy 12th birthday wishes to Greg Protomanni on March 21. Lots of love from Mom, Dad, Scott, Jacquie, Corky, Lemons, Grandma, Poppa and the 'cousins'. 11 0 Birthday Stephanie Darroch is a year away from being a teenager, having turned 12 on March 20. "Happy birthday sweetheart. Love Mum, Dad, Sarah, Kasaundra, Sinbad and Duchess. Rupert too and the rest of the Darroch clan." Birthday "Our little angel isn't so little any- more:" Michelle Bedley turned four on March 22. "Happy birthday sweetheart:" Lots of love from Mommy, Daddy and sister Kristen. Roeser 1794 Liverpool Road gta s Pickering 831-5431 TNIti VG'FF.KN (:AKF Vr1NNFRti ARF 1. Richard Ashman ✓i i 2 Katie 11 -1 a oa 3. wesWo Fits fieraW - Winners may go dawty to Buskin Robt%ns Io receive thm FWE cake. Maw provide @dentifiatxm) FWZE VALID UNM SAT AMM 3, 1999 Nunavut, "our land" in Inuktitut, is the traditional land of the Inuit in Canada's eastern Arctic This fifth of Canada's land -mass is home to a young and dynamic population of about 25,000. Nunavut faces formidable challenges, but it also holds great promise for its people. Northerners have always demonstrated resourcefulness, ingenuity and adaptability. The new Government of Nunavut will reflect this in a partnership that incorporates the best of traditional Inuit values and contemporary systems. Canada - built through cooperation, an evolving democracy and a tradition of peace - continues to grow with the birth of this new and Y: 4.1q, -41V 1 9 .. . w c,«. t••�.'f I a ;. Mal. >_ - .1 '�4.��M.wM•«-F $1 • • ! �� a i .: ara .. . r ►. ♦ • ,...c • "�'++a1Riw.73+Lwy„ „r.. -: M.,2wsrNf aJ.Yt+wnlW/e„[Jr ......,.. _ _ � � � - as . , .. •�•_ NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 28, 1989 PAGE 15 AOP NEWS ADV ERJISER MARCH 28, 1 9 9 9 Meniere's Disease or Just a tight collar? "Am I about to die?" You went to bed pressure or surgeons may cut the in good health. But on awakeningyou Y vestibulaz of the eight nerve. These rolled over and sudden) felt the room The Doctor g Y procedures ease the vertigo without af- spinning. It's a terrifying feeling if it's Game fecting hearing. There are several other never happened before. The sense of im- causes for vertigo. Vestibular neuronitis pending doom is vivid and the feeling)�, Gifford -Jones is associated with the sudden onset of you're about to meet your Maker. What vertigo and often vomiting. The only causes "vertigo" and how serious is this M. D. way to ease the spinning is to lay per - disorder? fectly still. Vertigo may occur suddenly when 'Iris attack may last several hours or you stoop over to pick up something or problem for those afflicted with it. The days leaving the victim still unsteady on the world may start to twirl for no ap- spinning sensation can strike at any his or her feet. In some cases it may take parent reason. In a second you feel time. Patients have no way of predicting several months before normal balance you're on a fast merry-go-round. And the frequency of attacks. Unlucky ones returns. Unlike Meniere's disease, it's impossible to stand up without may be stricken several times a month, Vestibular neuronitis involves no hear - falling down. other patients once a year ing loss. Half of those affected reveal How we feel when we move or turn Attacks may last from a few minutes further attacks over a period of months is determined by what happens in the to several hours. The symptoms may be to years. The cause is unknown, but doc- inner ear. There are three canals in each increased by a change in position and tors suspect infection, since Vestibular ear, called semicircular canals. These eased by staying still. Fortunately for neuronitis often follows a virus infec- allow motion to be detected in three di- some patients symptoms disappear tion. Men who suffer from vertigo mensions. spontaneously but others suffer for should check the size of their shirt col - The mechanics of the inner ear are so years. Patients suffering from an attack lar! Most men purchase shirts that are fine-tuned that if anything goes haywire, of Meniere's disease usually complain too small. Tight collars can cause pres- you've got noticeable problems. Several of ringing in the ears and partial loss of sure on the carotid sinus situated in the diseases can trigger vertigo. Prosper hearing. neck. The result may be either dizziness Meniere, a French physician, first iden- Drugs such as Gravel and tranquiliz- or black out. tified Meniere's Disease in 1861. ers like Valium can decrease symptoms Normally, when you're not moving We're still not certain what causes and a diuretic (water pill) to control the and your world starts spinning it's not a this disorder. But it's thought to be due buildup of lymph can also be helpful. life-threatening problem. But always see to excessive amounts of lymph in the At times surgery is needed to control your doctor. On occasion vertigo may be semicircular canals. attacks. A shunt operation to drain part due to a brain tumour or other rare con - Meniere's disease is a frustrating of the inner ear can ease endolymph ditions. <AGMYERS Please Recycle PASTA BAR MONDAYS Me... Wa'e ale n V48VM Loss & We*-*" o1 Canada Now Introduces Skm�Qyeg poorer "sysnm Change the Shape You're In. "s - Sea Clay & Herbal Wrap • Lose 8" to 12" in body measurements No Exercise or diet Results in just 2 hours SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES Pickering Whitby Oshawa 420-4220 666-SOSO 436-2122 PIP PAGE 16 MEPs ADVEFTIM SUNDAY EDmON, Mod- 29,1"9 SUNDAY, MARCH 28 CAR SHOW: The Diecast Car Show is beld_at_the Pickering Recreation Complex between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Admission is $5 for adults and kids under 12 get in free. The show will feature diecast toy cars of the Hotwheels and Matchbox varieties. Among the attractions will be an orange race track for kids and a custom diecast show. One dollar of adult ad- missions will go to the Seventh Pickering Cubs and Scouts group. DINNER: Claremont United Church is holding a beef dinner with two sit- tings at 5 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. The cost is $12 for adults, $5 for children be- tween 6-12 and children under five eat free. For tickets or more informa- tioncall 649-2183. MONDAY, MARCH 29 BREASTFEEDING: The Durham Lactation Centre holds a two-hour prenatal breastfeeding workshop. Information on starting and what to expect. 427- 9547 for time and loca- BILLBOARD MARCH 28, 1999 tion. MENTAL HEALTH: The Durham Family Mental Health Support meets every Monday at 10 a.m. at the Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. Sup- port for family working through to improved men- tal health. Phone 668-6101 or 619-1499 for more in- formation. SMOKING: The Smokers Overcoming Smoking group meets every Mon- day at 7 p.m. in the Durham Region Lung As- sociation offices, 40 King St. W., Suite 202, Oshawa. SOS is for people at any stage of quitting. 436- 1046. PICNIC: The Durham Region Sexual Assault Care Centre holds a Teddy Bear Picnic fund-raiser from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Lak- Bridge Health Oshawa, 1 Hospital Ct., Oshawa. Sale of Easter bunnies and teddy bears. Raffle. Phone 668-3050 for more infor- mation. TUESDAY, MARCH 30 SENIORS: The Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets at 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew's Communi- ty Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Helen Locke dis- cusses sailing in the Caribbean. 619-0315. DROP-IN: The Ajax North Drop -In Centre meets from 9 to I I a.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the River - breeze Community Cen- tre, 1 Richards Lane, Ajax. Parents, caregivers and children four and under welcome. Free. Phone 428-8817 (Darlene Walk- er), or 683-4400 (Darlene Neville) for information. OUTDOORS: The Durham Outdoor Club meets at 7:30 p.m. at Cana Hall, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Guest speaker Jeff Reid discusses Canals and Pubs of England. 420- 4801. i i t NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Umch 28,1999 PAGE 17 AM I s 52.11Flat l at 1585 Hayle The Aids Committee $4. All are , al °Mc]Gtta ► z- St, Pickering. It's under of Durham holds 'tuna �det. -{'' membership cy" bingo every second Wednesday from 10 to information call 839-2990. oNers , 11:45 a.m. at Hideaway as arcs and The .,Ajax Senior Bingo hall on Sunray St. ochre, cx-o card Citizens' Friendship Club � Whitby. z � ach bin ; Tuesday Morning Bring the grandchil- $ `�'qx Discussion GrouNowp meets dren to the Spring Fling costs $1.00 with the pro- aan &'g' � at 9:30 a.m. at St. presented by the Ajax ceeds supporting the as well as Andriew's Senior Centre, parks and Recnestiiton committees programs erprrt barwl 46 Exeter Rd and services. For more Ajax. For Depestrnert s � . ; .. - information call (905) b.. ,information on speakers _:. The event will take place :� raiation call call (905) 686-1573. 665-0051. ©tb86-15?3. may► April horn 1 io� e the AjaxSUPPORT • Cede OUP UH There will be face paint ,; ,Claremont mg, Wit, petting The Durham region age Club uat The Claremont zoo, duldrelfs activities and Support Group for peo- Lin Claremont Golden Ages Club on games and more ple with Mobility ►third Thursday Brock Rd. in Claremont Thele is no adntisision Impairments meets the at noon hosts -euchre :�►�'y flee and nominal fees forsome fourth Wednesday of : hock luncheon Tuesday at 8 p.m. followed by Call jean Drake at activities. each month at the euchre. 649-2309 for more infor- R i v e r b r e e z e k' motion. - Townhouses, 1 Richards There will be a Lane, Ajax. Roaring 20s pun night at New members are the Ballycliffe Lodge on always welcome to this ds of the Eaton Centre Friday, April 9th fro 7 to group that gives people nary need #Become a driver for 10 P.M. with mobility impair- "ain vol- "EVERY the . Durham Region Entertainment will be ments the opportunity to t '>1HOLD Community Care Provided by Dave James. share information as MORE LOCATIONSM COME Association and celebrate Admission is free and well as provide support t May of the international Year of everyone is welcome. to eachother and pro- = oney to the Older Pte, There will be a cash bar. mote community aware - K' needed . last year more than The lodge is located at ness of access issues. !��'•" 600 area seniors and dis- 70 Station St and for more For more informa- now• ablled adults were assisted information call (905) 683- tion call Kim at (905) fOm by volunteer d ' fo 7321. 686-9696. nvers r Ithings as- trips to the .Oc>.. shopping and even to the comer stone. Vokmteess receive a fee to cover skid can . chtlose �'id you -kxow /:. theit'rurbam Regiox JS5 ? REsuRRECI7oN CEMETERY & MAUSOLEUM Lose ALL the weight you want pay for only 9 lbs. That's right! Between now and Spring, We'll pay 65 11A of your weight you lose at any of our clinics. Your first one-on-one consultation session with a professional nutritionist is Free. Start towards a great Summer now. What have you got to lose? IlLtwril Eaton Centre 416-598-2337 Markham 905-415-1129 Etobicoke 416.239.6122 Picketing 905-831-6744 uF � 'up to 30 lbs. MORE LOCATIONSM COME • Heating tests • Repairs • In home sery • Hearing aids • Swim Plugs Susan Scott 905-626-0799 lover Ridge Plaza, 969 Westnev Rd S Aiax DHS 24 HOURS A DAY Health Care 7 DAYS A WEEK Service DVA TAPS cards accenic rra rE r • HOMEMAKING A flmw d_ • NURSING MainStreet Messenger® • IN-HOME FOOTCARE • MEDICAI. ALARMS / •'j I I� Premium Eye Level Crypts & Niches still available for purchase at Our Lady of the Assumption Mausoleum. 16 meeting your cemetery needs. member that only a Catholic Cemetery has sacred gerund, blessed and 9 dedicated by the Bishop as a part of God's church on earth. I ; A Catholic Cemetery is distinguished by our special on-site masses and by our beautiful shrine sections. Catholic Cemeteries is a not-for-profit organization. Our family counsellor: are not commissioned sales people. ;Our Lady of the Assumption Mausoleum 355 Taunton Road East, R.R. #2 Whitby (West of Thickson Road) Other Catholic Cemeteries serving Cathqjic Families in the area are St. Francis De Sales Cemetery in Ajaz, St. John the Evangelist Cemetery in Whitby and St. Gregory's Cemetery in Oshawa. For more information or an appointment please call (905) 668-8912 APPAGiE'fENEW 'XDVERT18ER=NMT2DM0K,M11`at'W't W -11 ADVERTISING FEATURE Using Herbal Medicines -Why You Need a Trained Herbalist We are now in the self-help age. You can buy a book that will tell you how to cure yourself or any disease, rid yourself of pho- bias, find your life's true calling, get and maintain the perfect rela- tionship, bring up perfect kids and on and on! In the last 10 years, the num- ber of books published on using herbs (plants) as medicine has slsy-rocketed. Plants make won- derful subjects, as they are very photogenic and these books are all very appealing. But once you have leafed through the pages and looked at all the beautiful pictures, the printed text can become very confusing. There are usually only vague descriptions of treatments, next to no information on dosage or form of administration and possibly no warnings of possible toxicity or contraindications and length of treatment. There is also the added confusion when you go out and try to find these herbs, how to purchase them and where? And with the lack of quality control in the herbal industry to date, you dm't even know if the product you have purchased is going to actually be effective due to inap- propriate parts of the plant being used, inclusion of entirely wrong plants, or just a bad quality prod- uct. Herbs are very effective for treating a wide variety of condi- tions, when used in the right combination and in a proper- ly prepared form. The prac- tice of herbalism is literally thou- sands of years otd. I use tradi- tional prepara- tions and com- binations of herbs with time- honoured his- torical use as well as an increasing amount of sci- entific proof and clinical evi- dence of effica- cy. Our bodies welcome plant f rtedicine which nourishes gtgans and sys- tems, gently 10 .assisting the body's own alirtg fomes. It takes many years of study to learn how to prepare and use herbs properly. With training from Dominion Herbal College as a clinical Herbal Therapist, and 6 years experience growing, har- vesting and making my own herbal preparations, I can offer you the best possible guidance for herbal treatment. Whether you are sick with flu, have aller- gies, problems with your diges- tion, energy lev- els, PMS, menopause, fibromyalgia, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, prostate or sleep, there may be help waiting for you in my herbal pharmacy. In addition, for those inter- ested in learning about how to harvest and make herbal reme- dies themselves, I am offering both a 1 -day Remedy -Making Workshop and a 7 -Saturday Practical Herbalism Course. If you have an interest in making an appointment for a 1 t 1 Making Basic Herbal Remedies Sat., June 12, 10-3 A practical course in Herbalism Sat., May 15, 22; June 5, 26; July 31, Aug. 28, Oct_ 23 (10-3) Instructor: Diane Tait, CHT CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION A peaceful cnuntn• retreat Highway 7 and Westney X 110 min. from downtown Fhckennrl W50% ALL FI11,I, �� PROGRAMS P, - • Safe - fast - easy • No powders • Full service weight loss plans 'We also carry an e*fisive im ofp �w* m p* n&W 'SpeM price excludes MdW. herbal consultation, or for learning more by taking one of these class- es, please call the Greenwood Holistic Health Care Centre at (905) 619-1406. (please see the ad) IF • TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE 4W PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. #r2) DIL JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST F%L-zoo O 8 YOUR EY -ES -A-RE- PRICELESS t If You're Considering Laser Vision Correction, • Be Sure that You're Choosing The Right Surgeon 101M E MAD60�, � t76t , a�II aE wtiant t1111twI I�+oMIOR+� tk. Mecteed is coeuWtd to N$* ad WO smww of ""int core. Tract Maar em to egaieoce. Or. Modeod tad Itis sw 0 the osiatre curt elver IAe tol-- tin ehorntWihr1 a lora WAS oboes Lasa Vbw CWKNN ScReniag • Educatiow lrork$bW. IMS -721-1211 SEE 11f DIFFELfN(f I INr�ReN�Nd•��lp� ASK former patients who they would recommend • ASK your own eye doctor to recommend -;a least 2 laser eve surgeons • VISIT the laser centres to determine your level of comfort with both the surgeon and their staff • BE AWARE of the surgeon's experience; and reimlation.16 the surgeon who will _ ' barer t your vision - not the corporadw BE SURE your surgeon is providing ALL '� �: available treatrrtertt options MT DLWAXJNTP YOUR EYES, Tft CANT AFFORD THE COMEQtIBdtC11iS H D71G :"EYE INSTITUTE Durham Regional Office, 117 4 St. East, Oshawa, OnWo ll H I B9 ........._.........n—��... Y...—.;.,. ..-.. _—. ,_w....—. �a. LA.":G"'... --..X`".tGnW".iY'"w.r•.. ADVFRTMINr� FFeTI IRF Cosmetic Dentures - The Fountain of Youth It is true that a pic- ture is worth a thou- sand words. As a den- turist, I have been con- fronted on many occa- sions by a patient in my office bearing an old photograph; some- times it's a graduation photo and other times it's from a wedding. Photos Portray youth The photographic images all have this in common: they portray youth and vigor and a wondrous smile. Invariably, the patient has one wish as he or she shares with me By William Steil only boost their confi- dence, it will also help D ' ' them to become knowledgeable dental their prized photo- consumers and will graph. They want that help us to form suc- same wondrous smile cessful relationships they enjoyed in their with our patients. youth. Correct change changes, as designed and fitted by a denturist, can help these patients recapture their youth. It should be the goal of the denturist to assure the design of new den- tures such that they will sustain the image and appeal of a signif- icantly younger per- son. Many people experience undue anx- iety about visiting the denturist. Spending a few minutes talking about infection control procedures will not There is a lot a denturist can accom- plish. We ensure the correct positioning of the teeth to determine proper lip support so as to provide the right labial inclination and establish an automatic smile line. Setting the anterior inclination will aid in meeting the expectation a patient has in relation to their self -image. I suggest a dentur- ist should always seri- ously consider the patient's original indi- vidual anterior tooth arrangement through actual illustrations of the esthetic effects and visual communication. As knowledge and technology advances we, as denturists, are far more capable of adequately creating the appearance our patients desire far more consistently than anyone else in den- tistry. A youthful smile Indeed, we can help our patients re- create the youthful, smiling faces seen in those photographs. Please contact my office if you would like further information at (905) 683.4294. r cix 1IDK,15WW 28,'1W P%4 REW NP Treatment of: Prescription Narcotic Addiction Heroin Abuse Affordable Dentures... one Good Reason To smik REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines ' Complete. Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER W&M Steil, DD, F.C.U.(A) 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE, AJAX 683-4294 PIlVERMGE • NATURAL HFALTH • 1670 1319GSTON ROAD 1,119T 85 N.W. corner Bnxk Road d Hwy 012 MMERING a ro o ftr FAA 4J A �TP �-! SH x W ��I Cap Now Rqd Yr-"Twapr ♦� a$ation l l Ida PHARMACY` • a"d bnft came - poso eft & %*bm lie 0 09" bad& cOnim •94- OWN- da -my •@low11 • • One-eWP r for an your beeft ea. naafis 10 ~>* 0 P n Nas 6 omlid NOW p blfart of a■ your poo F b - N -s !.:F& WET BASEMENTS �•1'7.�1�1//w■ ■til ILN _. r Or ALUMINUM y 1211ifty rit 'q menum TREE SERVICE SEARS... SERVICE YOU CAN TRUST Your Experts for: *Brakes *Alignments *Tune-ups • DRIVE CLEAN TEST & REPAIR FACILITY SEARS AUTO CENTRE PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (905) 420-0271 CALL FOR AN APPOINTrIEN T TODAY! SIFIA A,S NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDP 0-N', March 28, 1999 PAGE 21 A/P DUMWS LUGEV Feb* Cysf� Cauda Stats 1998 CHRYSLER INTREPID 21L, VA auto, P -s, P -b, P•w, PAL, tilt, cruise, w AWFM ease, doth buchft console i more. 1 owmr. Only 14,700 miss. Stk 2WA1 sale $21,888 , tams 1998 NEON 4 DR. HIGHLINE Automatic Transmission, Power Sbwft Air C.onditioniS Power Brats, oalanm of FacUwy Vlaeranhy. SdL#5 o7 $11,988.1. 2 1999 RAN 3500 SLT SPORT DIESEL 1996 DODGE CARAVAN 19% PLYMOUTH OR. VOYAGER LE 1997 NEON SAM, 6 cyL, dwsd, auto, p.w., pAL 3AL, V6, auto, p.s., pb, 7 pass, wl 3.31 V•6, auto, pm, pji, air corxL 4 DR "eat, P•nWOM ft, cruise, air, sport assts, aa, w"n waa0 ABS, 1Sale driver slidte e door, whft*W WV P. 2_M1 auto. trans., air, Power swwi^9, appearance, SLT Laramia, travel conven. rack i more. 1 owner, only 34 6A apart, p.w, PAs, tilt, cruise, AWRI ' P� b� AWF■ NoTh 8 and spin a4a, balm tow, camper spec, miss Stk V6022 case, al m. wP ' 7 pass. A more. 1 owns. Stic V%16A moms"` T2948 111.1 $14,888 .,,., �` a T'Sale $19,888 .,,.,. Sale $10,988 1996 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 1996 CHRYSLER INTREPID 1998 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 1998 CHRYSLER CONCORDE Incl auto, pA p L, air cmWitioning Y■L a ftmatic trans., ASC, p_i , p b, 3.3 W. auto, Power steering, Power 2.7L, VA auto, p, & staring, Power dima>re Grarp B, Convenience Group V6 erg„ AWFY cess, tilt wltseOcruise brahm air cond., p.w., p.d l., V6, tit, , b,� p w, PAL, tilt. cruise, w, K 7 P 9, "mk9, On n 11A control, Powe► windows, p. loch, bw cruise plus much more. entry, AWFU cass., PA@K A n10m cal of Y WAY• Ivm are owns. SIk.iWW 3 TO CHOOSE FROM moa. suc Pm SULitVSS45 Sale $17,888 mares $14j888.,. dale 523,888 ♦ taxes tra.t�en. ttw�ota'"rv�lbtrtrweatae«.wetaoor�ert...t3uu.eat■.t:ru�...� .. s PLYMOUTH • DODGE TRUCKS ' I \' (l I . I N I•: A (: l ti'C O I I : IZ " SERVICE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDr :. (North of 401) 9O5m683m5358 AND EVERY NIGHT A/P PAGE 22 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 28, 9999 E FOOD TERMINAL" CR()-'.%; RIB BEEF ROASTS 4.39 kg LK -19MIRA AhA: 3.9ISR COD Zy SLICED R F,]kF -c 3.99" o o o o o , ALL FHIUtb IN tFFtU1 FROM 51WAT, MAHCH Z5 W PORK BM SHOLIM SMEWN 4 i�lu LB SMOKED - PICT aC PORK ,SHOEftS2 ROAST 11MIT F 1",140DM7 OF CANADA - KtW WAND 11 PPODUCT OF CANADA 2.I R kg J '40 ('Y.VMKMAK� WHOLE OR HA1Y smolm 8C COOKED SMOKED HAMS 3-1 1 JL AW. %AA'F-Af'11A1_ ® .%'F_1i 492.49�. 1 �� 4 39 -1; 1B nn p�,ANADA ovC, 31 ONTARK) I ITATI - 1, -1 AwQAA%C-AK'�EP. UN En POMSEDERM J., fflCMACUESEjj% SALAD' 4 .1'.1 LB 1 _1>C§ I F -A, ROBIN HOOD MULTIFOODS -ROBIN HOOD ALL PURPOSE OUR 10 kg BAG .2 BAG LIMIT' * - E b�w4u .1 HOT CROSS BUNS Ell F"4 .EN C" S PIE S all' I IF' . -'I'A RW SIN FRMG *_'i Al!!FEl, LR P--, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT M UWT QUANTITIES. 0 0 0 0 0 0 17EI��7� Pl1e1 7�7nsr T�fa•rMIoGNmu"ruN 7 THu 7: -7: ST CR()-'.%; RIB BEEF ROASTS 4.39 kg LK -19MIRA AhA: 3.9ISR COD Zy SLICED R F,]kF -c 3.99" o o o o o , ALL FHIUtb IN tFFtU1 FROM 51WAT, MAHCH Z5 W PORK BM SHOLIM SMEWN 4 i�lu LB SMOKED - PICT aC PORK ,SHOEftS2 ROAST 11MIT F 1",140DM7 OF CANADA - KtW WAND 11 PPODUCT OF CANADA 2.I R kg J '40 ('Y.VMKMAK� WHOLE OR HA1Y smolm 8C COOKED SMOKED HAMS 3-1 1 JL AW. %AA'F-Af'11A1_ ® .%'F_1i 492.49�. 1 �� 4 39 -1; 1B nn p�,ANADA ovC, 31 ONTARK) I ITATI - 1, -1 AwQAA%C-AK'�EP. UN En POMSEDERM J., fflCMACUESEjj% SALAD' 4 .1'.1 LB 1 _1>C§ I F -A, ROBIN HOOD MULTIFOODS -ROBIN HOOD ALL PURPOSE OUR 10 kg BAG .2 BAG LIMIT' * - E b�w4u .1 HOT CROSS BUNS Ell F"4 .EN C" S PIE S all' I IF' . -'I'A RW SIN FRMG *_'i Al!!FEl, LR P--, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT M UWT QUANTITIES. 0 0 0 0 0 0 - NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Nod 28,1999 PAGE 23 A/P • • • • • • ALL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM SUNDAY, MARCH 28 TO SATURDAY, APRIL 3,1999 P PAGE 24 NEWSADVERTISER ' " i c r r •� i v SUNDAY EDfiWN, M-neh 28,1899 sport &LEISURE N E W S A 9 JT�,� a Sr�w3iag C�h� ah Ywar Owen 8�� SL IL arm 282 Monarch Ave. Ajax DVERTISER MARCH 28, .1999 619-0633 Competitors coupons accepted Schools intermediate girls ' team drops regional title game to Port Perry foe Highbush boys slam dunk Durham hoops ti tle CANDICE KEAST Pickering skater sterling in winning Ontario silver PICKERING — A Pickering skater captured a silver medal at the All -Ontario Figure Skating Champi- onships in Stirling. Ontario last week- end. Candice Keast, 13, of Claremont, and a member of the Markham Skat- ing Club, placed second in the prelim- inary ladies' bracket at the provincial championships. To advance to the Ontario event, Keast finished first in her flight and third in the final of a qualifying com- petition in Aurora in February. The Grade 7 student at Claremont Public School has been skating for eight years with the Markham club. PICKERING — The Highbush Public School intermediate boys' basket- ball team capped an im- pressive season by captur- ing the regional champi- onship at Durham College recently. The Highbush boys downed Glen Dhu Public School of Whitby 38-33 in the Durham Elementary Athletic Association cham- pionship final. Tristan Tin- gling led the way for the Pickering school with a game -high 19 points. Mike Alexiou contributed seven, David Hinan and Shane Tingling had six each. To advance to the final, Highbush defeated Os- hawa's Lake Vista Public School 47-44. No scoring details were available from the semi-final game. The DEAA champi- onship for Grade 7 and 8 students at Highbush rep- resents the second for the school. Two years ago, the school's junior boys' bas- ketball team captured the regional title. Highbush coach Arne Stapleton notes his team had a lot of experienced players heading into this Pickering Hockey Association REGISTRATION Thursday, April 1" - 6:30 p.m. DON BEER ARENA COW Of era e«uiwft a x.rw e.a rw.r�y season, including those who brought the junior boys' title to the school two years ago. "They've played togeth- er for four years, so they're pretty familiar with one another. They communi- cate well and they're all very good athletes," he says. The team finished the season with an outstanding record of 30-4-2. In addi- tion to the DEAA title, the Highbush squad also cap- tured the title at the 32 - team Pettyjohn Basketball Classic at Durham College in January. Team members are Shane Tingling, Tristan Tingling, Mike Alexiou, David Hinan, Nathan Thomas, Adam Markew, Adam Bouwhuis, Darryl Lloyd, Walied Ali, John Koukidis, Matt Alexander and Daniel Kaminski. Meanwhile, the inter- mediate girls' basketball team at Highbush Public School also advanced to the DEAA championship final. However, the High - bush girls were defeated by Port Perry's S.A. Cawk- er school 4540. RON PIETRONIRO/ News Advertiser plwto Highbush Public School's T -Sean Grant tries to find a way around S.A. Cawker's Julie Ann Domik during the Durham Elementary Athletic Associ- ation's intermediate girls'final at Durham College recently. Highbush lost to the Port Perry school 45-40. Highbush, however, won the boys'title. TRUCK CAP AND ACCESSORY SHOWROOM EXCLUSIVE LEER DEALER FOR THE AREA HOOD PROTECTORS • HITCHES • BEDLINERS • TONO COMERS SCREEN FRONTS • TALGATE LOCKS • STEPS • VENT VISORS HWy.1155iwoom m987=2277 -----all Emission Testing '�' 1 AJAX MINOR HOCKEY _ � Appo�a>ao�ent 683-9699 �S 1 ,ASSOCIATION 1 --hey drained ' my oil, not my 09 cm 1 ' bank account" Labe & Flkw I Arcual !S* Gcne"l ftd meewg & Tucsiky' �►► tom. 6/" r w�1i I tr compm I sayle ==.1t 1 :-7.00 P.ML PACMI MI I ■oma. ar SM � ttwvk. r" kWn up to ° 1 Located in the Mcumn Centre, Banquet HaK d [tuaea t,iane.otor ail,1— w tt OW awN. WkWim z, v«M �n:noe.avrapn - I Ajax (Westney & Delaney) 13 BAYLY ST. W, AjAx J 1 Jilit EW of WesMW at FmityElections and 11tisincs ll� _k"!V ity Sentice Guara n eed -gem It Goins.i JW Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser 683-7363 ,IILI ; #... Wiwi ,. ARMIM NOW ON! PO Register on location at 1401 Phillip Murray Ave. �HAWA Register or call 725-6951 for further Informationl NOW for the following nroarams. Adult Summer Hockey Leagues Aduf Daytime League _1 adies Amer Hockey League Shif rl daytime itague 1 r League �Y `41lisLeague r League. aty League. League R S�.�hla�als 4 �r Imp., thnols ,IILI ; #... Wiwi ,. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, Mereh 28, 1999 PAGE 25 A/P • THE UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE To Place your Ad Call., CAJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER Ajax Pickering News Advertiser: 6 8 3—O 7 0 7 r "FakSSIFIElb Uxbridge: 852-9741 Port Perry: 985-2511 11 Carders 11 Caner= 11 Careers 11 Careen 11 Careers 11 Careers 11 Careers11 Genets 11 Careers A wide range of employers hire our graduates because of our reputation for quality training. Graduate in as little as 6-12 months. TORONTO •• • Helping You Build a Better Life Starting Soon IN 0 Network Administrator (A+, CNA, MCP) y Network 5 Internet Systems Specialist (MCSE) �► Information Systems Programmer PICKERING CAMPUS (905) 420-1344 'FinarcW Assistance may be avadabie to apse who qwW r.c..s.rr uwll� �Illllcwls Dr. Green Lawncare, one of Southern Ontario's fastevit growling lawn care companies requires career minded individuals IOOldng for a future in the lawn care industry. Applicants must Possess a positive attitude, be physi- cally fol and have a clean driving record. Excellent command of the English language necessary. Valid pesticide license an asset. Training provided. Full time year round 8a part time seasonal positions available. $800.00 (5 day week) Fax resurne: (90M) 054398 =Ql EMPLOYERS Want to save time and money? Ontario Works Dudum can 611 your Job Openings with Qualified Individuals. Our clients are skilled in • Office Administration • Computer Technology • Health Care Is Social Services Is Education Is Creative Arts - Manufacturing Call us today! Our Service is FREE! Paula Tracey, (905) 837-5645 or 14NO-3184650 ONTARIO WORKS MAKING WELFARE WORK BlilfllNEif FOOM Neal.. F,rNNwalwr u— CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSISTANT a y.. b..wo w wwu, . Leda seb.w i C.111W D4ft— . T.. ym. C.r.s.r Se"ke t rfell[f . Composer input skee, rksmat a conew"" ..ice a meaner Fes your resume ur (905)839-3115 Attention: Irene CAREER SCHOOL OF FLDR• AL DESIGN 26 wk. Flonstry i Suwon vlopralw. 12 wk rr tat9w 3.0— program: 3 Wk Prokuwad course: .W home rldso. Sep wps Pro- gram P301-0wW1ul kwie courses avadabk. A school where a yew trarNng becomes wp11h owle Fkwi- CYI assistance may be aved- aM 9115436-7746. CLAIM A CAREER WITH 4 THE CO-OPERATORS rarrr�li-r W sm-rs egrynm +.t ,awl . N Ca.7,rrw,rr.rwe..wt .bur .r .br wiroe,.�nd ACCIDENT SENMn CLAYS REPRESE1eTATIVE IwerWre -eorwf ar <1r. artlie —4— 1-- we k— fsA rltti'�Ir• r ¢kWYrt.s. key Yvtl.k Mwe W r¢,r pC- tti�, hroe,k. we O.nci� -,t rbf.n.a Rr•s P�"eMcn al .m.prese Ii.n kr —Jur. row ,n....e r ,. vvre orae tr 4a1..,,r a ... �k,aY r rim bre. ase. r...e,wwws ,• .0 Y yw bns Mood w.y coyly .�vw,s a aims. Mereorrnc. bolt ,aur p.•dr. *.brmr. a:.,wbr, ,..w, idn.d R LAW C.-Im aA.I.,.e - k. poral .,d ps...l Is enol ....ys..e — Prins T1... Y ..r ,.,roan rtes kwwwd Your rune ar 4 . 6 bs. by kr s V bra a Apr J. IWeb PATTY MILAURN Churn Supervu.x 1614 Doodbs St E. Same 205 Wbaby ON L t N aYr FAX: 0J05) 434-941Y 4* me CO-OpeaOls kmr.nc./F+un.,r Srncw L ough Gakral Hospihl ale lar renal dialysis, pacanallers cu , smM has the kliowiog ime opporhmky available M" offiboreci W'th the This position aHtaHlt fieof Tororito OpQafign aid maidmilt6x d the central uwy plat, Faculty of A aacfty e""ent Rod al btlidBtS supiurt mewl and eioetrical syabara Thssk The succell caBAdlle 'a blue a douiva from a Rod 5 yarn of veiled malgino espdsientt, ailh 2 yarn in a hospital seftil. Rene Im wo your resume, by Apil f, IN% In MIR Londe FBnnin6 H■ in tlosinoes n.elNl.ee SCARBOROUGH • GE *M • HOG Al. 3059' 1 Aluew Sell, Sac W4 43141811; s jirSrB�wreir we "A 81 wk" fareN64 0* moft nisaw Iter ivenieer Neiircoaml THE MUTUAL GROUP a large Canadian Financial Services Com- pany, has 2 immediate openings for repre- sentatives in Durham Region, who want to achieve entrepreneurial independence. If you have at least 2 years full time work experi- ence, a post secondary education, and are interested in not just earning a living but BUILDING A LIFE, fax your resume to (905)668-2141, for a Confideritial interview. THE UK STATION Career Tmmq Carter Career tram- mgavalaw m arhflaal rads. ear ca XOM. Ind - cures. waxM. Air brushwq and tanoomg tecfrrques. Student Rimcmg negoka k (905)439.2217 NABttTYLW waled for= ON" salon Bonus a Conn mason Car Vane +30-0300 fL'CZ c Trahadlualm N® A JOB? Behow 16 to 24 years old -Out of school and work -Need FREE help. Call the HOTLINE Oshamv Raidiufs 1-8067263— Caval NBM we have too many Neat. not enough mature on reps, for in home sake prspatason Can you help? No elgenince necessary. we on train ym Salary plus C00110 bens 91111 bonus. 45 year old cowoosy growitq rapidly. Call Rainolt 14 MW 884-9677 Wft for m brier. vier. Auerap itttolae s3s M J= AINNAKEI Am you 16 a 21 old? DhnsMy ad l.11 91111 sc WCW we can 2 7841111 � �N�otlw'11ep(9o) �. J= AleeABLEI Am you 16 1ay�wo�l'rtawe >x1ho wb can And caB a11e tioniME OSFREE! M *by 7254786: Picker" Rosi I 11806263 0993 SSMIANOM Ladies w quired to dw11 homes. 810 per hour. .000hoeS rewwred. call Dick CANDO NEIGHBOR 905 7015 sm. THE ASSOCIATION :FLUNG Community Project Assistant The Lung Association has an immediate opening in its Durham Region office (Oshawa for an experienced, energetic indduV to assist the Development Co- ordinator with fund raising activities, marketing and community services throughout the Region. Organizational abilities, strong computer skills, excellent communication and interpersonal skill and previous experience with fund raising administration and working with volun- teers are essential. Use of a private vehi- cle for occasional travel is required. Please forward resume and salary expectation by April 7, 1999 to: The Regional Director, Central Ontario, Fax: 705-487-2152. COURSE (Ajax Power and Sail Squadron) Tuesday April 6th, 7 - 9:30 pm. Ajax High School Bailey Road. RLX)m If 201. 5.0.A) for course and materials Contact: Rick Cowan 905-839-6311 M Cart Traihih9 IMF~ Twirling .4 udwirized Academic Training Program Microsoft V cernn/dys�aMms 10 go - r (M` Oracle Datsbase Lotus Notes S1•stnns Administration UI! New Meda Design A {) Financial assistance t may be available in eligible students Gen" 1110p MI GaeerW Help FARTS PERSON WANTED 2 years Chrysler experience a must Fax eesnBBBe to (!K}6111115s73s AM PAGE 26 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 211, Ing GMM HMP Gsnersl N* 1 G=ruel No 1 GOMM Mry► 1 tieNerei leeyl 1 GsRWdI No �1 Oseterel N* ASK US ABOUT OUR EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ONLY FORMER MILITARY & R.C.M.P. NEED APPLY o O o 80 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO, ONTARIO Phone: 416-364-4496 Toll Free: 1-800-463-0994 100 IMMEDIATE POSITIONS' $7.12 TO S800 PER HOUR JOIN THE QUANTUM TEAM!! We need: • Strong Warehouse Workers (lift up to 100 lbs.) • Assemblers • Picker/Packen • Inserting Machine Operators • Material Handlers • Forklift Operators ($9 - $10/11x) • Various shifts avaiilable Bring yrerr sled -bed srafety bools. Be prepared to work today. Bring void cheque or saving account information for direct deposit. Refer a friend ... earn a boils!! Interviews held its Pkkerimg ora Wednesday, March 31,1999 at Pickering Recreation Center (1867 Valleyfarm M call (416) 292-2282 L for appt- MI=IM 0 JOIN OUR TEAM! mature *L NE COORS 2 yrs. minimum ZVE3xperience. Futl & Pan Tow Drop resume in person 105 Bayly St. W., AjIM Bav*6od Centre Burlington Expedite Co. requires PART-TIME eroker4rfwrs OM protessiortal, positive attitude. Must have own reliable. hid efhcierd M111010111 cube van. Delivery exp. prekrred. Contad Bob: /-M9i8liBi2 w Xkdays, gam-4pm A Sam sEC01O MICOE. The on a very decant. Cale 416-407.1507 24 his. AJAX 11100 STONE wants tug tad prrt time comm htlp. Sam computer arpp>tea. Mlin tram. MAMBO a * Call 683.0996 A1SOWMT4AMAMM br HOW aeb Md to Osamu w osha.r Most have "Me- MKY O 1105. /eta, On and goad cis oor mvice. sot wmsam*. (906) 7AHM. Amon MMII Gel to loot aid 110 ysr o5ooiOW door b door ameewuw wend iw 00101110* for rsomww draw On No SAM ireolisd. Fd traiing plai=d Meat v- louni m a most Too a- , I' Cale so11 a'10.1m ROBBERS WANrTED0 �bAbrire you sick of r b�aeik,oreuru�kpr®r I seal fiem !tart 57 Immediate F/T No P/T Positions $10AS In =fast Great for studerks„ 2nd income seekers and others. Positions chit must be filled by March 31. Call Aha. - tires. 10: W - fa80 19M 7Z,;-11ri rpessntmwspeoge'remlr�erdar new xwrmmonitsom wmw Ty. Nog #vegno m nK@11 r . (905r 2 11175. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS Call today to find out how the YMCA can assist you to find a job. Surmw Job ow - students can... (905) 839-3845 ext. ror77077 or drop by the YMCA Tues. and Thurs. evenings. Job Connect - assists youth 16 to 24 yrs., out of Work and riot retumwQ to school to find full time employment. Call (905) 427- 7670 or drop by the YMCA Mon. to Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. YMCA is located at 1400 Bayly St. Mall 'Pickering (beside the Pickering Go Station) 'Funded by the Government of Ontario FRUSTATO WITH YOUR JO We Can HELP IT'S FREE * Resume Workshops *Internet Job Access *Interview Workshops *On the Job Training JOB CONNECT Call the Hotline: (905) 852-7848 ext. 21 Funded by the Ontano Govemment ATTENTION GRADS! Diploma and no Job? We Can Help On the job training positions available now Call the Hotline: 725-4786 Pickering Residents 1-800-263-0993 Funded by the Ontario Government of Ontario .•aa. S'T'OCK ....-...,F, --r join Our'c Customer Service Driving Team! Friendly, cheerful, reliable, good with children, enjoy driving? IS THIS YOU? If so, then a part -title job driving a school bus may be for you. Please forward your lesunne and Driver's Abstract to StT� �9W�R P"ering, Out. L1W 1Z6 Or fax: (905)420-3688 Full Time, regular hours, full bene- fits, 1:3 weekends, 11/2 hra. Goan Toronto, with Tech on every shift. Contact: BnK a Faulkner Quinn's Pharmacy Ltd. (SDM #948), 74 Kent SL W., Lindsay, On. K9V 2Y4 Tel. (705) 324-7400 Fax (705) 324-9303 EAST SIDE 1MARI0'S Ajax / Bowmanville We are looking for enthusiastic team players to apply for all positions, full and part time. Experience preferred. Apply in person to either Ajax or Bowmanville location. FUNG Waiters & Waitresses Minimum 2 years experience Energetic & outgoing ` pub servers Apply in person with resume to King Richards Pub 1163 Kingston Rd. Pickering 831-3469 PURCHASING AGENT Expansion and promotion have created an exciting opportunity for an experienced senior purchasing agent. The company manufactures state -of -the art automotive service equipment for markets world- wide. The factory operates on an IBM AS-400/MAPICS computer system and is ISO 9001 accredited. The successful can- didate will have several years experience in heavy steel and specialized metals pur- chasing. unchasing. You will be highly motivated and eager to accept a challenge. The compen- sation padkage is attractive, including a fully paid benefits program. Location is just east of Toronto. Fax. resume to: 905-839-1717 TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED Mechanical Contractor lookingg for responsible individual with mechanical knowled a to drive company vehicle for deliveries and pickups. Must have good driving record, and a knowledge of grter Toronto ata. Please send resume to: Human Resources by fax (905)$31-1623 or 939 DiWogbam Rd., Pkkeri9s, L1W 1Z7. 1:�/� are looking for 3 indivb who have the ability n well above average irtcol are a international corps n which is expanding lines= in your area. Incenti available. For your personal interview call Grace Warman 723-4163 if[III Gensrsl � DRIVERS Must have own vehicle; PR, FIT; Whitby to West Hill Cash paid daily plus weeknight d weekend work available. 426-9999 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Darryl's Dummies d Spies need not apply). *0 own x425. m per- son to TAe F ' Greek RnUurant, 1450 i on Rd.. Pitkerirng or Cao 905) 831-3783 DZ diner and heftier regW . WI time. Must be dgmnd- able, have moving and deln- ery(appliance) experience. and Rapt own transport to iob site. Tel 410-Seo-3�. EARN 5200.. 5300.. 5500.. or more per week, assemDlmmpp products in the comlort ofof iddreyotiv �d � °e a St. to: O.P.H. 6.2400 Dundas W.. Suite 541. Ret 636. Mis- viziaupa. Om. LSI( 2R8. NEEDED with experierice in nail extension for L'Attitudes Pickering Town Centre Phone Robert (905)420-1440 or Fax Resume to (905)763-9345 reaered minimum 5 years worlong experience. Api* to- day for a rewardrq oppotioni- 11yy n ti person. M i Technprm of Es- tt►edcs 15 Somme St. S. Oehuer. or Tai. to 1905)728-6310 EXPANO W COURIER C011111- PANY has immedia0 opera- rrqqss for 9 "o divers TAM nliablt vshicks. $500-aw, wordy. Can (905) 427-1093 M9e blond" v Frldy. E UMEECED Tdonadwers nmim. Please d (905)427- 6010. EX1MEMY NOT Scarbor- ough delivery comp" re- preres drivers wo own car or ares. Can (416)754-3400, M ply You alrecay ro ateernde our Voductt. Easy walk N0 neaesary For FTSE dMais send S.E.SAb cave slew F I ptlers IM I lvwpool Nd , sidle 11 ort, ur as N1 PJLL TNM Leif Cook i Pat Time rvedWad AspW Expenerice Vwaaney Rd. S.. A person. MNRRTmk Posrfx N5 avadmil. heeded imme- ko* for 1it t o rar�e angi- mir ewe 11 icer as" MAMeTBNINWant= by 10421 bidder. Customer WWI asst solar gnreral mow klrq Irvt owe took ane ve- Wele. Nen (908)427-7703 Experie9lce an neem A Serious IIIg6lJi1996l9t0C M(Itmrd" IN M NOS, 3.1 w�eeefx.v Prslrr rad per with car. Swims for (905) tt86 WIT TRAINEE If you are looking for a career and not 0a jobM OFFER Above avenge income to start Complete training apid Advancement Jo experience YI o�u tn�iast be able to start work immediately. Call 720.2479 Mon. Only 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 pm. super vameq io arm a am. Mornative/Rod1/Jau. original music. labels interested. Only protes wWeveni- enced m sicon need appy. Audittims )261� be held. OIF"OUENMDS. Needed in Catalogues. TV Commer- cw. Magazines, and extra work. 8 accepted baim and or MOD-ELUS � Not nrakiq SM per wed; marketing company reeds 10 people now during rush set son. No experience near- s .iewaatrain TIM) 77M 714M14.). Fell Tbt Only. PART-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE $15 hour CAR REQUIRED ENGLISH A MUST Call Peter at 905-686-2445 ext. 224 PANT TN1E. Cleaners No prMy Cast6-le 9076 CkannO. I2e- 9766 or 42 WE WART TOOr Ep teknurketers repured. MOW- N $alary Pkis basun- Many Caen manbve5 n yor're elk one fix as. Cat? oeebrt (905)436-00% iEt]iTAlt►AtECEf rtotNST rspuirW br Real Estate oma. and vwlovortOe1lcirwuon ieio and M 800106 b wok Wtd- nsetiy. Tlwrdty and ww- kerads (12 agora b WM) Ex- ponomi m asset. sae SM 4309960 or is rea.re 431)- "54. 3429954. 8 MDMSTsAWIErfQa8r 1101eST requiredyy8 p w. (or Sow ire w how sale ddeoe m A 905-42111- 0349. STTW Ii0111R0 crab emnkrlcs. br bwy Whey Solon- Apply porm "WFranns Sabrrm ESW Wk*v 43D0l66 Rd. E. TAXI DRIVERS Wanted FULL i FORT TIMIE wily Trait 831-M START IMMEDIATELY;,n eve awry aotarogn suuss R TIE MQB AMIenpM ie loos" IN lase b "M es' %W per week/ w.0eiiwi aw inn" Will; and ft" door a deer annually ,000 cent hJs bOrlTi9e3 p Plrrre 105 NM 10 418- 412iM1. Nr son a sulk by 0o PW Paydaye FMW MtMILiJEi for powmalc i0 Nair a6ijtNeMo�t. tam 9964 1"117 • No exp • No or eaf1res necetio•lkluot be able leo lis 35 Mao NPwt Dai 00kmw 1MMi AOCEif1M7rA- lecal well c_ ___ . edPof consum paoducts needs6wf boaderNebeeady twkkd �hours.�� �� wM- soa �artm'vstPoios&po ,iT bar to �6- Ioonk VefCW& Otis 101kaEEtdeto sur woe in entry levPositions up et Most we ow noidow Rem L� 1111111110111131=1ial and oMsMW call (905T907Zo-! oon� Maw rale Monday only Tbs M.4".4"M donela tAMMMiAPE Todwmi o NO does allabla Coad ".L PiPicho 9 7571, Is Wr4W7A75 also es#tetlaian required for new salon in MarMiam opeltiftg soon. EWeriewe a must. - For interview call 905.479-2002 (111815025-119Ke W WA17ER Minimum 2 yr. Man$T"= 1tNIM1ED with OWAk 2 yore arroalsrnof. exped— Im Hit Ysr. Plr»�ry9�ale Oft" peow N* Ear�a:,� m,d weekend Noy or Lim (90$rn7 0823 wroeE wwF ROYm! p LOU mm hma 1•t"aIk suwWIN po elenertds1Ftoed °ae1k"°eb bat . Bpm only! LAMDOCAN MAINTHLANCE LIQ MMISTYLIii b book. tip b nset Acer 1811 a rn p 0 aopkea vols Woore po/skMklalnps apd8d artist in rrohegktg salon. Ex- aslnN salty C8,: e�•pf0 ave tar W ift wo we be Inlpvksilg al tlr NBE 1trMMMi NBMB.11 1pbr rn'6f03Mondexwldn2181 peso- in Yrr'�Aiox CIS h eoern an1=st-cWdn podro� Nom° ppier/xlopoe 4 hM'is bit bat . Bpm only! 3MMwrhom 9x30 a.m. - 2:30 hos 1-afIE7 - 408. -Mi c.:. ...vw1; w �,;.� i -�` °- PMS• ff� jMK'►� v+ w'e pyo. � s+ogyr r1� �,,,r I Y ,r _� ,�� I ✓M'T< :,;iL;tiu r t+hi_0 rl-- r1Lti'i:-i`s,Ti, .. Tori �i t:`�• ' � I 1 Bele. HsMtAgarhle 1 trelee �MMarde SldNed ►letp ® SldNed H810 1 IlsepafMYedpel -- -. Have you been out of the work force for a few years, ralsing a family? Do you enjoy home decorating and helping people? Are you looking for a career that is challenging b rewarding? N so, we may have the perfect job for youf We are a successful chain of furniture and gift boutiques located in Ontario shopping malls. We need you to work 30- 35 hrs. per week during daytime, evening & weekend periods. We will provide you with extensive training, including a full tour of our factory. To join our team, apply in person with resume to: Crate Designs Pickering Town Centre 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering, Ont. L1 V 1B8 SALESPEOPLE REQUIRED Several positions open for aggressive salespeople to sell automotive and industrial lubric- ants.Territories; includeToronto and east Belleville, north to Peterbor- ough. Sales experience in automo- tive aftermarket a definite asset. Must have own vehicle. Attractive remuneration package. Please fax resume to: R.P. Oil Limited, Whitby fax 905-566-2761 No phone calls please. Only applicants required for interviews will be contacted. 1 Gerwal Help WORK FROM NONE- Part- time Tull -Time, h ldt ndUStr y. 5800 a $3000. Free Booklet. 41WI-4925 or log onto. www hbn mm aopu code 5876 Ireowed) 1 ow= Mb CUSTOM M10KE11 m Mark- ham regwres a mature re- spora+0le pses b work in their attonkh npi•eOle da mwenl -�kw A M maN`= leditlet me an mccell- emm commm0�of ft Ell" arguage 8dh oral and wmp- len. Previous needgpks ex- perience is an Must. Pas" m4 bspn Apr 'V"- Pkeam Tax resume Ncbdi q Salary, expo b: 905 2250 Alto: S<. Crew SNW Isar AswR I selm SAIF REPRESOR1M re- :wrwd be tirle»an sulip4' cam. ;&v 8w smart' ome mreon + :car ataigrite. Submit taWm to: vabow S --m A Suppy 377 Wd(iinzie Ave Unit al Ayer. Or. LIS 6111116 Fa: 905-/26. 26N Sarongs Plans -Sales trawwng d sww ZdIT, cmuriLOM positions P for6e i66ar�w~ Fax 416-391-5637 Full Time Service Installer Apply in person to Jamie at the Service counter. Canadian Tire 327 Toronto St. Uxbridge 852-9857 Chemist QA ENGINEERS AND OC TECHNICIANS Needed immediately for a Chemical Co. Bk d in pa per sci and degree in Chemistry/Chemical Enpineer- tltg could be an asset. Please call (416) 221-8914 Canadian Titre Pickering Requires Part-time Service Advisor Days, evenings, weekends Apply with resume to :1300 Kingston Rd. Skilled Hap Skilled Help CABINET makers requiredFRAMER REOUIREDwith at Fully experienced cabinet least 2 yrs expeHence Own makers need only apply transporolbo. Call after bpm Please tax resume to: 905 (905)-242-1432 9tq-9711. WANTED . Interlock and Re- Nese SERVICE TECHNICIAN tainutg Wan SDechMkSt Most required !or commerical and rove minimum 3 years ex- �mia' service. AN man- p�er�rpce Own dalory, certificates and peopie Plpysialry ht. and foreman skills re"red. Fuca Tmw po- e b asset Call or S1f101i tax resume Ships b' Centime aw 905) s6a n/z B scope Inc,�7 Cabieonng- VNW- (905) MARTIAL ARTS INSTRUC- Sif1lfed �p TORS weapons. Tai Chi, Jo Jits+JGrapplwq, Tailkwordp. Kerne AerOoics. Also Kick - Compressed Air Company poet Fax raurne to 416 Requires an 291-3308 EXPERIENCED SCREW COMPRESSOR MECHANIC Experience in Electronic Controls would be an asset. Own tools and a valid driver's licence are essential. Fax resume to: (416)297-7047 ELECTRICAL DESIGNER / ENGINEER A local consulting engineering firm is looking for an Electrical Designer for its Ajax office. The individual must have experience in Roadway Illumination, trafficsignal procedures would be design, MTO Design an asset. Salary: D.O.E Recent Electrical/Electronic graduate with Auto Cad may apply Interested applicants please fax your a resume to: 05-044417 ELLIS PACKAGING LTD. is a progressive manufacturer of foldin* cartons. We are now accepting applications for the following positions: Printing Feeder - Entry level S= pos11tion, experience on automatic fed presses would be an asset. 2nd Pressman Previous experience on 40" Komon is a definite asset. Please submit resumes to ` IELLIS PACKAGING LTD. 1830 Sandstone Manor Pickering Ont- L1 W 3Y1 Attention Dennis Saunders TIED of RAT IRATE AM HEAVY uFM dad trouble d ri no 110 sirOs n a national Help Desk efolimnent Three litlime bigl6al (French and Erlgish) Certified Medwics are needed for air Tednlcal Assistance Centres in Pilllerng and Oshawa. Extertsitle sands -an elglerience with a ymety of automotiMe ma"liacurers Is required for ttfLfo of the position. Excllrsne domestic eKpertenee is required for the third posiuorl. Salary Is CID"Vetiole 110 die aldamoltire ftchnilian industry. For IIhDFD ilbpg) gh, ed 1-iN43, 61r f6Dr rwr nS11Nli by AM dZ IM r 115.42N11N- Ono Iib *11111111114"M �kW �'�'° ` (MiedcS ADVANCING CUSTOMER COMMUNICATIONS , �. ' C '�O`• +� `It,!"'4...i � � A�„'x-1L► it ik.,.. Ya ..' � a fEcmmc, tug tints Or pan time warned Call 905-852- 4581 or 905-8524291 San FERSON "Wo br HVA.0 COMPANY Expen- eitpd prdsnsd or wile train Fa resume to (416) 283- 5581. SMALL mouiticuring com- pany looking for persornrd piapple �abk to .ort Cortifhsmuul SIkRs. Please sad neunne to Fesf333. Wilms Thies Walt. P.O Box 481, osba". on - tang WAVO - 3rd or 41h yr Jori nev pars-Alsdrruar for control s7skas. Phone 905- 57Dime1-7246 or 706-3891. ask lor WANTED WOMEN= Pe- Millum Eq iperum Mocha=. Pim. PMNs. PLm2 mi -Auld. Can 1 800 465 4186. DOW ReppportuWASM. tam requred for periodorkW omp. Partirtk ksdirq b tr/ INN Z pr66sd, agx3ri enced firdernd. Purse drop off o nal rawae to:914 Munition Rd., stake 201. b905) P (i pIV tet or tax E WEIREff D hyp ow It - quoted Mer 6 maftp milerrMy leave. Part-time I"rw. s. Drop resume off A 1200 Rosslad Rd. E. w only. HVL TIE darutal mucep"orkst wanted, compaa and dermal tzper m r: a must. Ple m ale 905 427-144a Two K : SETS, in assorted Cohrs and Sim from 529.SS'UL UIWOFM Plus. Brack North Pe7a, 2200 Brock Rd. Nw.Pickering. On- pmet(sarqLlmnso= ith has).Ho w% Mon. to FHL 8 sit- 7 pa. SaL 9 am - s caw Cbmd SMrdells (906) 427-1318 • 1 °awls � Yopmragrapmrovides edua- seOtle hes Ioae.mCPM* aid, 2 M 18cammoeNM e spies ailai- am for to 4 C.Ns, -EDS ' °'-' 1.118E- required 7K now LRIE4wT aWINY lex 2 tod- dles, or home daycare for 1 toddle. cersiderinp huh oD' tions. Hwy 2/Alltnd. Expai- am squired Call (905)509- 4897 NOW 7pm. NANNY LIVE OUT energetic. flexible person squirts to rare for 3 dlildl1 (4,1 1 Irl Years). M -F. 8-5. Liglr house, keeping duties. Must haw previous experience, own transporution. drives li- cense. Church f Rn 11 Cal 905 619.1305. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 28,1999 PAGE 27 A/P 1 DerlMlkkedful 1 MSAs1 Melee r 1 Articles Mlanled _ Seth SAYSHOINE HEALTH CARE Open House March 31, 1999, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. For HSW'S, HEALTH CARE AIDES & PEWS New Graduates Welcomed 87 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax s2*-is7s PHARMACIST WANTED PINE/OAK FURNIruREi k. celebrating our 25th Anniver- sary. We are Table Special- ists round. oval, rectangular, sgl pedestal. dbl pedestal. harvest tables. WE MAKE THEN ALL'. Need a special size or colour. NO PROBLEM. because we handcraft each table to your individual needs. Our Craftsmen also handbuld Entertainment units. Home office. Dining Room, Kitchen, Bedroom and Custom Designs, all, on premis- _ S .__.Drop in and see our A Full Time Pharmac ' busy clinic pharmacy locally owned group macies in the Oshawa The successful candid excellent communicat interest in diabetes ca pharmaceutical care be informed and upda 1st Is required for a in Oshawa. We are a of independent phar- area. ate must posses the ion skills re and ted tale W the Art woodworking facility and let us show you how fine furniture is made..... Remember.. 'There is 1b Substitute for Quali- ty' .... Traditional Woodwork- 1 North Port Road (S off peach Rd) Port Perry. 905-985-9774wwwAradition- alwoodworkngon ca USED FRIDGES $195 1 up. used rartges $125/ up. used dryers $125/ up. used wash- ers $199 / up. new and used corn operated washers and xcellent benefits and salary. I emit IGeraWard dryers x low prices New Please reply in confidence to: s''" �'» dadms hatreses UK and Box 218, 0 L1 Os • �e AAVbW AFFORDABLE daycare pro- vided. part time are, smoke tree (tome. fenced yard, wh- ing distance to Lester 9 Pearson School. Please car 619-2907 CMLOCARE: ThicksoNHwy 2. New to Whnby. very expeh- mad n dwdam Two spoh available. my home for pre- y e raprneht. N�: tolls mesh Rel ee Jo- seplupe 14161 269-2192, pgr (416)793J707 LOVING NOME DAYCARE - story times and quakry CPA* rens music. 6 mon - 5711, presdlobf Nonsnbk.pg, tat Cr� vaa.7�Fantn+w71M0z (905)-837-M MOTHER G0 Call MOTHER of two offers lowle reliable part -tune are for low tomes n tips &odNDea- broolt arm Giem" play. wiks to eM pert. npUrtboes 4Wenches 1446, alit TLC! (905►686- MOTHER with yam a drt are experience. ECE. Iene1K! lard, pa7moom. To s a tpeoe 120.076MIhtes Rd. S. dna. PIC[HIING Mac" / RAIe- LOvutg daycare: 18 months to 12 yam Daly ouings (eapced backyard card perk). Crafts, sbry, teak, music. mita uftw amt 6 snadu Fist Ad. C.PR pr"IW Nore- smokng. recalls. 905128- 1244 MCR1C, BROOK AREA, new Dom and up. Orly af- in%, smoke Ira. nepuNrs. Is" NM we ale b t f1Ci- bes Rekwes mesa good care (906) 619-1Cp 1 ENPWOBW lemitis LAWN MAMTENANCE- pr Mo. Wdsapmo. sod Ynrliwp SP -9 cler.w1 ltfah"lq ger den rerpogtibnM. Ftm ap- maks OAehway Latowap- Mo 905.985-7810 1 FbeueW bales WON PR80NCT3. truck lead d logs. My now toil fWA year. $ea - at and ssppfML. Rady to bum. (905)852-7516 1 M."W Comer CUESTUA:IE i wNh aria chairs am per 1,A. ore 1Come SIMECKS brows i are beaNWhite. Lovessal $50. Win' 1k1Clf 5333.: Protium Laptop $744: an mk will 4 chin S0. Cale INWAL hMM (905) 509 -ME $666: Superfast 4= �gra0eU 6�difficult npkrI In" domg 906 665-3661. ClN1I __ E UBf�gIBN - 3 Only, Pe1Rie11h 11 syslsnr triNh 128 Meg Ram. MM Celan. 333 CPU. 3 Gig hard drive. 21x Co. 56K maMm. key - flood. .Orae. spmYars. 5697.00. PvMM 200 system 5186. Galion LIC 250 pular 1198.00l oa prinders Inse 525.00. VGA monitors from $4!.00. Many used 486 ad Psion >•1rAee I Service and upgrades. YD& T Coat pars (SM 430-5615 DINNI6ROOM 10 _ _ _ pc B Y 12 �T�960 1Sptnwctder arkdf hood- Dom suiwgtoo poster $2450. 906 84i 1530. Can di liver FAR�3I . New ftoAafd 354 Mo Mile, nes used since 19M (Aped inside) in exlxraf tx.dikonnp. Largs 51brrees0. side �augeerkqedifto t13 all .m ( Ont. 7L1 ritut ming room table with 4 crtairs. 2 captains chairs. gold emAboocsssepd glass 0.8.0 Call9g5.43a-133151000 LEATHER JACKETS up to 1/ 2 once. leather purses from $9 99. luggage from $19 99. leather wallets from 56.99 Ev try" Must Goy Family Luther, SS Points Mall Osha- wa. 905-728-91M ANNOUNCING NEW lower price on mine dish satelmes. Orly 5249 after rebates. at lease from $1249 moffd* Programming 99/monely.905.655-3661 as MM, IIIACK wrought iron n r essllnme Nevertlwpedo mph. opened 51.200 Saud" SM* (116)255-0285. BUNDS ;cit the nWdle man Installer has custom made v«aman. snir`.mis� Fr. esk- mues (116)227.7777 or -6"72 or 14)88-369- BROTHER M o p iNC machine $250 Norbc track sequw M. Cam after 6 pm CWU6ROUR. t00%. Nylon hick. plush stn re - sawn carpet. For 3 now oehy $36900 Pap npuda 30 So Yds carpo. d*M pad a d ing la wn in caw haat Fere gibU on n you Ihomro. No rt .: rb paymmaf for - a Y. f)ArsM. t e1010 CAMM - lots Of carpe. 100% nylon new thin re - him carpets; an herd. 1 ml cam Price Mdu:3Caimoealms.f M apart vzzoorr. fast de"v- ary, him estimates (31D yards) Norman 686.2314 CARPER SALE: Loll of m- psls 100% now sola ra- w". carpet 3 rooms 1339 (30 sq. yd) . I.., - I carpet. p pas and mstma- pon. Fns souls ". miles spellsScrump N~ and �swr 1 � q arm. Soak 905- CAIIPET AND UINyI - Carpet lam ed. I wile hon 94.11310. sgrae yArSSdt. - s010 code 10%. avmt Cal Mie bir yam flim a".We. 905431 1010 C AtlmThaEzRng ds FACTORY. Bipoawy- msNps. 1fi1h ykr(ac). 300 Mhz baled. printer, monbr, lferrMt. satware and .Hors. Free scanner ddmry and SO* 14WS15-5545 DNE TEAR OLD. on 1;p1Epi� s Cakdibon SM or Oat a�NK 426-39%. 1 AAkM 19th COMJB , new two. As is M. Kem = lMha pnrt- aw dishwasher 5150. Soso door, 1 year UpruNLe00 law XKenalm 5150. (MI 69197 A DOM tItAT 55 CLEARANCE SALE 0YErylSi6lg'!E•itb6K • 691dn Ow'Amo1d W • Entrance 0015'16.• ad Op FkAmadha- ISI ""178 Ewkq 0"141 3-SUT Sofa and Mettcniap chair. Dark tilde. Scall guarded. 2 yeas old. Redi- rMhle. Removahk back for easy moving. Paid 12200. a N q $1200. Cal (905) 579- 3231 FOR COAT - Beautiful do - WO brown, car Mngm, size 10-12. Appraised at 59500. sicrihp N 55000. (m) 58 0089 (sip) at Whitby Iroquois Sports Centre LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE!' CALL LISA FOR DETAILS Oshawa (905)-579-4400 Ajax (905)-683-0707 Durham Region's LARGEST YARD SALE Sat. Apr. 10th - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun. Apr. lith - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 423 Bloor St. W., Oshawa IN STORE SPECIALS GALORE!! Don't miss the deals. Ankles for Seth CRAW OPENING - EVERY- THING FOR YOUR HOME - APRIL 1STThe pat vakue ar- owd for Frtdpe1,- Stoves- washars- Dryers* Apartment sue vers and drym- Doiiig sus- Bedroom sefs- and MOM much mors!CALL Now FOR PRE-OPEIWNG OFFERS. Til 721 90109 or 576 04M SM SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, DSNAWA Opel loam to SM no innshgmMnM wW,n KAwAI Paso sale A Dertwn Coleoe in Studer Cemn April 9W10019i. Ower 40 W- and dgah For rsa- esaeai apor patnkA d 1. 800 - glee 8E0 x-ttrct Orttkopedic in Plbp. � $1. 700 ram�sad Suit (416) 2% -CM MpliR, dirk Uherry wood. irtdndet buffet. nuedr. lupi table nim 2 aterkbns. 6 neo- ulw chars plus 2 CWUM '.. , A server SMOID opo Call (9MM6.8216 OIe6N II» TMIRMe N. E. WAI A di" room suike $1.350. yyppyry Carron Cab" tfcwreti g,. 5975. Dresser $135. fMilhogary Oft i 6 chairs whidebsard 5860 mmis table i 1 tiuws mfsia board 5750. 6 Harp bads Chains 5300. Victorian ad Ogee. Mie chairs 5175. each. Yinoes S35. snits. w W item 7pc SM (custom nide) POM Camdn Bal bed- room saint (pad57000.57000. now) romomm su �6 fid MWWW YIaOtA cellae pfd end mks 8= Row grass top table i 4 Immill dMirs With ctshiotts 11xMt 51.760) 1895 Table 6 5 theirs 5200. NumMred Prins 5165.5275. Setting machine SM Mh8 wp $14S. Burins 2 " a paper 6 ri00ons � ale types of ash sMR e: 8 known clearance prnM� aSharp 5F 8100 Phe -Copier wrsoner !cert sod2WPROM ) 5700. E lwrner 1250. Large EPROM eider (neva used) $125. Of- fice desk $75. Office chair 520. 3 work benhdh dnafr $50. each. Wolary counter 5300. 1997 GMC Safari Mini Van $21.000 Fully loaded. selling coat ms 2 Homes and Busi- rMtS (905) 697-3532. NMKANA CYCLO-MIITIC 39 00 automatic adiustaw bed with Cyloo-missage unit. In minor Candition cost $2310 i>grina 5919. PNm phone 905433 0865. 1 Artlthme br St.e NANO TECMUC1AMavailable for tuning. r",s and prt- pirdtme batspfWbn on aN nukes 8 mmodeh. Cal harp Y 905.427-7631 CBL PROM Sony nsw digital i Motorola digital. 1992 vigor Accura. Cammer- wl Singer $erwrq irladhrhe. Skeet Dench WO Traylor Amplifew System. trate (905)721-1611 PMNOS - Dig41 d Acousuc Rat to own - 100% Repoli Appked to tmprdolse 6mM Delayed payment plan $75 dWsocled from pwrchme of any Roland HP or KR Dugtal gab with On ad Dna good b M&CI 27/99 Encore Music. t"mbnhoge Vater of 'gest Mu- sic o -sic Slow Award. (905)852- 7179 CLOCKS SALE New waft and floors Inven- iory Must Go' Huge sekac"on of now aro used ponos New Modal Dhabi from $895 and up. Rens to owner. p100% d A rowAlso cocks from SM and up. Cal TELEP PIANO 433-1491. NK VALE& Ir and 9• store Whaird tables for sake. Call 906420-6113. RCA SATELM SYSTErS Yhdides dish, receive 8 Cod Will � access. Receisa 400+•+ dWvft No 11111111.5m PMd kits SM w16tM>1gt15200, Goal Cd(W or(� 7888 Mw SIEwAN - Ouilill/ wooden :,Mitt fr x 81 aro kf only $339. plus tax. Many cher Sim and styles auditable. Alecand deft 761 McKay Rd Unit 3. Pickering. For more irdo. ale 905.61¢ 2093, HANK'S AALIANCES Saks/ servicedPirts. Odua frost - hu midges, like' llw 519WW. sen-deanilp stove. lin-top $199. Side-by-side, lie new. wfrle SM Washers $149/up. Dryers t150/up. Kenl.olr dishwMSlla, buift-in must sa $199. mcrowaves $100. Freezer 4yrs.. "lee new SM. Fkkarhcinq atlailebk OAC. LSP to Tyr. wrrarmy 126 SimCoe SLS. (905)728.043 -0. new 30' ranges with dock and window $430 Wide se- kxtiort of other new and Afid appliances. Call us today Step -Les 's Appliances Saks. Service. Parts 154 Bruce St OMM(905) 576- 7448 web site www durham- mal corNstephensons WIRE LACES for sale Call rim 90583-5117 sap GRACE door repairs. broken springs cables, ropers, open - 6 inslaw3 Tw•ups. 549 95 I Arbdee ANnauES7Atsalwtely! car. vice- always valuable usually 'rel Purchasing outright. es- 'ates w/some umque Cnit- trts. (no limit to value con- s,dered), collections of any son. quantities or smgk an- %qre teems Special n"est in Mommit pottery I7 try to re- spond to ale queries RoDM Bowen Antiques- Brocewin, imam (905)655-8019. tax 9051665.5501 CASH OR DEALS. We Buy, xp. 6 more, Pay top do w 'or top Gems Home aadiol AOw. Car audo. rods. CO's. rkbvm. games, gold. da- monds. furniture. appikarectes 905)433-1785 905-571-2274 90516660001 r:w as :kms n working ordal WANTED - NOT WHEELS, 6 511MRSMatch bcx dinky mOdtl cars, and other Maw - mobs toys. CAN 263-2661 ewaengs sip_ WANTED. WILL PAY FACE VALUE. PLEASE CALL BRUCE "OSHAWA WHITBY THIS WEEK" 905.579-4400 EXT. 2207 .1 Ask" orwa CRAFTERS WAN= a 'The Gin 6 Craft Showplace' kical- ed In the Cdtrbp Flea Mi, ML 4 im east of Oshawa Let us stow i ser Yam craft dr rally, to the giOYc roll do not have to be tlkre Th m is NO 6 mbndl contract Also, re- csumn 1 indeed tree vers it you 436.1up March 1 37 Gar 905 AWq CHINA cablkt bowed g �s door. side by site, butted wal- rull. $1800.. Hoosier letdo. abind $700. Oma coUecb- Ires. cal 905-263-4063. Psora, 11W_ SM SALE - KAIM POOLS. Rao- tang M above grot.d mdaM- rq docking. 16 x 24, O/D, 55.996. Package intluda 1 or. 2 ladders. sad 1111E pt.rtp, now. etc. 1-800.666- LOA ii FOW FOINIO young 9-sm s, pie =s"' mik (6 monis?) near Conservation Park. FORM, Mach 25th, Malden Cres., male bound dog. CaN 831-211& LOST Sheltie. as result of vehicle accidllH Mardi 41h, Hwy 12, between Surdeman et Uxbridge. kgMle, black/ Whltenan. Obedo a traiad. answers;to sprle' Loyal family t. REWARD. (905)579-7450. crp e l Pete MOVINSI FREE Americo Ctltcor spatial ro hong 8 yrs ad n W PUPPIES, black. 7 weeks. vet diecked. +s► wormed. f9O5)743-0995 (Oshawa). AM PACE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, MR co 28,1999 *At* wine � 11 Reim « IIMTED: Mall Sftm hus- ky sire blue eyes. ,prey coat, Rem d the Meer. Cal $9os)98s-oos9 WIISONMLWE area. adult RENT -WORRY FREE GOIDEN Re- for 1999 Boating Season APARTMENTS 1, 2 a 3 Bed. Apt&. Waver W. "" gee* �' Covered and Open a ww.r al stm. heat hydro indoded. Reiurtlistied & Now Enter Easter weekend. W. Cee 1- 12 Marina del Rey best one' Telephone (905) Appliances. All 11ti1. induHded. pt1fl-Itouse cow an4m K-9 Walk- DaYbnhe 263-6369 or avm- SupL A MsinL ing service. reliable " M� N.E. shore Lake Simcoe 1993 ASTRO Van. 8 On sit Secuf�,►. Lit"° la storage. Anrasa immediately. Non Smokers gore. 64K. Dutch doors on Wand d°"' have yout dog for you. 905- - 15 min. to Orillia bade. safety etedrorhies. Rental Ota: ftn - M 9m • a INN 427 427-3011 1-705-325-3051 g" ` Sun '"� �'" PM" 03 black males, W" VALUNT PROPERTY and dew claws done. boon 11 e 1 26. 199 mother on for Sea Waned MANAGEMENT site. temperament. site. Good 905) fl91 HONDA ACCORD LX CASH FOR CARSI We bury 420-184 pickup. ( ) Model. 4 door, automatic, air used vehicles Vehicles must 900-070-1 0=0 tronditioninq power windows. be in running condition. Call HAMIM IMAL ADO►- power odes. heated power 427-2415 or come to 479 TION has to mirrors both sides Am/FM Bay St East Apx at marry young older aduh cats (spayed or asserne. tin steering, cruise W69AD AUTO SALES. L area. adult neutered with shots). looking cold. . holly Waded. Colour is building. Two-bedroom apt. for homes. Kittens sometimes light god 43000 KMS Bal- 1 Tmft available May hhyylddst Fridge. arc available Mary medium once of factory warranty to forSde so dogs t. fromeh eluded to larger breeds of dogs also 100.000 kms. mq 1!16 Chev Pick ps. DD, On, 1 rknp for adoption Pets supplies ad 121.000.00 alt 905-242-9337 up W 2 sP>a. lahrndry. donations are Wwrys wel- or 905-043-5030. atc, ps. pd. 200.000 kms. Daytime 63-8369 o even- corne.Calf(905) 438-8411 cap. $2500 obo. 571-7100. Wps 263-2522. 11 Awpmebea for Sent 1943 Cheydk EI Carrmo. 454 melkr eng.. 4 link 12 Doll poo. 2800 b'UI. tubo 400 trap. 16500328- 2212 IBM HONDA PRELUDE Sp. Edition 5 spd fully loaded. Sue toll. at Cdnldlh xiong. sm 080. Car in 0" can- dieon 6524308 2917 FORD TEMPO. 5spd . Great reliable runner 51175 onolmd of $1275 as a. ALSO Bodyman Special 1987 S10. Pock -up. 2.5. V6. automatic. sport vMafs. boot brner, cap. full - boards. bug delleM wsor. Meds from clop. rear loo roper. dnasas re -aligned. Alpine udo0 Will see n pws or ON 00 takes d all 905- 576-5384 WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-7064498 (snp) WIISONMLWE area. adult IM 311 EXitmxD ab. 4.3. budding Two-bedroom 5 speed standard. deflectors. available May 1st. F' Fridge. box loner box cover. 48.000 stm. heat hydro indoded. kil.. WO like new $9.900 or No dogs. $678/motM. Corpse. best one' Telephone (905) 1 parking space. Mondry. 5794937 DaYbnhe 263-6369 or avm- 1 Wes/ 4 Whoel Drlwo ergs 263-2522. 2 MOIR 25 apt near Usha 1993 ASTRO Van. 8 wa Centre an 101. Dass . blue with grey interior. 1.3 eh la storage. Anrasa immediately. Non Smokers gore. 64K. Dutch doors on Prekfred. $65Wmo plus M - bade. safety etedrorhies. dro 905.579-0216 11 Awpmebea for Sent 1943 Cheydk EI Carrmo. 454 melkr eng.. 4 link 12 Doll poo. 2800 b'UI. tubo 400 trap. 16500328- 2212 IBM HONDA PRELUDE Sp. Edition 5 spd fully loaded. Sue toll. at Cdnldlh xiong. sm 080. Car in 0" can- dieon 6524308 2917 FORD TEMPO. 5spd . Great reliable runner 51175 onolmd of $1275 as a. ALSO Bodyman Special 1987 S10. Pock -up. 2.5. V6. automatic. sport vMafs. boot brner, cap. full - boards. bug delleM wsor. Meds from clop. rear loo roper. dnasas re -aligned. Alpine udo0 Will see n pws or ON 00 takes d all 905- 576-5384 WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad credit, no credit. You work? You drive! Lots of choice. Down or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-7064498 (snp) WIISONMLWE area. adult IM 311 EXitmxD ab. 4.3. budding Two-bedroom 5 speed standard. deflectors. available May 1st. F' Fridge. box loner box cover. 48.000 stm. heat hydro indoded. kil.. WO like new $9.900 or No dogs. $678/motM. Corpse. best one' Telephone (905) 1 parking space. Mondry. 5794937 DaYbnhe 263-6369 or avm- 1 Wes/ 4 Whoel Drlwo ergs 263-2522. 2 MOIR 25 apt near Usha 1993 ASTRO Van. 8 wa Centre an 101. Dass . blue with grey interior. 1.3 eh la storage. Anrasa immediately. Non Smokers gore. 64K. Dutch doors on Prekfred. $65Wmo plus M - bade. safety etedrorhies. dro 905.579-0216 WINDJAMMER APARTMENTS - AJAX 33 & 77 Falby crt. 2 & 3 Bedroom apart- ments. Includes fridge, stove, broadloom, [air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.bigfoot.com/-highriser $296 aft exon. .Phone 433 2 -MM apt good bc*m m BROOnM-One Large room. PICKERING. bright basemen 4296 alter Spm. well malmavol 12 -plan Nice June 1st or sooner. $420 apartment April tilt. suit 1 TraNrs ser Sinboe North monthly ndusive. Two sed- tom. Ingle, working person Russet Close b sAopprrogroom apartment with 4 cep- gDieu. Fndgelstove. Pankow. D�Ces. available June 1st but. $550tmanthly, No COLEMAN FOLDING Camper cable. Laundry hdfnes Sa or sooner $695.. hydm. Three ppeettsy/ smobng. no foundry Trailers by Fleetwood. 11 ryry n0 d�t trahly p, wi De0►oau apartment 4 cep- FrsVIM, rekhol -odds on display n show- Cal 905576-2982 pkwces. $725. hydro. May (905)427_R. room. Open 7 drys a wept 1tt. Cal (905) 655.55". Fatmn, am"bie Holiday WEST PICKE11HMG, slight. PKKEMNG. West Shore Vypld maitre i RV cense. lo- dean. spacious 2 bdrm Dose- CENTRAL Oshawa. large 2 bedroom bsmf apl. Separate pled on I12 Hwy. (enia St move ap. Sbwlfndp nit of bedroom apartments avail- weraee. bus roup. Laundry able In wee mamilamed pAr' 565000hmomh a1 1911 ASTRID VAN Cl. 4 3. ELSEWHERE. YOU PAID Too �. 3 1/2 tun north of Y•__,_ it bleldwq Waded 85km on new motor, MM. TIE LOTS FULL. TRY Imewr a Lased) 905 sore rrswr does b all aaherhaes. cksrve Iu/hsL references Wast be seen $1500 obo. Us OUTI NEW AMIIVALS - 656-8176. 1 600 569 1651. al.f750/mouu. Available P� � (905)723-0977 9 AailaOk irmuediamly (905 (905) 663.8897 96 Cavalier and Sunfires from may. 905.509.1757 a.m. - 7 p.nt. s31 9962 FOR HENT 1996 STAR Crag WHITBYANYM for rem. sap- MCKERMWMOCK 110 1111 MERCURY TRACER, 2 Sa•� `" ar va . tem trailer Loaded. medareng 2-BEMCM. bright Oasemnene b4im oomt. tagPxcken rkwcondmxxn. ono rust. T Satans. Caravans. Lumwas. budge i s�swamp s�pc apartment. Wndry. parlamp ng W aY. Newerdoor. maw clench. 9.500 %* Transports, WM. Wood tams 6 $3 AvalaDle M50 • 1/2 Cove (905)644 -yard. asbngnn . 10th Moor rzadolthoom rocs! ��) Mild -2351. or 0'1 5 10. V�. auto. 110 �Nov 1905 1217� Mho /sV appy air.16 .nim. only 14W 90 rillYay. Coveiatsve.WS- X56dSE cdhpe. Waded. Arlo Zino A-1 AMRAB E April 1st - aan 11 J� YJ, alley dean. 5 sub. 105K. pwleg, wow 1 aced two bedroom ace CsW* SPACIOUS woi-mam mw 2 era, parkeag• Laundry. 401- LARGE 2 1 1 - above 3 bedropn asps Ade. a speed. p s D b, 4 her, (4.995.. 90 Volk Foxe. 160 K. roved Dasemwd apartment and 1181 Glen St. Some ' drove. now fro. as q $5500 DeaaM. 4 speed. ony (2.995 RENT RELIABLE cars and &5% in Whay. M m ppa,arree cerbfred 1991 Chea Lurruna 92 Maser 4 x 4. Wodtl, aaho nvmvarrs. from 199 per weak AGUES ST.. OSNAWA 2-80- pets. available May t Fpr ed. Close In scfrook IPV, baled. ticlBae condi- kms but Wvely, try $5.995. unlimited km and roman ROOM. spacious man floor Mon 175.000kms. asking 90 Cavalier coup, auto. 175K included No crtdrt card air appliances. Arst and tau. OnwO nrert. 60 Station Moo ceru1 1. 1991 Dodge one owner. A-1, safe 12.995 owned 3t9/a or Keele Street, 1� tonced �aK odabd�5� 1W1 rkMrs.(9pS) On nckuded. Cee72aJ99f. Ram short bar. tidy Waded. forth. Ow AS recemdabned 416 635 !1433 101.000kms. very dnrn. 8 hears ad ors M GAicar Ames mo an imhdroive firstAau rte oafhred Aaalsbk Apr. let. Cal LARGE Frill finished bass OSHAWA cel.. asking 17500 Coftdwed comm. In [ice St. W.. a � 436-0276 worm with wmra old b pool. 19N Dodge Dakota. 6 cyl. EWma NWI. Can 379-2143 hardwood � and vs be- Strong Farn Bldg. 156.o00kms. aowv $4600 � friday /975 VARLET Davidson AJAX - NEWLY rerpvaMd . plipe_ Prirote 3 place waste- Large 2 d 3 M un til. ONWW 19" asuaaa T Wow.. DO rose NEED a aft rpr're Sportster alt exhpral, 8.0110 separate entrance. 2 -bed- room. shared kitchen. 1125 Utilities included. Easy artomaoc. 1x4. 163.000kms. room bourn". enelher, drY pp -AM (kmale preferred.) access t0 schools, asking f34W Prkdorrwg Wilt approved Do you Wave 1500 wales. parka rwruq order. Or. hidge stova >�Y ye_ Tfrektoo and Hwy#2 Avail- CWdm 1905)w-2561 p lave dowrh paymsm7 Can yon al- $4000 fins Call Jobe Iaa eJa, dr, t pmrtirq spot sbk aomafiately. Ta 905 IshoppNq`. For appt call message a (906��0 lord 1200 - i00 a mphtl t (905423-1574(sosarawie) pop b GO blas 3". own 661-4198. lam/ 771-8741 you answered yes to to included. 12M 34 R t8951 IM PLTMOUTN ACCLAIM apart efuesfioro am Cie w �b1 IIIOIeb, erttAist reeeired. Ary 2 B MOM apartment. 5735/ 3M SMGOE S. Newly new rad and muMer coeds (416) 937-9742 tp r cep W (416) 2N -GM mo, ncbdhq whims. May voted 1 -bedroom from Mead petits 5900 « bbl Off- pool wti, xwwt 1st. Hmnacidate tower nc�bsnve. Sirnt/Gft area er. 619 -0603 BOATS by Cresfeen Grew. AM - SPOMMI new 2 bed. bul0rp accommodating lsVIM. Mabbk WOKE DAVEY AUTO SALES Celebn Sws6tara. Airro �va1q�r 19th PlYM0U11F VatYager QUALITY. CLEAN USED CARS craft Tempest prrrered by roOm a kwwMt Ody. m bNser M- fledwM (905F571-3229. SE. 4 cylinder turbo. 7 p�t i TRUCKS' 1994 Suabrd 2- Jofrson, Fwmude w�' orae b g�oo rnheehryyhhbbpo senhper� eaceNere Non-smoking, no pets 1000 133 7360 o f055>420.1905 TWO tMON00N available ser�per arotned. door 90,o001erns $5.990. 19N boeN. Barnant Await" May W. (905) 606- May 1. 3640, Osb11ea Go" sumdaon. SUM or best OW Vdks feta I $0.000tms. boats. Dub bats. Crusarsl dw ONE IEOROOM $425 liked area baax m. Hes. part Call l905µ26-6291. leave $3.990 1992 Sward GT. New a Used, FibergLass JL hydro. 2 bedroom 1525 pits ad under indrded. HHyao a masage 127AOOkms 56.990 1992 Aluminum. loge stNeam AJAX. 1 beir a bumb" by". n, morn Oshawa, sea (905) 436i0t2 IM TErro, WMe. anNm Ford Tempo 91.000bns. outboards. Low Low Pres. apt.. separate entranI D- lassAau. m0 phis. Available aaettTe. air Exec le. condi $4.190 1992 Gov Cavalier. ppwa 7 days a +sok HHOMdry laundry. air abno ou". nen- April Is 72647 0 fBetiOYT beemnm apart. 97.000kms. $5.11M. 1993 World marc a RV Ctaae. teal %%L Large endows. longe• mem, all ttmrrislred, Private lion 157.700101 Runt wtN, no Gov Astro 171.0oobms based on 012 /Ary (Brock rat m kitchen. I pc bah. ON bedroom rnrrhlaHhed neer wf�q rvst Not alydied 52600. S6.990 1994 Toyota Tercel St. Whtby), 3 IM fns. agora parting. non smober, no pas. basement apwtmwt SimcoN ro051- 571-2396 or 434-1481 166.000kms. $5.990 1995 d Smokln 905656.8176. 1- as ndusin. 3725 moron. Ro"Mor d. Parting. Mash n• prow sinla frerwn. rum Clov Lumina 71.000kms. 300.5219.1654, Amiable MR, at 606-2739 smoker rof&- . Available smoker. all Hnhctrsire. $6501 con MINMO, sr. gond $10.990 1"IS GMC SLE pick- April 1st 1150 per month uff- month. Aid" immodmW trAl 90. 128- 0 best aft- 96.000kms. $/6.990. 1996 rasomAral Anti. 1 -bedroom bassaim mn NK%". First and het. erne roost ai 21oe. 1 N ry437. GMC Ext. Cab. SUE Irl, gateJn anparurhem for masa Has cern Cala IOt-9913. 143! Chevrolet Lhmma Euro 95.000kms (21.990. 1990 soperate ewmy. Noe ane 3.4 4 door section. Looted Missaa 240 SX 136.000kms 1lt7 FMO 26' Moaodmme. 0brrvhppnn with wmecoul. OSNeNM . Alae miintairted very good $6.990 1993 Onida q�gy 460. VS, an. cruise, air 1700rmoWn. AvaiNWe 5395hNm edy, tow mom fid- I ESTITMANSLA110 atm. n"Oldiadm. Certified. 130.000 7I.000mns. 110.990 197J2 70.Oo0tams. 1 oerhwr. rear 1st Ca16s3.0304. M twrrshod aced arpdo New twusW bxhgw cep. ba. s60W obo. Td 905 436- ch. Cavaber 88.000kns h Wshoeww• 116.900. Excel- basenom anpartmem. apse b Sepaale 4legln. $586. 0609. 15.990. 1995 Dodge Cawvaun CO1 ^ PNM ala t4W so. ff., 2 bedroom sant Gerwy Motors ad moueb. SaihDk for $9,990 85.000kms. 19% 0)579-5352 on rage raerifhe 101. S cep Shopping Plea. Inatsuaon. ted! Mei« LM - al- p�dp� Caravan 113.990 g'las'ses. Dartiwq. f1100/mho. Moor St W aced PaaM no' ROA' M0 talndWk ad spay. red, timed 75.ODOkms open Satuf a w utilities included. pokssgrnl South. 905728-0079 law Or PCM. FitstAist. Net 99K 5 spdvennow bit. �,i CULL DAVEY SALES d CO �mo smokiey wwessaptt. iwmM6laMy. (905) 429.0453. 12799. Cant 4'for 15 whore �W3505 BACNOON A" fs12/month- o3NAtrN AM. - Oadnbr 9ffNfsr - sen« Ace. Cow mas. (trip) HN PONTIAC SUNFIRE, y p� tables, 3d floor mag. AIASIBI i NNIB CO. oft bedroom. 2 bedroom. a. Fmk. One bKVO01n1 apt while only 4200 km.. 4 Or. up tem dh"W. OnWA le Cao 1 1/2 stony, 2 b11boom i duds ala Weds and able May 1. Clean WAN bk%* tON SOMMo LE. 2 door. Sulo. loaded. $12.500 obo. Mark 052-3107. Lave me- dark alio private WmdrY M site. �dMp0 ft lwY boduN balbL N ueH- ar. AMI rlA, 127.000 am, w ALSO 1996 Dodge Caravan >aod- Two priwk entrances 2 ear (905 4MS. « 2-110- 02 550 130.7387 F" alp air. AYlFM casMU feted SE Waded. 7 r 3.3 FA�t . Ron 'tht-sod 354 a ceapptCAC. MwD d BAapsei1 SL0t2 Iraka, spotless iltkrior and V6 23.000 lira.. f oho. Aix Nil rite Mmol shoe 1980 1sL $950.411wx90SJ464213 WHOM TWO BEONOOM, battles, oodess o1 cadron• V6. 23.5 35600 d (943) 436-/477. (st«ed inside) in ado11Nnit «116-757-7131 FICIMMS - me* lamva1110 avaiWe May 1st rlonditon. targe Ike. side 1 boboom ba "NK hill rue bedroom moodabN • 'TOR J� CMEMM - - - - auger wNh long fo�hq A3NBMN MM P OPerfY batmoom, kaftan. hrmdwY, UL BOMmtrwiM, 3 bedroom, 310.700.,12 mhaeh wOvAed • • I arhl heap anger. 32000. Cal �► M ow. -WM$ lv tai- owe wuy, ac. antral qc Apwi ML ChM N16)M41 km metal". 1994 PONTIAC 9853103 eller 6 p nL (tap) OW Urge bright due bed- parlomg GOee cep scllooYlds "1906 57543 SIJIlNW. $5•296.. 12 mMth room, Www! SFOPI 111• PrM& ;ow 3700 d fndnsfva. Amit- MMM t beth 1n awl- rrtinhilld km etarraffy. 1906 1 1 Apwremm emran lags Polio. an Apa1 at. No pelalsallok- Meal MYs wam. SK aur BERETfA $3,1w9a5.rtat2 maNh I • For Nem smother no pelt, may at. Cal(906)4264723 1SW sociesive. Telephone AN2$S�AM U1MIA MOBS_ft e2y 3;ALE=UNITED � 1st «rAya� avolook Lucia d l WAUN WMA �1�NO PSN. Cal Moro DEALER 12.000 kmnam) (!15 9 0074 vCREDIT?at 946 Aman St. and 350 AMB AW APM& 1ST, tine 2 12 111aobm bAeemNt< 4 9r Niiphtr (7051277-3Z5p16007NO Malaga Rd., Odom Stood Ayedy romorakd ms bmkom tIMFF rho wbm cam osm s60skame all indta moo. No wout tw 111Nroom, kiblhM and PRESTIQE CM -1995 VOLVO.EVEN BANKRUPT 1 pW. CAN 5764724 ayems. ' 'a per' badly. own NOWA e. no drsr Acts Nsc ONa1 050, bhrAAan interior. 5 Con w* baled dm amt 1t. yon ttblf/! CAN Dare Hay - 1 BEONoOM buteM in DowNotm Pell May NL $875 ulwn Whit sant iblYax im oandiborh. 519500 oho aputmw. CNet i beaLMoL Nw0 &Vmb*. N111Wshns. itrJedad Cal (11i) 194 3715 StonhMit geelDa�1991) W. (905)623.7410 Sepuaa entrance. IVm" a king. Non4moker. WNW F Rpp. PMhs few a: CAN 0) 770-7122 190 A 66a 3x00 «(6051 int 4116 JEFta TNM, std. 5 WIL.576-1800 am . knimm May 1st 1404307-9303 3211 t1MR 60,000 lit . Air cads $6W/monm FissVNst. (806) L VBIABF legal Von". cause. dual air bags. 725.9134. rttaw Iwo 111dloom baaaawm Fier FAI Ruoff rack stereo. aNrm. AVAILABLE I in BPOUNK "Pogo tprlralu. $25500, 905642 2347. Whift ML OuAdiaq. BAloTIl1M6K001 tdeaa 2 no � « Poll. O 11M7, Mean AM= GXE, dour. arpelea. no* Pmwtf pose to ahhMrba apwtmw phom saw. Fridge, Sim, WHO SAYS _4&M km. metallic beige: md, with babary. does b bs, one car Pating SM. R111a YOU TO pone whMfohrs/ goner nMdkr shop ' p. an d to it"". st. o solid . 3700/ woes. Sld on « tft. kmr MMFt1Wo. (906 AM -2715, (416) ram m con s.AtAomob s bedroom 2 bftdroom, month. 905120 7079. BUY pA H=7OOhnonll eflion. non smoker, $17900 4 3790. 3 bedroom 3890. Cal 7631110. Td M SM -3920 A A A ArFO- Can. trucks, 430-0134. MCMpNC,Driptt 3 bed- tom, nowmed. Igo v Not Much DowW"m M 11th CWT Astro Van, WIN. thio PAY b $10.000. MpM OR apaainaht „,yl- room mumem *blo t. 1-MMtom Act WAK kvaN- 25,00am. slow auw Club onyft An)' c"- am May 15th Apx. Fur- Cbee N Go. Nm smother, m 110111 Apel! 1. Parking, Humby, (�) �-Q75 fisc, OAC. 33MWmahM. 24 tilde, 21 hose Cal ns sty- ahistsd . non smcher, no Pets, polls, avoi" i111m111dIM11gr. able, ubMNs included, s11pt- 1-800-8�62�7�S r (9f �-19�NlmtialPMl _Cell_ 9DS7M � 3"0offickedes WS inar �• � � � ptf PLDpgL. (306) p7 �� 005)619Lj � air 2*1rPlarL�rr 1 or11ee 11r 1 otr111111 err - 1 " � ReA RMI No SICK OF REMMM43� OWN YOUR HOME - rrs EASY!! • First Time Buyer? - Can Markl _ ;• Dischar'pad Bankrupt? - Can Mark) A Not Much Downpayment? -Call Mark) Mark offers honest, professional, no prrlasviur f service to hem you own a home. .Mark Stapley. x ;t .Sdmo p•p• Pmtoax Ably PAW tylia LJ11L r AM OABA OU I have a home 1 omn oeeee « 1 o Qom ow t« 6 months free. From Rem Rom 5500. Income aa requirement from $27.500. . call Ken Coes, Coldwell Banker OSHAWA (905)726-9414 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH sAdq.fle. 3 b�edroomm. uupppeer levvds 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. only. fireplace, garage. cep- Parking included $$127s a0 p too �D5ots' Condolay yn Stove & Refrigerator. x•906428 9766. Parquay floors throughout. AVAILABLE May 1st. house Close to schools and shopping. m Oshawa, `pluussmI m From $910.00 including h dro basernem '� re fps Call 905-721-0480 please aC (905)726-2553. BEAUTIFUL NORTHEAST OSHAWA. Newly decorated. 3 1 Yononiaie� 1bawance bedrooms. fenced yard, cep - pkadm. dose b school. d xv, " • bas• no per, t950 Unsecured term loans. prime rate plus utublilm Is&W refer- Why wait - CunstAidate now encs. immediately. (905) McMgagrs 1st,2rxf do 3nl 723-0946 BY OSHAWA SHOPPING private funds available with equity CENTRE bedrooms) eretdy, 6 rooms (two bedrooms) upper duplex. Bq fenced yard. pro - vote driveway, close to set Kms• inhcluded. Ask fur Sylvia Jules Mailable 10. 905-728- (905) 6N(r2557 0X15) 474""29 0079 lem message. CLAREMONT. 4 bdrm . bung onset Or parking. $925 plus utegies. ' 1 RW 1 1 for Sae 41&468_0413. 3073 COUPMCE 2 bedroom bu oga- TERRIFIC 3 bedroom rase FRE YOUR LANDLORD buy tow Quiet. responsible non- brick bungalow, Oast cow with a small down payment snooker b share krichm . bale. Mxmorty/►Hwy 2 arca Hart and up b 6 mondrs no pay -a backyard Incudes able a wood floors. pub style re moves A you qualify! We have parking. Nice area. Walk b room with hreplaa 2 bah a number of hohos in Osha- community center. SM 1x3 a 1x2, guape Atkin wa and Bownmvft « Conrad S Call Lou moral*. WAast. 438.80/5 $158.900 (905),576.2993. 905)434-1600 SMbh Group PICKERING - tingle mnotner 1 Towrrnoeew _ Really in. seeking female to share 3 r bedroom hhouss Pod. row 5 Furnished room. For working p1xs. Close b PTC ant Go. WHITBY TOWNHOUSE Prdess+ornl, ruon smoker. W. all inclow". FrstAM. Lovely 3 bedroom Las d 4 ADstsne0roodRekrrron a nmst 906-631 313. grades. now w eeows. arpet In very Hard w e $450 1 stir . am dFor Room M" 06 - 4011whde's M . HE �d 0 booftors m; 90D not Board. 432-0369 dean acme OhrM senbdivrsaon Fiesthed ivirp ad 11c room. tdjenngroar rwdnoneee a1ryll h, "I female prole I 1-4 pc. bath. treat and peak a Great locator For Rare n0h smoker. no DAs. avant- Gose b fcluodk. 401 and a able now. 5375 monody. 839 a iembes Pat Odters Ex AJAX - SM a month. only 2 7540 Re ^ Shoran. (-IN-2B6 kit New 3 - 1 1, son eft f 3090 (Lap) uclod horhos n Old Picker - wig Vflage Move -m BONUS For tterm 1 fOreges n For we 4265 58 appliance CAN 905 NWY e2 AVE37KY 934 sq n (erpl apartment new carpet 5 cep- COTTAGE A LOTS $47.000 WWMY, 3 bedroom own- pkawces.. Northern exposure. $129.000 Apartment err noose (wndbnd bmsemore). m suit ,pool stores for sale or milt 5471001 LBW plus miba$. Ctat b ml.panting No p All anon- - S96.000. OAC. Bakers Vaer HHrgnway 2. Schools and iaa May tu. $1200 905 1{13-335.5547 o wwwihon Dowmonn Available onow- 031-2220 dw"k FrstAa t nI L Cam re„p. (905) 576-1250. e 1 ONIC1 a Camper 1550 Rooms 1 h t r son Eff nmumeai4 fw Roe OFFICE SPACE MediaUdtce SS1N BOYS your 0wh fuel space. Kings- and While's serviced trader lot, near Cc Rd. Packer Ground kvW 1W watn and second Door space avad- � acn Dale ma tyre keel. sand Oeach, pea abk. Soptmtber ao ulad"Cy. svmmm . all amorAss. 1 Cal Lary(4t6) 410-0778 116-131-1565. STONE FON AMT. 9W « CAW = On Unci lyse 71 2000 so ft . 4 conoro Osa- min trate Toronb. 270 axe wa. High ww�' traffic. ox- resort. extra large sNadea CoNew locator plenty d poi- �ap43a. store. pod. play vote parluq,1905) 725.8710, ground, modern ucokba 1 �o sum er saw 29W $745. Cal ler Roe CANAL LAOS. season 2 -bed- fleweY room howsakaed+wl•. fish Of LOW small fornis2hed room SM. son i doe Nes ra11ma. Cal SM - SIM Advance urs payfttcomnnm or Use d taeniae i iagronud 706126 7744. pool. Clow b Het, slhoppiop a • 1 Mee Mlt111b 1148,416-296-9902 Torr W«tilq female pea Nrred• firstAsel repaired. Call MOIET PMORM, Get ow srgk Gomse 905571-1281. CLEANWBTs. fully fumislMd d debt quick without smokrq sad central air cogbboured. 2banknopt or- Avadabk 319EAWNIIFAdI ft. available name- 3 bedroom noble ( "ma- E awed for d o". 1 b11boom, own earth- assn) noon. Pools, hot ted. all uaau sump. ChM free atef cl m s Ioldsla Sete on now and w� ot � idrd�id.576 3505 �� tragions. Children welcome. 0683-M ""eay. OB1aNi A LOAN a Hof 1 1 H11wM WAWA 0111981. � 1NfABIB GNeNBE UFS F26 10 KMOMM FORM, 110 ROM FOR FMNa �,ROIMNMS GOWAm Street Npragva 3 loolum im TOU + 1 - 1`- l 2 ttaiwoom bash- wS11WE111BNBOW 43Ly "Now.1Mltilchah1had9 a1od BB6NE SION■B ANF e. rage 9306. $4 � � OBwMMINStiIE "ill now -� dM"""" CIOte 10 Pak OBNpp�B 2 trNHYt11d rooms 1No001ww0 i sthooN. Profs- NBNIOAMS -Good, bbl sad MbricNdes t�taM1109 m I aysl � 3a toss. M m aaacc M�be 119+ & n Dalh � 9�05)697�1779961 am � 66F a1 w 4�Opm (9�7. CrC No l�pnk owed NOWWAV LLE. 3+1 bbl• PNS WW AOE FmW todaL to hold bndnuse. ar- No Na b QUAW bottowles. tatalh11d tprape. near 401 6 S" M for t1s Derham Rif- t F'EM NUMBS to dm a ' art 62% as- ghee Cal Gbm a1 (9051�- 3 111btom No" him.semabN mdhrtpage, Cam" H« 4960 Dbmth w Mortgage IM than (ft. (5,900 dose Corp. vft dock wound 1L »bol, Oak t12f.900.9064174962 n OeeYrem Backing, pry privON. 5 /INFO► Premium lot; Like mina. ME d Uxbridge. Shue new 2611 sgll, all sick 2 ttbley, 1 b11atom put dM. 3 1111311 - fm ad won. Cal titan 1/2 bath, doubleMBS... 0000one today or so -9110 cher 6:00 Pa.eLaNkaA baseman. 5217, pfhtrhoe ace Prow!! Ted PME SALE Hoose on 314 Free 8877-327.6067 fSMI3TM/ femaM has houseM1 acre. 10 nhille S. Ux- TOTAL TYNNBET OAiLY b doors in Pichaft. fem11N bridge. I mmy +/surroaded app. EquipnhuR, training. sbrdw or prolessidrW pre -by cor4av w p ' 1", non -smolder, shoe Mew kwinon bownew Idtdh support• OWk RenewA Pres kilclha bun". large back. woahl�ss�waAot8.Na0IA0 stiff. Doth Bow. w lag Sysoms. /- M. I .rte ! . I ' .. +Woe. 1M -0129 , F". field ol- u• , - 1 .1. •7.1.' .1. I�w4 r1d'YL'w♦ t ..�.' °+.'iy l.Zx..s�`,r-ijir eY '!1!"'.s•"Sv'Td V1�''?1a��C, 1911 ASTRID VAN Cl. 4 3. ELSEWHERE. YOU PAID Too �. 3 1/2 tun north of Y•__,_ it bleldwq Waded 85km on new motor, MM. TIE LOTS FULL. TRY Imewr a Lased) 905 sore rrswr does b all aaherhaes. cksrve Iu/hsL references Wast be seen $1500 obo. Us OUTI NEW AMIIVALS - 656-8176. 1 600 569 1651. al.f750/mouu. Available P� � (905)723-0977 9 AailaOk irmuediamly (905 (905) 663.8897 96 Cavalier and Sunfires from may. 905.509.1757 a.m. - 7 p.nt. s31 9962 FOR HENT 1996 STAR Crag WHITBYANYM for rem. sap- MCKERMWMOCK 110 1111 MERCURY TRACER, 2 Sa•� `" ar va . tem trailer Loaded. medareng 2-BEMCM. bright Oasemnene b4im oomt. tagPxcken rkwcondmxxn. ono rust. T Satans. Caravans. Lumwas. budge i s�swamp s�pc apartment. Wndry. parlamp ng W aY. Newerdoor. maw clench. 9.500 %* Transports, WM. Wood tams 6 $3 AvalaDle M50 • 1/2 Cove (905)644 -yard. asbngnn . 10th Moor rzadolthoom rocs! ��) Mild -2351. or 0'1 5 10. V�. auto. 110 �Nov 1905 1217� Mho /sV appy air.16 .nim. only 14W 90 rillYay. Coveiatsve.WS- X56dSE cdhpe. Waded. Arlo Zino A-1 AMRAB E April 1st - aan 11 J� YJ, alley dean. 5 sub. 105K. pwleg, wow 1 aced two bedroom ace CsW* SPACIOUS woi-mam mw 2 era, parkeag• Laundry. 401- LARGE 2 1 1 - above 3 bedropn asps Ade. a speed. p s D b, 4 her, (4.995.. 90 Volk Foxe. 160 K. roved Dasemwd apartment and 1181 Glen St. Some ' drove. now fro. as q $5500 DeaaM. 4 speed. ony (2.995 RENT RELIABLE cars and &5% in Whay. M m ppa,arree cerbfred 1991 Chea Lurruna 92 Maser 4 x 4. Wodtl, aaho nvmvarrs. from 199 per weak AGUES ST.. OSNAWA 2-80- pets. available May t Fpr ed. Close In scfrook IPV, baled. ticlBae condi- kms but Wvely, try $5.995. unlimited km and roman ROOM. spacious man floor Mon 175.000kms. asking 90 Cavalier coup, auto. 175K included No crtdrt card air appliances. Arst and tau. OnwO nrert. 60 Station Moo ceru1 1. 1991 Dodge one owner. A-1, safe 12.995 owned 3t9/a or Keele Street, 1� tonced �aK odabd�5� 1W1 rkMrs.(9pS) On nckuded. Cee72aJ99f. Ram short bar. tidy Waded. forth. Ow AS recemdabned 416 635 !1433 101.000kms. very dnrn. 8 hears ad ors M GAicar Ames mo an imhdroive firstAau rte oafhred Aaalsbk Apr. let. Cal LARGE Frill finished bass OSHAWA cel.. asking 17500 Coftdwed comm. In [ice St. W.. a � 436-0276 worm with wmra old b pool. 19N Dodge Dakota. 6 cyl. EWma NWI. Can 379-2143 hardwood � and vs be- Strong Farn Bldg. 156.o00kms. aowv $4600 � friday /975 VARLET Davidson AJAX - NEWLY rerpvaMd . plipe_ Prirote 3 place waste- Large 2 d 3 M un til. ONWW 19" asuaaa T Wow.. DO rose NEED a aft rpr're Sportster alt exhpral, 8.0110 separate entrance. 2 -bed- room. shared kitchen. 1125 Utilities included. Easy artomaoc. 1x4. 163.000kms. room bourn". enelher, drY pp -AM (kmale preferred.) access t0 schools, asking f34W Prkdorrwg Wilt approved Do you Wave 1500 wales. parka rwruq order. Or. hidge stova >�Y ye_ Tfrektoo and Hwy#2 Avail- CWdm 1905)w-2561 p lave dowrh paymsm7 Can yon al- $4000 fins Call Jobe Iaa eJa, dr, t pmrtirq spot sbk aomafiately. Ta 905 IshoppNq`. For appt call message a (906��0 lord 1200 - i00 a mphtl t (905423-1574(sosarawie) pop b GO blas 3". own 661-4198. lam/ 771-8741 you answered yes to to included. 12M 34 R t8951 IM PLTMOUTN ACCLAIM apart efuesfioro am Cie w �b1 IIIOIeb, erttAist reeeired. Ary 2 B MOM apartment. 5735/ 3M SMGOE S. Newly new rad and muMer coeds (416) 937-9742 tp r cep W (416) 2N -GM mo, ncbdhq whims. May voted 1 -bedroom from Mead petits 5900 « bbl Off- pool wti, xwwt 1st. Hmnacidate tower nc�bsnve. Sirnt/Gft area er. 619 -0603 BOATS by Cresfeen Grew. AM - SPOMMI new 2 bed. bul0rp accommodating lsVIM. Mabbk WOKE DAVEY AUTO SALES Celebn Sws6tara. Airro �va1q�r 19th PlYM0U11F VatYager QUALITY. CLEAN USED CARS craft Tempest prrrered by roOm a kwwMt Ody. m bNser M- fledwM (905F571-3229. SE. 4 cylinder turbo. 7 p�t i TRUCKS' 1994 Suabrd 2- Jofrson, Fwmude w�' orae b g�oo rnheehryyhhbbpo senhper� eaceNere Non-smoking, no pets 1000 133 7360 o f055>420.1905 TWO tMON00N available ser�per arotned. door 90,o001erns $5.990. 19N boeN. Barnant Await" May W. (905) 606- May 1. 3640, Osb11ea Go" sumdaon. SUM or best OW Vdks feta I $0.000tms. boats. Dub bats. Crusarsl dw ONE IEOROOM $425 liked area baax m. Hes. part Call l905µ26-6291. leave $3.990 1992 Sward GT. New a Used, FibergLass JL hydro. 2 bedroom 1525 pits ad under indrded. HHyao a masage 127AOOkms 56.990 1992 Aluminum. loge stNeam AJAX. 1 beir a bumb" by". n, morn Oshawa, sea (905) 436i0t2 IM TErro, WMe. anNm Ford Tempo 91.000bns. outboards. Low Low Pres. apt.. separate entranI D- lassAau. m0 phis. Available aaettTe. air Exec le. condi $4.190 1992 Gov Cavalier. ppwa 7 days a +sok HHOMdry laundry. air abno ou". nen- April Is 72647 0 fBetiOYT beemnm apart. 97.000kms. $5.11M. 1993 World marc a RV Ctaae. teal %%L Large endows. longe• mem, all ttmrrislred, Private lion 157.700101 Runt wtN, no Gov Astro 171.0oobms based on 012 /Ary (Brock rat m kitchen. I pc bah. ON bedroom rnrrhlaHhed neer wf�q rvst Not alydied 52600. S6.990 1994 Toyota Tercel St. Whtby), 3 IM fns. agora parting. non smober, no pas. basement apwtmwt SimcoN ro051- 571-2396 or 434-1481 166.000kms. $5.990 1995 d Smokln 905656.8176. 1- as ndusin. 3725 moron. Ro"Mor d. Parting. Mash n• prow sinla frerwn. rum Clov Lumina 71.000kms. 300.5219.1654, Amiable MR, at 606-2739 smoker rof&- . Available smoker. all Hnhctrsire. $6501 con MINMO, sr. gond $10.990 1"IS GMC SLE pick- April 1st 1150 per month uff- month. Aid" immodmW trAl 90. 128- 0 best aft- 96.000kms. $/6.990. 1996 rasomAral Anti. 1 -bedroom bassaim mn NK%". First and het. erne roost ai 21oe. 1 N ry437. GMC Ext. Cab. SUE Irl, gateJn anparurhem for masa Has cern Cala IOt-9913. 143! Chevrolet Lhmma Euro 95.000kms (21.990. 1990 soperate ewmy. Noe ane 3.4 4 door section. Looted Missaa 240 SX 136.000kms 1lt7 FMO 26' Moaodmme. 0brrvhppnn with wmecoul. OSNeNM . Alae miintairted very good $6.990 1993 Onida q�gy 460. VS, an. cruise, air 1700rmoWn. AvaiNWe 5395hNm edy, tow mom fid- I ESTITMANSLA110 atm. n"Oldiadm. Certified. 130.000 7I.000mns. 110.990 197J2 70.Oo0tams. 1 oerhwr. rear 1st Ca16s3.0304. M twrrshod aced arpdo New twusW bxhgw cep. ba. s60W obo. Td 905 436- ch. Cavaber 88.000kns h Wshoeww• 116.900. Excel- basenom anpartmem. apse b Sepaale 4legln. $586. 0609. 15.990. 1995 Dodge Cawvaun CO1 ^ PNM ala t4W so. ff., 2 bedroom sant Gerwy Motors ad moueb. SaihDk for $9,990 85.000kms. 19% 0)579-5352 on rage raerifhe 101. S cep Shopping Plea. Inatsuaon. ted! Mei« LM - al- p�dp� Caravan 113.990 g'las'ses. Dartiwq. f1100/mho. Moor St W aced PaaM no' ROA' M0 talndWk ad spay. red, timed 75.ODOkms open Satuf a w utilities included. pokssgrnl South. 905728-0079 law Or PCM. FitstAist. Net 99K 5 spdvennow bit. �,i CULL DAVEY SALES d CO �mo smokiey wwessaptt. iwmM6laMy. (905) 429.0453. 12799. Cant 4'for 15 whore �W3505 BACNOON A" fs12/month- o3NAtrN AM. - Oadnbr 9ffNfsr - sen« Ace. Cow mas. (trip) HN PONTIAC SUNFIRE, y p� tables, 3d floor mag. AIASIBI i NNIB CO. oft bedroom. 2 bedroom. a. Fmk. One bKVO01n1 apt while only 4200 km.. 4 Or. up tem dh"W. OnWA le Cao 1 1/2 stony, 2 b11boom i duds ala Weds and able May 1. Clean WAN bk%* tON SOMMo LE. 2 door. Sulo. loaded. $12.500 obo. Mark 052-3107. Lave me- dark alio private WmdrY M site. �dMp0 ft lwY boduN balbL N ueH- ar. AMI rlA, 127.000 am, w ALSO 1996 Dodge Caravan >aod- Two priwk entrances 2 ear (905 4MS. « 2-110- 02 550 130.7387 F" alp air. AYlFM casMU feted SE Waded. 7 r 3.3 FA�t . Ron 'tht-sod 354 a ceapptCAC. MwD d BAapsei1 SL0t2 Iraka, spotless iltkrior and V6 23.000 lira.. f oho. Aix Nil rite Mmol shoe 1980 1sL $950.411wx90SJ464213 WHOM TWO BEONOOM, battles, oodess o1 cadron• V6. 23.5 35600 d (943) 436-/477. (st«ed inside) in ado11Nnit «116-757-7131 FICIMMS - me* lamva1110 avaiWe May 1st rlonditon. targe Ike. side 1 boboom ba "NK hill rue bedroom moodabN • 'TOR J� CMEMM - - - - auger wNh long fo�hq A3NBMN MM P OPerfY batmoom, kaftan. hrmdwY, UL BOMmtrwiM, 3 bedroom, 310.700.,12 mhaeh wOvAed • • I arhl heap anger. 32000. Cal �► M ow. -WM$ lv tai- owe wuy, ac. antral qc Apwi ML ChM N16)M41 km metal". 1994 PONTIAC 9853103 eller 6 p nL (tap) OW Urge bright due bed- parlomg GOee cep scllooYlds "1906 57543 SIJIlNW. $5•296.. 12 mMth room, Www! SFOPI 111• PrM& ;ow 3700 d fndnsfva. Amit- MMM t beth 1n awl- rrtinhilld km etarraffy. 1906 1 1 Apwremm emran lags Polio. an Apa1 at. No pelalsallok- Meal MYs wam. SK aur BERETfA $3,1w9a5.rtat2 maNh I • For Nem smother no pelt, may at. Cal(906)4264723 1SW sociesive. Telephone AN2$S�AM U1MIA MOBS_ft e2y 3;ALE=UNITED � 1st «rAya� avolook Lucia d l WAUN WMA �1�NO PSN. Cal Moro DEALER 12.000 kmnam) (!15 9 0074 vCREDIT?at 946 Aman St. and 350 AMB AW APM& 1ST, tine 2 12 111aobm bAeemNt< 4 9r Niiphtr (7051277-3Z5p16007NO Malaga Rd., Odom Stood Ayedy romorakd ms bmkom tIMFF rho wbm cam osm s60skame all indta moo. No wout tw 111Nroom, kiblhM and PRESTIQE CM -1995 VOLVO.EVEN BANKRUPT 1 pW. CAN 5764724 ayems. ' 'a per' badly. own NOWA e. no drsr Acts Nsc ONa1 050, bhrAAan interior. 5 Con w* baled dm amt 1t. yon ttblf/! CAN Dare Hay - 1 BEONoOM buteM in DowNotm Pell May NL $875 ulwn Whit sant iblYax im oandiborh. 519500 oho aputmw. CNet i beaLMoL Nw0 &Vmb*. N111Wshns. itrJedad Cal (11i) 194 3715 StonhMit geelDa�1991) W. (905)623.7410 Sepuaa entrance. IVm" a king. Non4moker. WNW F Rpp. PMhs few a: CAN 0) 770-7122 190 A 66a 3x00 «(6051 int 4116 JEFta TNM, std. 5 WIL.576-1800 am . knimm May 1st 1404307-9303 3211 t1MR 60,000 lit . Air cads $6W/monm FissVNst. (806) L VBIABF legal Von". cause. dual air bags. 725.9134. rttaw Iwo 111dloom baaaawm Fier FAI Ruoff rack stereo. aNrm. AVAILABLE I in BPOUNK "Pogo tprlralu. $25500, 905642 2347. Whift ML OuAdiaq. BAloTIl1M6K001 tdeaa 2 no � « Poll. O 11M7, Mean AM= GXE, dour. arpelea. no* Pmwtf pose to ahhMrba apwtmw phom saw. Fridge, Sim, WHO SAYS _4&M km. metallic beige: md, with babary. does b bs, one car Pating SM. R111a YOU TO pone whMfohrs/ goner nMdkr shop ' p. an d to it"". st. o solid . 3700/ woes. Sld on « tft. kmr MMFt1Wo. (906 AM -2715, (416) ram m con s.AtAomob s bedroom 2 bftdroom, month. 905120 7079. BUY pA H=7OOhnonll eflion. non smoker, $17900 4 3790. 3 bedroom 3890. Cal 7631110. Td M SM -3920 A A A ArFO- Can. trucks, 430-0134. MCMpNC,Driptt 3 bed- tom, nowmed. Igo v Not Much DowW"m M 11th CWT Astro Van, WIN. thio PAY b $10.000. MpM OR apaainaht „,yl- room mumem *blo t. 1-MMtom Act WAK kvaN- 25,00am. slow auw Club onyft An)' c"- am May 15th Apx. Fur- Cbee N Go. Nm smother, m 110111 Apel! 1. Parking, Humby, (�) �-Q75 fisc, OAC. 33MWmahM. 24 tilde, 21 hose Cal ns sty- ahistsd . non smcher, no Pets, polls, avoi" i111m111dIM11gr. able, ubMNs included, s11pt- 1-800-8�62�7�S r (9f �-19�NlmtialPMl _Cell_ 9DS7M � 3"0offickedes WS inar �• � � � ptf PLDpgL. (306) p7 �� 005)619Lj � air 2*1rPlarL�rr 1 or11ee 11r 1 otr111111 err - 1 " � ReA RMI No SICK OF REMMM43� OWN YOUR HOME - rrs EASY!! • First Time Buyer? - Can Markl _ ;• Dischar'pad Bankrupt? - Can Mark) A Not Much Downpayment? -Call Mark) Mark offers honest, professional, no prrlasviur f service to hem you own a home. .Mark Stapley. x ;t .Sdmo p•p• Pmtoax Ably PAW tylia LJ11L r AM OABA OU I have a home 1 omn oeeee « 1 o Qom ow t« 6 months free. From Rem Rom 5500. Income aa requirement from $27.500. . call Ken Coes, Coldwell Banker OSHAWA (905)726-9414 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH sAdq.fle. 3 b�edroomm. uupppeer levvds 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. only. fireplace, garage. cep- Parking included $$127s a0 p too �D5ots' Condolay yn Stove & Refrigerator. x•906428 9766. Parquay floors throughout. AVAILABLE May 1st. house Close to schools and shopping. m Oshawa, `pluussmI m From $910.00 including h dro basernem '� re fps Call 905-721-0480 please aC (905)726-2553. BEAUTIFUL NORTHEAST OSHAWA. Newly decorated. 3 1 Yononiaie� 1bawance bedrooms. fenced yard, cep - pkadm. dose b school. d xv, " • bas• no per, t950 Unsecured term loans. prime rate plus utublilm Is&W refer- Why wait - CunstAidate now encs. immediately. (905) McMgagrs 1st,2rxf do 3nl 723-0946 BY OSHAWA SHOPPING private funds available with equity CENTRE bedrooms) eretdy, 6 rooms (two bedrooms) upper duplex. Bq fenced yard. pro - vote driveway, close to set Kms• inhcluded. Ask fur Sylvia Jules Mailable 10. 905-728- (905) 6N(r2557 0X15) 474""29 0079 lem message. CLAREMONT. 4 bdrm . bung onset Or parking. $925 plus utegies. ' 1 RW 1 1 for Sae 41&468_0413. 3073 COUPMCE 2 bedroom bu oga- TERRIFIC 3 bedroom rase FRE YOUR LANDLORD buy tow Quiet. responsible non- brick bungalow, Oast cow with a small down payment snooker b share krichm . bale. Mxmorty/►Hwy 2 arca Hart and up b 6 mondrs no pay -a backyard Incudes able a wood floors. pub style re moves A you qualify! We have parking. Nice area. Walk b room with hreplaa 2 bah a number of hohos in Osha- community center. SM 1x3 a 1x2, guape Atkin wa and Bownmvft « Conrad S Call Lou moral*. WAast. 438.80/5 $158.900 (905),576.2993. 905)434-1600 SMbh Group PICKERING - tingle mnotner 1 Towrrnoeew _ Really in. seeking female to share 3 r bedroom hhouss Pod. row 5 Furnished room. For working p1xs. Close b PTC ant Go. WHITBY TOWNHOUSE Prdess+ornl, ruon smoker. W. all inclow". FrstAM. Lovely 3 bedroom Las d 4 ADstsne0roodRekrrron a nmst 906-631 313. grades. now w eeows. arpet In very Hard w e $450 1 stir . am dFor Room M" 06 - 4011whde's M . HE �d 0 booftors m; 90D not Board. 432-0369 dean acme OhrM senbdivrsaon Fiesthed ivirp ad 11c room. tdjenngroar rwdnoneee a1ryll h, "I female prole I 1-4 pc. bath. treat and peak a Great locator For Rare n0h smoker. no DAs. avant- Gose b fcluodk. 401 and a able now. 5375 monody. 839 a iembes Pat Odters Ex AJAX - SM a month. only 2 7540 Re ^ Shoran. (-IN-2B6 kit New 3 - 1 1, son eft f 3090 (Lap) uclod horhos n Old Picker - wig Vflage Move -m BONUS For tterm 1 fOreges n For we 4265 58 appliance CAN 905 NWY e2 AVE37KY 934 sq n (erpl apartment new carpet 5 cep- COTTAGE A LOTS $47.000 WWMY, 3 bedroom own- pkawces.. Northern exposure. $129.000 Apartment err noose (wndbnd bmsemore). m suit ,pool stores for sale or milt 5471001 LBW plus miba$. Ctat b ml.panting No p All anon- - S96.000. OAC. Bakers Vaer HHrgnway 2. Schools and iaa May tu. $1200 905 1{13-335.5547 o wwwihon Dowmonn Available onow- 031-2220 dw"k FrstAa t nI L Cam re„p. (905) 576-1250. e 1 ONIC1 a Camper 1550 Rooms 1 h t r son Eff nmumeai4 fw Roe OFFICE SPACE MediaUdtce SS1N BOYS your 0wh fuel space. Kings- and While's serviced trader lot, near Cc Rd. Packer Ground kvW 1W watn and second Door space avad- � acn Dale ma tyre keel. sand Oeach, pea abk. Soptmtber ao ulad"Cy. svmmm . all amorAss. 1 Cal Lary(4t6) 410-0778 116-131-1565. STONE FON AMT. 9W « CAW = On Unci lyse 71 2000 so ft . 4 conoro Osa- min trate Toronb. 270 axe wa. High ww�' traffic. ox- resort. extra large sNadea CoNew locator plenty d poi- �ap43a. store. pod. play vote parluq,1905) 725.8710, ground, modern ucokba 1 �o sum er saw 29W $745. Cal ler Roe CANAL LAOS. season 2 -bed- fleweY room howsakaed+wl•. fish Of LOW small fornis2hed room SM. son i doe Nes ra11ma. Cal SM - SIM Advance urs payfttcomnnm or Use d taeniae i iagronud 706126 7744. pool. Clow b Het, slhoppiop a • 1 Mee Mlt111b 1148,416-296-9902 Torr W«tilq female pea Nrred• firstAsel repaired. Call MOIET PMORM, Get ow srgk Gomse 905571-1281. CLEANWBTs. fully fumislMd d debt quick without smokrq sad central air cogbboured. 2banknopt or- Avadabk 319EAWNIIFAdI ft. available name- 3 bedroom noble ( "ma- E awed for d o". 1 b11boom, own earth- assn) noon. Pools, hot ted. all uaau sump. ChM free atef cl m s Ioldsla Sete on now and w� ot � idrd�id.576 3505 �� tragions. Children welcome. 0683-M ""eay. OB1aNi A LOAN a Hof 1 1 H11wM WAWA 0111981. � 1NfABIB GNeNBE UFS F26 10 KMOMM FORM, 110 ROM FOR FMNa �,ROIMNMS GOWAm Street Npragva 3 loolum im TOU + 1 - 1`- l 2 ttaiwoom bash- wS11WE111BNBOW 43Ly "Now.1Mltilchah1had9 a1od BB6NE SION■B ANF e. rage 9306. $4 � � OBwMMINStiIE "ill now -� dM"""" CIOte 10 Pak OBNpp�B 2 trNHYt11d rooms 1No001ww0 i sthooN. Profs- NBNIOAMS -Good, bbl sad MbricNdes t�taM1109 m I aysl � 3a toss. M m aaacc M�be 119+ & n Dalh � 9�05)697�1779961 am � 66F a1 w 4�Opm (9�7. CrC No l�pnk owed NOWWAV LLE. 3+1 bbl• PNS WW AOE FmW todaL to hold bndnuse. ar- No Na b QUAW bottowles. tatalh11d tprape. near 401 6 S" M for t1s Derham Rif- t F'EM NUMBS to dm a ' art 62% as- ghee Cal Gbm a1 (9051�- 3 111btom No" him.semabN mdhrtpage, Cam" H« 4960 Dbmth w Mortgage IM than (ft. (5,900 dose Corp. vft dock wound 1L »bol, Oak t12f.900.9064174962 n OeeYrem Backing, pry privON. 5 /INFO► Premium lot; Like mina. ME d Uxbridge. Shue new 2611 sgll, all sick 2 ttbley, 1 b11atom put dM. 3 1111311 - fm ad won. Cal titan 1/2 bath, doubleMBS... 0000one today or so -9110 cher 6:00 Pa.eLaNkaA baseman. 5217, pfhtrhoe ace Prow!! Ted PME SALE Hoose on 314 Free 8877-327.6067 fSMI3TM/ femaM has houseM1 acre. 10 nhille S. Ux- TOTAL TYNNBET OAiLY b doors in Pichaft. fem11N bridge. I mmy +/surroaded app. EquipnhuR, training. sbrdw or prolessidrW pre -by cor4av w p ' 1", non -smolder, shoe Mew kwinon bownew Idtdh support• OWk RenewA Pres kilclha bun". large back. woahl�ss�waAot8.Na0IA0 stiff. Doth Bow. w lag Sysoms. /- M. I .rte ! . I ' .. +Woe. 1M -0129 , F". field ol- u• , - 1 .1. •7.1.' .1. I�w4 r1d'YL'w♦ t ..�.' °+.'iy l.Zx..s�`,r-ijir eY '!1!"'.s•"Sv'Td V1�''?1a��C, 1 or11ee 11r 1 otr111111 err - 1 " � ReA RMI No SICK OF REMMM43� OWN YOUR HOME - rrs EASY!! • First Time Buyer? - Can Markl _ ;• Dischar'pad Bankrupt? - Can Mark) A Not Much Downpayment? -Call Mark) Mark offers honest, professional, no prrlasviur f service to hem you own a home. .Mark Stapley. x ;t .Sdmo p•p• Pmtoax Ably PAW tylia LJ11L r AM OABA OU I have a home 1 omn oeeee « 1 o Qom ow t« 6 months free. From Rem Rom 5500. Income aa requirement from $27.500. . call Ken Coes, Coldwell Banker OSHAWA (905)726-9414 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH sAdq.fle. 3 b�edroomm. uupppeer levvds 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. only. fireplace, garage. cep- Parking included $$127s a0 p too �D5ots' Condolay yn Stove & Refrigerator. x•906428 9766. Parquay floors throughout. AVAILABLE May 1st. house Close to schools and shopping. m Oshawa, `pluussmI m From $910.00 including h dro basernem '� re fps Call 905-721-0480 please aC (905)726-2553. BEAUTIFUL NORTHEAST OSHAWA. Newly decorated. 3 1 Yononiaie� 1bawance bedrooms. fenced yard, cep - pkadm. dose b school. d xv, " • bas• no per, t950 Unsecured term loans. prime rate plus utublilm Is&W refer- Why wait - CunstAidate now encs. immediately. (905) McMgagrs 1st,2rxf do 3nl 723-0946 BY OSHAWA SHOPPING private funds available with equity CENTRE bedrooms) eretdy, 6 rooms (two bedrooms) upper duplex. Bq fenced yard. pro - vote driveway, close to set Kms• inhcluded. Ask fur Sylvia Jules Mailable 10. 905-728- (905) 6N(r2557 0X15) 474""29 0079 lem message. CLAREMONT. 4 bdrm . bung onset Or parking. $925 plus utegies. ' 1 RW 1 1 for Sae 41&468_0413. 3073 COUPMCE 2 bedroom bu oga- TERRIFIC 3 bedroom rase FRE YOUR LANDLORD buy tow Quiet. responsible non- brick bungalow, Oast cow with a small down payment snooker b share krichm . bale. Mxmorty/►Hwy 2 arca Hart and up b 6 mondrs no pay -a backyard Incudes able a wood floors. pub style re moves A you qualify! We have parking. Nice area. Walk b room with hreplaa 2 bah a number of hohos in Osha- community center. SM 1x3 a 1x2, guape Atkin wa and Bownmvft « Conrad S Call Lou moral*. WAast. 438.80/5 $158.900 (905),576.2993. 905)434-1600 SMbh Group PICKERING - tingle mnotner 1 Towrrnoeew _ Really in. seeking female to share 3 r bedroom hhouss Pod. row 5 Furnished room. For working p1xs. Close b PTC ant Go. WHITBY TOWNHOUSE Prdess+ornl, ruon smoker. W. all inclow". FrstAM. Lovely 3 bedroom Las d 4 ADstsne0roodRekrrron a nmst 906-631 313. grades. now w eeows. arpet In very Hard w e $450 1 stir . am dFor Room M" 06 - 4011whde's M . HE �d 0 booftors m; 90D not Board. 432-0369 dean acme OhrM senbdivrsaon Fiesthed ivirp ad 11c room. tdjenngroar rwdnoneee a1ryll h, "I female prole I 1-4 pc. bath. treat and peak a Great locator For Rare n0h smoker. no DAs. avant- Gose b fcluodk. 401 and a able now. 5375 monody. 839 a iembes Pat Odters Ex AJAX - SM a month. only 2 7540 Re ^ Shoran. (-IN-2B6 kit New 3 - 1 1, son eft f 3090 (Lap) uclod horhos n Old Picker - wig Vflage Move -m BONUS For tterm 1 fOreges n For we 4265 58 appliance CAN 905 NWY e2 AVE37KY 934 sq n (erpl apartment new carpet 5 cep- COTTAGE A LOTS $47.000 WWMY, 3 bedroom own- pkawces.. Northern exposure. $129.000 Apartment err noose (wndbnd bmsemore). m suit ,pool stores for sale or milt 5471001 LBW plus miba$. Ctat b ml.panting No p All anon- - S96.000. OAC. Bakers Vaer HHrgnway 2. Schools and iaa May tu. $1200 905 1{13-335.5547 o wwwihon Dowmonn Available onow- 031-2220 dw"k FrstAa t nI L Cam re„p. (905) 576-1250. e 1 ONIC1 a Camper 1550 Rooms 1 h t r son Eff nmumeai4 fw Roe OFFICE SPACE MediaUdtce SS1N BOYS your 0wh fuel space. Kings- and While's serviced trader lot, near Cc Rd. Packer Ground kvW 1W watn and second Door space avad- � acn Dale ma tyre keel. sand Oeach, pea abk. Soptmtber ao ulad"Cy. svmmm . all amorAss. 1 Cal Lary(4t6) 410-0778 116-131-1565. STONE FON AMT. 9W « CAW = On Unci lyse 71 2000 so ft . 4 conoro Osa- min trate Toronb. 270 axe wa. High ww�' traffic. ox- resort. extra large sNadea CoNew locator plenty d poi- �ap43a. store. pod. play vote parluq,1905) 725.8710, ground, modern ucokba 1 �o sum er saw 29W $745. Cal ler Roe CANAL LAOS. season 2 -bed- fleweY room howsakaed+wl•. fish Of LOW small fornis2hed room SM. son i doe Nes ra11ma. Cal SM - SIM Advance urs payfttcomnnm or Use d taeniae i iagronud 706126 7744. pool. Clow b Het, slhoppiop a • 1 Mee Mlt111b 1148,416-296-9902 Torr W«tilq female pea Nrred• firstAsel repaired. Call MOIET PMORM, Get ow srgk Gomse 905571-1281. CLEANWBTs. fully fumislMd d debt quick without smokrq sad central air cogbboured. 2banknopt or- Avadabk 319EAWNIIFAdI ft. available name- 3 bedroom noble ( "ma- E awed for d o". 1 b11boom, own earth- assn) noon. Pools, hot ted. all uaau sump. ChM free atef cl m s Ioldsla Sete on now and w� ot � idrd�id.576 3505 �� tragions. Children welcome. 0683-M ""eay. OB1aNi A LOAN a Hof 1 1 H11wM WAWA 0111981. � 1NfABIB GNeNBE UFS F26 10 KMOMM FORM, 110 ROM FOR FMNa �,ROIMNMS GOWAm Street Npragva 3 loolum im TOU + 1 - 1`- l 2 ttaiwoom bash- wS11WE111BNBOW 43Ly "Now.1Mltilchah1had9 a1od BB6NE SION■B ANF e. rage 9306. $4 � � OBwMMINStiIE "ill now -� dM"""" CIOte 10 Pak OBNpp�B 2 trNHYt11d rooms 1No001ww0 i sthooN. Profs- NBNIOAMS -Good, bbl sad MbricNdes t�taM1109 m I aysl � 3a toss. M m aaacc M�be 119+ & n Dalh � 9�05)697�1779961 am � 66F a1 w 4�Opm (9�7. CrC No l�pnk owed NOWWAV LLE. 3+1 bbl• PNS WW AOE FmW todaL to hold bndnuse. ar- No Na b QUAW bottowles. tatalh11d tprape. near 401 6 S" M for t1s Derham Rif- t F'EM NUMBS to dm a ' art 62% as- ghee Cal Gbm a1 (9051�- 3 111btom No" him.semabN mdhrtpage, Cam" H« 4960 Dbmth w Mortgage IM than (ft. (5,900 dose Corp. vft dock wound 1L »bol, Oak t12f.900.9064174962 n OeeYrem Backing, pry privON. 5 /INFO► Premium lot; Like mina. ME d Uxbridge. Shue new 2611 sgll, all sick 2 ttbley, 1 b11atom put dM. 3 1111311 - fm ad won. Cal titan 1/2 bath, doubleMBS... 0000one today or so -9110 cher 6:00 Pa.eLaNkaA baseman. 5217, pfhtrhoe ace Prow!! Ted PME SALE Hoose on 314 Free 8877-327.6067 fSMI3TM/ femaM has houseM1 acre. 10 nhille S. Ux- TOTAL TYNNBET OAiLY b doors in Pichaft. fem11N bridge. I mmy +/surroaded app. EquipnhuR, training. sbrdw or prolessidrW pre -by cor4av w p ' 1", non -smolder, shoe Mew kwinon bownew Idtdh support• OWk RenewA Pres kilclha bun". large back. woahl�ss�waAot8.Na0IA0 stiff. Doth Bow. w lag Sysoms. /- M. I .rte ! . I ' .. +Woe. 1M -0129 , F". field ol- u• , - 1 .1. •7.1.' .1. I�w4 r1d'YL'w♦ t ..�.' °+.'iy l.Zx..s�`,r-ijir eY '!1!"'.s•"Sv'Td V1�''?1a��C, and second Door space avad- � acn Dale ma tyre keel. sand Oeach, pea abk. Soptmtber ao ulad"Cy. svmmm . all amorAss. 1 Cal Lary(4t6) 410-0778 116-131-1565. STONE FON AMT. 9W « CAW = On Unci lyse 71 2000 so ft . 4 conoro Osa- min trate Toronb. 270 axe wa. High ww�' traffic. ox- resort. extra large sNadea CoNew locator plenty d poi- �ap43a. store. pod. play vote parluq,1905) 725.8710, ground, modern ucokba 1 �o sum er saw 29W $745. Cal ler Roe CANAL LAOS. season 2 -bed- fleweY room howsakaed+wl•. fish Of LOW small fornis2hed room SM. son i doe Nes ra11ma. Cal SM - SIM Advance urs payfttcomnnm or Use d taeniae i iagronud 706126 7744. pool. Clow b Het, slhoppiop a • 1 Mee Mlt111b 1148,416-296-9902 Torr W«tilq female pea Nrred• firstAsel repaired. Call MOIET PMORM, Get ow srgk Gomse 905571-1281. CLEANWBTs. fully fumislMd d debt quick without smokrq sad central air cogbboured. 2banknopt or- Avadabk 319EAWNIIFAdI ft. available name- 3 bedroom noble ( "ma- E awed for d o". 1 b11boom, own earth- assn) noon. Pools, hot ted. all uaau sump. ChM free atef cl m s Ioldsla Sete on now and w� ot � idrd�id.576 3505 �� tragions. Children welcome. 0683-M ""eay. OB1aNi A LOAN a Hof 1 1 H11wM WAWA 0111981. � 1NfABIB GNeNBE UFS F26 10 KMOMM FORM, 110 ROM FOR FMNa �,ROIMNMS GOWAm Street Npragva 3 loolum im TOU + 1 - 1`- l 2 ttaiwoom bash- wS11WE111BNBOW 43Ly "Now.1Mltilchah1had9 a1od BB6NE SION■B ANF e. rage 9306. $4 � � OBwMMINStiIE "ill now -� dM"""" CIOte 10 Pak OBNpp�B 2 trNHYt11d rooms 1No001ww0 i sthooN. Profs- NBNIOAMS -Good, bbl sad MbricNdes t�taM1109 m I aysl � 3a toss. M m aaacc M�be 119+ & n Dalh � 9�05)697�1779961 am � 66F a1 w 4�Opm (9�7. CrC No l�pnk owed NOWWAV LLE. 3+1 bbl• PNS WW AOE FmW todaL to hold bndnuse. ar- No Na b QUAW bottowles. tatalh11d tprape. near 401 6 S" M for t1s Derham Rif- t F'EM NUMBS to dm a ' art 62% as- ghee Cal Gbm a1 (9051�- 3 111btom No" him.semabN mdhrtpage, Cam" H« 4960 Dbmth w Mortgage IM than (ft. (5,900 dose Corp. vft dock wound 1L »bol, Oak t12f.900.9064174962 n OeeYrem Backing, pry privON. 5 /INFO► Premium lot; Like mina. ME d Uxbridge. Shue new 2611 sgll, all sick 2 ttbley, 1 b11atom put dM. 3 1111311 - fm ad won. Cal titan 1/2 bath, doubleMBS... 0000one today or so -9110 cher 6:00 Pa.eLaNkaA baseman. 5217, pfhtrhoe ace Prow!! Ted PME SALE Hoose on 314 Free 8877-327.6067 fSMI3TM/ femaM has houseM1 acre. 10 nhille S. Ux- TOTAL TYNNBET OAiLY b doors in Pichaft. fem11N bridge. I mmy +/surroaded app. EquipnhuR, training. sbrdw or prolessidrW pre -by cor4av w p ' 1", non -smolder, shoe Mew kwinon bownew Idtdh support• OWk RenewA Pres kilclha bun". large back. woahl�ss�waAot8.Na0IA0 stiff. Doth Bow. w lag Sysoms. /- M. I .rte ! . I ' .. +Woe. 1M -0129 , F". field ol- u• , - 1 .1. •7.1.' .1. I�w4 r1d'YL'w♦ t ..�.' °+.'iy l.Zx..s�`,r-ijir eY '!1!"'.s•"Sv'Td V1�''?1a��C, r1d'YL'w♦ t ..�.' °+.'iy l.Zx..s�`,r-ijir eY '!1!"'.s•"Sv'Td V1�''?1a��C, used our! ard- rec albs NEWS ADVEATOM SUNDAY EOfT10N, March 28, 1999 PAGE 29 AIP . • 1 p,� ' eersbe :' 1 AINAsersarfee : 1 Arufiearaarla . I' A11tldeaesalisa . Arl ilmsaelsaW5.4dw.A. MW IMS! Eff Mme! Every Friday To Advertise Your Church Services in The Uxbridge Tribune Please call Linda Clarke 905-852-9741 or The Ajax /Pickering News Advertiser Please call Janice Samoyloff 905 6834707 n w Pmnay err Audrey n Ken Balky wmN be baM to beseyoe john tbew to the cekbra0en oftbefrperm's sat Amory t••r••w•s �LELLAN Wmdaws 4rmt .,cdro.t' sa3-7ei7-1� Renovations • +� Rcf� ~~ fta� J!"a MCIANIM -A Man of Its Word- � �- ' citafair1b9� :M•>• : Mo.Y�a>N.q. - Aa Open House w9 be beid in tbt* HOeowr a r on Friday, Apr* Z 1999 s • fmw2nt 00P.to 4'00p.na a�y. at 4 71e arormb of jems Cbrllst of Latter -Day • Saints 2425 Higbway ♦1, Bowwanvlfte, oat Best Wlsbes Only 1 Parwn* All Faiths Welcome UWWA REL IINNG �M�AS__ Lasu Se St. W. (905) 404-9625 1130 mom am•9pm • 1 . 1 petnonds MACHINE SHOP for sale h OLD91_ tlounsturq business. !sub a Private Home Mom 19 in Osfura I' t ata owner woes 10 retire. Is Numbers. 1-900 451.3631 ext 11 rs. 1 gin wav to work Wel Orr . Plast reply to Foe /334. P.o. mist be 11. 235.T-11 . 0=481. OWw LIM 71.5 A discreet introduction sem Fm FOIL SAIF . ieafnd for is for harried and simple trait and women. Casual or 125 persm 01 Qurllty dal- And leasehold serious. 416.335-5165 Sar- baaph. SWARE Boy - franchise op- DW NarIN TalAr Sou' WM 52. 5'6". 161 1ba. Some wundies avadable for aro• peuc emrepeneurs. A 20 yr. plawria of blses for are hack record of sac- .OWe prom ass. 525.000. cath .t.al. o" duo! •. ~q mar. Cal waycur Faodtw- ripe 905434 4415 ext 3007. I I" p hmdt. sip Nowers, and lap Wm by a broom. I'm looi- SS Governnumd Yp row 110 One somal ady aw slam my resI , for FundttiS Aorlesty. a0tmas. and ft Grants and !earls road for rawwrwtrreimn q . She ulbrmabon to [start shovid be 35-50. sin and and eb your business Or farm. .e1aA dtmann A horst Not d good b•iw0 s .orated PYae FiM 1 -800 -SOS -$66 hn- unite b 335 Box 411, Oshawa• ON LIM 713. Rhea oRaE BEONNIEO !anon- • labaw a * tolJxb s M. or SOL 1111110,&a. or trop. tweant- mmits "am - nub- ►r 162-7242 kcbM camp. Deer a coat rS OtNIAqrN oATMi ginp Very dean arelsonsilk SERMCEI Cam 905-93-1110. Cam 721 -1611 alta 5 p.nt. or Crete a PrivateIt brOd aftew:! ar a Wei Friend or 1 "Mass' Low for�ut CARP IIEADS1AmtT 19 I r KILIMC Art - sups. Fwd the orale w w 52.991trh. 11.'24 firs. 1- 00— Lowzy SoaOl slims in a 100-451-3 so taap Aneotphers. Not; tEA8EML11 PSI S2991 dr4drnn indaArp lilt airy. 16. 24 Ifops 1.900 .0 dista" s Ord 1 451-3783. DAILr IrORO- : 11 baprovamwrb or 110. H Cam (705) 439- SCOPE 1.900.677-7770. $3.00 1131 24 hours. 61111111�11pmw . fkwkh . ltrfdo- bn 905 501L lases. Can AF 25 - 1 finabq boo k a" Eslafe Extrbwm of weer anwprlr at to sla60. 415 30" has 8 by'W W 2.4 pm. D* 852_ Lull Paiumb Talk N out wi1M 11118 ice. MOWN. Is+. 1-161451-4232 W 1-M4514M Personal t'trayw to the eleaaed Virgin Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (never known to fail). AU mast beautiful Rower Of Mount Carmel, fruitful wine, spencier of Heavers, Blessed Mother of the Sm Of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me here, you are my Mother. Obs Holy May, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Fardt, I humbly beseects you from the bottom of my heart, to secure me in m aseaerei request) - make There ate noneythat can withstand your power. Oh, Mary conceived without sari, trayy for us who have recourse to thee, (3 times). Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands, (3 times). Holy Mary, I Cythis Rause in your hands, (3 times). and diets prayer for consecutive days must It will 6e granted to you LU. POWMAL IRAYElt to the Holy Sp - Holy Spirit Thou matte me see eve thin and show me the way to reach ideal. You who give the divine gift tAFOU ome and whare in all�ttuMrtees of life with me. I, in this short dialog want to thanks you for everything confirm one stone that I neva want to separated from You no matter how gi the material desire may be. I want to with you and my kwed ones m your I petual glory. Amen. Person must p this three coniecutive days without s ing one's I wish After the 3rd dayIn wish will be granted no mutter how 1 Ficult it may be. Pfentim to publish loots as your fdvbr has ben► aran�ed.'L:[J Bill's Build -All Kitchen BAdreow ceramics, b- ing. electrical. Call (416)372023 leave message ]MU114 r SIMMS I *YWA a fr N I -W0* 20 Cal mado (905} 619.4663. ed4415) S1110 -M in wit '°a '°DooA Swvim Smabl.lobs Renovabons Nfofrk Guaranteed nam (905}42fr5467 max► Rae rooms, In ION at] decks. . e4c.i11toas. Rim so for over 20 yam AN work Freaeadowmamb caN ErreN 1106 4f14•t170 DOOR$ OW us GARAGE ORS, San service 8 R�airs 906-637�OBAA :11 Improverlrrtta :11 iftprov.rffa11tta CANDO RENOVATIONS INC. Minor to Major Renovations including RemuxMing for the disabled. Res. Comm. Ind. Free Estimates (905) 686-5211 Fax 905 686 -SM F'inishcd [casements, ba tooms, additions and second skiries. Hama IBM N work guaran%ed. Walter Leaver 42t1-2145 HANDYMAN SERVICE Arammde to do carpentry, pawg� odd ids :11 haprovessim IMPROVEMENTS • windows -Dom .S • Eivestroughistig • Porch Enclostares Roofing M=Eatisat rvortt • es Sesiwew Diacewaes 427-0209 We Save U Money_ Count oniell George 837 -CM ' 1 8ieaa SPaciallizirq in total (tome repairs &.0 90.. inside i old. Al work hft gumarfted REMOVAL Post hole drill- ing, decks, odd jobs - Jason (905) 619-W4 Col (9061706-1909 t0. KW*m balk basements, decks. mow doors. pMRnDfr�t� eketial. wild0lMs i aMR�N11HNn lslteaRas, 805-427-4234 IMItO9rAM on. Howe tlsp. usaaele TNa laatati Daces! cumow Decks,ppm Brick and Peds aaowa landecei*l kaon mRllMamace Comm Dolts FBIN»s Post sefll v Swving Dudwn for OvIar 4271-9524 Palbss Dee ft Post netting ser ft Dns I= for over 10 yrs. A&C FAX)ntlG, Ad Abseir• Slingling. all types of roots, new and old, nowIro c,ar_ araeed. d. 10'J< Ducosat to Seniors, tally t weed Five estimmw& Can Admw d (986) 42114064 • 1 • NlrNlbifa Top Quality Pbwnbirp at RaasonablA stns Service 1111111 Now instafthm Ruide fro iobboo or smAe ken estnrrstses-over 20 ci -1722 $' M PAMITM A PLASTtIMIO Also spfttatiaecoilinim ��Repair *xWIms 0854 silo TMS PAINM OEM Inleft i Exterior EtKoFaS YMabtMshinR- rc1CJW , wrAm 428.0061 • STOVES . wrtslIERSfDRYERS; • LOW MTEVA RRNO • SEMORS DISOOUR SQNFAcnoN6lfItYN11® ori feN• agnhaae t#r • tart. Tads MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We w it more anydrrp, Coamatnggl - residaMW. POoss %ilable %a. 6 raid aonll discoars. Five estirrales 571-0755 1-888491-6m NAR"_O_TFE- MOVERS Move * or smal• we price them ail! Free esb- mates. seniors discount. short nobce moves. Ap- fAianoes ,,ored. also storage space araiabN. pp��77 rates. Cal 1-a/F2i3W or rCtW,1iO rBMM Piano i tTMAIrE Ffouses. Aparttl•rrts. Speaaisls Saw 9 Mid-mlorltll Discounts. Licensed. round. Free Estimates. PInwsNat aarsfn. Call 06 -TM. Qt11CK MOVE Msmq E Dsaewry's ttse4 • e.•s We. - R.iMeh r..w1 - s.dr rr.lt: 4krrwaer can for prices 434-7963 tM! Eqwisnfad Oast Mons Beryrn rills. Aphae. avae.�kaPL.rke¢t_ Padlnp awilble 423-02M 2oa-asta Resfore ON fum. to nts on*W Free estinlaMa Ian CAMM 25 years our Fm 0 i N @BMW 17-17# W W-1410 or iDllf111 Qtwity EXCELtz" RATES. Free F_stinutes, Fully insured !.Aran nu mamarm Q repair, gardaes, pnffm& tree rearoval (9os)�zs-91sa TREE CUTTING III TRIMMING 24 yrs. exp. Fully insured Free estimates 905-433-7140 1865 GRAh0AAR! RFAD04G Ex least. Private Tutoring Free consukadion/ aseessimecu All Levels to OAC. (905) 428--3234 aeiwmt iaeiots net" Fun ntoI=i Mmr4M %a Baacs "SUM h tar a sa•A A, 1905) 426-7106 AY • Ewbatebtwrar _/arlM�Ne�$ bathes/ SWIM MUM REGION EIFGANCE 6 CUSS aEUAeNnlr t) utsaRTtoN rEED i0i�-8766 NOW J1101tW6 lissic to I fora Deatay (ani n years m+a ism" Dave UeSi-827-7l9N� REFUNDS WIM FRRl1NG • E1e11We you wait by a Gneeral waoofasaat latl •� Zan Also besrilseee CUS MER SEIMCE t1N11b But advwdmers paelpNeiemYorlk n NMima l '10- vmllisu will not be re - m1 M ills for more ow one incorrect Insertion ah. for iso Mia tion of any adwrftwwt for store in ads is 10 tlM amount paid for the spmce occu- pyiq Ya emir. All cow a setbjstd to tlts appro ,a of malli/mlllBfK fff Nrtis Advmrlir. AJAX Moving Systems Fd [alfa[ aoae, llppmrre and pia t sMa Fbf me a Iwy. Iw flow hem hoed 1Alrapf wilt We til ao" aqW FM ad bW*scd S"EmbrfafCtdpaealoparnct air- �-ra'0°°-000s� 840 W.."`r`. 840 " "-_a Lawn Maintenance Programs From$A. Includes Spring Cleanup, Fertilization/Weed Control an(` Weekly Cuttingrrrimming -weeldy Pnce 8 �� Area seasonal Paqwed For More Information 8 Free Quotation Call 432-3823 Party54rvic4a : Parry Servkea RAasrr WAN" WORK And 11" Magic For CtWdrw's Parbes 0 Have My Own Magsow. Call Ernie 668-4932 t • * Ctnidrtlrl's eraertainner>r for any accasiorL Cktarls.* '*dwacler look-akn loot bags, baloon" ms. lave parkOng, magic, music. go Ribes Aiird Vroma - CRY Past t1M.W--t! -5331 gl ****'****** MIME i1M ML Mf�11CTIM Featuring RANDI Chikken's Songwriter/Performer Also available • Face Painting • Clowns & more • Birthdays • Special events • School Concerts (905)428-8057 CL" 1aci a Uwe afIim* a All OCCaSI0f15 • Au ages Call Jeff ( 905) 839-7057 . UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers three times a week in the following area UXBRIDGE Albert St, King St. E., Maple St. E. LEAMDALE Regional Rd. 1, Regional Rd. 13 CANNINGTON Laidlaw St. N. ;. Laidlaw St. S. Munro St., Park St., Peace Sert., St. John St. yMO Linda Ave., Lembitu Ave Manniku Rd., Sulevi Ave. CALL DEBBIE ..905`•852-9741 t AfP PAGE 30 MEWS ADVERTISER StMMY EDfTIDN, M- PI 28,1999 IffillCud r few. • cod d ihws • 1 cmd of ThwAs • 1 Daiwa _ • 1 L_ 11Yt1� AltltlV 1 ' enough words to ex- press the appreciation we feel towards our wonderful family and friends. Our 25th Anniversary Celebration will be long remembered in our hearts for ears to come. With special thanks to our children Jackie, Andrew and Dar- ren and our heartfelt thanks to every- one who made our evening an over- whelming success. All the gifts and cards are beautiful. Doris and Perry Grandet :CK, Erich Alwin - Peacefully passed away ix -Pickering Hospital on Tuesday, March 25, 19 his 72nd year. Husband of Rita. Loving father chelle. A funeral service was held followed emment in Erskine Cemetery. Donations to t inadian Cancer Society would be appreciated m family. Arrangements entrusted to McEACFMI (NERAL HOME 28 Old Kingston Road, N ckenng Village), 905-428-8488. d. SUA, SM& -Psacek�r at Abmont Home, Scarbaaugh on March 24, 1999 in her Vow Belwad mother of Rano. Mamie & Carrel, lilrid y 8Joan d Deede Barras, Celina & T & ory Gonsalves, mwnd , David & Pat, Sr. JacWei,e, Miry AmGus Seide, Pad & Dawn, Grartbrmoemer of 28 Owl Ckwit xW SurvivedGa- brief & F gr d(3Grn) Femand�es andher�her srsters Maisie de Cambra & Carmen Ferreira, numerous niec- es iecees & nephews. Reg at the RONALD MARTINI) FIJNERAL HOME, 1067 Brock Rd.., (m mediasouth of soof '4011 Tel: 905486-. Vis- itation, Sunday Mar. 28, 2-5 p.m. and 7-9 pm. Funeral Mass on Tuesday, Marden 30, at 11:00 am. St. Isaac Jogues Calhoic Chuntm, 1148 Finch Ave. Pickering, Cremation. in lieu of flowers, as expression of your donftns to Guyana Christian Chanties (Can.) Inc. would be awaecialed. each Notice Lislinicjs41-11 'AM V1W., For Audio Version on current, You are not forgotten loved one A� deaths 683-3005 4E04E-6591 Nor will you ever be: OZ• As long as life and memory last CfarinataWe will remember thee. 1. . residents Brought to you by the following funeral homes: Accettone, Armstrong. Lowe & Lowe, Martino & Sons, McFachnie, a Mcftosh-Anderson, Morris, Newcastle FeneraE Home, Northcuttaion. Oshawa FunelahSelvice,-Wagg WE.Town - Death Notices added to telephone service promptlyfollowing receipLof information from funeral horde rr CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application In an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are fazed directh to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals must be sent directly as indicated by the instructions in the ad. THE AJAX / PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER requires adult carriers to deliver papers and flyers door to door, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday , before 6:00 pm. Must have a car. for information call 905-683-5117 SAM CORRECTION For our 48 page Sears Pre-print (C035F599) and our 32 page Sears Pre-print (C035F399) (Sale Date: March 29 -April 3, 1999) Page 17 -- Boys' Point Zero Jacket is available in black only, not available in blue or gold. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Sears customers. THE NMS _ ADVMTISM is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and flyers to the following areas AJAX Marsh Lane old= Rd. Morden Ave. Roberson Dr. Home Ave. Reed. Dr. wnght Cres. DICKERING Middleton St. Beaton ppeW d Way Way Theoden Crt_ Dellbrook Ave. Arathom Crt. Sornmergrove Cres. Aman Woods Dr. Denvale Dr. Meriadoc Dr. Lawson St. Oakbum St. Senator St. Waterford Gate. Rockwood Dr. ►iogarttm St. Sweetbrier Crt. P�'rWegrove Ave. 925 8aDr. St. Vistula Batory Ave. Chipmunk St. Sunrise Ave. Oklahorna Dr. westshore Blvd. Rosebank Rd. S. Nomad Rd. __Ir>>* FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 905-683-5117 Coyne on over to the Durham College Antique & Collectibles Show e D D OSHAWA • WHRDY • a AENGTOW • PGRT PERRY THIS WEEK 9a -�; yUXBRIDGE TRIBUNE z d % Samantha Puts' 5 2 Paenein lskehy 6.m . Jonathan Sheard, 7 yrs. Kevin D" "' tat, 9 13, Arsenault, 2 yrs. Kaitlyn, 6 ytts,s�'Bchdie y� 18 yeas.3 Ashleigh Prithipaul, 8 yrs. Daniel J4yrs. y xylan Harkness, 6 yrs. Maggkb, S yrs. rowa, 6 ym d Renes Taylor, 10 yrs.x Braina"Greene, 3 yrs. 1� Ryan Robinson, 4 yrs. 2 Matthew6 yrs y „De F6dye. " Jtebecca Scattergood, 4 yrs. Tristan Kciippw, 3 yrs.5Xles%Pe1te :aFlear, 3 yrs. JarrettLapel 3 yt~i.�f �;��°i r 1' I9 Kt1 Mcl4iietn, 6 yrs. MirandaPilon, 5 yrs. Alyssa Shaver, 4 yrs. z Caleb McReelis, Clint Hurley, 8 yrs. J Taylor Cannon, 3 yrs 1 d Richard Morissette, 8 yrs._ �% Tyson Twining, 11 yrs. / Ryan Browning, 6 yrs. 4 Cody Grant, 9 yrs Kaden Armitage, 2 yrs. ;;Kathy Lane, 6 yrs. 8JoW='Byme, 7 yrs 5 Stefanie Sullivan, 7 yrs, RandyRoblin,Roblin, 9 yrs. ; Carley Stewart, 2 Yrs Myianwy Gower, 6 yrs. Daynia Price, 6 yrs. Noah Swan, 2 yrs. 9 Adam Bursar, 1 yr, Brianna Henry, 6 yrs. Mkbe'llkBazter, 7yrs. Adam Michael Bennet*, 5 yrs l� Heather F'rou, 3 yrs. . :a T Darnell (louktr, 6 Eleasha Fenney, 5 yes. Miranda Ulrich,' , 12 yrs. Stephen R.J. Podolak, 7 yrs'��evyp Borici4 l yz Kristen Aa" 7 Allan Edwards, 9 yrs. 9 Sarah BwmlK18 yl� Chrimillepber C a, 4 yrs - SMorgan Bates, 6 yrs. Mardi Daley, 5 y ;a Gregory wise, 4 yrs. 9 Brian Mittag, 8 yrs. Taylor Merchant, 9 yrs. Micheal Dundas, 8 yrs. Desiree wood, 1 yr. Courtney McGee, 1 yr. Michael C. Burks, 5 yrs Courtney McGee, l yr. A popwyr Terewo arew attar bas a Aias•GaNny wkb aw a � S cedw pttsross I� The Ga&nj& it a nmVc eowx&y sat AM f«ty mimdef#b dotrasosrre To.osagA Cowaltrs feta anWak a baybam MftS ani a party SgWjbae pit ata attary apple ciaitr and Ac6d srs J i a cbaHat!'s ib+ratrtf Brim cameral Nor'wwaa CoIler (905) 294-1730 Durham 4'. 4' a Bradley rs. 21/ Adam Mic Be 5 yrs r: 22 Andrew Cam , 2 yes. Keith Christie, 1. .. DOES YOUR CIEUD CELEBRATE A BIRTHDAY IN MAY? Sexd tbds ballot ix before April 2r, 99 iPefil publisb ox May J 1999. J Crff r .Cit- blffiikm 12s ojtdpatset Send Ur "Birthday Wishes", P.O. Hoar 481, 865 Farewell St., Oshawa L1H 71S NAMES ONLY PUBLISHED. DO NOT SEND PHOTOS PLEASE. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY EDITION, March 28, 1999 PAGE 31 C Win A Oldhda r Wi$h Magic S lawt t to: Birttxlay Mail ishes Contest POWs Ar1._ .--- do Oshawa This ci, -- Week P.O. Box 481 New- 865 Farewell SL Paw • ....._ Oshawa, ON., anwr, a cwa L1 H 7L5' Fres CM& Tqr 3 -%cW s armed b d •toss aft eiiei aur mao FABO the MAGIC CLOWN mm723-3871 t' f7YWCA Oshawa/ Clarington Spring Registration ® Evrning R.•p+tration Oshawa Narrh 29-31 mun Gwrtirr GNnmunity Cmtrr April Ist, 6-8 p.m. ®• Tae Aerobics • A_S.C. Club • Crafts • Yoga • Ladles Golf • Gym & Dance Programs ®Check us out'. Drop in or call Oshawa 723-99220 ® ry Clarington 623-9922 t�9hbov .�. "Bring ybtir family for a visit and watch a video on our big screen.' At ]lielbeelNear, .telae emciud atom m-cp aim oar eesady millobi*aI Ia6oeatstisa Ceaae and we wear - �a sbaa u rvit6 atr ae�botu: �On 7Aatsi & ABea tak we'll be btafift out Esaw j ueeu I gi . ittg at 6 p m., fallowed by rite videos, -ILe A# Fiest Fatter ftg Ever' and -Willie Wanix and tie 'C h000itse Mary•. baSkW tg at 7 p.a Wen ugVly tie dopcommd bmamalp too' _ Tiara's ao admission S but we will be sooept� aoa p nd ble food dooMm far tie Iced food bank. To help to Pied. Please Pk= our Community .'h dowmAke Lao at SOWW-7273 73 and book yaw aet�tt. r- say on* Get otulj W4 e �NATURA FAST B An ESAM FRIENDLY y SUFiVItTIVE STAFF Win A Oldhda r Wi$h Magic S lawt t to: Birttxlay Mail ishes Contest POWs Ar1._ .--- do Oshawa This ci, -- Week P.O. Box 481 New- 865 Farewell SL Paw • ....._ Oshawa, ON., anwr, a cwa L1 H 7L5' Fres CM& Tqr 3 -%cW s armed b d •toss aft eiiei aur mao FABO the MAGIC CLOWN mm723-3871 t' f7YWCA Oshawa/ Clarington Spring Registration ® Evrning R.•p+tration Oshawa Narrh 29-31 mun Gwrtirr GNnmunity Cmtrr April Ist, 6-8 p.m. ®• Tae Aerobics • A_S.C. Club • Crafts • Yoga • Ladles Golf • Gym & Dance Programs ®Check us out'. Drop in or call Oshawa 723-99220 ® ry Clarington 623-9922 t�9hbov .�. "Bring ybtir family for a visit and watch a video on our big screen.' At ]lielbeelNear, .telae emciud atom m-cp aim oar eesady millobi*aI Ia6oeatstisa Ceaae and we wear - �a sbaa u rvit6 atr ae�botu: �On 7Aatsi & ABea tak we'll be btafift out Esaw j ueeu I gi . ittg at 6 p m., fallowed by rite videos, -ILe A# Fiest Fatter ftg Ever' and -Willie Wanix and tie 'C h000itse Mary•. baSkW tg at 7 p.a Wen ugVly tie dopcommd bmamalp too' _ Tiara's ao admission S but we will be sooept� aoa p nd ble food dooMm far tie Iced food bank. To help to Pied. Please Pk= our Community .'h dowmAke Lao at SOWW-7273 73 and book yaw aet�tt. r- "PAGE 32 NEWS ADVERTISER ITIV,1104 1 i(i f t1 iva. may, x • r{ SS` v -, .4 x :? .,t w: r, w F si" r . CW" atttei 0110111 r, t3orritagReaitkC.ezttt ren a n firNp open and "; b efhr new CC.QII=�:iinwwimced servicn.1 con1113•71 -:F,r T i t;.5: - ,. w`i ' -.. f �. • .- W. ws•- 9 � rh34S, X. '^Y. 1� Jami � � ' �h did �eir�v that este aTubs m expand services at our two Raabe Valley sites? � Ajax and Pickering Cer*e SiteCelri ar FieaA*og � Slee r ` Over the next year and a half the A*IX and Pickering OMw the next year tht# iCentenary Site will continue' as a ;.. Site will a ekpandikv to serve you hospibf t and bettor: service ol%r'ng additional seoot!idory ■ Adding Siam -o iw-Art Oiograstic Serwii+es to specialty servi el r include a CT Scanner, nuclear medicine, upgraded " a• Centenary W,1 be the Regiond fbedairit and 1Veatolal neral x-ray room and specieliz 4*,qy Je* a9ving specialized care to a duster of hospitals.. rdlw equipment svcks� testit,rasoliq , ng, uling Ajax and Pickering Health Centre and mr4 .w gond respiratory testing 1A991 *Aorkhem Skw9vA*Hwpdal in partnershipwA the ■ Expo�rg our 5: gw-r)r Deper*M■ .1@0d `: ild 1 WoM tsldv ark and the Haapi *W Sick Children Oulpia680 Smvioes (}une 20001 _ The CertMencR -sft has a ful nage of Cardiac Services Sura irinp an owrei 4 for Cam Rdtx�tts. low zotion; poo"oker implantation and Y, CeiMenorr fib% Gift particularly in the areas a� iabiliRMNI — and has been � �t''fi 0� as Services and Cardiac Services nwicardiac wrgery �~1 .,., ,. s: '.. .. .., :.: . V �,.,�I, •A. ,��,4 III ' 1Ms WO vrMi& hoed at ROW Wky b pnwi& Yar VIA IM" Cie M- %f rN IMM/ tL � IMe b* are movie FOewwd Tone w ..V" Calm finez i$#o�ti call we of ogle $teat 0�:R a n y 7-77 Rouge Valley Board Nominations We are looking for volunteer mem- bers for the RVHS Board of Directors. Interested individuals, who live or work in the area served by our two hospitals, should forward their resumes and a brief covering letter to Chair, Nominating Committee, Rouge Valley Health System, 2867 Ellesmere Road, Scarborough, Ontario M 1 E 4139 Operation Lifeline TV Auction April 23, 24 and 25. 1999. A live TV Auction broadcast on Durham Tele- vision and Shaw Presented by Ajax Pickering Hospital Foundation, Rotary Club of Ajax, and the Rotary Club of Pickering. Call in and support your local hospital and other community projects. For more information, call TV Auction Hot Line (905) 683-2320 ext. 1227 The Healthy Way 8 Week Nutrition/ Weight Loss Program Beginning Tuesday, April 27, 1999, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Ajax and Pickering Health Centre. Learn to manage your weight, develop healthy eating habits, improve your self image, become more active, manage stress effectively. Cost: $159.00 + GST, all materials included. To regis- ter call (905) 683-2320 ext. 5228 (days) or (905) 432-2706 (evenings). Bank of Montreal - Galaxy 12 Child and Teen Clinics opened on March 10, 1999 at the Centenary site. The area includes a theme play and reception area donated by Starlight Children's Foundation and a Bell Canada Telemedicine Suite which connects us with centres throughout North America for consultation at a dis- tance. Outpatient clinics treat children from newborn through 18 years of age. Clinics include a Community Asthma Cane Centre, sponsored by Glaxo Wellcome; Nutritional Counselling; Pre -Admit; Regional Neonatal Follow-up; Diabetic Education; Paediatric Consultation/ Follow-up; Regional Genetics and Teen Consult. 2nd Ainitual Women's Health Expo, Centenary Health Centre Site, Sates day, May 1,1999 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Admission ¢ is Free!! An exciting day dedicated to learning and information sharing with :exhibits, health and wellness seminars. Try out complimentary and alternative therapies. �< E i .i Rouge Valley Board Nominations We are looking for volunteer mem- bers for the RVHS Board of Directors. Interested individuals, who live or work in the area served by our two hospitals, should forward their resumes and a brief covering letter to Chair, Nominating Committee, Rouge Valley Health System, 2867 Ellesmere Road, Scarborough, Ontario M 1 E 4139 Operation Lifeline TV Auction April 23, 24 and 25. 1999. A live TV Auction broadcast on Durham Tele- vision and Shaw Presented by Ajax Pickering Hospital Foundation, Rotary Club of Ajax, and the Rotary Club of Pickering. Call in and support your local hospital and other community projects. For more information, call TV Auction Hot Line (905) 683-2320 ext. 1227 The Healthy Way 8 Week Nutrition/ Weight Loss Program Beginning Tuesday, April 27, 1999, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Ajax and Pickering Health Centre. Learn to manage your weight, develop healthy eating habits, improve your self image, become more active, manage stress effectively. Cost: $159.00 + GST, all materials included. To regis- ter call (905) 683-2320 ext. 5228 (days) or (905) 432-2706 (evenings). Bank of Montreal - Galaxy 12 Child and Teen Clinics opened on March 10, 1999 at the Centenary site. The area includes a theme play and reception area donated by Starlight Children's Foundation and a Bell Canada Telemedicine Suite which connects us with centres throughout North America for consultation at a dis- tance. Outpatient clinics treat children from newborn through 18 years of age. Clinics include a Community Asthma Cane Centre, sponsored by Glaxo Wellcome; Nutritional Counselling; Pre -Admit; Regional Neonatal Follow-up; Diabetic Education; Paediatric Consultation/ Follow-up; Regional Genetics and Teen Consult. 2nd Ainitual Women's Health Expo, Centenary Health Centre Site, Sates day, May 1,1999 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Admission ¢ is Free!! An exciting day dedicated to learning and information sharing with :exhibits, health and wellness seminars. Try out complimentary and alternative therapies.